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Submitted URL: https://link.zondervanacademic.com/click/34504126.963/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYW1hem9uLmNvbS9Hb3NwZWwtRHJpdmVuLUNodXJjaC1Vbml0aW5nLUdyb3d0a...
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Gospel-Driven-Church-Uniting-Growth-Metrics-ebook/dp/B07FG1QTP3/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3138XFLHAIILH&di...
Submission: On March 01 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 8 forms found in the DOM

Name: site-searchGET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss

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        // Todo: To be removed with preorder button migration
        var onOneClickPreorderButtonClick = function() {
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              trialModeSignIn("STANDARD", true, 0);
              return false;
            return true;
        // Todo: To be removed with preorder button migration
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            if (typeof trialModeSignIn === "function" && false) {
              trialModeSignIn("STANDARD", true, 1);
              return false;
            return true;
        // BR checkout use-case. Todo: Work with the team to remove it
        var onChangeLinkClick = function() {
          $("#change-link").click(function() {
            var counter = instrumentation.counter();
            if (counter) {
            return false;
    <script type="text/javascript">
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          var counter = instrumentation.counter();
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          // Fix for TT: https://t.corp.amazon.com/P25461968
          // We should NOT freeze the 1-Click button when user returns to the DP page by hitting back buttton
          // This is an issue in mshop since the page gets cached in history
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          Claimed Applicable Promotions

          Expose a jQuery event trigger here that will show a message about
          what promotions will be applied to this purchase. Since the "You Save"
          message and price is calculated pre-promotion, we'll hide that message
          to avoid confusion.
        A.on('kindle_price_block_show_promotions', function(promotionText, numberOfPromotions) {
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                data-csa-c-id="eeppj4-cm75cs-dyeoiu-s5dvqu"> <a class="a-link-normal" href="#" role="link"> Hörbuch </a> </span> mit Audible-Erzählung hinzu für <span class="a-color-price">12,99 USD</span> </span> </span></label></div>
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Jared C. WilsonJared C. Wilson
Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Wiederhole die Anfrage später noch einmal.



von Jared C. Wilson (Author) Format: Kindle Ausgabe
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Many evangelical churches face the problem of the open "back door"--even as new
people arrive, older members are leaving, looking for something else. Combined
with this problem is the discipleship deficit, the difficult truth that most
evangelicals are not reaching the unchurched at the rates they think they are.
In fact, many of the metrics that we often "count" in the church to highlight
success really don't tell us the full story of a church's spiritual state.
Things like attendance, decisions, dollars, and experiences can tell us
something about a church, but not everything.

To cultivate a spiritually healthy church we need a shift in our metrics--a
"grace-shift" that prioritizes the work of God in the lives of people over
numbers and dollars. Are people growing in their esteem for Jesus? Is there a
dogged devotion to the Bible as the ultimate authority for life? Is there a
growing interest in theology and doctrine? A discernible spirit of repentance?
And perhaps most importantly, is there evident love for God and for our
neighbors in the congregation?

Leading a church culture to shift from numerical success to the metrics of grace
can be costly, but leaders who have conviction, courage, and commitment can lead
while avoiding some of the landmines that often destroy churches. Wilson
includes diagnostic questions that will help leaders measure--and lead team
transparency in measuring as a group--the relative spiritual health of their
church, as well as a practical prescriptive plan for implementing this
metric-measuring strategy without becoming legalistic.

Most attractional church models can lean heavily on making changes to the
weekend worship gatherings. And while some of these changes can be good,
thriving grace-focused churches are driven by a commitment to the gospel,
allowing the gospel to inform and shape the worship service and the various
ministries of the church.

