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Name: form1POST ___.php?_do=form1

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0-11.773-5.861-11.773-13.173 0-7 4.047-12.916 11.566-12.916a9.91 9.91 0 0 1 5.343 1.552c3.164 2.075 4.41 5.549 4.41 9.336a21.8 21.8 0 0 1-.21 3.112zm-9.853-10.477c-4.047 0-6.018 3.371-6.381 7.055h11.775c0-.157.051-.313.051-.467-.003-3.373-1.817-6.588-5.448-6.588h.003zM268.881 336.314l-.52-2.18a10.7 10.7 0 0 1-7.105 2.853c-6.639 0-10.737-5.445-10.737-12.812 0-7.779 5.5-13.174 11.411-13.174 2.12.023 4.19.653 5.964 1.816v-13.175h4.358v36.672h-3.371zm-.987-19.868a9.617 9.617 0 0 0-5.5-1.763c-3.318 0-7.158 2.853-7.158 9.285 0 6.018 2.7 9.389 6.692 9.389a8.409 8.409 0 0 0 5.964-2.594l.002-14.317z" fill="#6C1C73" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path d="M39.1 193.304a24.227 24.227 0 0 0 10.211 1.879c20.483 0 36.682-13.069 48.149-38.836l13.109-31.8h20.744l4.59-8.957h-22.124l.838-2c7.5-18.025 17.177-27.162 28.752-27.162 3.249.184 6.434.978 9.388 2.341l6.85-10.408a31.483 31.483 0 0 0-11.883-2.487c-20.488 0-36.693 13.074-48.165 38.861l-.385.86h-37.85l-4.607 8.969 38.772-.017-5.049 11.9H45.585l-4.6 8.9h46.237L82.2 157.47c-7.508 18.031-17.11 27.172-28.535 27.172a25.369 25.369 0 0 1-9.234-2.287L39.1 193.304zM270.7 128.076c-2.857-3-6.8-4.723-10.941-4.783a12.094 12.094 0 0 0-6.994 2.046 6.715 6.715 0 0 0-3.2 5.388 5.563 5.563 0 0 0 1.407 4.186 21.517 21.517 0 0 0 5.462 3.932l7.231 4.031a11.494 11.494 0 0 1 6.225 11.154 18.643 18.643 0 0 1-7.434 14.44c-4.604 3.547-10.314 5.32-17.129 5.318a28.5 28.5 0 0 1-15.863-4.471l5.808-9.572a18.329 18.329 0 0 0 5.737 3.8 16.282 16.282 0 0 0 6.562 1.738c2.87.091 5.684-.812 7.965-2.558a9.045 9.045 0 0 0 3.484-6.9 5.363 5.363 0 0 0-1.4-3.976 22.736 22.736 0 0 0-5.377-4.03l-7.269-4.144a12.393 12.393 0 0 1-4.907-4.967 12.1 12.1 0 0 1-1.365-6.4 16.3 16.3 0 0 1 6.881-12.711 24.977 24.977 0 0 1 15.4-4.821c4.14 0 9.06 1.314 14.762 3.941l-5.045 9.359zM226.144 126.25c-2.453-1.972-5.816-2.954-10.125-2.954a20.369 20.369 0 0 0-16.277 7.727 31.42 31.42 0 0 0-7.121 19c-.267 4.605.828 8.281 3.285 11.027a11.311 11.311 0 0 0 8.694 4.109 27.4 27.4 0 0 0 15.074-4.761l-1.723 10.322a38.569 38.569 0 0 1-15.418 3.07c-7.017 0-12.292-2.009-15.826-6.027-3.534-4.018-5.11-9.356-4.729-16.014.614-10.837 4.09-19.707 10.428-26.612a30.483 30.483 0 0 1 23.338-10.355c5.451 0 9.688.959 12.7 2.841l-2.3 8.627zM171.95 128.076a15.377 15.377 0 0 0-10.943-4.783 12.107 12.107 0 0 0-7 2.046 6.758 6.758 0 0 0-3.2 5.388 5.558 5.558 0 0 0 1.416 4.186 21.23 21.23 0 0 0 5.469 3.932l7.219 4.031a11.5 11.5 0 0 1 6.228 