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Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

GET /search

<form action="/search" id="searchformnbt" method="get" role="search">
    <input class="search-querynbt" id="s" name="q" type="text" value="">
    <input class="search-submitnbt" id="searchsubmitnbt" type="submit" value="Search">

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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources     No comments   

Issue In android, I want to use a string-array resource to create a public
static final String in one of my classes. However, it seems I must call
getResources() on a Context and I can't find any context at the class level. Is
this possible? public class DBAdapter { Resources res = getResources(); public
static final String[] gradeTypes =...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-fragments, android-layout,
android-listfragment, android-resources     No comments   

Issue So, I want to create a ListView fragment, but all im getting is blank
fragment. My guess is that 3 layout resourses (R.layout.fragment_home) should be
diferent, but I can't understand which. Fragment code: @Override public View
onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle
savedInstanceState) { View rootView...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, resources     No comments   

Issue I have an array in resources: <integer-array name="my_layouts_array">
<item>@layout/layout1</item> <item>@layout/layout2</item>
<item>@layout/layout3</item> ... <item>@layout/layoutn</item> </integer-array>
Eclipse can move me from this file to selected layout on...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, resources     No comments   

Issue please why is my Eclipse writing error with getResources() ?? It is
writing: The method getResources() is undefined for the type
PredmetCursorAdapter What is wrong with it ?? On all lines with this metode i
have that error, but in other classes is all okay public class
PredmetCursorAdapter extends CursorAdapter { public
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, bitmap, bitmapfactory,
drawable     No comments   

Issue I have an image that is 120x120px located in my /res/drawable/ directory.
This is the size required for all devices. To load this Bitmap, I am using the
following: Bitmap tmpBmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),
R.drawable.myimage); The issue is that when I measure tmpBmp, the size is
360x360px. I know how to scale this back down...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources     No comments   

Issue I am wondering how i can set a Bitmap drawable resource from a dynamic
variable that is the image name/ type string: public CustomIcon getView(int
position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { String label; String image;
DataBaseManager db = new DataBaseManager(context); label =
db.getIconLabel(mIcons.get(position)); ...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, java, switch-statement,
typed-arrays     No comments   

Issue I am trying a switch statement to dynamically determine which part of an
actionbar dropdown spinner is being selected. This switch statement does not
even go to my default case, what am I doing wrong? public boolean
onNavigationItemSelected(int itemPosition, long itemId) { // TODO Auto-generated
method stub //restart fragment with selected...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, apk     No comments   

Issue I have uncompressed json file and I want to have it in resources. Should I
compress it, or it is compressed when I will make an apk? Solution It will be
compressed in apk, so you need not to compress it yourself Answered By -
Vladimir Petrakovi...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-assets, android-resources, media-player,
notifications     No comments   

Issue I am attaching the sound files in the assets folder for play sound in the
notification but I am not able to play sound from the assets folder. I have
setting page from which user can set the sound for the notification and also
user can play sound. This part is completed. I am able to play sound from the
assets folder using Media Player. I can...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-appcompat, android-resources, eclipse,
import     No comments   

Issue Today I deleted by mistake appcompat_v7 and few of my apps got this error:
R cannot be resolved to a variable I tried with importing my package name, but
eclipse changes it by default to import android.R; Is there anything I can do? I
did clean project several times it didn't work. Solution Try readding the
appcompat_v7 to the project. It...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, android-xml     No comments   

Issue I have this XML in my res/drawable directory: <?xml version="1.0"
encoding="utf-8"?> <selector
xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" > <item > <shape
android:shape="rectangle" > <corners android:radius="10dip" /> <stroke
android:width="1dip" android:color="#706969"...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-drawable, android-radiobutton,
android-resources     No comments   

Issue I have a radio button which I want to change the little selected icon
based on a state, however its a simple on, off state. Basically I want to make
it look like an LED, I have a red image and a green image and when it is checked
I want...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources     No comments   

Issue I have some colours which are reused in several different parts of my
Android UI design. I am declaring the colours as resources in colors.xml with
meaningful names: <color name="action_bar_background">#1a404f</color> <color
name="edit_heading_background">#1a404f</color> When I have multiple different
definitions for...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources     No comments   

Issue I am trying to get the ID of a string with value "Hello" from strings.xml
doing to following: getContext().getResources().getIdentifier("Hello", "string",
getContext().getPackageName()); It returns 0. Why is this returning 0? Solution
Because you're passing the string value, while you should pass the resource name
of the string. Look at the...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources     No comments   

Issue How do I store a fractional value like 3.1416 in resources? What to write
in the XML and how to retrieve it in Java code? The documentation for
getFraction() states: public float getFraction (int id, int base, int pbase)
Retrieve a fractional unit for a particular resource ID. Parameters base The
base value of this fraction. In other words,...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources     No comments   

Issue I have a problem with an application I am making. When the phone goes into
suspension, the application closes and shows a list of errors in the logcat I do
not understand. Thank you very much any help or suggestions. Here 's the code:
layout0.xml ---> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout
android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent"
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, xml     No comments   

Issue I'm new to Android and trying to understand the code I wrote from a
tutorial. Meanwhile, I'm referencing the documentation whenever I want to really
understand something. The documentation in question That page discusses string
resources. For a string, under the String section it states I could retrieve a
string defined in an XML file like this:...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-logcat, android-resources, forceclose   
 No comments   

Issue Right this is doing my nut and i need it solved because it keeps
happening. Basically when i go to start the app from eclipse to my phone it
doesn't open, it just force closes and it's doing it because the LogCat says a
resource id hasn't been found despite the fact that it does. I've tried
everything to get it to work, but just in case there's...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources     No comments   

Issue In my application I have several folders and subfolders of images. They
are inside drawables. How can I retrieve images from drawables subfolders?
Example: drawable>actions>sports>soccer.png How can I get this "soccer.png"
photo? Any help is appreciated. Thanks! Solution No, the android resources
mechanism doesn't support subfolders...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-4.4-kitkat, android-animation,
android-resources, transitions     No comments   

Issue I have updated my Android SDK to Kitkat 4.4.2, and trying to explore
'android.transition'. As per mentioned here , TransitionManagers can be declared
in XML resource files inside the res/transition directory. But when i created
the directory...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, dynamically-generated, java   
 No comments   

Issue I have a raw xml file that holds some hierarchical data in my raw folder:
<Structures> <Structure id="first"> ... </Structure> <Structure id="second"> ...
</Structure> <Structure id="third"> ... </Structure> In my code i have a
function that gets as a parameter a structure id (as a string)...
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 October 03, 2022     actionbarsherlock, android, android-listview,
android-resources     No comments   

Issue I looked at this question however, it did not help solve my problem:
Resources$NotFoundException: Resource is not a Drawable I'm using
ActionBarSherlock (version 4.4) within my app for compatibility in older
versions. My app runs perfect on 4.1.2 but it crashes on 2.3.3. The app runs all
the way up to the point of mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(mDrawerList);...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, security, string     No

Issue My questions is very short and simple: Is it possible for anyone or
anything (e.g. an app with root capabilities or a computer debugging a phone)
outside my app read the values saved in: R.android (mainly strings saved in
strings.xml)? something.java (e.g. a boolean or a private static final String)?
If yes on both, is there any good alternative...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-layout, android-resources     No

Issue I wan to know the list of folders in android . By going through Article 1
Article 2 in developer site and question from stackoverflow I got an idea about
it . but still it doesn't satisfy need I mean there are many folders for kepping
layouts, drawable and values on the bases of Screen size of devices and the
language we are using For eg:...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-drawable, android-resources,
embedded-resource     No comments   

Issue I wrote an android library for some UI utilities. I have a function that
return ImageView. But, my problem is that I want that the resource of the
drawable image, will be in the project that contains the library. I will
explain... I want that the ImageView will always take the drawable with the
source name: R.drawable.ic_img_logo (and only this...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, lint     No comments   

Issue I know I can ignore a rule in Lint with attribute tools:ignore My
difficulty is that I want to ignore several rules. In my case, for Google
analytics ga_trackingId, I want to ignore TypographyDashes and
MissingTranslation I tried with no success <resources
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-mediaplayer, android-resources     No

Issue I have a few raw music files that I'd like for a single MediaPlayer to
play. After many attempts I was able to get the MediaPlayer to switch between
songs. However, one of my raw files keeps returning a FileNotFoundException.
This is bizzare to me because I imported it into my raw folder just like all of
the other files that work. I also am...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, eclipse, warnings     No

