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Submission: On February 25 via api from US — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
6 forms found in the DOMGET //
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Name: setreadability_form_adaptive — POST
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Text Content
? ? LiveJournal * Find more * Entdecken * RSS Reader * Shop * Hilfe * Anmelden * * Anmelden * Join free Join * * Deutsch (de) * English (en) * Русский (ru) * Українська (uk) * Français (fr) * Português (pt) * español (es) * Deutsch (de) * Italiano (it) * Беларуская (be) dethtoll — * * < no suspend reason > * Readability * * More dethtoll Archive Photos Video Readability LOG IN No account? Create an account Remember me Forgot password Log in Log in QR code * * * * * * * No account? Create an account By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement SURGERY IN THE HOUSE OF DISSECTION when your candle burns down i'll resurrect you DETHTOLL VIEW * LATEST * ARCHIVES * NETWORK * INFO NAVIGATION * Previous 20 MAY 16TH, 2012 FUCK YOU 5/16/12 03:39 am * 6 * n APRIL 12TH, 2012 (NO SUBJECT) 4/12/12 05:22 am as a journalist i must respond to santorum dropping out of the race in an objective, rational manner befitting my station. okay enough of that. here's my response as a human being. * 2 * n JANUARY 15TH, 2012 THE BACKLOG 1/15/12 05:14 pm Bastion Binding of Isaac Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 Braid Breath of Death VII Brink Bully: Scholarship Edition Chantelise Chronicles of a Dark Lord Episode 1 Chronicles of Riddick Company of Heroes Costume Quest Chtulhu Saves the World Dead Space: Extraction Dragon Age: Origins Elder Scrolls 1 through 5 Evil Genius Fable 1 through 3 Fallout New Vegas DLC Final Fantasy 13 Jade Empire Legend of Zelda: Four Swords through Skyward Sword (8 games in all) Madworld Mafia 1 and 2 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, Peace Walker, 4 Orcs Must Die! Portal 2 Co-op Project Snowblind Psychonauts Resistance 1 Super Meat Boy Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 1 and 2 Watchmen: The End is Nigh there's actually more that i haven't included for various reasons i've got my work cut out for me it seems * 1 * n DECEMBER 24TH, 2011 (NO SUBJECT) 12/24/11 12:23 pm -I- FIST OF SANTA -I- * n DECEMBER 9TH, 2011 GSC, DEVELOPERS OF SLEEPER HIT POST-APOCALYPSE RPFPS SERIES STALKER, SHUT DOWN. 12/9/11 02:27 pm source > LATEST 1c Ukraine’s Sergey Galenkin has blogged about the closure of GSC. He > states: “GSC is closed, a fact confirmed by all. The team is almost completely > dissolved, the state has only a few people.” Galenkin blames the cost of > developing a PC only shooter for a European audience, and a failed console > publishing deal, for the collapse of the developer. i... i have no words. no words whatsoever. only pictures. they will express my feelings as best as possible. * 4 * n NOVEMBER 18TH, 2011 HERE, HAVE SOMETHING UNSPEAKABLY PLEASANT 11/18/11 11:22 pm * 3 * n OCTOBER 18TH, 2011 TIRED OF HAVING STUPID DRAMA BE THE TOP POSTS ON MY LJ SO HERE 10/18/11 02:58 pm Russian Circles - Geneva perhaps one of the heaviest instrumental albums i've ever heard. for those who care, the first song, "fathom," plays in dead space 2's ending credits. sample * n OCTOBER 3RD, 2011 THE LAST THING I WILL SAY ON THIS SUBJECT, BECAUSE IT REALLY NEEDS TO BE SAID 10/3/11 12:54 am if you're going to take a logical gymnastics class you could at least take a remedial adulthood class too. * n OCTOBER 1ST, 2011 YOU'RE PROBABLY NOT GOING TO READ THIS, BUT THAT'S OKAY. 10/1/11 03:58 pm truth be told i'm tired of you. you're not someone i know anymore, and you haven't been for some time. a good 4 years or so. what's more, you're not someone i really want to know anymore, and you kind of haven't been since you got world of warcraft. i'm not saying it's WoW's fault, though i've lost a lot of good friends who no longer talk to me because i'm not behind some poorly-modeled elf or whatever. you changed; i've recognized that for a while now, and i just haven't really had the guts to unfriend you. this last thing was enough to push me over the edge. the only reason you unfriended me first was 'cuz my internet's been out. every time we talk it's an argument, usually over something fucking stupid. so why talk? i think you've gotten boring; your entire LJ can basically be summed up as "i'm angry about video games/life/work/family, except when i'm not." i suppose i'm guilty of the same thing, but other than wanting to punch my ISP, several members of TTLG, and michele bachmann in the face i'm not