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    Future Church: Seven Laws of Real Church Growth
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"In The Gospel-Driven Church, my friend Jared Wilson encourages us to consider
the full weight of the gospel as the driver of the local church rather than
metrics that can be helpful but don't tell the whole story. By changing the
driver to the gospel we are able to change the movement from 'come and see' to
'go and tell.' This book should soothe  weary leaders' bones and free them to
point freely and passionately to the beauty of Jesus' life, death and
       Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor of The Village Church, Flower Mound, TX and
President of the Acts29 Network
"Wilson's understanding of church history, theology, and pastoral ministry are
combined with his passion for the gospel and the local church in this helpful
and insightful book. While there continues to be a desire to 'change the
scorecard,' he paints a picture of what that looks like for ministry leaders. A
must read for those in ministry leadership."
       Eric Geiger, Senior Pastor of Mariners Church, Irvine, CA
"The Gospel-Driven Church serves as a sobering reminder that a growing
attendance does not necessarily mean a growing number of disciples of Jesus. In
this book, Wilson gives an honest assessment of the modern church and a solid
argument for why we need to adjust our idea of how to measure a healthy church.
Pastors would greatly benefit from using this tool to make sure their church is
moving in the right direction."
       Robby Gallaty, Senior Pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church,
Hendersonville, TN and Founder of Replicate Ministries
"With humor, wisdom and an easy, but challenging writing style, Jared Wilson has
offered a much-needed wake up call to the American Church. Whether you're a
church planter, a pastor or simply a Christian who desires to see your church
become as healthy as possible, The Gospel-Driven Church serves as a road map to
help shake off the shackles of 'cultural relevance' and transform our churches
into what God has always intended them to be."
       Matt Carter, Pastor of Preaching at The Austin Stone Community Church,
Austin, TX
"Jared Wilson contends that many churches remain unconsciously in the grip of
the attractional worldview. Freedom comes by fearless inventory and swapping out
the metrics by which we measure success. As one expects, Wilson is clear,
winsome, and pulls no punches. Church leader, if you are looking to understand
how God evaluates your hard work and whether it will produce lasting fruit, buy
this book!"
       Dave Harvey, President of Sojourn Network, Teaching Pastor at Summit
Church, Fort Myers, FL
"Jared has put into words what so many of us have felt in our guts. This book is
the magna carta for gospel-centered change."
       Clint Pressley, Senior Pastor of Hickory Grove Baptist Church, Charlotte,
"Wilson's book The Prodigal Church helped us see the problem of pragmatism in
the attractional church. 'If it works, then work it' doesn't work anymore (if it
ever did!). Multiplying noses and nickels doesn't equal faithfulness or
fruitfulness. Now he offers some practical solutions to 'put the gospel in the
driver's seat.' If you're convinced that the church needs more gospel and less
gimmickry. If you want less Christian 'do's' and more of Christ's 'done' in your
preaching. If you want the gospel to be more than a tagline at the end of
message and more of an ecosystem at the center of church life, then The
Gospel-Driven Church will help you get there."
       Chris Lewis, Lead Pastor of Foothill Church, Glendora, CA
"It's not enough to embrace the gospel. Our churches need to be shaped by the
gospel. If you want to understand how to make this transition, you will love
this book. I'm grateful for Jared's theological and pastoral wisdom. I wish I
could have read this book twenty years ago."
       Darryl Dash, Pastor of Liberty Grace Church, Toronto, Canda, Author
of How to Grow: Applying the Gospel to ALL of Life
"After twenty-five years of church ministry as a gospel loving evangelical, I
found The Gospel-Driven Church personally timely, challenging, and stimulating.
This book is a call to the entertainment-addicted, consumeristic church culture
of the West to abandon its growth fetish and re-center on the gospel of the Lord
Jesus Christ."
       Steve Jeffrey, Senior Minister at St. Paul's Church, Sydney, Australia
  -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: hardcover.


Jared C. Wilson is the director of content strategy at Midwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, and managing editor of the
seminary's website for gospel-centered resources, For the Church. He is a
popular author and conference speaker, and also blogs regularly at the Gospel

J.D. Greear is pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina.
The Summit Church has been ranked by Outreach Magazine as one of the
fastest-growing churches in the United States for the last several years in a
row. J.D. has a PhD in systematic theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological
Seminary. He is the author of Stop Asking Jesus into Your Heart: How to Know for
Sure You Are Saved; Gospel: Recovering the Power That Made Christianity
Revolutionary; and Jesus Continued...:Why the Spirit Inside You Is Better Than
Jesus Beside You. He lives in Raleigh, North Carolina, with his wife, Veronica,
and their four children.

