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121.276 12.332 120.732 12.672C120.211 12.9893 119.859 13.488 119.678 14.168L115.326 12.604C115.893 11.4707 116.833 10.53 118.148 9.782C119.485 9.034 121.117 8.66 123.044 8.66C125.447 8.66 127.294 9.19267 128.586 10.258C129.878 11.3233 130.524 13.1367 130.524 15.698V19.404C130.524 20.1293 130.547 20.9113 130.592 21.75C130.637 22.5887 130.705 23.382 130.796 24.13C130.887 24.878 130.989 25.5013 131.102 26H126.308L125.696 23.96C125.061 24.844 124.257 25.4787 123.282 25.864C122.33 26.2267 121.253 26.408 120.052 26.408ZM121.956 22.872C122.976 22.872 123.826 22.6 124.506 22.056C125.186 21.512 125.526 20.4693 125.526 18.928V18.52C123.735 18.6787 122.296 18.928 121.208 19.268C120.12 19.5853 119.576 20.186 119.576 21.07C119.576 21.614 119.803 22.056 120.256 22.396C120.709 22.7133 121.276 22.872 121.956 22.872ZM133.915 26V9.136H137.995L138.913 12.23C139.434 10.87 140.148 9.918 141.055 9.374C141.962 8.83 143.061 8.592 144.353 8.66V13.828C144.081 13.7827 143.843 13.76 143.639 13.76C143.435 13.7373 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13.1707 71.3042 12.4907 70.5335 12.06C69.7629 11.6067 68.9695 11.38 68.1535 11.38C67.3602 11.38 66.5669 11.6067 65.7735 12.06C65.0029 12.4907 64.3682 13.1707 63.8695 14.1C63.3709 15.0067 63.1215 16.1853 63.1215 17.636C63.1215 19.0867 63.3709 20.2767 63.8695 21.206C64.3682 22.1127 65.0029 22.7927 65.7735 23.246C66.5669 23.6767 67.3602 23.892 68.1535 23.892Z" fill="white" fill-opacity="0.6"></path><path d="M89.4973 26.408C87.276 26.408 85.3606 25.932 83.7513 24.98C82.142 24.0053 80.8953 22.634 80.0113 20.866C79.15 19.0753 78.7193 16.9787 78.7193 14.576C78.7193 12.1733 79.2066 10.0993 80.1813 8.354C81.156 6.60867 82.5046 5.26 84.2273 4.308C85.9726 3.356 87.99 2.88 90.2793 2.88C92.274 2.88 94.0646 3.27667 95.6513 4.07C97.2606 4.86333 98.5186 6.03067 99.4253 7.572L94.8013 9.476C94.4386 8.88667 93.872 8.37667 93.1013 7.946C92.3533 7.51533 91.39 7.3 90.2113 7.3C89.146 7.3 88.1713 7.572 87.2873 8.116C86.4033 8.66 85.7006 9.476 85.1793 10.564C84.658 11.6293 84.3973 12.9667 84.3973 14.576C84.3973 16.956 84.9413 18.792 86.0293 20.084C87.1173 21.3533 88.5453 21.988 90.3133 21.988C91.152 21.988 91.9566 21.8747 92.7273 21.648C93.498 21.3987 94.1326 20.9907 94.6313 20.424C95.13 19.8573 95.3793 19.098 95.3793 18.146V17.5H90.2793V13.148H100.751V26H97.2153L96.4673 23.484C95.0166 25.4333 92.6933 26.408 89.4973 26.408ZM109.243 26C107.86 26 106.761 25.8867 105.945 25.66C105.129 25.4107 104.539 24.946 104.177 24.266C103.837 23.5633 103.667 22.5547 103.667 21.24V3.288H108.835V19.88C108.835 20.6733 108.993 21.1947 109.311 21.444C109.628 21.6707 110.217 21.784 111.079 21.784H112.541V26H109.243ZM120.052 26.408C118.987 26.408 118.012 26.204 117.128 25.796C116.244 25.388 115.541 24.8213 115.02 24.096C114.499 23.348 114.238 22.464 114.238 21.444C114.238 20.0613 114.714 18.962 115.666 18.146C116.641 17.33 117.967 16.718 119.644 16.31C121.321 15.902 123.248 15.6187 125.424 15.46C125.424 14.2587 125.231 13.4087 