Issue In Android strings.xml file I have a string resource with two parameters
like this: <string name="menu_greeting_loggged_in">Hello %1$s %2$s</string> The
problem is that I have a Android lint warning saying: Placeholder name is
missing. Explain issue shows nothing. How to fix this warning and what does it
mean? How can I add the...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources     No comments   

Issue There are a couple of audio mp3 files in res/raw which go as prepacked
audio files for the app. They all have proper names ...must contain only
[a-z0-9_.] which do not look nice when parsed inside ListView. I see many apps
have their custom names for audio. For example, raw file name is "default1" and
custom audio name is seen as "The Morning...
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 October 03, 2022     actionbarsherlock, android, android-maven-plugin,
android-resources     No comments   

Issue I have been trying to add ActionBarSherlock Maven dependecy on my project
and i'm getting some problems. When i use ABS themes like: <style
name="AppThemeCustomizada" parent="@style/Sherlock.__Theme.DarkActionBar"> I get
the following error: No resource found that matches the given name
'@style/Sherlock.__Theme.DarkActionBar'. Here is...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, localization     No

Issue Is it possible to show the keys of my strings in strings.xml instead of
the value, would be cool to check which key is it directly in the UI. for
example <string name="jobs_key">Jobs</string> i would like to show in the UI
jobs_key instead of Jobs Solution use Resources.getResourcesName(int), Return
the full name for a given resource...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, r.java-file     No comments   

Issue I have a couple of xml files in my layout folder but when I use them in my
class the template proposals doesn't show my layout files but shows android
default proposals. There seem to be no error in any of my files at all. I tried
deleting the R.java file and rebuilding and restarting eclipse but nothing seems
to be working. PLease help. I need...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-imageview, android-layout,
android-resources     No comments   

Issue I have added resource id in list. And used that resourceid to load image
in ImageView. But it shows black. I have done it this way. Thanks in advance.
private void initArcMenu(ArcMenu menu, int[] itemDrawables, final
ArrayList<AppInfo> appinfo) { final int itemCount = appinfo.size(); for (int i =
0; i < itemCount; i++)...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-resources, java     No comments   

Issue I am trying to set a button to green for 1 second, then back to red. But
It won't change to green anymore, if I comment out the "change to red" part, it
will turn green fine. I have used Log.d and it shows that there is a second
difference between changing from "change to green" to "change to red" so you
should see the green before the red,...
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 October 03, 2022     android, android-listview, android-resources, colors,
listview     No comments   

