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Naomi Diaz - 23 hours ago





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From overseeing the planning, development and execution of health systems'
marketing and advertising initiatives, health system marketing executives are
the C-suite leaders in charge of creating an interconnectedness between their
organizations brand and patient experience.  

Below are brief biographies of the chief marketing officers and marketing
executives at hospitals that took the top 10 spots in the U.S. News & World
Report best hospitals rankings.

Note: The list includes a tie.

1. Sherri Gilligan, Mayo Clinic (Rochester, Minn.) 

Ms. Gilligan stepped into her role as chief marketing officer in 2019. Prior to
joining Mayo Clinic, Ms. Gilligan served as the senior vice president of
marketing at hotel company Two Roads Hospitality. She's also held various
leadership positions at Capital One, MGM Resorts International and Sprint. 

2. Duke Helfand, Cedars-Sinai (Los Angeles)

Mr. Helfand is the executive director of communications of Cedars-Sinai. He
joined the health system in 2011. Prior to his role at Cedars-Sinai, Mr. Helfand
worked as a reporter for the Los Angeles Times where he covered healthcare,
education, religion and city hall. 

3. Kathy Lewis, NYU Langone Hospitals (New York City)

Ms. Lewis serves as executive vice president for communications and marketing.
She is responsible for the health system's brand identity. Under her leadership,
NYU Langone is exploring new ways to communicate its accomplishments, goals, and
vision using technology and digital communications and social media.

4. Paul Matsen, Cleveland Clinic

Mr. Matsen is the chief marketing and communications officer at Cleveland
Clinic. In this role, Mr. Matsen oversees brand development, digital strategy,
media relations, caregiver communications and patient acquisition programs.
Prior to his role at Cleveland Clinic, Mr. Matsen served as executive vice
president and chief marketing officer of Delta Airlines.

5. (tie) Suzanne Sawyer, Johns Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore) (tie)

Ms. Sawyer serves as senior vice president and chief marketing and
communications of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Ms. Sawyer is in charge of marketing,
digital strategy, brand management, marketing analytics, internal
communications, public relations and reputation management for Johns Hopkins
Medicine. She has more than 25 years of leadership experience in healthcare
marketing, communications, strategic planning and business development.

5. (tie) Dominic Parero, UCLA Medical Center (Los Angeles) (tie)

Mr. Parero began as chief of marketing at UCLA Health in March. Prior to this,
Mr. Parero was executive director of marketing strategy for the health system.
In this role, he oversaw UCLA's marketing strategy and led a team of service
line marketers, digital marketers and partnership marketers for high profile
sports and entertainment deals. 

7. Devika Mathrani, NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital (New York City)

Ms. Mathrani is the chief marketing and communications officer for
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. In this role, Ms. Mathrani oversees the
development and implementation of advertising, marketing, public relations,
print, broadcast and social media strategies. Prior to her role at
NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, Ms. Mathrani served as executive vice president
and chief marketing officer of Wells Fargo.

8. Mark Bohen, Mass General Brigham (Boston)

Mr. Bohen is the chief marketing officer of Mass General Brigham. In this role,
he is responsible for leading all marketing and communication functions,
including brand management, data analytics, consumer research and insights,
digital and social, service line, hospital marketing, marketing strategy and
internal and external systemwide communications. Prior to his role as Mass
General Brigham, Mr. Bohen led all marketing and communications strategies at
Southfield, Mich.-based Beaumont Health.  

9. Mark Modesto, Northwestern Memorial Hospital (Chicago)

Mr. Modesto is the chief marketing executive of Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
He stepped into the role in 2016. Prior to his role at Northwestern, Mr. Modesto
served as president of global advertising and marketing technology company

10. Michiko Tanabe, Stanford (Calif.) Hospital

Ms. Tanabe is the chief marketing officer of Stanford Hospital. She started in
this position in 2018 after serving as interim chief marketing officer for a
year. Prior to that, Ms. Tanabe served as administrative director for marketing
and communications for the health system.

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