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Skip to main content CART 0 Your cart is empty MAIN NAVIGATION * profile * high jewelry * shop * collections * DIAMONDS IN COLOR * NOBLE * TSIKI * DOLCE * PENNA * GEMINI * CIRCE * AMOEBA * RIVER * VIBRANT * DIEM * ELEGANCE * OPERA * ESTE * SEMPER * DIAMONDS IN RED * campaigns | press * 2022 * 2021 * 2020 * 2019 * 2018 * 2017 * 2016 * 2011 * 2008 * house * stockists SHARE EMAIL FACEBOOK SCROLL UP Harlequin collection Timeless Luxurious Unique. Harlequin is Etho Maria's most dazzling collection yet. No two bracelets are alike, each encompassing a unique array of diamonds. 18 karat gold and colorful ceramic elements, all bringing instant looks and feelings of joy. VIEW MORE Ceramic collection The Etho Maria collections with color are made with ceramic carved on gold. The process of applying ceramic on gold is extremely detailed and requires expertise which is found only in a very few coveted jewelry houses. Ceramic is intricately carved on to the gold and polished giving it volume and dimension. Unlike other materials is very durable and will assure years of enjoyment that can be passed down to following generations. Etho Maria House specializes in high jewelry VIEW MORE FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM EMAIL FOOTER * INFO * Contact * Customer Service * Delivery & Returns * F.A.Q * Cookies Policy * Terms of use * Privacy Policy