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Public Scan
Submitted URL: https://belfor.li/
Effective URL: https://www.belfor.com/de/ch
Submission: On July 31 via api from US — Scanned from US
Effective URL: https://www.belfor.com/de/ch
Submission: On July 31 via api from US — Scanned from US
Form analysis
2 forms found in the DOMGET /de/office-locations
<form class="views-exposed-form bef-exposed-form" data-drupal-selector="views-exposed-form-office-location-block-1" action="/de/office-locations" method="get" id="views-exposed-form-office-location-block-1" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<div class="form--inline form-inline clearfix">
<div class="form-item js-form-item form-wrapper js-form-wrapper panel panel-default" data-drupal-selector="edit-field-location-info-map-boundary-wrapper" id="edit-field-location-info-map-boundary-wrapper">
<div class="panel-heading">
<div class="panel-title">Search</div>
<div class="panel-body">
class="form-item js-form-item form-type-search js-form-type-search form-item-field-location-info-map-boundary-geolocation-geocoder-address js-form-item-field-location-info-map-boundary-geolocation-geocoder-address form-no-label form-group">
<label for="edit-field-location-info-map-boundary-geolocation-geocoder-address" class="control-label sr-only">Search</label>
<input class="geolocation-geocoder-address form-autocomplete form-search form-control geocoder-attached ui-autocomplete-input" data-source-identifier="field_location_info_map_boundary"
data-drupal-selector="edit-field-location-info-map-boundary-geolocation-geocoder-address" aria-describedby="edit-field-location-info-map-boundary-geolocation-geocoder-address--description" placeholder="Suche" type="search"
id="edit-field-location-info-map-boundary-geolocation-geocoder-address" name="field_location_info_map_boundary[geolocation_geocoder_address]" value="" size="25" maxlength="256" title="" data-toggle="tooltip"
data-original-title="Enter an address to retrieve location." data-once="geocoder-input" autocomplete="off">
<input data-drupal-selector="edit-field-location-info-map-boundary-lat-north-east" type="hidden" name="field_location_info_map_boundary[lat_north_east]" value=""><input
data-drupal-selector="edit-field-location-info-map-boundary-lng-north-east" type="hidden" name="field_location_info_map_boundary[lng_north_east]" value=""><input data-drupal-selector="edit-field-location-info-map-boundary-lat-south-west"
type="hidden" name="field_location_info_map_boundary[lat_south_west]" value=""><input data-drupal-selector="edit-field-location-info-map-boundary-lng-south-west" type="hidden" name="field_location_info_map_boundary[lng_south_west]"
<div class="form-inline form-item js-form-item form-type-number js-form-type-number form-item-field-location-info-map-proximity js-form-item-field-location-info-map-proximity form-group">
<label for="edit-field-location-info-map-proximity" class="control-label">Distance in kilometers</label>
<input data-drupal-selector="edit-field-location-info-map-proximity" class="form-number form-control" type="number" id="edit-field-location-info-map-proximity" name="field_location_info_map_proximity" value="50" step="0.1" min="0" size="30">
<div data-drupal-selector="edit-actions" class="form-actions form-group js-form-wrapper form-wrapper" id="edit-actions"><button data-drupal-selector="edit-submit-office-location" class="button js-form-submit form-submit btn-default btn"
type="submit" id="edit-submit-office-location" value="SEARCH LOCATIONS" name="">SEARCH LOCATIONS</button></div>
GET /de/search/node
<form action="/de/search/node" method="get" id="search-block-form" accept-charset="UTF-8">
<div class="form-item js-form-item form-type-search js-form-type-search form-item-keys js-form-item-keys form-no-label form-group">
<label for="edit-keys" class="control-label sr-only">Suche</label>
<div class="input-group"><input title="" data-drupal-selector="edit-keys" class="form-search form-control" placeholder="Suche" type="search" id="edit-keys" name="keys" value="" size="15" maxlength="128" data-toggle="tooltip"
data-original-title="Enter the terms you wish to search for."><span class="input-group-btn"><button type="submit" value="Suche" class="button js-form-submit form-submit btn-primary btn icon-only" name=""><span
class="sr-only">Suche</span><span class="icon glyphicon glyphicon-search" aria-hidden="true"></span></button></span></div>
<div class="form-actions form-group js-form-wrapper form-wrapper" data-drupal-selector="edit-actions" id="edit-actions--2"></div>
Text Content
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