Issue I know I can use the android.R.attr. for default values (like colors,
styles, etc.) Does anyone know which android.R.atrr. I need to use for the
default ListView Item background color? When I look at the available
android.R.atrr. I see there is colorFocusedHighlight, colorLongPressedHighlight,
colorMultiSelectHighlight and colorPressedHighlight,...
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android-imageview android-implicit-intent android-inapp-purchase android-inflate
android-input-method android-install-apk android-instant-apps
android-instant-run android-instrumentation android-intent
android-intent-chooser android-intentservice android-internal-storage
android-internet android-ion android-jack-and-jill android-jetifier
android-jetpack android-jetpack-compose android-jetpack-compose-button
android-jetpack-compose-gesture android-jetpack-compose-list
android-jetpack-compose-material3 android-jetpack-compose-preview
android-jetpack-compose-testing android-jetpack-compose-text
android-jetpack-datastore android-jetpack-navigation android-jobscheduler
android-jodatime android-json android-junit android-keypad android-keystore
android-ksoap2 android-launcher android-layout android-layout-editor
android-layout-weight android-layoutparams android-lazyloading android-library
android-licenses android-lifecycle android-linearlayout android-lint
android-listadapter android-listfragment android-listview android-livedata
android-loadermanager android-location android-log android-logcat android-looper
android-lvl android-management-api android-manifest android-maps
android-maps-utils android-maps-v2 android-mapview android-maven-plugin
android-measure android-mediacodec android-mediaplayer android-mediaprojection
android-mediarecorder android-memory android-menu android-min-sdk android-mms
android-mnc android-module android-monkey android-motionlayout android-multidex
android-music-player android-mvp android-mvvm android-native-library
android-navigation android-navigation-bar android-navigation-editor
android-navigation-graph android-navigationview android-ndk android-ndk-r7
android-nested-fragment android-nestedscrollview android-network-security-config
android-networking android-night-mode android-notification-bar
android-notifications android-nsd android-ondestroy android-optionsmenu
android-orchestrator android-orientation android-overlay
android-package-managers android-pageradapter android-pagetransformer
android-paging android-paging-3 android-paging-library android-parser
android-pdf-api android-pendingintent android-percent-library
android-percentrelativelayout android-permissions android-phone-call
android-picture-in-picture android-popupwindow android-preferences
android-productflavors android-progressbar android-proguard android-pullparser
android-r8 android-radiobutton android-radiogroup android-recents
android-recyclerview android-relativelayout android-remoteview
android-renderscript android-resolution android-resource-file android-resources
android-restrictions android-room android-room-relation android-runonuithread
android-safe-args android-savedstate android-screen android-screen-pinning
android-screen-support android-scripting android-scroll android-scrollbar
android-scrollview android-sdcard android-sdk-1.6 android-sdk-2.1
android-sdk-2.3 android-sdk-manager android-sdk-tools android-search
android-searchmanager android-security android-securityexception android-seekbar
android-selector android-sensors android-service android-service-binding
android-settings android-shape android-shapedrawable android-sharedpreferences
android-sharing android-shell android-shortcut android-shortcutmanager
android-signing android-sliding android-snackbar android-softkeyboard
android-soong android-source android-spinner android-splashscreen android-sqlite
android-statusbar android-storage android-strictmode android-studio
android-studio-2.0 android-studio-2.1 android-studio-2.2 android-studio-2.3
android-studio-3.0 android-studio-3.1 android-studio-3.1.4 android-studio-3.2
android-studio-3.4 android-studio-3.5 android-studio-3.6 android-studio-3.6.1
android-studio-4.0 android-studio-4.1 android-studio-4.2
android-studio-arctic-fox android-studio-bumblebee android-studio-chipmunk
android-studio-debugger android-studio-dolphin android-studio-import
android-studio-plugin android-styles android-support-design
android-support-library android-switch android-syncadapter android-tabhost
android-tablayout android-tablelayout android-tabs android-task
android-test-orchestrator android-testify android-testing android-text-color
android-textattributes android-textinputedittext android-textinputlayout
android-textureview android-textview-autosize android-textwatcher android-theme
android-things android-thread android-threading android-timer android-tiramisu
android-titlebar android-toast android-togglebutton android-toolbar
android-tools-namespace android-touch-event android-traceview
android-transitions android-tv android-twitter android-typeface android-ui
android-uiautomator android-unit-testing android-update-app android-update-sdk
android-vectordrawable android-version android-vibration android-video-player
android-videoview android-view android-viewbinding android-viewgroup
android-viewholder android-viewmodel android-viewpager android-viewpager2
android-viewtreeobserver android-vitals android-volley android-wake-lock
android-wear-2.0 android-webservice android-websettings android-webview
android-webview-javascript android-widget android-wifi android-window
android-windowmanager android-wireless android-workmanager android-wrap-content
android-x86 android-xml android-xml-attribute android-youtube-api android.mk
androidappsonchromeos androiddesignsupport androidhttpclient androidimageslider
androidjunitrunner androidsdk31 androidviewclient androidx androidx-test angular
angular-auth-oidc-client angular-cdk-virtual-scroll angular-cli
angular-components angular-directive angular-e2e angular-httpclient angular-i18n
angular-lifecycle-hooks angular-material angular-module angular-ngmodel
angular-pipe angular-promise angular-reactive-forms angular-router
angular-routerlink angular-routing angular-schematics angular-test
angular-ui-router angular-universal angular10 angular11 angular12 angular13
angular14 angular2-google-maps angular2-nativescript angular2-ngcontent
angular2-routing angular5 angular6 angular7 angular8 angular9 angularfire
angularfire2 angularjs angularjs-routing animated animated-gif animatedcontainer
animation animationcontroller animationdrawable anko annotation-processing
annotations anomaly-detection anpr ansible ant antialiasing antlr antplus any
anychart anyline anylogic anysoftkeyboard aop aot apache apache-aries
apache-beam apache-camel apache-commons apache-commons-csv
apache-commons-fileupload apache-commons-httpclient apache-commons-logging
apache-flink apache-httpasyncclient apache-httpclient-4.x apache-httpcomponents
apache-johnzon apache-kafka apache-kafka-streams apache-mina apache-poi
apache-spark apache-spark-sql apache-stringutils apdu api api-key apk
apk-expansion-files apksigner apktool apollo app-inspection app-inventor
app-launcher app-shell app-store app-store-connect app-update app.xaml apparmor
appbar appboy appcelerator appcompatactivity appdata append appendchild
appery.io appfuse appgallery-connect appicon appium appium-android
appium-desktop appkit apple-m1 apple-maps apple-push-notifications apple-sign-in
apple-silicon apple-watch application-cache application-icon
application-lifecycle application-name application-restart application-state
application.properties applicationcontext appwrite apt-get arabic arcgis
arcgis-runtime-net architecture archive archlinux archunit arcore arduino
arduino-uno area argumentcaptor arguments arima arkit arm arm-none-eabi-gcc
arm64 armv7 arraylist arrays arrow-kt artoolkit aruba ascii ashmem asp.net
asp.net-core asp.net-core-signalr asp.net-core-webapi asp.net-identity-3
asp.net-mvc asp.net-web-api aspect aspect-ratio aspectj aspectj-maven-plugin
aspose aspose.words assembly assert assertion assertj assertthat assets
async-await async-onprogressupdate asynccallback asyncfileupload asynchronous
asynctaskloader at-command atest atmel atof attached-properties attachment attr
attributeerror attributes audio audio-player audio-service audio-streaming
audiotrack augmented-reality auth-guard auth0 authentication auto-generate
auto-import auto-renewing auto-update autocomplete autocompletetextview autofac
autofill autolink automated-tests automatic-ref-counting automatic-updates
automation automator automotive autostart autosuggest autotest autowired
avaudioplayer avd avd-manager awesome-notifications awk aws-amplify
aws-amplify-cli aws-api-gateway aws-cli aws-device-farm aws-iot aws-iot-core
aws-java-sdk-2.x aws-lambda aws-sdk awss3transferutility awt axios azimuth azure
azure-active-directory azure-ad-b2c azure-blob-storage azure-cosmosdb
azure-databricks azure-devops azure-devops-hosted-agent azure-maps
azure-media-services azure-mobile-services azure-notificationhub azure-pipelines
azure-purview azure-rtos azure-spatial-anchors azure-storage azure-vm
azure-vm-scale-set azure-web-app-service babeljs back back-button back-stack
backend background background-color background-foreground background-image
background-mode background-process background-service background-thread
backgrounding backtrace backtracking backup backwards-compatibility badge
balloon bamboo banner-ads bar-chart barcode barcode-scanner bare-metal barebox
baresip barista barrier base-url base64 baseadapter bash basic-authentication
batch-file battery battery-saver bazel bcrypt beacon bean-validation
bearer-token bearing beautifulsoup behavior benchmarking bento4
