www.randstad.co.uk Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://cxdcr04.na1.hubspotlinks.com/Ctc/I4+113/cxDcR04/VVsSGx3pSMJRN7GSjxnzZkFPW7FnbcL5f7HNPN5LPbT23pyd0W7Y8-PT6lZ3mVW2Gg1r_6lSbCdW7...
Effective URL: https://www.randstad.co.uk/?utm_campaign=Tech%20-%20RSS%20-%20developer%20-%20general&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-83bDZ...
Submission: On May 16 via api from SA — Scanned from DE

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   * leeds, west yorkshire
   * permanent
   * £24,000 - £29,000 per year
   posted 4 may 2024
   Field Sales Manager Our client is a specialist provider of access platforms
   and other solutions for safe and compliant working at height - available new
   and used for sale, short-term hire and long-term lease. This is an exciting
   opportunity for graduates as they are now searching for ambitious, dynamic
   Field Sales Managers to join their team! Package/ Benefits:A competitive
   basic salary of £24kExcellent commission structure taking your total earnings
   up to £29k!Excellent progression, learning and development potentialRegular
   socials in a welcoming, inclusive environmentLucrative bonus and incentive
   schemesField based opportunity (first 3 months in the office)Role:Attend site
   visits to develop existing and new accountsMaintain regular e-mail &
   telephone communication with accounts in your areaWork closely with Senior
   Accounts Manager, Business Development, and home/office-based sales team to
   ensure good leads are developed fullyBuild and maintain sales in your area
   through developing sales leads and opportunitiesThis role grants real
   autonomy and offers excellent scope for progression into more senior
   rolesRequirements:Educated to degree levelFull UK Driving Licence Possess
   exceptional communication and interpersonal skills - you must really enjoy
   engaging with others on a regular basisProficient in the Microsoft Office
   SuiteSelf-motivated, with a strong desire to succeedPareto is committed to
   promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. We encourage and welcome
   applications from all, irrespective of background or circumstance. Our
   consultants are happy to discuss any adjustments you require in support of
   your application.
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   * witney, oxfordshire
   * permanent
   * £30,000 - £40,000 per year
   posted 4 may 2024
   Junior Account Manager A renowned, established name in the industry, our
   client are a large Financial organisation- one with proven, established
   pedigree. Empowering finance professionals and redefining financial
   performance, our client's influential enterprise benefits small and large
   businesses with the range of award-winning services they offer. They're now
   looking to bring on board Junior Account Managers. Your primary function will
   be handling existing accounts and cross selling, with some new business
   development involved also. This is an amazing opportunity for any graduate
   looking to excel in the business world and establish a lucrative and
   rewarding career Package: Competitive basic salary of £25-30kY1 OTE of up to
   £40,000!Excellent scope for progression and professional development- there
   will be opportunity to move into a more senior role as your knowledge of the
   company widensOn-going training and mentorship Team socials in a friendly,
   inclusive environment Lucrative bonus and incentive scheme Pension
   contributions Fun, modern offices Requirements: Educated to degree level
   Excellent communication skills- both written and verbally Organisation and
   time management skills You have a passion for business, with drive and
   ambitionWillingness to learn and develop new skillsSelf-motivated with a
   strong desire to succeed in your careerPareto is committed to promoting
   equality, diversity and inclusion. We encourage and welcome applications from
   all, irrespective of background or circumstance. Our consultants are happy to
   discuss any adjustments you require in support of your application.
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   * warrington, cheshire
   * permanent
   * £27,000 - £37,000 per year
   posted 4 may 2024
   Our client are a leading provider of commercial interior consultancy, design,
   fit-out, furniture and technology. Founded in 1977, they have since become a
   top interior design solutions specialist with over 30 years' worth of
   experience when it comes to designing, creating and supporting the workplace.
   Our client are now looking for bright, inquisitive and ambitious graduates to
   assist them in their ambitious future growth and development plans! Package:A
   competitive basic salary of £24,000-£27,000OTE/Commission taking your Y1
   total packing up to £37,000Excellent progression, learning and development
   potential- you will receive full bespoke training to ensure you succeed
   within your role!Regular socials and team nights out in a vibrant, inclusive
   environmentLucrative bonus and incentive schemesFantastic new, modern offices
   with top of the range equipmentPension schemeRole:Obtain a thorough working
   knowledge of the company offering and the market they operate within, in
   order to have valuable conversations with prospectsUse researching tools to
   generate new sales leads in your allocated accounts, whilst also breaking
   further into new target market areas to further generate leadsPerform regular
   prospect outreach to create initial interest in the company offering,
   liaising with and building relationships with key decision makers in a
   variety of different companies, working to establish and uncover the
   opportunities availableBook meetings with external stakeholders for senior
   members of the team- once you are established and comfortable within the role
   you will have the opportunity to run the meetings you book, introducing the
   products and services to prospects, turning sales opportunities into
   businessWork closely with all departments and business units to ensure all
   necessary steps are taken to deliver to a client accurately and on time
   Requirements:Educated to degree levelPossess exceptional communication and
   interpersonal skills - you must really enjoy engaging with others on a
   regular basisComfortable working in a target-driven environment·
   Self-motivated, driven and career mindedOrganised, with the ability to manage
   and prioritise your own time and workload Pareto is committed to promoting
   equality, diversity and inclusion. We encourage and welcome applications from
   all, irrespective of background or circumstance. Our consultants are happy to
   discuss any adjustments you require in support of your application.
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