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Lo he hecho por una serie de razones poderosas y hasta esenciales. Esto lo digo
sin desmedro del respeto ilimitado, incondicional que me merece toda la obra de
Lope. Cortar significa, en seguida, engarzar. Esto ya permite realizar motivos
visuales de color y de perspectiva. Y yo creo que he realizado las dos cosas.
Pero en los grandes, no. Cuando va a castigar y levanta la espada, se encuentra
de pronto con una paloma herida entre los dedos. Se habla de andalucismo. Hay
quien pregunta :. Ya sabe Vd. He procurado. Yo he querido hacer eso : una
tragedia, pura y simplemente.

No el acto de la lidia, no. El ambiente : coplas, bailables, leyendas Estoy
trabajando en otra tragedia.

A proposit de La Dama Boba. Aquests dies es passa la vida entre el Barcelona i
'la terrassa de la Maison. Les dues coses que mes l'atrauen. Al carrer li plau
conversar sovint sobre el teatre. Ve a tomb La Dama Boba, i li comunico el
retret que li fa molta gent d'haver suprimit trossos essencials de la bella
comedia de Lope de Vega i d'haver-hi introduit modificacions que la
desnaturalitzen. I potser ni hi arriben.


Son versos innecessaris i mes aviat dolents. Son punts morts de l'obra. El
teatre classic espanyol n'esta pie, de punts morts d'aquests. Son versos que
resultaven pesats i alteraven el ritme de farsa — de farsa molieresca — que he
volgut donar a la comedia. No deixa interrompre, no deixa preguntar. Ens
l'ofereix Fuenteovejuna. Vaig donar una vegada, sencera, La guardia cuidadosa,
de Cervantes, i vaig presentar-la com una gran pantomima de circ. Admirable, eh?
Heus-ho aci! Varen creure que Topo- sido amb la Boba seria, d'aquesta forma, mes


Angel Pineda is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Angel Pineda and
others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes. Join
Facebook to connect with Leudaris Pineda Figuereo and others you may Leudaris
Pineda Figuereo's Profile Photo, Image may contain: 1 person, hat and .

Es mes ciar que l'aigua. Aprofito un moment de respirado del meu interlocutor
per a pregun- tar-li que ha introduit ell en La Dama Boba. N'hi ha, a mes, dues
de Salinas i una de Barbieri. Garcia Lorca no se sap estar de cantar-la :. En el
Barcelona. Quiere decirse con ello que todo marco es. Una gran solemnidad
teatral en Barcelona.

El segundo acto pasa en Tercera jornada : Senos lacios, escurridiza cadera,
pupilas con un brillo lejano, ceniza en la boca y en las trenzas que se anuda
sin gracia Poema para familias, digo en los carteles que es esta obra, y no otra
cosa es8. Pensamiento que la propia doncella repite una, y otra, y otra vez, a
lo largo de la comedia, en estos versos que vas a escuchar :.

Y cuando la noche toca blando cuerno de metal, y las estrellas avanzan mientras
los aires se van, en la raya de lo obscuro se comienza a deshojar Mansa, sin
fruto, sin objeto, cursi Declaraciones de Alejandro Casona sobre teatro. Pues
pocas veces, en retratos ni en carteles, ni en banquetes o recepciones
oficiales, ni oficiosas, se ha visto el rostro, la figura, de este autor joven,
sencillo, modesto El estreno.

En absoluto. Pero una diversidad absoluta de forma expresiva. Otra cosa. Nada de


Alejandro Casona es maestro. En algunos instantes funde las dos en un hoy
fervoroso Llegamos, con los estudiantes, a pueblecillos de menos de quinientos
vecinos; montamos la barraca en la plaza, a la vista de las gentes, que en
seguida simpatizan con nosotros ; representamos pasos de Lope de Rueda y
Cervantes ; romancillos antiguos, coplas y decires Grande es ser artista; pero
necesario es servir Ya la corteja el alcalde ya la corteja Don Mirlo Zapatera
zapatera zapatera te has lucido.