bert-language-model bezier bigdata bigdecimal biginteger bin binance
binance-api-client binary binary-emulation binary-search binary-tree binary-xml
binaryfiles bind bindableproperty binding bindingadapter bing-maps bintray
binutils bionic bios birt birt-deapi bit bit-manipulation bit-shift bitbake
bitbucket bitbucket-pipelines bitflags bitmap bitmapfactory bitmapimage bitrate
bitrise bitset bitwise-and bitwise-operators bitwise-or blackberry blame blazor
blink blob bloc block blockhound blocking blockly blogs blue-screen-of-death
bluestacks bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy blur bmc bochs boehm-gc boilerplate
boolean boost boost-asio boost-serialization boot bootloader bootstrap-4
bootstrap-dialog border border-color boringssl bots bottom-navigation-bar
bottom-sheet bottomappbar bottombar bottomnavigationview
bottomsheetdialogfragment bouncycastle bounding-box bounds box2d bpmn braintree
branch breadth-first-search breakpoints brightness broadcast broadcastreceiver
brotli browser browserstack bsp bubble-sort bubblewrap buffer bufferedimage
bufferedreader bugsense build build-error build-runner build-script build-system
build-tools build-variant build.gradle build.xml builder builder-pattern
building buildozer buildpack buildpath buildroot buildship bukkit bulletedlist
bundle bundler bundletool bus bus-error busybox butterknife button buttonclick
byte byte-buddy bytearray bytearrayoutputstream bytecode bz2 c c-preprocessor c#
c++ c++-coroutine c++-experimental c++-standard-library c++11 c++14 c++17
c++builder cache-control caching cadence-workflow caffe2 cagradientlayer cakephp
calabash calabash-android calayer calculation calculator calendar calendarview
call call-recording callback callkit calllog camera canactivate cancellation
canny-operator canvas capacitor capacitor-plugin capitalization capitalize
captcha card cardview carousel cart cartodb cascade case cassandra cassandra-3.0
casting categories cbor cdata cdi-2.0 cell cellular-network center center-align
centering ceph ceres-solver certificate cgo chain chaining chaquopy char
character charles-proxy charsequence charset chart.js charts chat chatbot
chatsdk checkbox checkboxlist checked checkpoint cheerio children chipmunk
chopper chromakey chrome-custom-tabs chrome-remote-debugging chromebook chromium
chromium-embedded chroot cil circleci circleci-2.0 cisco city clang clang-tidy
clang++ clarity class class-constructors class-design class-diagram
classcastexception classloader classnotfound classnotfoundexception classpath
clean-architecture click clickable clickablespan clickhouse clickhouse-client
clicklistener client client-server clipboard clipping cllocation
cllocationmanager clock clone closures cloudinary cmake cmd cocoa cocoa-touch
cocoapods cocos2d-x cocos2d-x-2.x code-analysis code-behind code-cleanup
code-coverage code-formatting code-inspection code-reuse code-signing
code-signing-certificate code-structure codec coded-ui-tests codemagic
codenameone codeship codesourcery coding-style coil collapse collatz collections
collectionview collectors color-codes colordrawable colorfilter colors combobox
command command-line command-line-arguments command-line-interface
command-precedence command-prompt comments common-workflow-language
communication companion-object comparator compare comparison compass-geolocation
compatibility compilation compiler-arguments compiler-construction
compiler-errors compiler-flags compiler-optimization compiler-warnings
completable-future completion-stage component-scan components composable
compose-desktop compose-multiplatform compose-wear compression computer-science
computer-vision concatenation concurrency concurrenthashmap
concurrentmodification conditional conditional-compilation conditional-operator
conditional-statements conductor config configuration configure confluent-cloud
confluent-platform confluent-schema-registry connect connection
connection-pooling connection-string connection-timeout connectivity cons
console console-application console.log constants constexpr
constraint-layout-chains constraintlayout-barrier constraintlayout-guideline
constraints constraintset constructor consumption contact contacts
contactscontract containers contains content-length content-pages
content-security-policy content-type contextmenu contextual-action-bar
continuous continuous-integration control-flow controller controls controlsfx
controltemplate converter converters cookies cookiestore coordinates
coordinator-layout coords copy copy-paste copyright-display corda cordova
cordova-3 cordova-android cordova-cli cordova-facebook cordova-ios
cordova-media-plugin cordova-plugin-advanced-http
cordova-plugin-facebook-connect cordova-plugin-fcm cordova-plugin-file
cordova-plugin-firebasex cordova-plugin-proguard cordova-plugins
cordova-sqlite-storage core-animation core-data core-js core-location
core-motion coredump cornerradius coroutine coroutinescope cors cortex-a8
cortex-m couchdb count countdown countdowntimer counter country cpu
cpu-architecture cpu-cores cpu-registers cpu-speed cpu-usage cpython cql cql3
crash crashlytics crashlytics-android credentials cron crop cross-browser
cross-compiling cross-origin-read-blocking cross-platform crosswalk
crosswalk-runtime crud cryptography cs50 csrf-token css css-animations css-grid
css-position css-shapes css-variables cssnano csv ctrl cts cubic-bezier cubit
cucumber cucumber-java cucumber-jvm cupertinopicker curl currentlocation curses
cursor cursor-position curve custom-adapter custom-arrayadapter custom-controls
custom-data-type custom-error-pages custom-font custom-keyboard custom-lists
custom-painting custom-renderer custom-scheme-url custom-url customdialog
customization customvalidator cxf cxf-client cyanogenmod cyclic-reference cygwin
cypress d-pad daemon dagger dagger-2 dagger-hilt dailymotion-api dalvik dao
darkmode dart dart-analyzer dart-async dart-ffi dart-http dart-null-safety
dart-packages dart-pub dart-sdk dart-stream dart-ui data-access-object
data-binding data-class data-mining data-retrieval data-structures data-transfer
data-visualization database database-connection database-design
database-inspector database-migration dataflow dataframe datagram datamodel
datasource datastax datastax-astra datastore datatable datawedge date
date-difference date-format datepicker datetime datetime-format datetimepicker
dayofweek days db2 dbeaver dbunit ddms dead-code deadlock dealloc debezium
debian debian-based debian-buster debounce debug-symbols debugging decimal
decimalformat declare-styleable decode decoding decompiler decompiling decrement
deep-learning deep-linking deeplearning4j deeplink default
default-implementation default-value defaulttablemodel delay delegates
delegation delete-directory delete-file delete-row delimiter delphi
delphi-10.1-berlin delphi-10.3-rio delphi-xe5 delta-lake deno
density-independent-pixel dependencies dependency-injection
dependency-management deploying deployment deprecated deprecation-warning
depth-first-search der deserialization design-patterns desktop
desktop-application destructuring detect detox development-environment device
device-admin device-driver device-owner device-policy-manager device-tree
devicecheck devtools dex dexguard dexprotector dhcp dhtmlx diagnostics dialog
dialogflow-es dialogflow-es-fulfillment dialogfragment dictionary diff
difference digital-signature dimension dimensions dio directions directory
directory-upload disable disclosure discord discord-jda disk dismiss dispatch
dispatcher dispatchevent display distinct divide-and-conquer divider django
django-rest-framework dji-sdk dl4j dll dlopen dma dmp dns docker docker-compose
docker-java dockerfile doctype document-provider docusignapi docx dom dom-events
dom-to-image domain-driven-design dos dotnet-httpclient double double-click
doubly-linked-list download download-manager downloading-website-files dpdk dpi
drag-and-drop draggable dragonboard draw drawable drawer drawerlayout drawing
driver driving-directions drm drools drop-down-menu dropbox dropbox-api dropdown
dropdownbutton dropshadow drupal drupal-views dry dsl dtd dto dual-sim dump
dumpsys duplicate-removal duplicates dx dynamic dynamic-arrays dynamic-delivery
dynamic-feature-module dynamic-linking dynamically-generated e-commerce e2e
e2e-testing e4 echo eclipse eclipse-2021-09 eclipse-adt eclipse-cdt eclipse-che
eclipse-collections eclipse-indigo eclipse-juno eclipse-kepler eclipse-luna
eclipse-plugin eclipse-rcp eclipse-scout ecmascript-6 edit editor effect
effective-java effects efxclipse egit egl eigen eip either elastic-appsearch
elasticsearch elasticsearch-java-api electron element elf ellipsize email
email-attachments email-validation embed embedded embedded-linux
embedded-resource embedded-v8 eml emulation encapsulation encode encoding
encryption end-to-end endianness endpoint energy enoent entity entity-framework
entitymanager enums enumset environment-variables epub epub3 equalizer equals
equatable equation erc20 error-handling es6-promise escaping eslint esxi
ethereum ethernet event-bubbling event-bus event-handling event-listener
event-propagation events excel exception exception-handling exe exec executable
executorservice exif exit exit-code exoplayer exoplayer2.x expand
expandablelistadapter expandablelistview expandablerecyclerview expansion
expansion-tile expect explicit exploit explorer expo expo-eas expo-go
expo-updates export express express-session extending extends extension-function
extension-methods extern external external-dependencies external-display extra
fabricjs facebook facebook-android-sdk facebook-audience-network
facebook-authentication facebook-graph-api facebook-like facebook-likebox
facebook-login facebook-sdk-3.0 facebook-sdk-4.0 facebook-sdk-4.x
