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Submission: On January 04 via manual from CH — Scanned from DE
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Submission: On January 04 via manual from CH — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
2 forms found in the DOM<form>
<fieldset class="search" id="header-54_searchFields">
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<form method="post" action="" novalidate="novalidate">
<input type="hidden" name="fragment-2242_action" id="fragment-2242_action" value="login">
<input type="hidden" name="fragment-2242_provider" id="fragment-2242_provider">
<fieldset class="field-list login">
<h2>Sign in</h2>
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class="ui-accordion-header-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e"></span>Community Member Login</h3>
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<span class="field-item-description"> Welcome back! <div class="reset-box" style="padding: 20px 0 30px 0;"><i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle" style="color:#d40000; font-size: 20px; padding:0 10px 0 10px;"></i>
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<li class="field-item user-name required">
<label class="field-item-name" for="fragment-2242_username"> THWACK Username </label>
<span class="field-item-input">
<input name="fragment-2242_username" id="fragment-2242_username" maxlength="64" size="30" type="text">
<span class="field-item-validation" style="display: none;"></span>
<li class="field-item password required">
<label class="field-item-name" for="fragment-2242_password"> Password </label>
<span class="field-item-input">
<input name="fragment-2242_password" id="fragment-2242_password" maxlength="64" size="30" type="password" autocomplete="off">
<span class="field-item-validation" style="display: none;"></span>
<li class="field-item checkbox">
<span class="field-item-input">
<input name="fragment-2242_rememberMe" id="fragment-2242_rememberMe" checked="checked" type="checkbox">
<label for="fragment-2242_rememberMe">Remember me</label>
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<span class="field-item-description"> Forgot your password or username? <a href="/user/emailforgottenpassword?ReturnUrl=%2Fresources%2Fthwack-command-center%2C%2Fresources%2Fthwack-command-center">Reset here.</a><br> Not yet a member?
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class="ui-accordion-header-icon ui-icon ui-icon-triangle-1-e"></span>Employee Login</h3>
<div id="emp-login" class="ui-accordion-content ui-corner-bottom ui-helper-reset ui-widget-content" aria-labelledby="ui-id-2" role="tabpanel" aria-hidden="true" style="display: none;">
<ul class="field-list login">
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<div class="field-item-input">
<div class="navigation-list login-providers">
<li class="navigation-list-item login-provider" data-clienttype="saml-thwack">
<a href="#" class="internal-link connect submit-button button ui-tip" title="Connect with SAML Authentication OAuth Client">
Login with SSO
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