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Text Content

 * Home
 * Products
   * Mobile
   * Multimodal
   * BioCore
   * Work Station
   * Guard Dog
   * FR@Distance
   * VEC
   * Secure Pre-Pass
 * Training
 * Careers
 * About
 * Contact

Select Page
 * Home
 * Products
   * Mobile
   * Multimodal
   * BioCore
   * Work Station
   * Guard Dog
   * FR@Distance
   * VEC
   * Secure Pre-Pass
 * Training
 * Careers
 * About
 * Contact


An application that enables one to many facial matching on iOS and Android

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Multiple cameras instantly performing facial recognition against very large

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Large-scale facial recognition software that runs natively on Windows and Linux

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Training for organizations that staff face examiners to supplement their
automated face matching system.

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Dec 16, 2022

Secure Planet, a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business that specializes
in designing, developing and delivering Android applications to the Department
of Defense, was awarded a contract by the Irregular Warfare Technical Support
Directorate (IWTSD). The...


Aug 17, 2021

NEW YORK, August 17, 2021 – Inc. magazine revealed last week that Secure Planet
is No. 306 on its annual Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the
nation’s fastest-growing private companies. The list represents a unique look at
the most successful companies...

Secure Planet is safeguarding the future with innovative products. Our mobile
biometric verification and identification system provides critical protection to
soldiers and civilians, allowing them to stay safe in ever-evolving high threat

We are committed to providing innovative products that will forge our way to a
more secure planet.


FABIS Mobile is an application that enables one to many facial matching on
mobile platforms. With this application, phones and tablets are able to
successfully match against millions of records without connectivity, depending
on specific model features (RAM and storage space). If connectivity exists, the
application is configurable to communicate with back-end servers for matching
even larger databases, up to billions of records.


Secure Planet, has deployed the next generation of mobile facial recognition
technology. Our patent-pending technology is centered on a cutting edge facial
identification algorithm that greatly reduces template size, resulting in a
better, faster and less expensive approach to facial matching. The system can be
deployed as a stand-alone device or as an enterprise-wide solution. Other
offerings associated with FABIS Mobile include: backend matching, integration,
operations and maintenance (O&M) and policy support. We have a staff of highly
skilled engineers who can provide system customization, integration and user


 * Ability to search up to 4 million constrained/unconstrained face images on
   mobile devices with no backend connection
 * Enrollment, identification and verification with no backend connection
 * Ability to capture and match faces from group photos and videos on the device
 * With a network connection, device can:
   * Sync and pull data from the backend server
   * Update watch-list information
   * Share data with other connected devices
   * Send photos to a 3rd party to confirm match/no match
   * Encrypted database and communication to backend
 * Configuration settings allow the operator to control:
   * Match threshold
   * Maximum matches
   * Maximum faces per frame
   * Minimum face size
   * Number of records synced


FABIS Mobile is an application for commercial-off-the-shelf mobile smartphones
and tablets. The application allows operators in the field to rapidly enroll,
identify and verify persons without ID documentation in a disconnected or
connected environment. The application also allows operators to capture, process
and identify persons from video with or without a network connection.
When connected to the FABIS backend, the operator is able to search larger
databases while performing watchlist creation and management.

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The FABIS Mobile Application recently completed tests with DHS and NY First
NY first responders train for critical incident response at Grand Central
Terminal, test new tech


The FABIS Multimodal application incorporates a cutting-edge facial
identification algorithm and combines it with Veridium’s 4Fingers™ TouchlessID,
an innovative new biometric that captures four fingers at once, followed by the
thumbs, without requiring any hardware other than a smartphone with a 5MP camera
and LED flash.