facebook-unity-sdk facet factory factory-method factory-pattern fade fadein
fadeout failed-installation family-tree fast-forward fastboot fastlane
fatal-error favorites fbsdk fbsdksharedialog fedora feign fest fetch fetch-api
ffimageloading ffmpeg fft field figma file file-access file-descriptor
file-exists file-extension file-handling file-io file-management file-manager
file-not-found file-permissions file-transfer file-upload file-writing
filechooser filenotfoundexception fileoutputstream filepath filepicker
fileprovider filereader filesize filesystems fileutils filewriter filezilla
filter filtering final finally find findstr findviewbyid fingerprint firebase
firebase-admob firebase-analytics firebase-app-distribution
firebase-app-indexing firebase-assistant firebase-authentication
firebase-cloud-messaging firebase-console firebase-dynamic-links
firebase-hosting firebase-mlkit firebase-notifications firebase-performance
firebase-realtime-database firebase-remote-config firebase-security
firebase-storage firebase-test-lab firebase-tools firebaseui firebird firefox
firefox-addon firemonkey firmware fitted-box fl-chart flags flame flash flask
flatpak flexbox flicker flipper floating-action-button floating-point flow
flowable fluent-ui flume flutter flutter-add-to-app flutter-alertdialog
flutter-android flutter-animation flutter-appbar flutter-assetimage flutter-bloc
flutter-bottomnavigation flutter-build flutter-card flutter-column
flutter-container flutter-cubit flutter-cupertino flutter-custompaint
flutter-custompainter flutter-debug flutter-dependencies flutter-design
flutter-desktop flutter-devtools flutter-doctor flutter-future
flutter-futurebuilder flutter-getx flutter-gridview flutter-hive flutter-hooks
flutter-hotreload flutter-http flutter-image flutter-integration-test
flutter-ios flutter-layout flutter-listview flutter-local-notification
flutter-method-channel flutter-moor flutter-navigation flutter-notification
flutter-objectbox flutter-packages flutter-padding flutter-pageview
flutter-platform-channel flutter-plugin flutter-provider flutter-pub
flutter-redux flutter-release flutter-run flutter-sharedpreference
flutter-showmodalbottomsheet flutter-sliver flutter-state flutter-streambuilder
flutter-test flutter-tex flutter-text flutter-textformfield
flutter-textinputfield flutter-theme flutter-timer flutter-video-player
flutter-web flutter-webrtc flutter-widget flutter-windows flutter-workmanager
flutter2.0 flutterdriver fluttermap flutterwebviewplugin flyout focus fold
font-awesome font-face font-family font-size fonts for-loop forceclose foreach
foreground foreground-service forge2d forgot-password format formatter
formatting formbuilder formgroups formik forms formula fortify forward fractions
fragment fragment-backstack fragment-lifecycle fragment-oncreateview
fragment-tab-host fragmentmanager fragmentpageradapter fragmentstateadapter
fragmenttransaction frame frameworks fread freebsd freemarker freertos freeze
freezed fresco freshmvvm frida fromjson frontend ftp ftp-client fullcalendar
fullcalendar-3 fullscreen fullscreenchange function function-composition
functional-interface functional-programming functional-testing fuse
fusedlocationproviderapi fusedlocationproviderclient future futuretask fuzzing
fxml g++ galaxy gallery game-engine game-loop gameobject garbage-collection gatt
gcc gcc-warning gcloud gdb gdbserver gdc gdk gdkpixbuf geckoview gem5
general-network-error generic-method generics genymotion genymotion-gps geo
geocode geocoder geocoding geofencing geofire geohashing geojson geolocation
geometry geonames geopoints geospatial gesture gesture-recognition
gesturedetector gestures get getcontent getelementbyid getproperties getresource
getstring getter getter-setter gettext gettimeofday getusermedia ghc ghostscript
gif gis git git-bash git-blame git-tag github github-actions github-api
github-copilot github-pages gitignore gitlab gitlab-ci glance-appwidget
glassfish glassfish-5 glib glibc glm-math glob global glow glsl glsles
glsurfaceview gluon-mobile glyph gmail gmp gmsmapview gmsplacepicker gnu-arm
gnu-assembler gnu-efi gnu-make gnu-toolchain gnutls go go-ethereum godaddy-api
gomobile google-ads-api google-advertising-id google-analytics
google-analytics-firebase google-api google-api-client google-api-dotnet-client
google-api-java-client google-app-engine google-app-indexing google-apps
google-apps-script google-assistant google-authentication google-bigquery
google-books google-breakpad google-calendar-api google-cardboard google-cast
google-chrome google-chrome-app google-chrome-devtools google-chrome-os
google-chrome-webview google-classroom google-cloud-dataflow
google-cloud-endpoints google-cloud-firestore google-cloud-functions
google-cloud-messaging google-cloud-platform google-cloud-run google-cloud-sql
google-cloud-storage google-codelab google-colaboratory google-compute-engine
google-developers-console google-directions-api google-distancematrix-api
google-docs google-docs-api google-drive-android-api google-drive-api
google-fabric google-flexible google-forms google-gdk google-geocoder
google-geolocation google-glass google-image-search google-latitude
google-license-manager google-location-services google-login google-maps
google-maps-android-api-1 google-maps-android-api-2 google-maps-api-2
google-maps-api-3 google-maps-flutter google-maps-markers google-maps-mobile
google-maps-urls google-mlkit google-nearby google-nearby-connections
google-oauth google-pay google-pixel google-places-api google-play
google-play-console google-play-core google-play-developer-api google-play-games
google-play-internal-testing google-play-services google-plus google-polyline
google-project-tango google-roads-api google-search-api google-settings
google-sheets google-sheets-api google-signin google-text-to-speech google-truth
google-tv google-voice google-vr-sdk googlemobileads googleplacesautocomplete
googlesigninapi googletest gorouter gpio gprs gps gpu graalvm gradient gradle
gradle-android-test-plugi gradle-cache gradle-dependencies gradle-experimental
gradle-kotlin-dsl gradle-plugin gradle-task gradlew grails
grand-central-dispatch graph graphics graphite graphql gravity grayscale
greendao greenrobot-eventbus greenrobot-objectbox grep grid grid-layout
gridbaglayout gridlayoutmanager gridview groovy group-by grpc grpc-java grub
grub2 gruntjs gs1-datamatrix gsap gsl gsm gson gstreamer gstreamer-1.0 guava
gui-testing guice gulp gwt gwt-jsinterop gzip h.264 h2 hadoop hal hamburger-menu
hamcrest hammer.js handler hapijs har hardcoded hardware hardware-acceleration
hash hashcode hashmap hashset hashtable haskell haxm hc-05 hce hdmi header
header-files headless headless-browser heads-up-notifications healthkit heap
heap-memory heatmap height helper here-api heremaps heremaps-android-sdk heroku
hex hfp hibernate hibernate-entitymanager hibernate-envers hibernate-mapping
hibernate-tools hibernate-validator hidden-files hide hierarchy
higher-order-functions highlight highlighting hikaricp hittest hive hmac
hmacsha256 home-screen-widget homebrew homebrew-cask homekit homescreen hook
hook-widgets horizontal-scrolling horizontalscrollview host hosting hot-reload
hotplugging hotspot hql href hsqldb html html-dataset html-encode html-parsing
html-select html2canvas html5-audio html5-canvas html5-fullscreen html5-video
html5builder http http-get http-headers http-post http-proxy http-redirect
http-referer http-status-code-400 http-status-code-403 http-status-code-405
http2 httpclient httpconnection httpcookie httpexception httprequest
httpresponse https httpserver httpurlconnection huawei-account huawei-developers
huawei-ml-kit huawei-mobile-services huawei-push-notification huge-pages
hugo-logging hybrid-mobile-app hybris hyper-v hyperledger-indy hyperlink
hypervisor hystrix i2c ibm-midrange ibm-mobilefirst icloud icmp iconbutton icons
iconv ide identification identityserver4 idle-processing if-statement iframe
ifstream igmp iis il2cpp illegalargumentexception illegalstateexception ilogger
image image-formats image-gallery image-load image-preloader image-processing
image-reader image-resizing image-rotation image-scaling image-size imagebutton
imagedecoder imageicon imagepicker imagesource imageview iml implementation
implements implicit import imu in-app in-app-billing in-app-purchase
in-app-subscription in-app-update in-house-distribution inappbrowser inbox
include-path increment indefinite indentation indexing indexof
indexoutofboundsexception inet inetaddress infinispan infinite infinite-loop
infinite-scroll inflate inflate-exception influxdb infobip informix inheritance
inherited initialization initrd inject inkscape inline inline-assembly
inner-classes inotifypropertychanged input input-field inputbox inputstream
inputstreamreader insert insertion-sort instagram instagram-api install-referrer
installation instance instance-variables instantiation instruction-set
instructions instrumentation instrumented-test int integer integer-overflow
integration integration-testing intel intellij-14 intellij-idea
intellij-idea2017 intellij-lombok-plugin intellij-plugin intellisense
intentfilter intentservice intercept interception interceptor interface
interface-builder internal-app-sharing internal-storage internals
internationalization internet-connection internet-radio interrupt
interrupt-handling interrupted-exception interruption intersection interstitial
intervals intl intrinsics intuit invisible invokedynamic io ioctl ioexception
ion-checkbox ion-content ion-infinite-scroll ion-item ion-koush ion-menu
ion-radio-group ion-range-slider ion-segment ion-select ion-slides ion-toggle
ionic ionic-appflow ionic-cli ionic-cordova ionic-framework ionic-native