El autor nos adelanta amplias referencias de su pieza1. Bulletin hispanique. Yo
soy la libertad herida por los hombres Amor, amor, amor y eternas soledades.
Lope de Vega en un teatro nacional. Las obras maestras no pueden refundirse. No
es posible quitarles escenas, cuadros, ni nada, que sea esencial a su trama ni a
su idea.

Lo he hecho por una serie de razones poderosas y hasta esenciales.


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Esto lo digo sin desmedro del respeto ilimitado, incondicional que me merece
toda la obra de Lope. Cortar significa, en seguida, engarzar.


Esto ya permite realizar motivos visuales de color y de perspectiva. Y yo creo
que he realizado las dos cosas. Pero en los grandes, no.

Cuando va a castigar y levanta la espada, se encuentra de pronto con una paloma
herida entre los dedos. Se habla de andalucismo. Hay quien pregunta :. Ya sabe
Vd. He procurado. Yo he querido hacer eso : una tragedia, pura y simplemente. No
el acto de la lidia, no. El ambiente : coplas, bailables, leyendas Estoy
trabajando en otra tragedia.

A proposit de La Dama Boba. Aquests dies es passa la vida entre el Barcelona i
'la terrassa de la Maison. Les dues coses que mes l'atrauen.

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Al carrer li plau conversar sovint sobre el teatre. Ve a tomb La Dama Boba, i li
comunico el retret que li fa molta gent d'haver suprimit trossos essencials de
la bella comedia de Lope de Vega i d'haver-hi introduit modificacions que la
desnaturalitzen. I potser ni hi arriben. Son versos innecessaris i mes aviat
dolents. Son punts morts de l'obra. El teatre classic espanyol n'esta pie, de
punts morts d'aquests.

Son versos que resultaven pesats i alteraven el ritme de farsa — de farsa
molieresca — que he volgut donar a la comedia. No deixa interrompre, no deixa




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Sensing Priam's true feelings the Young Man does not kill the baby, but gives
him to shepherds to raise as their own. Years later, Priam is hunting on the
mountain with his eldest son, Hector. Hector attempts to subdue a wild bull, but
a strange child leaps onto its back and rides away. The child returns, asks to
join Hector among the heroes of Troy, and says his name is Paris. Priam is
filled with joy that his secret wish was fulfilled, and he welcomes Paris back
to Troy as its prince, whatever the consequences may be.

The Nurse and the Old and Young Man observe this reversal with foreboding, but
are interrupted by revellers at the wedding of Hector and Andromache. The guests
gossip that Hector and Paris never became friendly, and that Paris has left Troy
for the court of Menelaus in Sparta. In Sparta, Paris and Helen have already
become lovers. Paris wonders if there is any choice in life at all - he feels
pulled irresistibly toward Helen by a force greater than himself.

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As if in answer to his question, the god Hermes appears, and instructs him to
choose between three goddesses: Athene, Hera, and Aphrodite, whose roles are
sung by Hecuba, Andromache, and Helen. The other two goddesses curse him,
foretelling the doom he will bring to Troy.

Act 2 Troy is under siege. In the city, Hector taunts Paris with cowardice for
having run away from Menelaus in battle. Scolded by Priam, the brothers return
to the fight together. Achilles has withdrawn from battle, and the scene in his
tent is a peaceful one, as he sings to his friend Patroclus a lyrical song of
their home, "O rich soiled land," accompanied by solo guitar.