FABIS Multimodal is a powerful application for
commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) Android smartphones
and tablets. The application allows operators in the field
to rapidly enroll, identify and verify persons without ID
documentation in a disconnected or connected
environment. The application also allows operators to
capture, process and identify persons from video with or
without a network connection. When connected to the
BioCore backend, the operator can search larger
databases while performing watchlist creation and


 * Ability to search millions of constrained/ unconstrained face images on
   Android devices with no backend connection
 * Touchless fingerprint collection allows convenient, quick, and secure
 * Tattoo collection and matching
 * Voice collection
 * EBTS v1.2 and v4.1 compliant output files
 * Enrollment, identification, and verification with no backend connection
 * Ability to capture and match faces from group photos and videos on the device
 * Enroll or identify from image file (e.g., .jpg, .tif., .gif, .eft, etc.)
 * Capability of pairing application with COTS optics to support capture/match
   at 500m+
 * History menu allows operator to review encounters and conduct enrollments
   after departing the objective
 * With a network connection, application can:
   * Send/receive data from the U.S. Special Operations Forces Exploitation
   * Sync and pull data from back-end BioCore server
   * Create watchlists on the fly
   * Share data across devices
   * Send photos to a 3rd party to confirm match/no match
 * Encrypted database and communication to backend
 * Configuration settings allow the operator to control:
   * Match threshold
   * Maximum matchesMaximum faces per frame
   * Number of records to sync
   * Rotation of images
   * Maximum face size

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BioCore is a powerful software application for commercial-off-the-shelf Windows,
Linux and MacOS operating systems. The BioCore software supports the processing
and identification of persons from still imagery or videos. When connected to
the BioCore backend, the operator using the FABIS-M application is able to
search larger databases, perform watchlist and data synchronizations and share
enrollment data across the enterprise.


BioCore Software supports:

 * FABIS-M application synchronization
 * Biometric enrollment of facial images
 * Loose file import (.eft, .png, .tif, .jpg, .docx, .pptx., etc.)
 * Identity searches
 * Watchlist management
 * Streaming video processing
 * Map searches based on encounters
 * Creating links across matches
 * Multiple video streams
 * Web-based Graphical User Interface
 * Operator viewing streaming video in separate windows
 * Submitting and receiving a response from authoritative DoD databases
 * Windows and Linux operating systems (x86/x64-based systems)
 * Encrypted communication between FABIS-M application and server

Hardware Specifications Required to Run BioCore Software:
•16GB of RAM
•80GB of hardware space (for 5M image gallery database)
•Recommend 8 cores or more
•A minimum of 8 cores are required to run BioCore and 1-2 cameras. Additional
cameras can be added at a rate of 2 cores per camera for conducting streaming

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Secure Planet, Inc., has deployed the next generation of facial recognition
technology. Our technology is centered on a cutting-edge facial recognition
algorithm that greatly reduces template size, resulting in a better, faster and
less expensive approach to facial matching. BioCore server is a service platform
for enrolling biometric records and performing 1:N matching of facial imagery.
These capabilities support Facial Automate Biometric Identification
System-Mobile (FABIS-M) devices by providing remote searching and gallery
synchronization across multiple devices.


TacID Workstation is large-scale facial recognition software that runs natively
on Windows and Linux. The software allows an operator to create a database of
millions of images on a single laptop and then drag-and-drop photos for
searching against the database. Results are displayed in a gallery format. If
the operator identifies a match, a match report can be created in PDF or HTML


TacID Workstation is drag-and-drop software for face matching based on a
state-of-the-art facial recognition algorithm developed for use on constrained
and unconstrained face images. TacID Workstation users can easily drag-and-drop
probe images to get match results in seconds even with databases as large as 50
million faces. The user can specify the maximum number of candidates, minimum
threshold similarity score and specific data to search within the database.
Match candidates are displayed in order of decreasing similarity with similarity
scores and a button for accessing relevant records. When satisfied, the user can
press a button to generate a PDF match report that includes the original image,
the probe face, a selected candidate match with the associated record, and
relevant metadata.


 * Client-Server system capable of operating with or without a network
 * Scalable: Multiple workstations, one server
 * Can be hosted on a local server or in the cloud and accessible using a thick
   client or web client
 * Easy to configure
 * Secure by default
 * User-friendly, powerful features
 * Multi-face results ordered by size
 * Easy to import existing data or add to databases on-the-fly
 * Users can drag-and-drop probe images and obtain match results on databases as
   large as 50M faces in seconds
 * Ability to search on metadata, filtering results based on record values or
 * Server supports log tracking and auditing of each face matching episode,
   enabling a system administrator to view each match just as the user did
 * Capability to generate preliminary and detailed match reports in HTML or PDF
 * Supports interactive and batch enrollment including any type of record
 * State-of-the-art face matching algorithm robust to variations in resolution,
   illumination, pose, expression, occlusion, and background


TacID Workstation is an application for commerical-off-the-shelf Windows and
Linux systems. The application allows operators to rapidly add individuals to
the system and produce gallery results using a standard client/server
architecture. The architecture allows one server to provide face matching to
multiple client workstations.