ionic-native-http ionic-plugins ionic-popover ionic-popup ionic-react
ionic-storage ionic-tabs ionic-view ionic-vue ionic-webview ionic2 ionic3 ionic4
ionic5 ionic6 ionicons ios ios-extensions ios-lifecycle ios-permissions
ios-provisioning ios-simulator ios-statusbar ios13 ios14 ios14.5 ios15 ios4 ios5
ios6 ios8 iosdeployment iostream iot ip ip-address ipa ipad ipc iphone
iphone-sdk-3.0 iphone-x iptables ipv4 ipv6 ipxe is-empty isenabled iso iso-image
iso8601 itemizedoverlay items itemsource itemssource itemtouchhelper iteration
iterator itext itext7 itextpdf ivalueconverter ivy ivyde jaas jackson
jackson-databind jackson2 jacoco jakarta-ee jakarta-mail jar jarsigner jasmine
jasmine-node jasmine2.0 jasper-reports java java-10 java-11 java-15 java-17
java-2d java-6 java-7 java-8 java-9 java-bytecode-asm java-ee-7 java-ee-8
java-home java-http-client java-me java-memory-leaks java-module
java-native-interface java-platform-module-system java-record java-server
java-stream java-threads java-time java-websocket java.library.path
java.time.instant java.util.concurrent java.util.scanner javac javacpp javadoc
javafx javafx-11 javafx-2 javafx-8 javah javalin javascript javascript-injection
javascript-objects javax.persistence jax-rs jax-ws jaxb jaybird jboss
jboss-arquillian jboss-forge jbutton jcenter jcheckbox jcombobox jdbc
jdbctemplate jdk1.6 jenkins jenkins-pipeline jenkins-plugins jenv jep jersey
jersey-2.0 jestjs jetbrains-compose jetbrains-ide jetpack
jetpack-compose-accompanist jetpack-compose-animation jetpack-compose-column
jetpack-compose-navigation jetty jfilechooser jframe jfreechart jgit jhipster
jibx jint jira jit jitpack jitsi jitsi-meet jjwt jks jlabel jlayeredpane jlist
jls jmc jmeter jmeter-plugins jmf jmh jmx jna jnienv jniwrapper jnotify
job-scheduling jobintentservice jobservice jodatime jogl jooq jopendocument
joptionpane jpa jpa-2.0 jpa-2.2 jpa-annotations jpanel jpeg jpql jquery jquery-3
jquery-migrate jquery-mobile jquery-plugins jquery-ui jsch jshell jslint json
json-deserialization json-serializable json-serialization json-simple json.net
jsoncpp jsonobject jsonparser jsonserializer jsoup jsp jsr jstatd jstl jsvc
jszip jtable jtextarea jtextpane jtree jtwitter junit junit3 junit4 junit5
jupyter jupyter-notebook just-audio justify jvm jvm-arguments jvm-bytecode
jvm-crash jwe jwplayer jwt jxcore kafka-consumer-api kafka-topic kaios
kali-linux kapt karate karma-jasmine karma-runner kdoc kendo-ui kernel
kernel-mode key key-value key-value-observing keyboard keyboard-events
keyboard-navigation keyboard-shortcuts keychain keycloak keyevent keypress
keystore keytool kie kill kill-process kineticjs kiosk kiosk-mode kivy
kivy-language kivymd kml kmm kmongo kodein koin koin-scope korge kotlin
kotlin-android kotlin-android-extensions kotlin-companion
kotlin-coroutine-channel kotlin-coroutines kotlin-coroutines-flow kotlin-dokka
kotlin-dsl kotlin-exposed kotlin-extension kotlin-flow kotlin-js
kotlin-js-interop kotlin-lateinit kotlin-multiplatform
kotlin-multiplatform-mobile kotlin-native kotlin-null-safety kotlin-reflect
kotlin-reified-type-parameters kotlin-script kotlin-sharedflow kotlin-stateflow
kotlinc kotlinpoet kotlintest kotlinx kotlinx.coroutines kotlinx.coroutines.flow
kotlinx.serialization kover ksoap2 ksp ksqldb ktor ktor-client ktorm kubernetes
kubernetes-custom-resources kvm label labview lag lagom lambda lame lan
landscape landscape-portrait lang language-comparisons language-interoperability
languagetool laravel laravel-5 laravel-5.7 laravel-notification laravel-sanctum
large-files large-text latitude-longitude launcher launcher-icon launchmode
layer-list layout layout-editor layout-gravity layout-inflater layout-inspector
layout-manager layoutparams lazy-evaluation lazy-loading lazycolumn lcm ld
ld-preload ldap ldd leaflet leakcanary leanback led legacy letter
levenshtein-distance lg lib libav libc libc++ libcurl libdispatch libfaac
libgcrypt libgdx libjpeg libjpeg-turbo libm libnice libpcap libpng libraries
librbd libreoffice libstdc++ libtiff libunwind libusb libusb-1.0 libvirt
libvlcsharp libvpx libx264 libxml2 libyuv licensing lifecycle lifecycleowner
lighthouse limit line lineageos linear-gradients linear-programming
lineargradientbrush linearlayoutmanager linechart lines linked-list
linkedhashmap linkedin linker linker-errors linkify linphone linq
linq-expressions lint linux linux-device-driver linux-kernel linux-mint
liquibase list list.builder listactivity listadapter listener listitem
listpreference listtile listview live-streaming live-wallpaper livereload lldb
llvm llvm-clang load load-balancing load-testing loaddata loader loading local
local-storage localdate localdatetime locale localhost localizable.strings
localization localnotification localtime location location-href
location-services locationlistener locationmanager lockfile lockscreen lodash
log4j log4j2 log4shell logback logcat logentries logging logic logout lombok
long-click long-integer long-polling long-press look-and-feel lookup loopback
loopback-address loops lost-focus lottie low-level ls lte luajit lucene
m2eclipse mac-address mac-app-store machine-learning macos macos-big-sur
macos-catalina macos-high-sierra macos-mojave macos-monterey macos-sierra macros
magic-mouse mailcore2 mailkit mailto main makefile malloc mamp manifest
manifest.mf manjaro manual many-to-many many-to-one map map-projections
mapactivity mapbox mapbox-android mapbox-gl mapbox-gl-js mapbox-marker
mapfragment mapkit mapkitannotation mapper mapping mapquest mapreduce maps
mapstruct mapview margin margins markdown marker markerclusterer markers masking
master-detail mat-file match matcher material-components
material-components-android material-design material-design-in-xaml
material-dialog material-icons material-ui material-you material3 materialbutton
materialcardview materialdatepicker materialdrawer materialpageroute math math.h
math.sqrt matlab matrix maui maui-community-toolkit maven maven-2 maven-3
maven-bom maven-central maven-compiler-plugin maven-dependency-plugin
maven-jar-plugin maven-javadoc-plugin maven-plugin maven-surefire-plugin max md5
mdc media media-player mediacontroller mediaextractor mediaprojectionmanager
mediarecorder mediastore mediastream mediatorlivedata mediawiki-api memory
memory-leaks memory-management memoryanalyzer memoryview menu menuitem merge
mergeddictionaries mesa mesh mesibo meson-build message messaging
messagingcenter meta-tags metadata meteor method-reference methods metrics
metro-bundler mfp micrometer micronaut micronaut-data micronaut-rest microphone
microprocessors microprofile microservices microsoft-cognitive microsoft-edge
midi migration mime mime-message mime-types mimekit minecraft minecraft-forge
mingw mingw-w64 minikube minimum-spanning-tree mipmaps mips mirror mirth miui
mixins mkannotation mkannotationview mkcoordinateregion mkdir mkmapview
mkoverlay mkpinannotationview mobfox mobile mobile-application mobile-browser
mobile-development mobile-devices mobile-website mobx mocking mockito
mockito-kotlin mockk mockk-verify mockmvc mockwebserver modal-dialog
modalviewcontroller mode model modem modifier modular modularity modularization
module monads mongo-java-driver mongodb mongodb-java mongodb-query monitoring
monkey monkeyrunner mono monodevelop monorepo monthcalendar moodle moshi mosync
motion motionevent motorola motorola-droid mount mouse-cursor mouseevent
mouseover mousewheel move mozilla mp3 mp4 mpandroidchart mpchartios mpeg-dash
mpmusicplayercontroller mqtt ms-word msal msal-angular msal.js msbuild
msbuild-task msys mtls mtp multi-device-hybrid-apps multi-module multi-project
multi-select multi-tenant multi-touch multi-user multiarch multiboot multicast
multicastsocket multichoiceitems multicore multidimensional-array multiline
multilingual multipart multipartentity multiplatform multiple-accounts
multiple-versions multiscreen multithreading mupdf mustache mutable mutablelist
mutablelivedata mutablemap mutex mutual-authentication mvn-repo mvp mvvm
mvvmcross mylocationoverlay mysql named-parameters namespaces naming
naming-conventions nanohttpd nashorn nasm nat native native-activity native-base
native-code nativescript nativescript-angular nativescript-vue nativewindow nav
navbar navigation navigation-architecture navigation-compose navigation-drawer
navigationbar navigationcontroller navigationview navigator ncurses ndef
ndk-build ndk-gdb ndk-stack neo4j neon nest-api nested nestedrecyclerview nestjs
netbeans netbeans-11 netbeans-platform netflix-eureka netflix-feign netflix-zuul
netlify netlink network-interface network-programming network-state
network-traffic networking networkonmainthread neural-network new-operator
newlib newline newrelic nexus-10 nexus-4 nexus-5 nexus-7 nexus-player nexus-s
nfc nfs ng-class ng-modules ng-otp-input ng2-translate ngcordova ngfor nginx
ngmodel ngrx ngrx-effects ngrx-store ngx-bootstrap ngx-datatable ngx-drag-drop
ngx-restangular ngx-translate nic nine-patch ninja ninjaframework nio nlog nlp
noclassdeffounderror node-gyp node-modules node-rsa node-sass node-webkit
node.js nodes nokia non-nullable non-static nonblocking nook nosql
nosuchelementexception nosuchmethoderror notation notification-listener
notifications notifydatasetchanged nox npm npm-install npm-link npx nrwl-nx
nsarray nsdate nsdictionary nsmutablestring nsnotificationcenter nsstring
nsurlrequest nuget nuget-package nuget-package-restore null nullable
nullable-reference-types nullpointerexception nullreferenceexception
number-formatting numberformatexception numbers nunit nutiteq nvidia nvm nvme
nxt oauth oauth-2.0 obfuscation object object-files objectbox objective-c
objective-c-blocks objectmapper oboe obs observable observablecollection
