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The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (referred to as "HKTDC", "we", "us" and
"our") takes individuals' privacy seriously. This Statement explains our
policies and practices and applies to information collection and use including
but not limited to while you are visiting and using www.hktdc.com (the "Site").

For the purposes of the relevant data protection laws in force in places
including but not limited to Hong Kong and the European Union (the “EU”), HKTDC,
and our branch and consultant offices in EU, are data controller and/or data
user which control the collection, holding, processing or use of your personal
data. This Statement is also part of our Terms of Use for the Site.

We respect your privacy and we promise:

 * to implement computer, physical and procedural safeguards to protect the
   security and confidentiality of the personal data we collect
 * to limit the personal data collected to the minimum required to provide
   services requested by you
 * to permit only our properly trained, authorized employees to access personal
 * not to disclose your personal data to external parties unless you have
   agreed, we are required by law or we have previously informed you.


In order to provide a better service to you, we may, in the course of and in
relation to provision of our services or products, collect and process the
following information about you:

 * information (such as, your name, your company name, address, telephone
   number, mobile phone number, fax number, email address, website, nature of
   business and product/service details etc. of your company) when you register
   with us, use our services, attend our functions, or communicate with us. In
   some circumstances, we may also collect personal identification data such as
   your passport or identity card number, date of birth and/or nationality for
   security and verification purposes;
 * in connection with an account sign-in facility, your log-in and password
 * the content of any communications you send to us, for example, to report a
   problem or to submit queries, concerns or comments regarding the Site or its
   content; and
 * information from surveys that we may, from time to time, run on the Site for
   research purposes, if you choose to respond to, or participate in, them.

The provision of personal data by you is necessary in order for us to provide
you with the requested services and for us to perform our contractual
obligations (if any) to you (as one of the legitimate interests of HKTDC). If
you do not supply such data, we may be unable to provide the requested service.

We only retain personal data for so long as it is necessary for the fulfillment
of the purpose (including any directly related purpose) for which the data is or
is to be used.

In addition, when you browse the Site, we will collect the basic technical
information that your browser sends to the Site such as your browser type and
language, access times, the address of the site from which you came to the Site,
your Internet Protocol (IP) address, or click stream data within our website
(i.e. the actions taken in connection with the Site) etc. We collect such
technical information during your visit to the Site through our automatic data
collection tools, which may include cookies and other commonly used
technologies. We collect such data for the purpose of improving the
functionality of the Site. Further information on cookies is set out below.


The purposes for which information may be used by us in and outside Hong Kong

 1.  processing applications
 2.  providing services and information offered through the Site
 3.  providing services to facilitate trade between Hong Kong and overseas (or
     otherwise), and providing enquirers with contact and business information
 4.  our operations, e.g., incorporation into our database, analysis, research
     and auditing
 5.  notification of HKTDC trade fairs in Hong Kong and promotional events or
     trade fairs around the world (and similar events or trade fairs organized
     by our business partners and counterparts)
 6.  distribution of HKTDC publications and research materials (and those of our
     business partners and counterparts)
 7.  marketing HKTDC services or products (and those of our business partners
     and counterparts engaged in similar or peripheral activities, such as
     business matching services, sourcing and conferences)
 8.  complying with laws, regulations or codes of practice in or outside Hong
 9.  legal proceedings, including collecting overdue amounts
 10. other purposes directly relating to the activities identified above
 11. prevention or detection of crime, and protection of the security and safety
     of our events and trade fairs
 12. verification of identity in events organised by us where it is necessary to
     verify your identity
 13. processing admission to concurrent trade fairs (whether organized by the
     HKTDC solely or in conjunction with its trade fair co-organizers).

Your personal identification data such as date of birth and nationality (if
collected by us) will be used solely for the purpose in (k) above. Your photo,
passport or identity card number & copy will be used solely for the purposes in
(k) and (l) above.

We may conduct direct marketing via fax, email, direct mail, telephone and other
means of communication whether now or hereafter known, or send e-newsletters to
you. You may choose not to receive promotional materials, by simply telling us
(see below for contact details), and we will cease to do so, without charge. If
applicable law requires that we receive your explicit consent before we send you
certain types of marketing communications, we will only send you those types of
communications after receiving your explicit consent.


We will keep the personal data we hold confidential but may provide your
personal data to:

 * personnel, agents, advisers, auditors, contractors, financial institutions,
   and service providers in connection with our operations or services
 * our overseas offices, promotional event / trade fair co-organizers,
   affiliates, business partners and counterparts (e.g. other trade promotion
   bodies, etc.)
 * the public, including persons enquiring about Hong Kong companies
 * persons under a duty of confidentiality to us
 * persons to whom we are required to make disclosure under applicable laws in
   or outside Hong Kong
 * actual or proposed transferees or participants of our services

We may provide your personal data as required or permitted by law to comply with
a summons, subpoena or similar legal process or government request, or when we
believe in good faith that disclosure is legally required or otherwise necessary
to protect our rights and property, or the rights, property or safety of others,
including but not limited to advisers, law enforcement, judicial and regulatory
authorities in or outside Hong Kong. We may also transfer your personal data to
a third party that acquires all or part of our assets or shares, or that
succeeds us in carrying on all or a part of our business, whether by merger,
acquisition, reorganization or otherwise.