really angry like i used to be. things are going better for me. i've got a job, however temporary it may be, and i finally graduated. i hope things go better for you, too, and soon. i have to get ready for work; i'm going to be late as it is, typing this up 'cuz i fear my internet'll die again while i'm out. point is, i kind of hate you, and i hate that i hate you. it makes me feel bad, because you used to be one of my best friends, and now you're someone else. so yeah, this friendship is over, and it's been over for quite some time. i guess now's the time to admit it. bye. * 3 * n AUGUST 23RD, 2011 (NO SUBJECT) 8/23/11 03:29 am dethtolldotmid: OMGOMGOMGOMGOGMG;AP0ERHASPDGJASDLJKF LunaJane33: ???? LunaJane33: What? What happened? dethtolldotmid: Aug 23, 2011 2:36 AM Arrived at FedEx location INDEPENDENCE, KY LunaJane33: . . . uh oh dethtolldotmid: AWAOPGERAGAR4GH4-T LunaJane33: Hope no one ain't usin' it for a still! dethtolldotmid: IT'S ALMAOGTSGYAOGEHGYAE0T dethtolldotmid: AOUAMG AUGO0A CIANT AHNDLE dethtolldotmid: EPFRA LunaJane33: BREATHE JOEY LunaJane33: BREEEEEATHE LunaJane33: Jesus, I can practically feel the vibrations from your epileptic seizure through the screen! dethtolldotmid: AWPEFOGAO dethtolldotmid: WAIT dethtolldotmid: WAIT LunaJane33: huh LunaJane33: ? dethtolldotmid: IF ITS IN INDEPENDENCE dethtolldotmid: THAT MEANS dethtolldotmid: IT COULD BE HERE WEDNESDAY VAUR0GHAODGPAG LunaJane33: oh jesus not again LunaJane33: *gets out the epi-pen and adrenaline* LunaJane33: Here, bite this so you don't swallow your tongue dethtolldotmid: HA HA HA HA HA DO YOU SERIOUSLY THINK I NEED ADRENALINE RIGHT NOW LunaJane33: . . . you will if you manage to stop your own HEART! dethtolldotmid: ... POINT TAKEN dethtolldotmid: .... APEPGAOGR0ARGKLRGA LunaJane33: Thank you, now back to your seizing. :) LunaJane33: Tonight's goal is to complete a draft of my intro letter to Lise at Consortium Publishing. LunaJane33: Dear White Heartland Jesus, please keep me from making an ass of myself and fucking up the second publishing pitch in a row. Amen and Praise Reagan. dethtolldotmid: gooooooood luck!! LunaJane33: Thank you. And good luck with your computer! LunaJane33: Think it might make it in tomorrow? ;) dethtolldotmid: CANATF UCVKGINGH AHDNELE dethtolldotmid: FVUFKC YOU AIN ENED IT TTO LIVE LunaJane33: ahhhhh, the best things in life ARE free. :) * n AUGUST 21ST, 2011 (NO SUBJECT) 8/21/11 11:53 pm dethtolldotmid: come onnnn fedex dethtolldotmid: Aug 20, 2011 6:20 AM Departed FedEx location SACRAMENTO, CA dethtolldotmid: nothing since :((((((((((((((( dethtolldotmid: ... > refresh dethtolldotmid: dammit! syn010110: lol syn010110: it probably won't show a status update until monday dethtolldotmid: WELL SHIT :( dethtolldotmid: ... > refresh syn010110: it's just going to hurt more if you keep staring at it =P dethtolldotmid: I NEED IT TO LIVE later, on steam: dethro toll refreshes fedex synaesthetic: lol synaesthetic: you're just making it worse! dethro toll: come onnnnnnnn :( synaesthetic: It's not going to go faster just because you refresh the tracking info. dethro toll: SAYS WHO synaesthetic: ... says reality? dethro toll: I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHERE THE TRUCK IS *RIGHT THIS INSTANT* synaesthetic: well, you know where it isn't right this instant. synaesthetic: :D dethro toll: FUCK YOU I NEED IT TO LIVE :( LunaJane33: See this is why we need a tracking collar for their truck driver, equipped with a detonator hooked up to your thumb. ;) dethtolldotmid: I APPROVE OF THIS NOTION LunaJane33: You'd be all like *boom* *boom* *boom* *boom*, in under five minutes though, you know. ;) * n JULY 12TH, 2011 (NO SUBJECT) 7/12/11 01:30 am dethtolldotmid: HOLY GOD THAT'S THE WORST THING I'VE SEEN IN 3 DAYS dethtolldotmid: here NecroVMX: uh oh NecroVMX: *straps on ze goggles* dethtolldotmid: NecroVMX: ze goggles NecroVMX: zey do nothing! NecroVMX: wtf is that zidane licking his own tail? dethtolldotmid: yes dethtolldotmid: sexually NecroVMX: i hate all life * 2 * n JUNE 28TH, 2011 I MADE 131_DI DO THIS SO I HAVE TO DO IT TOO 6/28/11 04:23 am invent your own video game soundtrack guidelines: title theme, up to 10 level themes, up to 5 cutscene themes, boss theme, final boss theme, final final boss theme (optional), credits the only thing prohibited is music from a game that already exists, exceptions being music licensed for a game or from like a band that wrote like one song special for the game- so no megaman music, but the afterlife club music from mass effect 2 or "landmass" which future sound of london did for wipeout xl are okay Title theme: Blue lights Opening