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TacID Guard Dog is a watch and alert solution capable of monitoring and tracking
multiple persons from one or more cameras (Webcam, IP or CCTV), while instantly
performing facial recognition against very large databases. Guard dog was
designed to address access control and watch list operating modes independently
or in tandem. The access control mode indicates authorized users by visibly
displaying and optionally triggering actions (e.g. audible sound alert). The
watch list mode can search multiple databases. When operating in dual mode,
subjects are first checked against watch lists then identified for access. Guard
Dog supports configurable alerts and triggers upon facial recognition matches.
The alert platform sends instant messages via SMS, email and/or displays visual
and audible alerts. The action platform can trigger any Internet of Things (IOT)
compliant device such as a door relay, or flood light, etc.


 * Enrollment flexibility allows easy buildup of databases by simple
   drag-and-drop from still photos and videos.
 * Watch list management
 * Fifty (50) million record face recognition under 4 seconds on a single
   off-the-shelf PC.
 * Tracking and matching of multiple persons simultaneously in field of view.
 * Face recognition accuracy among leaders in NIST competitions (still images
   and face in video).
 * User defined operating modes (Access or Watch list control).
 * Configurable alert features including visual, audible, and SMS messaging.
 * Supports interactive and batch enrollment including any type of record
 * State-of-the-art face matching algorithm robust to variations in resolution,
   illumination, pose, expression, occlusion, and background
 * Real time face recognition on multiple user defined watch lists.
 * Convenient and non-intrusive access control.
 * Supports simultaneous identification against watch lists and authorized
 * Ability to reuse existing camera and surveillance equipment.
 * Consistent user experience and deployment on Microsoft Windows, Linux and MAC
   based platforms.
 * Competitive pricing and distribution model.


Guard Dog is a solution for a multitude of use cases requiring identification of
individuals in a watch list or convenient authorization of personnel for access

 * Non-intrusive access control (casinos, theme parks, sporting venues)
 * VIP recognition (hotels, restaurants, banking)
 * Tailored customer experience based on identity (retail, banking)
 * Child abduction search and rescue (public safety)

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TacID Guard Dog is a patented watch and alert solution capable of monitoring and
tracking multiple persons while instantly performing facial recognition against
very large databases.


Secure Planet is pleased to offer solutions for facial recognition over a
variety of distances. Our solutions are built around the state-of-the-art Rank
One Computing facial recognition algorithm and can be deployed in hand-held or
man portable modes depending on customer requirements. Facial extraction and
matching from still imagery and videos, in a connected or disconnected
environment and over a variety of distances, is available in either the
hand-held or man portable modes.


The 200m Face Recognition System can collect and match unconstrained faces from
individuals at ranges
up to 200 meters in daylight conditions. Images that are seamlessly extracted
from the streaming video will be automatically matched against a database of
millions of individuals, with or without a network connection to remote
computing resources. The system is built around a commercial off-the-shelf lens,
a connected laptop computer and the highest-rated U.S.-made facial recognition
algorithm, which was designed for unconstrained, low resolution imagery. The
operator points an internally-stabilized lens toward the person or people
intended to be matched. The system will then automatically extract and match all
faces that appear in the streaming video and visually alert the user when
persons match to an enrolled individual in the database or to an on-board

 * Fully automated facial recognition system that runs on Windows
 * Integrated laptop or tablet display allows the operator to orient the camera
   towards the person(s) to be surveilled
 * Autofocus, auto exposure and vibration reduction ensures optimal face image
 * Continuous identification even with off-pose images, hats, facial hair,
   eyeglasses and sunglasses
 * Provides the operator the ability to enroll individuals on-the-fly
 * Match results and meta data displayed on the laptop or tablet
 * The capability has application to military, border security and law
   enforcement missions
 * Secure Planet has deployed several hundred biometric matching systems that
   are used in communications- disadvantaged environments

