www.xplor.travel Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://xplor.travel/
Effective URL: https://www.xplor.travel/en/
Submission Tags: @phish_report
Submission: On October 03 via api from FI — Scanned from FI

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM

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            <option value="19">19<!-- --> <!-- -->Adults</option>
            <option value="20">20<!-- --> <!-- -->Adults</option>
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            <option value="7">7<!-- --> <!-- -->Children</option>
            <option value="8">8<!-- --> <!-- -->Children</option>
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            <option value="19">19<!-- --> <!-- -->Children</option>
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Freedom begins when the whole jungle is open for you to explore. From the
tallest zip-lines in Playa del Carmen and Riviera Maya to the center of the
Earth. An adventure park where everything is included, so you’re free to
discover the road ahead and try as many activities as you want, as many times as
you want!

Two seven-zip-line-circuits including the tallest in the destination, two
amphibious vehicle courses crossing by jungle paths and flooded caverns; a
unique zip-line where you’ll be riding on a hammock and splash on a refreshing
cenote, underground rivers to swim or paddle across stalactite sceneries, the
Underground Expedition; a cavernous adventure that’ll take you into spectacular
scenarios! Plus, the upcoming attraction at Xplor, Toboganxote that is the
5-in-1 waterslide that ends in a wave pool


Feel like starting the day with a refreshing swim at the stalactite river? By
all means! How about a little snack and a smoothie before we jump into another
amphibious vehicle ride? Alright! Adventure is meant to give the heart a sense
of freedom, and freedom begins here, at Xplor.

You will also live an exciting Underground Expedition through flooded caverns,
take a dip in an original zip line in a hammock, and enjoy our Toboganxote! An
incredible 5-in-1 waterslide that ends in a wave pool. Forget about the diet in
the Xplor park with its delicious combinations of juices, smoothies, and the
perfect buffet.

Coming soon.

Xplor Fuego

As the night falls in the Caribbean, adrenaline continues. Xplor Fuego opens its
doors. A torch lit adventure and water park in Riviera Maya where fun knows no
limits. The only unlimited nighttime adventure offers heart-racing activities in
the heart of the jungle. Cross a ring of fire as the sun sets over the tallest
zip-lines in Playa del Carmen and Cancun.

Find your way through the darkness of the night riding amphibious vehicles, feel
the freshness of splashing into a cenote and swim or paddle across the fresh
underground rivers. Stop for a warm cup of coffee or hot chocolate and some
sweet bread at the coffee & bread station and start making room for a voracious

Discover these two theme parks in Riviera Maya by Grupo Xcaret. At Xplor,
freedom begins.

More Information



Venture inside this spectacular underground world paddling with your hands
onboard a fun raft.



A great descent by a fantastic waterslide that ends in a wave pool.



Drive across incredible paths deep inside the jungle to reveal its secrets.



Glide through the skies and feel what it is like to fly in an exciting and fun



Among stalactites and stalagmites, swim, float and submerge in the crystal-clear
water of an ancient world.



A hammock turned into a zip-line to enjoy a one-of-a-kind activity at Xplor.



An adventure through flooded caves to watch the impressive underground

Learn more

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Promotion valid only on websites and Customer Service Centers.



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We offer you a secure, trustable online shopping experience through this site.
There are several channels to attend any inquiry, such as our phone numbers or
chat service. Find here more information about how to get our services by
renowned partners.

When you arrive at our parks, you can redeem your ticket at any of our special
ticket windows for quicker access.

Your purchase includes a weather guarantee that is valid before using your
coupon (not refundable). Your coupon is good for 1 year from date of purchase.
Changes in your schedule must be made 24 hours before your visit. Any change in
dates cannot be made on the same day of the expected visit. Terms and Conditions


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Buy your ticket to Xplor in advance and get the best discounts online

10% OFF by purchasing your admission to Xplor from 7 to 20 days in advance. It
does not apply to combinations of two or more parks or tours.

15% OFF by purchasing your admission to Xplor at least 21 days in advance.

20% OFF on the purchase of combinations of two or more parks or tours.

25% discount for children from 5 to 11 years old on the adult price. Minimum age
required of 5 years.

Download our free app and enjoy a unique experience during your visit.





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Monday to Friday from 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM / Saturday and Sunday from 7:00 AM to
10:00 PM. Local Time.



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Xplor Park, park is the most amazing park that will take you to enjoy adventures
across the maya jungle on amphibious vehicles, swim and float in underground
rivers and flying the sky on zip-lines. Come and live the Riviera Maya
adventure.Hours of operation: Monday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Quintana Roo time.

Xplor - Mexico, Carretera Chetumal - Puerto Juárez km 282 Int. B Colonia Rancho
Xcaret, Playa del Carmen Quintana Roo. México CP 77710

Cancun Phone Number: 998-883-3143

www.xplor.travel/en/ Admission: With Ticket.
© Copyright 2021 Experiencias Xcaret Parques, S.A.P.I. de C.V

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