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Submitted URL: https://cayce-appliance.com/
Effective URL: https://www.baar.com/radiac-starter-kit
Submission: On June 20 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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The Radiac ®
Harmonize Your Body's Energy

 * Single Seal™ Technology: Leakproof and Rustproof
 * Lifetime Guarantee
 * Charcoal Enhanced
 * Trademarked 3 Carbon System
 * Steel Certified
 * Studied and Researched by Doctors and Foundations
 * Researched and Manufactured by Bruce Baar, MS, ND
 * No Welding or Soldering on Any Parts
 * No Assembly Required
 * Compatible with Vibradex® System
 * Each Radiac unit is specially made for the buyer.
 * Units may take approx. 2 weeks to build (does not include shipping time)
 * Edgar Cayce Product
 * Free Shipping does not apply to this item.

The Radiac has been called a meditation unit, stress reducer, bio-electric
balancer and spiritual and self unfoldment tool. Dr. Bruce Baar, the
manufacturer of the Radiac, is featured in the books "UnBreak Your Health, The
Complete Guide to Complementary & Alternative Therapies", "Supermemory" and
"SuperLearning 2000". The Radiac is also mentioned in over 1,000 readings given
by Edgar Cayce. (Pronounced Ray-Dee-Ack). It is exclusively manufactured by Baar
Products, Inc.

It has been referred to as the Mind Machine, the BioBattery, the Radial
Appliance, the Dry Cell or the Impedance Device. No batteries and no electrical
outlets involved. To use it, place it in a plastic container ( #102, see below),
add ice to the red line, then add water, wait 15 minutes and attach to your
wrist and ankle as described in the instruction booklet. Relax and enjoy!

Click here to read more:  Testimonials 

Enhance your dream experience and aid in spiritual awakening. Designed for
mental and spiritual unfoldment, regeneration, attunement and memory
enhancement. Balances the mental, physical and spiritual. Enhance Remote Viewing
and Visualization. Stress Reducer. One of the best tools ever developed for
personal growth. Be sure to order the Radiac Book (#502 below).

Lifetime Guarantee
The Radiac is hand-made exclusively by Bruce Baar, MS, ND and is built to last a
lifetime. The outside of the unit is made out of one single seamless material.
This prevents the expansion and contraction that occurs during changing
temperatures that will cause cracking between 2 different materials.(the old
method). This is one of the new advances that assures your Radiac will continue
working year after year. We give you a Lifetime Guarantee.

Trademarked - 3 Carbon System
This exclusive system was discovered by Dr. Bruce Baar. Over 30 years of
research produces innovation and the results you can rely on. Just read the
testimonials! It doesn't stop here. The attachments and wires are standardized
to fit all additional add on components (like the #140 Solution Jar Starter Set
and #141 Addition Solution Jar set) if you decide to use them.

Single Seal Technology™
The Radiac® has exclusive Single Seal Technology™ which gives you manufacturing
quality not found any where else. It is completely sealed in one material - all
around it, not two dissimilar materials. With the advances from the research at
Baar Products, Single Seal Technology guarantees your Radiac will work every
time, for a lifetime. We are proud to offer a lifetime guarantee on your Radiac
because of Single Seal Technology.
   • No Cracks
   • No Leaks
   • No Moisture
   • No Rust
   • No Welding Seals
   • No Soldering of Seals
   • No Problems
   • One Exclusive Single Material, Single Seal Technology™
   • Lifetime Warranty

Why Is The Radiac Endorsed by Edgar Cayce's Organizations, Health Care
Practitioners, Chiropractors, and Doctors?
The Radiac is endorsed by Edgar Cayce's Association For Research and
Enlightenment (A.R.E.), the Edgar Cayce Foundation, the A.R.E. Health Center &
Spa, the Cayce-Reilly School of Massotherapy, Doctors and Chiropractors.
Outstanding performance, continual technological improvements, Single Seal™
Technology, Lifetime Guarantee, Charcoal Enhanced, Trademarked 3 Carbon System,
Steel Certified, and studied and researched by doctors and Foundations are just
a few reasons why Baar is the only official supplier for the Radiac and Edgar
Cayce Health Care. Only the Radiac meets Edgar Cayce's requirements. Read more
on the Single Seal Technology here. Also, older design problems have been

Click for Directions for Using the Radiac and our video "How To Set Up Your

Quotes from the Edgar Cayce Readings:
 • "The use of this consistently will be beneficial to the whole of the system"
 • "...is good for anyone and especially for those that tire or need an
equalizing of the circulation; which is necessary for anyone that uses the brain
a great deal - or that is inactive on the feet as much as is sufficient to keep
the proper circulation. Best to use same occasionally." (Cayce)
 • "It will be found to aid the body in every direction" (Cayce)

Instruction Booklet, Red Wire/Disc #111 and Black Wire/Disc #112 with
Velcro® straps, Emery paper and Radiac Protector Cap.

