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May not have enough GOP votes in House » * MAJOR VOTER SURVEY SHOWS TRUMP WITH SLIGHT EDGE OVER BIDEN * MOTHER OF MISSING EX-NFL PLAYER FOUND DEAD BY HOMICIDE * BBC LAUNCHES 'URGENT' INVESTIGATION INTO RUSSELL BRAND ALLEGATIONS * INDIANA AG SUES OVER REVELATION OF OHIO GIRL WHO TRAVELED FOR ABORTION * 2 DEAD AFTER PLANES COLLIDE WHILE LANDING AT NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP AIR RACES STORIES FOR YOU * Entertainment·Atlanta Black Star ‘WHITE SUPREMACY AT ITS PEAK’: HBO MAX FACES BACKLASH OVER ‘SAVIOR COMPLEX’ DOCUMENTARY ABOUT A WHITE WOMAN IMPERSONATING A DOCTOR AND TREATING BLACK BABIES IN UGANDA HBO Max is facing backlash after dropping the trailer to an upcoming documentary about the work of Renee Bach, a white American who went to […] 1.6K·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * US·Atlanta Black Star ‘IT WAS TOTALLY UNPROVOKED’: WOMAN DRAGS 13-YEAR-OLD TO THE FLOOR IN VICIOUS RANDOM ATTACK IN LOS ANGELES MCDONALD’S WHILE ONLOOKERS JUST STAND BY AND FILM A 13-year-old California girl’s school year is not starting out as she planned. After leaving school, she and her friends stopped by a local McDonald’s […] 516·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Entertainment·The AV Club LAUREN BOEBERT ISSUES APOLOGY AFTER FINDING OUT BEETLEJUICE SHOWS HAVE REALLY GOOD NIGHT VISION CAMERAS Colorado Rep. 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HIS FATHER LATER HAD 2 KIDS WITH HER. Errol Musk, who eventually had two children with his former stepdaughter Jana Bezuidenhout, told Insider that his son Elon's claims were "balderdash." 106·5 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Captions will look like this 10 10 1x Video Quality Best Better Good Auto More Captions Settings Caption Languages English Closed Captions OFF More Captions Settings Effects Plain Position Bottom Font Size Medium Font Family Helvetica Font Color White Background Color Black Background Transparency 75% PENNSYLVANIA HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ORGANIZE WALKOUT OVER NEW TRANSGENDER BATHROOM POLICY Students and parents from Pennsylvania's Perkiomen Valley School District, discuss the organized student walkout in response to a new transgender bathroom policy. News·FOX News Videos VIDEOPENNSYLVANIA HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS ORGANIZE WALKOUT OVER NEW TRANSGENDER BATHROOM POLICY Students and parents from Pennsylvania's Perkiomen Valley School District, discuss the organized student walkout in response to a new transgender bathroom policy. 140 Thanks for your feedback! * Politics·HuffPost BIDEN TAUNTS HOUSE REPUBLICANS WITH 3 MOCKING WORDS ON IMPEACHMENT EFFORT The president was all smiles when asked about House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's impeachment inquiry. 3.7K·1 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Lifestyle·YourTango WOMAN EXPLAINS HOW SHE FOUND OUT SHE WAS BIOLOGICALLY MALE AT 11 YEARS OLD We all exist in ambiguous spaces, no matter what our biological sex may be. 1.1K·4 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Business·Yahoo Life Shopping STOP EVERYTHING: AMAZON JUST ANNOUNCED OFFICIAL DATES FOR PRIME DAY Here's everything we know about the biggest savings event of the fall, plus deals to shop now. 3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Politics·The New York Times AN ABOUT-FACE ON WHETHER THE 14TH AMENDMENT BARS TRUMP FROM OFFICE WASHINGTON — A little more than a month ago, a law professor who helped found the Federalist Society, the conservative legal group, enthusiastically endorsed a new law review article arguing that Donald Trump was ineligible to be president. The article was “a tour de force,” the professor, Steven G. Calabresi, told me. It demonstrated, he said, that Trump was subject to a provision of the Constitution that bars some officials who have engaged in insurrection from holding government office. Sign 876·4 min read Thanks for your feedback! * US·KFOR articles WHAT ARE THE LIGHTS PLACED ABOVE TRAFFIC SIGNALS? On many traffic signals found throughout the United States, there is a small light that is placed in between or off to the side of the traffic signal lights. You may not know it, but they play a crucial role for emergency responders. 472·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Health·INSIDER BEFORE MY TRANSITION, I WAS A WWE STAR, WEIGHED 280 POUNDS, AND HAD 6% BODY FAT. IT TOOK A LOT OF TRIAL AND ERROR TO GET THE FEMININE BODY I ALWAYS WANTED. Gabbi Tuft, a transgender retired WWE star, transformed her body to become a fit, feminine fitness influencer by experimenting with diet and exercise. 3.1K·4 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Lifestyle·BuzzFeed OLDER ADULTS ARE SHARING "I WISH I KNEW THIS SOONER" ADVICE, AND I APPRECIATE THE BLUNT (YET KIND) HONESTY "The sooner you can accept it, the sooner you can be at peace with yourself." 177·4 min read Thanks for your feedback! * * Celebrity·HuffPost MELANIA TRUMP RESURFACES WITH AN AWKWARD NEW SALES PITCH The former first lady's rare public statement isn't going over very well. 545·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * World·Business Insider A PILOT TRAINING IN ONE OF AMERICA'S MOST EXPENSIVE WEAPONS SYSTEMS EJECTED OVER SOUTH CAROLINA. OFFICIALS CAN'T FIND THE F-35 HE WAS FLYING. A representative for the United States Marine Corps told Insider a "mishap" occurred during a Sunday training flight, resulting in the lost jet. 2.3K·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * World·Deseret News 20-YEAR-OLD LATTER-DAY SAINT SISTER MISSIONARY FROM SEATTLE AREA DIES IN PHILIPPINES “We are deeply saddened to share news of the passing of a young missionary,” says a spokesman for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Sister Taylor Erin Maw, 20, had been hospitalized for an undetermined illness. 1.4K·1 min read Thanks for your feedback! * World·Business Insider A SNEAKY MOVE AT A KREMLIN MEETING MAY SHOW WHY PUTIN TOOK HIS TIME IN ELIMINATING PRIGOZHIN Days after Prigozhin's short-lived uprising, Wagner Group's leaders visited the Kremlin for what may have been the meeting that sealed his fate. 331·7 min read Thanks for your feedback! 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