observer-pattern observers ocr oculusquest offline offline-caching offset okhttp
okhttp3 onactivityresult onbackpressed onchange onclick onclicklistener
onconfigurationchanged oncreate oncreateoptionsmenu ondestroy ondisappearing
ondraw one-time-password one-to-many onedrive oneplus6t oneplusone onesignal
onitemclicklistener onitemlongclicklistener onitemselectedlistener onkeydown
onlongclicklistener onpause onrestoreinstancestate onresume onsaveinstancestate
onscrolllistener onsen-ui onstart ontouchlistener onutterancecompleted onvif oop
opacity open-liberty open-source openal openapi openapi-generator openblas
opencascade opencl openconnect opencore opencv opencv-stitching opencv3.0
opencv3.1 opencv4 opencv4android openembedded opengl opengl-es opengl-es-2.0
opengl-es-3.0 openid openjdk-11 openjdk-17 openjfx openlayers openmp opennebula
opennlp openscenegraph openshift openshift-enterprise opensl openssl
openstreetmap opensuse opentest opentk opentok openurl openvidu openvpn openwrt
opera operating-system operator-overloading operator-precedence operators oppo
optaplanner optimization optimus option option-type optional optionmenu opus
oracle orc ordered-map orientation orientation-changes orm ormlite osdev osgi
oshi osmdroid osx-mavericks osx-snow-leopard osx-yosemite ota otto out-of-memory
outlook output outputstream overflow overflow-menu overlap overlay
overlay-icon-disappear overlayitem overlays overloading overriding overscroll
oxyplot p4a package package-info package-private package.json packageinstaller
packagereference packages packer packet-sniffers padding page-curl
page-lifecycle page-refresh pageobjects pagination paging paho paint
paintcomponent pairing palette palindrome pan pandas pane panel panic panning
papaparse parallel-port parallel-processing parallel.invoke parallels
parameter-passing parameters parametrized-testing parcel parcelable parent
parent-child parse-platform parse-server parseexception parseint parsing pascal
pass-data password-protection passwords paste path payment payment-gateway
paypal paypal-subscriptions paytm payu pci pci-e pcm pdf pdf-conversion
pdf-generation pdf.js pdfbox pdfdocument pdfrenderer peer-dependencies peerjs
pem pending-transition pepper percentage perf performance performance-testing
permgen permission-denied permissions permutation persian persistence
persistent-storage phaser-framework phone-call phone-number phone-state-listener
phonegap phonegap-build phonegap-plugins photo php picasso picker picocli pid
pie-chart pin-code pinch pinchzoom ping pinia pinned-shortcut pinning pintos pip
pipe pipeline pixel pixel-density pixels pjsip pjsua2 placeholder platform
platform-tools play-billing-library playback playframework playframework-2.0
plist plot plsql plugins plural pmd png pnpm poco-libraries podfile podfile-lock
podman podspec point pointers pojo polling polygon polyline polymer polymorphism
pool popen popover popup popupmenu popupwindow port portability
portable-applications portable-class-library portforwarding porting position
post post-build post-processing postcss postdelayed postgresql postman pouchdb
power-management powermock powermockito powerpc powershell powershell-2.0
precision predicate preference preferences prefix preflight prelaunch preload
prepared-statement prepend preprocessor pretty-print preview primary-key primeng
primes primitive printf printing println priority-queue prism privacy
privacy-policy private-key privileges process processing processor profile
profiler profiling program-entry-point programmatically progress progress-bar
progress-indicator progressdialog progressive-web-apps proguard
proguard-maven-plugin project project-reactor project-structure projection
prometheus promise properties properties-file propertychanged protected
protected-mode proto protocol-buffers protractor provider provisioning-profile
proxmox proxy ps pscp pthreads ptrace public-key publish publisher publishing
pubspec pull pull-to-refresh pulseaudio push push-back push-notification pushpin
pushsharp put pydev pydroid pyjnius pyodbc pyqt python python-2.7 python-3.x
python-daemon python-imaging-library python-requests python-tesseract qa qdebug
qemu qml qnx qnx-ifs qr-code qt qt-creator qt-necessitas qt-quick qt5 qt5.10
qualcomm qualifiers quarkus quarkus-panache quartz-scheduler quasar
query-parameters querydsl querying quicksort r r-leaflet r.java-file
race-condition radio radio-button radio-group ram rancheros random range ranorex
rapidapi raspberry-pi raspberry-pi2 raspberry-pi3 raspberry-pi4 ratingbar
razorpay rdf4j reachability react-animated react-context react-datepicker
react-hook-form react-hooks react-leaflet react-native react-native-android
react-native-calendars react-native-cli react-native-component
react-native-elements react-native-flatlist react-native-mapbox-gl
react-native-maps react-native-navigation react-native-nfc-manager
react-native-push-notification react-native-screens react-native-splash-screen
react-native-state react-native-textinput react-native-webview react-navigation
react-navigation-bottom-tab react-navigation-v5 react-props react-query
react-redux react-router react-router-dom react-state-management
react-testing-library react-typescript reactive reactive-programming reactjs
reactor readelf reader readline real-mode real-time realm realsense rebase
recaptcha recaptcha-v3 receiver recognizer-intent record recording recovery
recreate recurring-billing recursion recyclerlistview recyclerview-layout redhat
redirect redmi-device redraw reduce redux redux-devtools redux-toolkit reference
reference-library referenceerror referrals referrerurl refit reflection refresh
regex region registerforactivityresult registration relationship relative-path
release release-apk reliability reload remedy reminders remote-access
remote-control remote-debugging remote-desktop remote-login remoteview remove-if
render renderbox renderer rendering renderscript reorderlist repeater replace
replaceall repo reporters repository request request-mapping required resin
resize resolution resolve resolveactivity resource-id resourcebundle resources
response responsive responsive-design rest restart resteasy restore resttemplate
retrofit retrofit2 return return-value reusability revenuecat reverse
reverse-engineering reward rewardedvideoad rfcomm rfid rgb rhino rhodes
rhomobile richtextbox right-to-left ringtone ringtonemanager riot-games-api
ripple rippledrawable riscv riverpod rjava rn-fetch-blob roboguice robolectric
robolectric-gradle-plugin robospice robotframework robotium robotium-recorder
role-based roles rollupjs rom root root-access rooted-device rootview ros
rotateanimation rotation rounded-corners rounding rounding-error router
routerlink routes routing row rsa rsa-key-fingerprint rselenium rsocket
rtcpeerconnection rtk-query rtos rtsp rtti ruby runnable runtime runtime-error
runtime-permissions runtimeexception rust rust-cargo rustup rvest rvm rx-android
rx-java rx-java2 rxdart rxjs rxjs-observables rxjs-pipeable-operators saaj
safari safetynet safetynet-api salesforce saml sample samsung samsung-galaxy
samsung-galaxy-gear samsung-galaxy-watch samsung-mobile samsung-smart-tv
sap-commerce-cloud sap-fiori sapui5 sass satellite satellite-navigation save
saxparser scaffold scala scala-3 scala-java-interop scale scaling scanning
scenebuilder scheduled-tasks scheduledexecutorservice schema scoped-storage
screen screen-brightness screen-capture screen-density screen-lock
screen-orientation screen-recording screen-resolution screen-rotation
screen-scraping screen-size screencast screenshot screenshot-testing scripting
scripting-bridge scroll scrollbar scrollcontroller scrolltrigger scrollview
sd-card sdk sdl sdl-2 sdp sealed sealed-class search searchbar searchview sector
security seekbar segmentation-fault select selecteditem selection selector
selendroid selenium selenium-chromedriver selenium-firefoxdriver
selenium-iedriver selenium-webdriver self-signed selinux semantic-versioning
semihosting sendkeys sensors sequence serial-number serial-port serializable
serialization server server-side server-side-attacks serversocket service
service-discovery service-worker servicestack servicetestcase servlet-4
servlet-filters servlets session session-cookies session-storage session-timeout
session-variables set setcontentview setfocus setinterval setstate setter
settext settings settings.bundle setuptools setvalue sf sfcalendar sfml
sfsafariviewcontroller sgx sh sha sha1 sha512 shader shadow shadow-dom shake
shape shapedrawable shapes share share-intent shared-element-transition
shared-libraries shared-memory shared-resource sharedflow sharedpreferences
sharing sharp shebang shell shimmer shiny shippo shockwave shopify shortcut
shortest-path shoutcast show-hide shrink shrinkresources shuffle shutdown sift
sign sign-in-with-apple signal-strength signalr signalr-hub signalr.client
signals signature signed signed-apk signing silverlight sim-card simd similarity
simple-framework simplecursoradapter simpledateformat simplexmlconverterfactory
simulation simulator single-instance single-page-application single-sign-on
singlechildscrollview singleton singly-linked-list sip size skia skiasharp skin
sleep slf4j slide slider sliding slidingdrawer slidingmenu sliver-grid
sliverappbar smali smart-tv smartphone smooth-scrolling smoothing sms
sms-retriever-api smsmanager smtp snackbar snapshot
snowflake-cloud-data-platform snowpack soap social-media social-networking
socialsharing-plugin socket-timeout-exception socket.io socketexception
socketfactory sockets soft-keyboard software-design solaris solr solus solution
sonarcloud sonarqube sonarqube-scan sony soot sorting soundeffect soundpool
source-code-protection source-maps source-sets space spaces spacing