Add on Options:
• Radiac Container #102
• Radiac Book #502
• Vibradex Solution Jar Starter Set #140


 * Cayce advised not to drink alcohol on a day the unit was to be used.
 * The Radiac is to be used by only ONE PERSON. It cannot be shared. The Radiac,
   once used, becomes personalized.
 * Because we do not sell used products, returns are not possible.

Sometimes during manufacturing a Radiac gets chipped, dented or color variation
occurs. If you are interested in one of these units, please call for
availability and pricing.

Radiac is a Registered Trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark
Office. Patent Pending.

Please feel free to contact our Technical Support Line with any questions:
1-610-873-5343, 9 am - 4 pm EST, Monday through Friday.

Watch our videos on the Radiac!

Personal Experiences

View our other Radiac Video Testimonials!

"I'm Walking Pain Free"

"Stress Reduction and the Radiac"

"The Radiac and Dementia"

"Sight and Hearing and the Radiac"

"An Out of Body Experience and the Radiac"

"Quantum Medicine and the Radiac"

"Autism and the Radiac"

"Shifting the Subconscious with the Radiac"

"Carpal Tunnel and the Radiac"

"Managing the Symptoms of Lyme Disease"

"First Time I've Slept All Night in Over 10 Years"

"I had the Most Vivid Dream"

"It's Just the Best Part of my Day"

"I received a Radiac as a mother's day present this year. I have been using it
since May 15, following the pattern of application of 12 days followed by 8 days
of rest as suggested in the Radiac books. I have noticed that when the Radiac
receives direct sun during the day, I experience a feeling as of a transfusion
of warmth after about 10 minutes of application. I was struggling with some
depression before I started using it, but now the depression is gone. Thank you,
your work is invaluable." - B.P., NC

"My Radiac was calming and brings a sense of peace." - S.B-S., Los Angeles, CA

"I started using the Radiac on April 25, 1996 and will try to relate some
feedback on what I feel is magnificent. It is almost impossible to describe and
bring vibrational experiences through human words. It may be easier to start
with the physical changes I have felt. A thyroid gland I firmly know is being
re-established with using the Iodine solution every other day for 45 minutes.
From tiny up, I've always had ear problems... I went to three 'medical men',
they took a small peek with a small light and pushed it off as swimmers ear.
Didn't even ask if I swam. The druggist said under the prescription label was
little more than vinegar. ... within a month (of using the Radiac with Camphor)
the ears have returned to about 100%. Needless to say the hearing is sharper
with the lack of digging Q-tip into the ears. The whole, over-all physical body
is enhanced which I feel is the adjusting of vital energies & circulation
through the meridians and chakras bringing the mental and emotional bodies
harmonious stability and sustaining power... I feel the Radiac finely tunes or
adjusts the vibrational body to it's Divine Blueprint and with prayer,
meditation, contemplation, powerfully sustains a Higher Consciousness." - J.N.,

"I was just finishing my studies as an engineer and the idea of a body balancing
apparatus was intriguing to me. I was also beginning a meditation practice at
the time and so I thought it would be interesting. It wasn't until a few years
later that I decided to bring the Radiac into my dreaming and meditation
practice. It just made sense that it should help connect the two in a deeper
way. Cayce recommended dreams as the best way to meditate and meet with the
higher self and along with that, the Radiac was recommended.

I honestly didn't know what to make of it, and I went into it with an open mind.
The first few times I connected to the Radiac it seemed like nothing. Then after
a week or so of using the Radiac in a contemplative mindset, I began to notice
myself drifting off to sleep and waking up at exactly the time I wanted to
remove it (almost to the second sometimes). I was always a deep sleeper, but now
I began to notice something different in my sleep. I would dream the most
amazing and profound dreams and wake up from them feeling as if I had gained
some unbelievable insight or relief during the night. It wasn't uncommon to
dream about people I knew who were dealing with some concern and have the
solution presented in the dream. I would wake up energized from the experience!

