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Submission: On November 12 via api from US — Scanned from IL
Submission: On November 12 via api from US — Scanned from IL
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Text Content
printer close anchor binoculars compass facebook-square instagram location radio-checked radio-unchecked support svg yacht youtube-play * ABOUT BAAN-MIKA FACILITIES & SERVICES LOCATION & TRANSPORTATION * GALLERY * CUSTOMERS REVIEWS * VIDEO 360 VIDEO TOUR * RATES * CONTACT Loading BOOK NOW Click For VIDEO KOH SAMUI LUXURY VILLA – BAAN MIKA Paradise comes neatly packaged at Baan Mika, an impressive beachfront Koh Samui luxury villa located just minutes from the sizzling center of Chaweng. It is an intimate tropical retreat that offers guests tranquility, unrivaled value and convenience in a breathtaking setting. Surrounded by beauty on a secluded private beach, enjoy a range of high-class leisure facilities, rejuvenate with a stimulating massage or dine in style, complements of the talented in-villa Thai chef who caters to every taste and preference. ALL LUXURY AND COMFORT INCLUDED The impressive Koh Samui luxury villa is positioned around a rectangular, blue-tiled swimming pool that runs almost the whole length of the property, and includes: PLACE SIX LARGE, WELL FURNISHED AND AIR CONDITIONED SUITES THAT CAN SLEEP UP TO 12 PEOPLE DREAMS COME TRUE TWO BEACH SALAS WITH COMFORTABLE SEATING AREAS AND A BUILT-IN BAR KITCHEN A FULLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN AUDIO AND VISUAL A SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM WITH ALL THE LATEST AUDIO AND VISUAL NECESSITIES FACILITIES & SERVICES FACILITIES * Beachfront villa with open sea views * Direct beach access * Large lap pool (12 m x 4 m) flowing into a kids pool, ending in a large beachfront Jacuzzi. * Two large master bedrooms, each with a king size bed, comfortable twin daybeds, LCD, stereo system, en-suite bathroom, twin sinks and a large terrazzo tub with a breathtaking ocean view * Four double bedrooms with interconnecting doors, LCD, en-suite bathrooms, air conditioning and fitted wardrobes * Two Beach Salas, one with sofas and chairs overlooking the beach, the other is equipped with a kitchen, BBQ area, al-fresco dining set and bar * Fully equipped, open-plan kitchen * Living room with LCD, Satellite, DVD player, iPod dock, Bose Surround System * Wi-Fi broadband connection * Personal computer and printer * Linens and towels * Personal safe * Secure gated property SERVICES Included * Authentic Thai gourmet cuisine * Villa Manageress and her staff live on location, ready to cater to guests each and every need * Full-time Thai chef will provide a refreshing culinary experience, using different cooking styles to create dishes based on the provided menu or on special requests. * Linens and towels are provided and changed as necessary * In-Villa wine selection At extra cost * Airport Transfer * Pre-arrival self catering provisioning. All food on shopping list at cost price * Concierge service for all tours and activities; private tours can also be arranged * Car rental can be arranged with full insurance coverage, with or without driver * Baby sitting service upon availability * Massages and spa treatment * Weddings and private parties WANT TO FEEL THE FREEDOM IN BAAN MIKA? Check The 360 VIRTUAL TOUR TRIPADVISOR® TREVELER REVIEWS FROM OUR GUESTS 1. 2. 3. 4. "A large group of us stayed at Baan Mika over the christmas week 2014. A group of us came in the afternoon and the other late night...this is what i thought....As soon as i walked through the doors i felt at home, it felt so peaceful the staff were waiting with fresh towels and a welcome drink which was so nice. The staff showed us round etc the rooms were clean, contemporary and large. That even and throughout our stay the food was amazing at all times breakfast lunch and dinner the staff couldn't do anymore they were truly helpful , friendly but not intruding and amazing at all times. Th week was amazing we had lots of fun. An amazing place would love to visit again. Special thanks to Ae and Phi for making our stay wonderful." FoodieLondon55 - Trip Advisor - for a stay in December 2014 "We recently spent 10 days in Baan Mika with our family and a group of friends. It was probably the best vacation we ever had. The resort resides on a quiet private beach, but we spent most days in the pool- heaven for children (and adults). The amazing staff kept spoiling us with outstanding food and fruit smoothies along the pool, and provided the best tips for sightseeing and local attractions. The place has a built in surround sound system that created a unique atmosphere with perfectly picked playlists. we basically didn't leave the villa!" Roni K - Trip Advisor - for a stay in April 2014 ""This place is too good to be true. The villa is probably one of the most impressive realestate available to hire. It's beautifully designed, Thai style but with a European touch. The rooms are huge with space for everything. "The beds are super high quality , you sleep at night like a baby. The swimming pool is big and designed smart. The villa is equipped with the latest audio video equipment. The Jewell of the crown is the food, Best food you ever had in Thailand. The young chef is an expert not only in Thai cooking, but also in verity of international dishes. The kids love everything she made. We couldn't have enough. We chooses all dishes for meal the day we entered . We never got to eat the same dish twice. The Chef goes to the market every morning and buys the products fresh, needed for the meals. You can hire a car if you need to move around the Island, but other then that , you have anything you need in the Villa. We had great time in baan Mika , and we recommend taking the place." Udi1962 - Trip Advisor - for a stay in August 2014 "We stayed in baan Mika for 2 weeks in the middle of April. It will be hard to put into words the wonderful experience we had. First off the house- amazingly beautiful, clean, has all the amenities one would need and want. The staff couldn't be friendlier and more welcoming. There isn't a request that's too much. The food! Absolutely out of this world. The in-house staff, cooks breakfast lunch and dinner, and although the amount of food is almost too much- you simply can't stop eating since the food is just so good! Thai food in the highest quality, and any special requests we had for the children they did perfectly as well. The rooms are specious, clean, pampering and has everything you would possibly need. The pool is wonderful since it's very long so you can swim comfortably, and has also a smaller more shallow pull connected, which is perfect for kids. Overall I honestly can't wait to come back next wear! It is the most pampering, fun, relaxing, wonderful vacation we had." Itayspaider - Trip Advisor - for a stay in April 2014 | CHECK AVAILABILITY | RATES Rates are for the entire property, with discounts for reduced occupancy as follows: 6 bedroom sleeps 12 | 3 bedroom sleeps 6 3-6 Bedroom HIGH SEASON | 9 JAN - 30 APR | 1,590$ - 1,950$ LOW SEASON | 1 MAY - 30 JUN | 1,350$ - 1,750$ SUMMER SEASON | 1 JUL - 31 AUG | 1,590$ - 1,950$ LOW SEASON | 1 SEP - 18 DEC | 1,350$ - 1,750$ PEAK SEASON XMAS/NEW YEAR | 19 DEC - 8 JAN | 2,750$ CHECK AVAILABILITY * Rates are exclusive of 10% service, and 7% tax. * Extra bed charge is $50 per person. * Rates are inclusive of continental breakfast and in-villa chef service. * Airport transfers are charged at $30 per trip for up to 7 guests, and subject to 7% tax. * Minimum stay of 3 nights in standard season, 5 nights during peak and high season dates, except for Xmas/NY, minimum of 7 nights over Xmas or NY, or 10 nights over Xmas and NY. * Check-in time is 15:00 and check-out time is 10:30, although early arrival and late departure up to 15:00 may be requested subject to availability. EARLY BIRD PROMOTION 5% discount for booking made 120 days or more in advance. Applicable to new bookings, at full occupancy rates, and cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions. Not applicable for Xmas/NY. Rates include * Services of the property manager and staff. * A full-time Thai chef at your disposal. * Welcome package of fresh fruit and flowers. * Daily continental breakfast, and maid service. * Fresh linen and towels as needed. * No charge for baby cots. Rates exclude * In-villa wine selection. * In-villa spa treatments. * Pre-arrival self catering provisioning. * Babysitting, (English speaking subject to availability). * Overnight laundry service. Where are we? Getting to BaanMika is only 10 min away from the airport. CONTACT US - CHECK AVAILABILITY Sending... Thank you for Contacting us we will be in tuch with you as soon as possible Oops.. There was problem sending your request, please try again later. Send Request DATES AVAILABILITY - PREVIEW ONLY NOVEMBER 2024 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 272829303112 3456789 10111213141516 17181920212223 24252627282930 1234567 DECEMBER 2024 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1234567 891011121314 15161718192021 22232425262728 2930311234 567891011 JANUARY 2025 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 2930311234 567891011 12131415161718 19202122232425 2627282930311 2345678 N/A HOME ABOUT BAAN-MIKA GALLERY CUSTOMERS REVIEWS RATES CONTACT Prev October 2024 SuMoTuWeThFrSa 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 November 2024 SuMoTuWeThFrSa 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Next December 2024 SuMoTuWeThFrSa12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031