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TacID Vehicle Entry Control (VEC) will provide security guards the ability to
quickly and accurately identify occupants inside a moving vehicle as they
approach an entry control point. Our high-resolution machine vision camera is
optimized for both day and night operation; the camera is paired with a powerful
targeted array of LED lights that illuminate the driver and other occupants even
through tinted glass, sun glare and at night. Once illuminated, our
state-of-the-art facial recognition algorithm extracts and matches the faces to
a database of images on the security guard’s tablet computer. Based on the
information displayed, the guard can determine a match or whether an individual
is on a watch or barment list.

By combining a high-resolution camera that’s optimized for day and night
operation with powerful LED arrays that light up the inside of the vehicle, even
through highly-tinted windows, ballistic glass, and heavy glare.

TacID VEC utilizes proprietary algorithms to extract faces in the vehicle and
quickly return a high-quality cropped facial image for each of the vehicle’s
occupants, a total count on the number of vehicle occupants, and clear labeling
of the driver vs. passengers.

The TacID VEC software is able to identify all vehicle occupants (in both front
and rear seats) and perform advanced facial matching. This integrated facial
recognition capability enables the rapid identification of allowed employees or
visitors to an installation or facility. Individuals placed on a watchlist or
barment roster are immediately identified and an alert is sent to the security
officer. Secure Planet continues to drive innovative technology advancements and
is the industry leader for facial recognition solutions.

• Vehicle Access Control: Entry and Egress Lanes
• Vehicle Movement Monitoring Inside Large Facilities
• Border Crossings
• Secure Parking Facilities

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Secure Planet is pleased to present a through-the-windshield facial recognition
(FR) system that works at speed (at least 25 MPH), night or day, in any kind of
weather or sun glare or window tinting, capturing faces of the vehicle
occupants, including unobstructed faces of passengers in both front and back


Secure Pre-Pass is a system for secure base access by vehicles on-the-move.


Users request access via an app on their phone after taking a selfie, entering a
PIN, and selecting a location. The phone adds its own unique identifier and
sends an access request to a server, which verifies the user by facial
recognition, PIN, and phone identifier (3-factor authentication). If the user is
authorized access, the server returns a confirmation secret displayed on the
phone as a QR code (in 3 seconds or less). At the gate, confirmed users are
recognized via RFID code or a message sent by the users’s phone and directed
into a “fast lane” by signal lights. All vehicles in the fast lane are
confirmed, and violators are stopped by a red light and/or boom gate while
guards are audibly alerted.

Click here to download a printable PDF of this page.


Secure Planet, in partnership with Ideal Innovations Inc., offers Facial
Identification Training for organizations that staff face examiners to
supplement their automated face matching system. The curriculum is aimed at
improving the skill sets of the analyst. The 5 or 10 day courses provide the
examiner with necessary skills and strategies needed when conducting facial
comparisons. This course is perfect for federal, state, local or commercial
organizations that have facial recognition systems and who are performing facial

Click Here to learn more.


Secure Planet is interested in hiring the very best and brightest scientists,
engineers, subject matter experts. We offer competitive salaries, 401k and
continuing educational funds. At Secure Planet we want to provide our future
engineers and scientists with opportunities for professional development &
growth and the ability to deliver disruptive biometric solutions to the
battlefield today and into the future. Secure Planet is Service-Disabled
Veteran-Owned Small Business and is ISO 9001:2015 company.

Click here to Browse Open Jobs.


Secure Planet is a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business headquartered
in Arlington, Virginia with an office in Tampa, Fl. Secure Planet comprises
project managers, senior biometric system developers, test engineers and subject
matter experts with global biometric systems deployments and operational
expertise who provide solutions of the highest overall quality, security, and
value to U.S. Government, industry and commercial clients. Secure Planet has
demonstrated product-delivery success including 300 biometric systems to SPAWAR
Atlantic and the sale of TacID Mobile, an Android and iOS based facial
recognition application and TacID Workstation, a Windows and Linux based
application, to the U.S. Government.

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Secure Planet
4401 Wilson Boulevard
Suite 210
Arlington, VA 22203


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