I thought to myself, 'why doesn't every body own one of these little guys!?' and
I believe they should. I've been using the Radiac on and off for many years now
and it never fails to set the stage for a peaceful night of sleep full of useful
and interesting dreams. A nice little side effect is that I no longer use an
alarm clock and can seemingly wake up at will any time I want. I guess the
Radiac set my internal clock on track! I'm currently studying en route to
becoming a Naturopath and as a bonus I have found that using the Radiac along
with Cayce's memory suggestions has made recall of information much easier!
Again Cayce was right in suggesting that it is 'good for anyone who is on their
feet or uses their mind a lot during the day'.

I can't recommend the Radiac enough for its wonderful supportive qualities to
the mind and body and I'm glad you are making it available." J.B., Olney, MD

"I am 73 years old and have been using the Radiac since 1980. I find that it
heals tension in the body and relaxes the mind, which has improved my memory.
Also, I use it for better circulation since I lead a more sedentary life. It is
good for arthritis too, of course. Also, using my more alert mind,... I am more
creative." - E.G., IL

"I have been using the Radiac now for over six months. Having been initiated
into a number of spiritual practices over the years including Kriya and Sant
Mat, I can honestly say I have found nothing more powerful than using the Radiac
for meditation. It has so far been an extraordinary journey. Many things have
changed on the physical level: I am far more creative (which is good because I
am an artist!). I have a great deal more energy exercising at least 5 times a
week from barely nothing. My circulation and digestion has greatly improved, as
has the flexibility of both my mind and body. I sleep far better and in general
my consciousness remains in a positive frame, even in situations where I would
have previously been knocked off balance. I am also beginning to look and feel
much younger. And last but by no means least Baar has been extremely helpful in
answering any questions along the way. I am very grateful." G.C., Ojai, CA

Read more on our Testimonials page!



 * Edgar Cayce did not use the term " Radial Appliance".
 * Edgar Cayce NEVER said "over 65%" Carbon Steel. Cayce said use 60% Carbon
   Steel. Only the Radiac has 60% Carbon Steel.
 * Radiac® is the Trademark Name for the Radio-Active Appliance.
 * The many design flaws of all the "Radial" Appliances have been corrected by
   the Radiac.

Baar Products has invested years of research into evaluating these units. We
decided to show you what can happen when they are not designed and assembled
correctly. This is a short pictorial representation of many of the issues that
have been corrected by the Baar design. These corrections are a result of our
testing and analysis. Because of this and for many other reasons, Baar is the
Exclusive Manufacturer of Edgar Cayce's radio-active appliance and endorsed by
Cayce's A.R.E. Every Radiac is imprinted on the top. Each unit also has its own
serial number. The Radiac is trademarked for your protection.

The problem started when these old style design units were made without
knowledge of long term consequences.
Our 30 year analysis of these designs revealed serious defects that needed to be
corrected. You can see some of them below.


 * These "Radial" units become defective with long term use.
 * There are other design flaws and failures we will describe in future


 * These units are continually being placed in ice water, removed and then
   placed in the sun. This creates a large temperature difference.
 * Our 30 year analysis of these designs revealed serious defects that needed to
   be corrected.
 * These "Radial" units become defective with long term use.


 * Different casing materials contract and expand at different rates of speed
   and eventually create hairline cracks.
 * These hairline cracks will suck in damaging moisture.
 * When placed in ice and water it contracts and pulls in damaging moisture.


 * The moisture gets inside these old and poorly designed units and cause
   rusting, shorting, general breakdown and failure.
 * These cracks are hard to see but will do great damage.
 * The broken seal can happen at any time and you may not know your unit is


 * The old radial "assemble-it-yourself" kit
 * It has multiple problems, including:
    * Incorrect Carbon Content Steel
    * Incorrect Charcoal
    * Incorrect Discs
    * Incorrect Wire
    * Poor Quality Jacks and Plugs
    * Assembly Difficulties
    * Sealing Problems

Example #5 of Radial Appliance Defects

 * Cayce describes proper design..."these would be tipped (for connectors) on
   BOTH ends and set so that they may be removed from EITHER end."
 * "Make all of these appliances conform to this formula." Cayce
 * Cayce states that both ends are to be removable from the unit and these are


See Below How All These Issues have Been Corrected.



 * Single Seal Technology completely protects your Radiac.
 * The Radiac is completely sealed in one single material.
 * No separation caused by dissimilar materials.
 * No Cracking, No Moisture, No Rust, No Breakdown.
 * The Radiac will never crack, leak or experience degradation.
 * Moisture will never get inside to destroy it.
 * The Radiac has a lifetime guarantee.
 * Radiac is leakproof and rustproof.
 * No Assembly Required.
 * The Radiac is Trademarked for protection from all of these issues.
 * Click here to see what others have to say.


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