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Viken, Norway


Hello! I'm a high school student and full-stack developer! Since 2021, I have
built websites, backends and everything in between. Dabbled with JavaScript AST
and code obfuscation techniques.


 * Languages
   * TypeScript
   * Javascript
   * HTML
   * CSS
   * Python
   * Java
 * Frameworks
   * Express
   * Tailwind
   * NextJS
   * MongoDB
   * Selenium
 * Intrested
   * Rust
   * Tensorflow
   * PHP
   * Git / Hub
   * React


Click for more informationHover for more information
 * KongsberGuessr
   GeoGeussr esque game for school assignment
   KongsberGuessrClose X
   KongsberGeussr is a fun and feature rich game, it features 3 gamemodes: Solo,
   Education and PvP. The project helped me learn NextJS, React and the Google
   Maps API.
 * MusicGeussr
   Minimalist room based multiplayer music party game
   MusicGeussrClose X
   A pure Vanilla JS single page app music guessing quiz like game. The game
   fetches music from Genius through a wrapped API running on Cloudflare
   WIP javascript transpiler and vm for strengthening obfuscation
   JSVMClose X
   A compiler and interpreter for JavaScript to increase code resilliance
   against deobfuscation. Written in NodeJS with Babel to transform the inputted
   JavaScript into custom bytecode.
 * Sitefuscator
   WIP Page obfuscator: inlining CSS, mangle identifiers, etc
   SitefuscatorClose X
   A HTML, CSS, JS packer which could apply transformations to make scraping or
   copying your site significantly harder by applying various transformation to
   the inputs.
 * Py-Gulesider
   Python Wrapper for Gulesider used in my flask api(api demo)
   Py-GulesiderClose X
   Python Wrapped for Gule Sider (YellowPages for norway), this project required
   me to analyze and reverse Gule Sider's requests. Try it on my Flask API
   (click the api demo).
 * Data App Base (DAB)
   Simple and easy to use base for data web applications
   Data App Base (DAB)Close X
   A simple, efficient and clean Vanilla JS data app base made for quickly
   creating interactive and responsive data applications to fetch and display
   data from APIs.
 * OSINT Base
   Perform OSINT (as of now only using gulesider api) throughDAB
   OSINT BaseClose X
   A WIP currently on hold project that will aggregate and display through Data
   App Base. It currently primarily uses my Gule Sider API but can also show
   statistics on names.
 * AI Detection Aggregator
   Aggregate detection verboses into one usingDAB
   AI Detection AggregatorClose X
   This project aggregates multiple verboses from various AI detectors like
   ZeroGPT, GPTZero, SEO ai and GLTR and combines them into one neat page using
   Data App Base.


Design inspired byPeter Pagenstedt