To prevent and detect crimes and to protect the security and safety of our
events and trade fairs, we may provide your personal identification data such as
your full passport/identity card no., date of birth and nationality to the law
enforcement authorities in Hong Kong including the Hong Kong Police Force,
Immigration Department, Customs and Excise Department and other similar
authorities upon their lawful request (but not to any other third party save as
expressly specified below).

We may also provide your passport or identity card number to personnel, agents,
auditors, contractors and service providers in connection with the organization
of our events, persons under a duty of confidentiality to us and /or persons to
whom we are required to make disclosure under applicable laws in or outside Hong


Cookies are small, sometimes encrypted text files that are stored on computer
hard drives by websites that you visit. They are used to help you to navigate on
websites efficiently as well as to provide information to the owner of the
website. Cookies do not contain any software programs. There are two general
types of cookies, session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are
only used during a session online and will be deleted once you leave a website.
Persistent cookies have a longer life and will be retained by the website and
used each time you visit a website. Both session and persistent cookies can be
deleted by you at anytime through your browser settings and in any event, will
not be kept longer than necessary.

We use cookies to find out more about the use of our Site and user preferences
to improve our services. We may provide summarized traffic data to advertisers
solely for the purpose of customizing the advertising to you. We note traffic,
pages visited and time spent. We store your shopping cart and wish list for your
later use. We may link the information to you, so that you may receive
information more suited to your interests.

Web browsers often allow you to erase existing cookies from your hard drive,
block the use of cookies and/or be notified when cookies are encountered. If you
elect to block cookies, please note that you may not be able to take full
advantage of the features and functions of the Site. To find out more about
cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and how to manage and
delete them, please visit www.allaboutcookies.org. Cookies are necessary for
some features of the website to work, e.g., to maintain continuity during a
browser session.

 1. We use an email delivery and marketing company to send emails that you have
    agreed to receive. Pixels tags and cookies are used in those emails and at
    our Site to help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising and how
    visitors use our web site.
 2. We use a third-party advertising company to serve ads when you visit our
    Site. This company may use information (not including your name, address,
    email address or telephone number) about your visit to this Site in order to
    provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to
    you. In the course of serving advertisements to this site, our third-party
    advertiser may place or recognize a unique "cookie" on your browser. If you
    would like more information about this practice and to know your choices
    about not having this information used by this company, please refer to the
    cookie policy of respective company directly.


Personal data stored electronically are password-protected. Encryption
technology is used on our secured web areas. Our computer systems are placed in
restricted areas. We only permit authorized employees to access personal data.
These employees are trained on our privacy policies.


The Site may, from time to time, contain links to external sites operated by
third parties for your convenience. We have no control of and are not
responsible for these third party sites or the content thereof. Once you leave
the Site, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any
information which you provide to these third party sites. You should exercise
caution and look at the privacy statement for the website you visit.


We may update this Statement. When we do, the changes will be posted on


We will generally hold your data on our servers hosted in Hong Kong. However, we
may transfer it to our overseas offices elsewhere in the world for the purpose
of processing into our database or to any of the people listed at paragraph 3
above, who may be located elsewhere. If you are located in the European Economic
Area (“EEA”) your personal data may be transferred to countries located outside
the EEA which do not provide a similar or adequate level of protection to that
provided by countries in the EEA. Such transfers will only be made in accordance
with applicable laws including where necessary for us to comply with our
contractual obligations with you [Terms of Use]. We will take all steps
reasonably necessary to ensure that any personal data are treated securely and
in accordance with this Statement.


By using our service, making an application or visiting our Site, you
acknowledge the collection and use of your personal data by us as outlined in
this Statement. If you do not agree with the use of your personal data as set
out in this Statement, or the Terms of Use, please do not use this Site.

Under the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right:

 * to check whether we hold personal data about you and to access such data
 * to require us to correct inaccurate data
 * to ascertain our policies and practices in relation to personal data and the
   kind of personal data held by us.

If you are in an EU Member State, subject to certain limitations and/or
restrictions, you have the right under the data protection laws in the EU:

 * to request access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data;
 * to obtain restriction of processing or to object to processing of your
   personal data; and
 * to the right to data portability.

Individuals in the EU also have the right to lodge a complaint about the
processing of their personal data with their local data protection authority.

If you wish to exercise one of the above mentioned rights, cease marketing
communications, and/or raise questions or complaints please contact us at:

Data Privacy Officer
Hong Kong Trade Development Council
38th Floor, Office Tower, Convention Plaza
1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 1830 668
Fax: (852) 2169 9688
E-mail: databank@hktdc.org

Where permitted by law to do so, we may charge a reasonable fee for processing a
data access request.

If there is any conflict between the Chinese and English versions of this
Statement, the English version prevails.

Last updated on 10-07-2019


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