124.846 12.91C124.461 12.4113 123.713 12.162 122.602 12.162C121.899 12.162 121.276 12.332 120.732 12.672C120.211 12.9893 119.859 13.488 119.678 14.168L115.326 12.604C115.893 11.4707 116.833 10.53 118.148 9.782C119.485 9.034 121.117 8.66 123.044 8.66C125.447 8.66 127.294 9.19267 128.586 10.258C129.878 11.3233 130.524 13.1367 130.524 15.698V19.404C130.524 20.1293 130.547 20.9113 130.592 21.75C130.637 22.5887 130.705 23.382 130.796 24.13C130.887 24.878 130.989 25.5013 131.102 26H126.308L125.696 23.96C125.061 24.844 124.257 25.4787 123.282 25.864C122.33 26.2267 121.253 26.408 120.052 26.408ZM121.956 22.872C122.976 22.872 123.826 22.6 124.506 22.056C125.186 21.512 125.526 20.4693 125.526 18.928V18.52C123.735 18.6787 122.296 18.928 121.208 19.268C120.12 19.5853 119.576 20.186 119.576 21.07C119.576 21.614 119.803 22.056 120.256 22.396C120.709 22.7133 121.276 22.872 121.956 22.872ZM133.915 26V9.136H137.995L138.913 12.23C139.434 10.87 140.148 9.918 141.055 9.374C141.962 8.83 143.061 8.592 144.353 8.66V13.828C144.081 13.7827 143.843 13.76 143.639 13.76C143.435 13.7373 143.208 13.726 142.959 13.726C141.712 13.726 140.749 14.0207 140.069 14.61C139.412 15.1993 139.083 16.1627 139.083 17.5V26H133.915ZM154.929 26.408C153.116 26.408 151.507 26.0567 150.101 25.354C148.719 24.6287 147.631 23.5973 146.837 22.26C146.067 20.9227 145.681 19.3247 145.681 17.466C145.681 15.6753 146.089 14.1227 146.905 12.808C147.744 11.4933 148.843 10.4733 150.203 9.748C151.586 9.02267 153.093 8.66 154.725 8.66C156.584 8.66 158.171 9.102 159.485 9.986C160.823 10.8473 161.831 12.0487 162.511 13.59C163.191 15.1087 163.475 16.8653 163.361 18.86H150.883C150.974 20.0387 151.405 20.9227 152.175 21.512C152.969 22.1013 153.841 22.396 154.793 22.396C155.587 22.396 156.267 22.2827 156.833 22.056C157.423 21.8067 157.876 21.5007 158.193 21.138L162.307 22.634C161.423 23.926 160.313 24.878 158.975 25.49C157.661 26.102 156.312 26.408 154.929 26.408ZM150.883 15.8H158.567C158.545 14.712 158.171 13.896 157.445 13.352C156.72 12.7853 155.859 12.502 154.861 12.502C153.887 12.502 153.014 12.7627 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A metrics framework enables teams to make informed design and product decisions
by relying on concrete data, reducing guesswork or assumptions.
Learn how to Get Started


It helps identify areas of friction or opportunity in the user journey, guiding
future design optimizations.
Choose UX Metrics


The framework provides tangible proof of the impact of UX on business results,
making it easier to justify investment in user-centered design and research
Communicating UX Metrics


Glare is a UX framework from Helio that measures the effectiveness of the user
Release Notes


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in supporting our open project?
Call us at (408) 341-0600
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…you’re about to catch the glare. See the most comprehensive UX framework for
data-informed decisions.


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