But Patroclus is ashamed that Achilles will not fight, and asks to be allowed to
go into battle wearing Achilles' armor, so that the Greeks will take hope from
the sight of their greatest warrior. Achilles agrees, and offers a libation to
the gods for Patroclus' safety. Watching invisibly under the protection of
Hermes, the Old Man begs the god to warn Priam of the danger, but in Troy, Paris
is already announcing to the king that Hector has slain Patroclus in single

The father and sons sing a trio of thanks for the victory, but they are
interrupted by the chilling sound of Achilles' war-cry, taken up and echoed by
the Greek army. Greece's greatest warrior has returned to the field in a berserk
fury. Act 3 In Hector's bedchamber, Andromache sits and waits for her husband.
She remembers with terror the day Achilles killed her father and brothers. Queen
Hecuba enters and tells her to save Hector by going to the walls of Troy and
calling him out of battle.

Andromache refuses, asking why Priam will not end the war by returning the
stolen Helen to her own husband. Hecuba scoffs that no war was fought for a
woman: Helen may be the pretext, but the great city of Troy is the Greek's real
prize. Helen herself now enters, and Andromache relieves her feelings with a
volley of insults.


Helen responds with a virtuoso aria claiming that erotic passion is greater than
either morality or politics, that her love "touches Heaven, because it stretches
down to Hell. Helen and Hecuba go, and a serving-woman enters to ask if she
should light the fire for Hector's evening bath.

Denying her instinctive knowledge of his death, Andromache answers "Yes
Andromache runs out in despair, and the serving-woman is joined by a chorus of
slaves who comment cynically: "We could tell the story too, the pathetic story
of our masters, viewed from the corridor. Paris brings King Priam the news of
Hector's death. Priam curses his surviving son, wishing him dead as well, and
Paris goes, swearing not to return until he has killed Achilles in revenge.
Alone, Priam weeps that Old Man years ago spoke only of his own death, not of


The Old Man, the Young Man, and the Nurse appear and question the king: "One son
to live by another's death, is that the law of life you favour? Hermes guides
Priam to Achilles' tent. In a quiet scene, Priam kisses Achilles' hands, "the
hands of him who slew my son" and begs to be given Hector's body for burial.
Achilles agrees, and the two look ahead to their own deaths: Achilles to be
killed by Paris, and Priam to be killed by Neoptolemus, Achilles' son.

Troy is in ruins. Priam refuses to leave his city, and one by one his family
leaves him. His last farewell is with Helen, to whom he speaks gently. There is
a moment of stillness before Achilles' son appears to strike the killing blow
and Hermes, the drama over, departs for Olympus.


For years Michael Tippett was criticised for muddled intellectualising and
technical incompetence. So how, asks his artistic manager Meirion Bowen, did his
second opera, King Priam, hit the right note? King Priam, Sir Michael Tippett's
second opera, was the work that changed his reputation completely. It was first
performed in , at a festival organised to celebrate the opening of the newly
rebuilt Coventry Cathedral, which had been bombed during the second world war.

The following night, at the same festival, the first performance of Britten's
War Requiem took place, which also made a huge impact. Before King Priam,
Tippett had been regarded as a second-rate figure, often castigated for what was
considered muddled intellectualising and technical incompetence. Only one major
work, his oratorio A Child of Our Time, had been regarded as worthy of esteem:
and even then, its use of Nnegro spirituals rather than chorales or hymn tunes
at key points in the work was considered a lapse in taste.

Ernest Ansermet, conducting the BBC Symphony Orchestra in in a performance of
Tippett's Symphony No 1, wrote to say that the slow movement was just "paper
music", with no harmonic relations between its ground bass and variations.
Another conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent, withdrew from conducting the premiere of
Tippett's Fantasia Concertante on a Theme of Corelli, saying he was determined
"to get the intellectuals out of music".

Adrian Boult later conducted the premiere of Tippett's Second Symphony, which
broke down after two minutes: the fault really lay with the leader of the BBC
SO, Paul Beard, who insisted on having the parts recopied without the rhythmic
groupings across bar-lines, which Tippett felt necessary to achieve correct
articulation of his ideas.