11.154 18.622 18.622 0 0 1-7.434 14.44c-4.615 3.547-10.325 5.32-17.13 5.318a28.476 28.476 0 0 1-15.86-4.471l5.8-9.572a18.311 18.311 0 0 0 5.738 3.8 16.335 16.335 0 0 0 6.571 1.738c2.87.088 5.684-.815 7.966-2.558a9.008 9.008 0 0 0 3.478-6.9 5.436 5.436 0 0 0-1.4-3.976 22.543 22.543 0 0 0-5.379-4.03l-7.266-4.144a12.382 12.382 0 0 1-4.91-4.967 12.129 12.129 0 0 1-1.372-6.4 16.3 16.3 0 0 1 6.883-12.711 25.012 25.012 0 0 1 15.409-4.821c4.142 0 9.061 1.314 14.758 3.941l-5.041 9.359z" fill="#6C1C73"></path><path d="M189.627 38.252c-3.817 0-7.639.079-11.473.263A233.4 233.4 0 0 0 145 42.253a158.441 158.441 0 0 0-32.44 9.477 89.782 89.782 0 0 0-15.313 8.154 60.36 60.36 0 0 0-7.033 5.51 41.039 41.039 0 0 0-6.109 6.915 29.812 29.812 0 0 0-4.18 8.652 24.831 24.831 0 0 0-.835 9.72 29.17 29.17 0 0 0 2.591 9.04c. 1.044.509a1.3 1.3 0 0 0 1.321-1.272 1.213 1.213 0 0 0-.1-.5l.01.009c-.124-.294-.258-.584-.373-.882a26.626 26.626 0 0 1-1.846-8.175 21.713 21.713 0 0 1 1.107-8.126 25.157 25.157 0 0 1 3.911-7.169 45.59 45.59 0 0 1 12.354-10.694 91.932 91.932 0 0 1 14.725-7.189 143.743 143.743 0 0 1 15.588-4.97c5.272-1.388 10.608-2.51 15.971-3.426a254.349 254.349 0 0 1 32.425-3.325c10.843-.363 21.759-.3 32.6.18 5.426.232 10.836.662 16.231 1.2a207.994 207.994 0 0 1 16.1 2.23 126.482 126.482 0 0 1 31.114 9.328 77.125 77.125 0 0 1 14.074 8.453 61.035 61.035 0 0 1 6.222 5.527 54.445 54.445 0 0 1 5.385 6.477 50.9 50.9 0 0 1 7.365 15.491 62.59 62.59 0 0 1 2.235 17.432 87.289 87.289 0 0 1-7.893 34.221 115.01 115.01 0 0 1-8.267 15.273c-3.103 4.78-6.53 9.34-10.256 13.651a121.364 121.364 0 0 1-11.778 11.89 112.683 112.683 0 0 1-6.347 5.246 107.225 107.225 0 0 1-6.608 4.758 100.315 100.315 0 0 1-28.505 13.422l-1.838.5a66.49 66.49 0 0 1-1.893.465 60.01 60.01 0 0 1-3.7.732 60.424 60.424 0 0 1-7.473.842 72.925 72.925 0 0 1-7.539-.019 82.514 82.514 0 0 1-7.553-.842 102.131 102.131 0 0 1-29.579-10.164 176.228 176.228 0 0 1-27.579-17.725l-.094-.094-.014.012-.135-.1.02.031a1 1 0 0 0-.631-.233.982.982 0 0 0-1 .963.921.921 0 0 0 .234.6l-.032.025c7.27 9.43 17.366 18.829 29.631 27.2l-.061-.063a83.222 83.222 0 0 0 26.892 12.1 65.085 65.085 0 0 0 8.7 1.527c2.95.34 5.921.474 8.89.4a69.433 69.433 0 0 0 8.934-.805 69.85 69.85 0 0 0 4.424-.883c.842-.2 1.332-.314 2.139-.527l2.173-.592a94.918 94.918 0 0 0 31.648-16.497 121.217 121.217 0 0 0 24.8-26.483 133.824 133.824 0 0 0 9.424-15.742 127.687 127.687 0 0 0 7.22-16.939 105.4 105.4 0 0 0 6.08-33.735v-.429c0-.69-.011-1.38-.031-2.069a69.766 69.766 0 0 0-2.736-18.06 56.364 56.364 0 0 0-7.729-16.1 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