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Effective URL: https://www.planusa.org/products/protect-a-girl/?utm_source=MC&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Notes&utm_content=NotesFrom...
Submission: On July 19 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Girls as young as 11 can end up kidnapped, trafficked and sold. They’re forced
into prostitution, child marriage, domestic labor or criminal activities. But
you can put a stop to it. When you choose to protect a girl, you help fight the
predators who lure girls into situations from which they may never escape. You
help educate young people and their communities about the dangers of
trafficking, and provide girls with real training and job opportunities so that
they can take back control of their lives. This is how, together, we can stop
traffickers in their tracks.

Cost: $50.00

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Similar Gifts

Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Share of Build a Girls’ Bathroom

When a girl gets her period, it’s likely she won’t go to school. Often, it’s
because her school doesn’t have a girls’ bathroom. In addition to menstrual
health risks, the lack of private facilities leaves girls vulnerable to
harassment and abuse. With this gift, you’re building a proper sanitation
facility at a school in India. That way, girls don’t have to sacrifice their
education when they menstruate, and they never have to sacrifice their safety
for their education.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Build a Girls’ Bathroom

When a girl gets her period, it’s likely she won’t go to school. Often, it’s
because her school doesn’t have a girls’ bathroom. In addition to menstrual
health risks, the lack of private facilities leaves girls vulnerable to
harassment and abuse. With this gift, you’re building a proper sanitation
facility at a school in India. That way, girls don’t have to sacrifice their
education when they menstruate, and they never have to sacrifice their safety
for their education.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Menstrual health awareness session for 10 girls

Because of the stigma and silence surrounding the topic, girls in India often
know very little about menstruation before they reach puberty. Your gift will
help to bridge this critical gap with awareness-raising sessions at school,
helping girls to better understand their bodies and providing the menstrual
health education they need.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Menstrual health awareness sessions for 5 girls

Because of the stigma and silence surrounding the topic, girls in India often
know very little about menstruation before they reach puberty. Your gift will
help to bridge this critical gap with awareness-raising sessions at school,
helping girls to better understand their bodies and providing the menstrual
health education they need.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Train 10 Teachers

Teachers guide, inspire and provide students with the knowledge and confidence
to succeed. By training teachers, you’ll help them create enriching learning
environments and empower their students. A great gift to honor the teacher or
graduate in your life!

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Share of Build a Girls’ Bathroom

When a girl gets her period, it’s likely she won’t go to school. Often, it’s
because her school doesn’t have a girls’ bathroom. In addition to menstrual
health risks, the lack of private facilities leaves girls vulnerable to
harassment and abuse. With this gift, you’re building a proper sanitation
facility at a school in India. That way, girls don’t have to sacrifice their
education when they menstruate, and they never have to sacrifice their safety
for their education.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Build a Girls’ Bathroom

When a girl gets her period, it’s likely she won’t go to school. Often, it’s
because her school doesn’t have a girls’ bathroom. In addition to menstrual
health risks, the lack of private facilities leaves girls vulnerable to
harassment and abuse. With this gift, you’re building a proper sanitation
facility at a school in India. That way, girls don’t have to sacrifice their
education when they menstruate, and they never have to sacrifice their safety
for their education.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Menstrual health awareness session for 10 girls

Because of the stigma and silence surrounding the topic, girls in India often
know very little about menstruation before they reach puberty. Your gift will
help to bridge this critical gap with awareness-raising sessions at school,
helping girls to better understand their bodies and providing the menstrual
health education they need.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Menstrual health awareness sessions for 5 girls

Because of the stigma and silence surrounding the topic, girls in India often
know very little about menstruation before they reach puberty. Your gift will
help to bridge this critical gap with awareness-raising sessions at school,
helping girls to better understand their bodies and providing the menstrual
health education they need.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Train 10 Teachers

Teachers guide, inspire and provide students with the knowledge and confidence
to succeed. By training teachers, you’ll help them create enriching learning
environments and empower their students. A great gift to honor the teacher or
graduate in your life!

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
Gifts of Hope
Children’s Emergency Medical Fund

Surgery. Hospitalization. Special medications. For many children across the
world, there’s no way their families can afford these interventions. You can
give a seriously ill girl or boy the care they need today and help a suffering
child heal.

Buy Now
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Providence, RI 02908

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Washington, DC 20037


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