cutscene: A nightmare Chapter 1: The murder scene Chapter 2: Investigation - Hitting the streets Cutscene: Clues and riddles Chapter 3: Leaving the city Chapter 4: Seaside fishing town - there's always a woman Chapter 5: Return to the city Chapter 6: The second murder Cutscene: Another clue Chapter 7: Tracking a killer Chapter 8: The killer's lair Boss theme: Terror Cutscene: The last night Chapter 9: Things get worse Chapter 10: The chase Final boss: Showdown on the abandoned highway Final scene: Nobody wins Ending credits * 2 * n JUNE 21ST, 2011 JESUS GOD SOMEHOW I'VE ACQUIRED AN INSANE BACKLOG 6/21/11 05:16 am for immediate consumption: legend of zelda: majora's mask (in progress) LA noire (in progress but on hold- will continue after getting final DLC, which comes out tomorrow) i plan to switch off on these two until one or the other is finished (LA noire more likely) beyond that, i currently have every zelda game up to and including twilight princess (gamecube version) with phantom hourglass on the way (thank you amazon gift card) yes yes i know some zelda fans are going to get all poopsy on me about some of the zelda games, but i've made it my goal to play through them all (not counting re-releases/remakes- whether it's emulation or a physical copy, it's first editions all the way, baby) other than the zelda series, i also have to go through... metroid prime trilogy- hopefully metroid prime 2 will suck less on the wii metroid other M- shut up i have to judge for myself, and i only spent $20 i'm debating on whether to couch these in a straight up marathon that includes the older games (as if i needed a reason to play super metroid again) FEAR marathon- FEAR 3 comes out tomorrow and i've already installed the first two games; once i finish LA noire this will probably be what i switch off with zelda with bioshock 2: minerva's den: on backburner; i don't want to uninstall because getting the DLC was a raging pain in the ass, but it was an unfortunate victim of coming out the day i got a ps3 deus ex marathon (read: human revolution and DX1): human revolution in august for sure- that's the game i've been waiting all year for; DX1, not sure if i'm jumping right into that or waiting for fall speaking of deus ex, another runthrough of vampire: bloodlines sounds just lovely and i've been putting it off for too long fallout 2: need to do this sometime before the end of the year, so i can get started on new!fallout starting next year; i'm so glad i cut fallout tactics from the roster final fantasy XIII: yes i bought this motherfuckers final fantasy VII: debating on when to play this afraid of monsters: will probably do this for halloween alongside bloodlines, if i don't do thief or something batman: arkham city: i guess i gotta ask for SOMETHING for christmas more long-term prospects metal gear solid marathon: waiting on that HD collection to come out duke nukem forever: waaaaaay on the backburner, it's not a bad game but why would i play it when i have so many other, better games to play instead? stalker: shadow of chernobyl/call of pripyat: backburnered following the failure of clear sky, not sure when i'll get around to these thief marathon: may or may not do this, if i do it'll start in september, if i don't, i'll probably wait until january or maybe just wait around 'til september 2012 mass effect marathon: trying to decide whether to take my current character into ME3 or start fresh fallout 3 and fallout new vegas: next year, and certainly not next to each other * 7 * n JUNE 19TH, 2011 (NO SUBJECT) 6/19/11 02:19 am i just had the best graduation party ever orchidwings and her husband drove all the way out here from the internet to visit and we watched scott pilgrim (which still rules) which i got as a gift and tomorrow we're going to lunch also, i'm rich tuesday: i buy a wii! and also FEAR 3 apparently * n JUNE 12TH, 2011 (NO SUBJECT) 6/12/11 01:07 pm so apparently as of yesterday i'm a journalist * 11 * n JUNE 6TH, 2011 IN WHICH I AM NOT SUBTLE 6/6/11 04:32 am beating the 10 minute mark on the zombie mode in scott pilgrim on my first try with the ps3 version makes me wish amusesme had finished that scott4dead picture, i was gonna use it as part of my LJ layout * 2 * n MAY 31ST, 2011 (NO SUBJECT) 5/31/11 06:07 pm so i bought a ps3 i'm tempted to re-buy scott pilgrim on it (i have the 360 version) just so i can put off buying a new 360 controller and i have a d-pad that won't suck many dicks * 3 * n MAY 17TH, 2011 "HEY, WHISPERING OAKS! I USED TO GO THERE WHEN I WAS A KID!" 5/17/11 07:48 pm * 3 * n MAY 9TH, 2011 Z 5/9/11 06:49 pm ( the last one!Collapse ) * n Powered by