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Submission: On September 17 via api from JP — Scanned from JP
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Submission: On September 17 via api from JP — Scanned from JP
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Additional charges are likely » * 47-YEAR-OLD VOYAGER 1 SPACECRAFT FIRES UP THRUSTERS IT HASN'T USED IN DECADES * STUDY SAYS SUPERBUG CRISIS COULD GET WORSE, KILLING NEARLY 40M PEOPLE BY 2050 * SECRET SERVICE SAYS IT'S AWARE OF ELON MUSK'S X POST ABOUT BIDEN, HARRIS * CONNIE CHUNG DISHES SECRETS AND NAMES NAMES IN CANDID NEW MEMOIR * RAPPER SEAN COMBS ARRESTED IN MANHATTAN AFTER GRAND JURY INDICTMENT STORIES FOR YOU * US·USA TODAY Sports FOOTAGE FOR SIMONE BILES' NETFLIX DOC COULD BE SMOKING GUN IN JORDAN CHILES' MEDAL APPEAL If Jordan Chiles gets to keep her Olympic bronze medal, she might have Simone Biles − and her Netflix documentary − to thank. 137·5 min read Thanks for your feedback! ダイドードリンコ ダイドードリンコ· AdAd グルコサミンからの乗り換え続出中?ひざ専用サプリがスゴすぎるNHKでも紹介、注目のひざ対策はコレ!今すぐ最安値でお試し・送料無料 Undo * Why this ad? * I don't like this ad * Go ad-free* * Celebrity·Rolling Stone MILEY CYRUS SUED OVER ‘FLOWERS,’ ACCUSED OF COPYING BRUNO MARS SONG Cyrus and her fellow songwriters were accused of copying portions of Mars’ 2013 track “When I Was Your Man" 45·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! * World·The Independent FINAL MESSAGES REVEALED FROM THE TITAN SUB BEFORE TRAGIC IMPLOSION The anticipated two-week-long hearings kicked off with testimony from a former OceanGate engineer, who said he was fired after warning about the ship’s carbon fiber hull years before its catastrophic voyage 414·4 min read Thanks for your feedback! * World·Reuters PUTIN ORDERS RUSSIAN ARMY TO BECOME SECOND LARGEST AFTER CHINA'S AT 1.5 MILLION-STRONG (Reuters) -President Vladimir Putin on Monday ordered the regular size of the Russian army to be increased by 180,000 troops to 1.5 million active servicemen in a move that would make it the second largest in the world after China's. In a decree published on the Kremlin's website, Putin ordered the overall size of the armed forces to be increased to 2.38 million people, of which he said 1.5 million should be active servicemen. According to data from the International Institute for Strategic St 1.3K·3 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Entertainment·Variety MICHAEL CHE WARNED COLIN JOST ABOUT ONE ‘SNL’ PUNCHLINE AND SAID ‘IF YOU TELL THAT JOKE ON AIR, I’M QUITTING THE SHOW’; THE JOKE THEN BECAME A HIT: ‘I WAS FURIOUS’ Michael Che said during a recent interview on the “Fly on the Wall” podcast (via The Daily Beast) that one “Weekend Update” joke involving salsa nearly led him to quit the show. Asked by podcast hosts and “SNL” alums Dana Carvey and David Spade if any punchline continues not to sit well with him, Che … 708·2 min read Thanks for your feedback! 2024年空き家の相場 | 検索広告 2024年空き家の相場 | 検索広告· AdAd 品川区: 美しい空き家が驚きの価格で販売中です(価格を見る) Undo * Why this ad? * I don't like this ad * Go ad-free* * US·Snopes FACT CHECK: POSTS CLAIM PHOTO SHOWS TRUE SIZE OF BEAR'S PAW COMPARED TO HUMAN, BUT THERE'S MORE TO IT The striking image had been circulating online for years but resurfaced on social media in mid-2024. 190·5 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Sports·FTW Outdoors MICS PICKED UP WHAT SHEDEUR SANDERS SAID AS HE REFUSED TO SHAKE COLORADO STATE QB BRAYDEN FOWLER-NICOLOSI'S HAND At the absolute peak of last season's Colorado hype, we were treated to a classic game between the Buffaloes and in-state rival Colorado State. Colorado ultimately won that game in double overtime, but that meeting still provided plenty of bulletin-board material for the… 2.3K·1 min read Thanks for your feedback! * Something went wrong. Try again. Refresh Page TRENDING NOW 1.Laura Loomer 2.Russia-Ukraine War 3.Bryce Young 4.TikTok Ban 5.Los Angeles Dodgers 6.Springfield, Ohio 7.Kirk Cousins Contract 8.Emmy Awards 2024 Winners 9.Los Osos High School 10.Emily Gold WEATHER TOKYO View your Locations Remove from favorite locations Detect my locationView your LocationsPlease enable location service for your browser * Enter City or Zipcode * TodaySunny with a high of 86 °F (30 °C). Winds SSW at 11 mph (17.7 kph). 92°79° WedThunderstorms today with a high of 93 °F (33.9 °C) and a low of 77 °F (25 °C). There is a 70% chance of precipitation. 93°77° ThuMostly cloudy today with a high of 93 °F (33.9 °C) and a low of 76 °F (24.4 °C). There is a 85% chance of precipitation. 93°76° FriThunderstorms today with a high of 85 °F (29.4 °C) and a low of 77 °F (25 °C). There is a 75% chance of precipitation. 85°77° See more SCOREBOARD Change Sports to display different scoresTrending MLB NBA NCAAB NCAAF NFL NHL YesterdayTodayTomorrow * ATL 22 Final PHI 21 * WAS 1 Final NYM 2 * MIN 3 Final CLE 4 See more ADVERTISEMENT Close this content, you can also use the Escape key at anytime ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT ADVERTISEMENT UP NEXT Display Advertisement Waiting for permission Allow microphone access to enable voice search Try again. Try saying