But denigration of the composer had already reached a peak in , with the
production of his first opera, The Midsummer Marriage. The cast was reportedly
baffled and the critics had a field day with the libretto, declared by Cecil
Smith in the Daily Express to be "one of the worst in the year history of

Intriguingly, the same writer became a devotee of the music, which he thought
revealed a composer of first stature. King Priam changed all that.

But the brilliance of the production, under the direction of Sam Wanamaker and
Sean Kenny, allied to superb singing and orchestral playing, aroused great
enthusiasm. This time the plot held no mystery, since the storyline, based on
Homer, was crystal-clear. Criticism now focused on its abrasive musical idiom,
which entailed breaking up the orchestra into a multiplicity of soloists and
ensembles. Not everyone then realised the relevance of this, and its mosaic-like
formal structure, to Tippett's Brechtian handling of the presentation. It often
takes some time for new music to gain the kind of understanding it deserves, but
Tippett was lucky in that a decade later a recording of King Priam, with the
London Sinfonietta, conducted by David Atherton, became an international

The opera subsequently received numerous productions, notably by Kent Opera and,
strikingly, by L'Atelier de Recherche de L'Art Lyrique, an enterprising opera
company based at the Noisiel Arts Centre, outside Paris, which was toured to a
number of French towns. Suddenly, Tippett's reputation in France — which had not
paid much attention to him hitherto — escalated, and his music was featured at
numerous French festivals.

He himself remained unaffected by the neglect and the diatribes, merely saying
that one day they would all catch up. Goldmann, a Marxist, held that tragedy in
the modern epoch was an impossibility: one was either a Christian or a Marxist,
in which case eventual happiness was inevitable — either in the afterlife or in
some ideal society of the future. Tippett regarded this as demonstrably false.
His opera thus shows us "the absolute solitude of the tragic characters under
the gaze of the Hidden God" — by which he means fate or destiny.

So it is not simply an up-to-date retelling of Homer's story, but a work
relevant to any period or location. In each titled scene, the characters are
presented with a series of choices: and, indeed, Tippett's main theme is "the
mysterious nature of human choice", as exhibited in the relationships between
King Priam of Troy, his wife Hecuba, their sons, Hector and Paris, and their
wives, Andromache and Helen.

War, in Homer, is in the foreground: but in Tippett's opera it is only a
backcloth to the main action.


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are gang rivalries which crystallise into a conflict between blacks and whites.

The action of the opera springs at the outset from Priam's decision to kill his
son, Paris: according to an Old Man, brought in to interpret a disturbing dream
of Priam's wife Hecuba, Paris is destined to cause his father's death. But Paris
is saved from death and brought up by a shepherd. Eventually, in the second
scene, he is reunited with his family, whereupon Priam reverses his decision.
Paris goes on to abduct Helen third scene , thereby provoking a war second act ,
and his father's death at the end of the opera.

Rather than creating some kind of historical documentary or pageant, Tippett
selected events and characters in such a way as to illuminate those factors that
may be contingent to the Homeric epic, but are also important because they are
the eternal problems of the human heart, or human destiny. As he himself put it,
the opera is concerned with "the values that arise from the Past, staged with an
intense sense of the Present".

Having attended, in , the production by Jean-Louis Barrault's company of Paul
Claudel's Christophe Colomb with music by Milhaud , Tippett realised that the
best way to structure his new opera was to emulate Brecht's epic theatre and
Shakespeare's history plays. Thus he shaped it as a series of scenes and

Immediately after the opening scene, and elsewhere in the opera, the subordinate
figures — the Nurse, the Old Man and the Young Guard — combine to form a chorus
commenting on the action.

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Their initial function is to act as an extension of Priam's mind, additionally
signalling changes of time and place. Providing continuity between the scenes is
Hermes, the Messenger or "Divine Go-Between" as he announces himself in the
first act , meaning that he connects the inner world of human beings with the
outside everyday world. He precipitates Paris into making the choice crucial to
his father's future — the choice of one of the three Graces or Goddesses.

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