spannablestringbuilder sparc speaker special-characters speech-recognition
speech-synthesis speed-test speex spell-checking spigot spinner splash-screen
split spock spoon spotbugs spreadsheet spring spring-amqp spring-aop
spring-aspects spring-async spring-batch spring-batch-tasklet spring-boot
spring-boot-test spring-camel spring-cloud spring-cloud-aws
spring-cloud-contract spring-cloud-feign spring-cloud-netflix
spring-cloud-sleuth spring-cloud-stream spring-data spring-data-elasticsearch
spring-data-jdbc spring-data-jpa spring-data-mongodb spring-data-neo4j
spring-data-redis spring-data-rest spring-framework-beans spring-hateoas
spring-integration spring-integration-dsl spring-jdbc spring-kafka
spring-kafka-test spring-mvc spring-mvc-test spring-oauth2 spring-profiles
spring-rabbit spring-repositories spring-retry spring-security
spring-security-oauth2 spring-test spring-thymeleaf spring-tool-suite
spring-transactions spring-validator spring-webclient spring-webflux
spring-webtestclient spring5 springdoc springfox springmockito sqflite sql
sql-insert sql-order-by sql-server sql-update sqlbrite sqlcipher
sqlcipher-android sqldelight sqlite sqlite-json1 sqlite-net sqlite-net-pcl
sqlite.net sqliteopenhelper square sse ssh ssl ssl-certificate sslerrorhandler
sslhandshakeexception sslpinning stack stack-overflow stack-trace stackdriver
stacklayout stagefright staggered-gridview staggeredgridlayout start-activity
startactivityforresult startup state state-management stateflow stateful
statefulwidget statelesswidget statelistdrawable static static-analysis
static-initialization static-libraries static-linking static-members
static-methods static-variables staticresource statsd status statusbar std
stderr stdin stdout stenciljs stepper stl stm32 stm32cubeide stm32f4
stoppropagation storage storage-access-framework stored-procedures storybook
str-replace strategy-pattern stream stream-builder streaming streamreader
stretch strftime string string-conversion string-formatting string-pool
string-substitution string.xml stringbuilder stripe-payments stripes struts2
stub stubbing stubby4j stun styled-components styles stylesheet styling
stylus-pen su subclass subclipse subdirectory sublimetext3 subnet subprocess
subscription substitution substring subtitle subtype subversive sugarorm sum
sum-type sumo supabase super supercsv superpowered superuser supportmapfragment
suppress-warnings surf surfaceflinger surfaceview suspend svelte svelte-3 svg
svn swagger swagger-codegen swagger-ui swap swift swift-keyboard swift3 swiftui
swig swing swipe swipe-gesture swiper swiper.js swiperefreshlayout swiperjs
swipeview switch-statement switchcompat switching switchpreference symbols
syncfusion synchronization synchronized synchronous syntax syntax-error
syntax-highlighting synth sysfs system system-alert-window system-calls
system-properties system.out system.reactive systemtime systrace tabbar
tabbarcontroller tabbedpage tablemodel tablet tableview tabmenu tabs tabview
taglib tags tailwind-css talkback tap target target-sdk targetsdkversion task
tasker tasklist taskstackbuilder tcl tcp tcpclient tcpdump tcpserver tdd
teamcity teamspeak tel telecommunication telegram telegram-bot telephony
telephonymanager telerik telnet template-literals templates temporal-workflow
temporary-files tensorflow tensorflow-lite terminal terminal-emulator terminate
tess-two tess4j tesseract test-coverage test-project test-runner testcase
testcontainers testdroid testing testing-support-library testng tethering text
text-cursor text-editor text-formatting text-recognition text-size
text-to-speech text-widget textarea textchanged textcolor textfield
textformfield textinputlayout textmatching textureview textview textwatcher tfs
theme-daynight themes this thread-priority thread-safety thread-sleep threadpool
threadpoolexecutor threadx three.js throw thumb thumbnails thymeleaf tiktok tile
tiles timber-android time time-complexity time-precision timeago timeofday
timeout timepicker timer timertask timestamp timezone tinylog titanium
titanium-mobile titleview tizen tls1.2 toast todo tofixed toggle togglebutton
tokbox token tomcat tomcat6 tomcat7 tomcat9 tomtom toolbar toolchain toolkit
tooltip tor tortoisesvn tostring touch touch-event touch-id touchscreen trace
tracking tradingview-api transactions transcoding transform transition
transitions transitive-dependency translate translation-editor translucency
transparency transparent transpose travis-ci trayicon tree treemap treenode
treeview trigger.io triggers trigonometry trim truestudio truetype truffle
truncate trusted-web-activity try-catch try-finally try-with-resources tslint
tsx tun tuples turn turtle-rdf tvos twa twilio twilio-video twisted twitch
twitter twitter-bootstrap twitter-fabric twitter-oauth twitter4j txt tycho
type-bounds type-conversion type-erasure type-inference type-mismatch
typed-arrays typedarray typedef typeerror typeface typeof typeorm types
typescript typescript2.0 typetoken u-boot uart uber-api uber-cadence ubifs
ubuntu ubuntu-11.04 ubuntu-12.04 ubuntu-14.04 ubuntu-15.04 ubuntu-16.04
ubuntu-17.04 ubuntu-20.04 udev udp uefi ui-automation ui-testing ui-thread
uialertcontroller uiautomatorviewer uicollectionview uicolor uicontrol uid
uidevice uidocumentinteractioncontroller uigesturerecognizer uiimage
uiimagepickercontroller uilabel uilongpressgesturerecogni uimanager
uinavigationbar uinavigationcontroller uiscenedelegate uisearchbar
uisegmentedcontrol uitabbarcontroller uitableview uitest uitextview uiview
uiviewanimation uiwebview uml unattend-file unattended-processing unauthorized
undefined undefined-reference underline underscore.js undo unicode
unicode-escapes unicode-literals uninstallation union union-types
unique-constraint uniqueidentifier unirest unit-testing units-of-measurement
unity3d unity5 universal-image-loader unix unix-socket unix-timestamp unlock
uno-platform unreal-engine4 unsatisfiedlinkerror unsigned unsubscribe
unsupported-class-version unzip up-button up-navigation updates upgrade upload
urbanairship.com uri uri-scheme url url-encoding url-launcher url-redirection
url-scheme url-validation urlclassloader urlconnection urlencode
usagestatsmanager usb usb-camera usb-debugging usbserial use-case use-effect
use-reducer use-state user-agent user-controls user-data user-experience
user-inactivity user-input user-interaction user-interface user-management
user-permissions user-profile userlocation usermode ussd utf-8 uuid uwp v8
vaadin vaadin-flow vagrant valgrind validation var varbinary variable-assignment
variable-types variables variadic-functions vba vbox vcf-vcard vcpu vcredist vdi
vector vector-graphics vectorization velocity verbose verify verilator version
version-control versioning vert.x vertical-alignment vertical-scrolling vetur
vfs vi vibration video video-capture video-embedding video-library
video-processing video-recording video-streaming video.js videocall videochat
view viewaction viewanimator viewchild viewflipper viewgroup viewmodel
viewmodel-savedstate viewmodelfactory viewpagerindicator viewport viewstub
viewswitcher vim vimeo vimeo-android virsh virtual virtual-device-manager
virtual-keyboard virtual-machine virtual-memory virtual-serial-port virtualbox
virtualization virtualscroll visibility visible visual-studio visual-studio-2010
visual-studio-2012 visual-studio-2013 visual-studio-2015 visual-studio-2017
visual-studio-2019 visual-studio-2022 visual-studio-app-center
visual-studio-code visual-studio-cordova visual-studio-debugging
visual-studio-emulator visual-studio-mac visual-studio-macros visualvm vite vk
vlc vmdk vmware vmware-fusion vmware-workstation vnc vnc-server voice
voice-recognition voiceover void voip voip-android volatile volume vp8 vpn
vscode-extensions vscode-settings vscode-snippets vt-x vtk vue-cli-4
vue-component vue-composition-api vue-native vue-router vue-router4 vue-suspense
vue.js vuejs2 vuejs3 vuex vuforia vulkan vuzix w3c-geolocation wai-aria wait
wake-on-lan wakelock wallpaper wampserver war warnings was watch watch-face-api
watchpoint watermark wav wayland waze wcf wchar-t weak-references wear-os
wear-os-tiles web web-applications web-based web-component web-crawler
web-deployment web-hosting web-ide web-inspector web-scraping web-services
web-sql web-worker web3-java webapi webarchive webcam webchromeclient webclient
webdav webdriver webdriverwait webflux webgl webgpu webhooks webkit weblogic
webm webp webpack webpage webpage-screenshot webrtc webrtc-android webserver
websocket websocket-sharp websphere websphere-8 websphere-liberty webstorm
webusb webview webview-flutter webview2 webviewchromium webviewclient wechat
weekday weka wgs84 whatsapp while-loop whitespace widevine widget
widget-test-flutter width wifi wifimanager wifip2p wikidata-api wildcard wildfly
wildfly-26 winapi window window-soft-input-mode windowbuilder windowinsets
windows windows-10 windows-10-universal windows-11 windows-7 windows-7-x64
windows-8 windows-8.1 windows-phone-7 windows-phone-8 windows-server
windows-server-2008 windows-server-2019 windows-store windows-store-apps
windows-subsystem-for-linux windows-update windowsbuilder winstone winui-3
winusb wireguard wireless wireshark wkwebview wmf wmi wms wonderpush woocommerce
word word-wrap wordle-word-cloud wordpress wordpress-rest-api worker workflow
wowza wpf ws wsl-2 wvd x11 x264 x509 x509certificate x509certificate2 x86 x86-16
x86-64 x86-emulation xa xamarin xamarin-binding xamarin-community-toolkit
xamarin-essentials xamarin-forms xamarin-linker xamarin-profiler xamarin-shell
xamarin-studio xamarin-test-cloud xamarin-zebble xamarin.android xamarin.auth
xamarin.communitytoolkit xamarin.essentials xamarin.forms
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