Steve Lyon lives with his wife, writer George Ella Lyon, and their two sons in
Lexington, Kentucky, where he composes, performs, and produces music. The Gift
Moves is his first novel. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine vergriffene oder
nicht verfügbare Ausgabe dieses Titels.



 * ASIN ‏ : ‎ B07FG1QTP3
 * Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Zondervan (12. März 2019)
 * Erscheinungstermin ‏ : ‎ 12. März 2019
 * Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
 * Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 975 KB
 * Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten ‏ : ‎ Bis zu 5 Geräte gleichzeitig, je
   nach vom Verlag festgelegter Grenze
 * Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Screenreader ‏ : ‎ Unterstützt
 * Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Haftnotizen ‏ : ‎ Auf Kindle Scribe
 * Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 237 Seiten

 * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 103,694 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in
    * Nr. 16 in eBooks Christliche pastorale Ressourcen
    * Nr. 17 in eBooks Kirchenleitung
    * Nr. 28 in eBooks Christliche Gottesdienste

 * Kundenrezensionen:
   4,8 4,8 von 5 Sternen 189 Sternebewertungen

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Jared C. Wilson is an award-winning author of over 20 books and a popular
speaker at churches and conferences around the world. A 30-year ministry
veteran, he is especially known for his passionate gospel-centered teaching.

Wilson serves as Pastor for Preaching and the Director of the Pastoral Training
Center at Liberty Baptist Church in Liberty, Missouri and as an Assistant
Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Author in Residence at Midwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri.

"Jared Wilson writes with power."

-- Ray Ortlund, Jr.

"Those who have read his writing have vividly encountered his passionate
gospel-centrism, and those who have benefited from his ministry have witnessed
it firsthand. His voice is thoughtful and strong, pastoral and prophetic. And
you ought to listen to it."

-- Ed Stetzer

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     In the Beginning: Genesis 1-11
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     this informative and somewhat quirky approach to Genesis 1-11.
     2,99 $
 2.  Feedback
     The Deacon's Handbook: A Guide for the Deaconry in Today's World
     Leonard Gillams
     Referring to "The 5 Love Languages," this book shows how those principals
     can be applied universally! In your church, job, home!
     0,99 $
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     Becoming an Instrument: Defending Saint Barnabas
     Travis L. Matthews
     Saint Barnabas became an instrument of God to facilitate the transition
     from law to grace. Through him, the world learned about salvation.
     6,99 $
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     Resignation Monday: A Pastor's Guide to Not Quitting (PrecisionFaith Prayer
     Toby Lofton
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     Sowing in Hard Ground: Evangelizing Today's Anti-Christian Culture by
     Returning to ...
     Randy Loubier
     Sharing your faith can be easy and painless. In just 90 minutes you will
     discover the joy of evangelism, even in the hardest of soils. New release.
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     Juan Novo
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     Crossing Cultures with the Gospel: Anthropological Wisdom for Effective
     Darrell L. Whiteman
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     The Multiplier's Mindset: Thinking Differently About Discipleship
     Cynthia Anderson
     9,99 $
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     Future Church: Seven Laws of Real Church Growth
     Will Mancini
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     Shift: Leading in Transition
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The perfect blend of theology and practice
If you care for the church. If you serve in any way at all. If a pastor or
ministry leader, then this is non-negotiable. Get this book. Read it. Talk about
it with your teams. Jared Wilson nails it. Far from taking shots at a defunct
system, Jared graciously builds a pathway forward for those genuinely seeking to
see the church grow. Biblical insight and wide experience mix to produce a
gospel rich book that you will turn to as a manual as well.


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Dr. R.L. Wilson II
5,0 von 5 Sternen Fair Assessment and Plan to Change the Attractional Model
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 29. Dezember 2023
Verifizierter Kauf
Wilson has long critiqued the attractional model of the church in his various
writings and messages. He does so with a historical perspective and an
understanding of the noble desires underlying such a model, he is known for
providing fair and accurate critiques. What sets this book apart from Wilson's
other works and others who have written on the same subject is the guidance it
offers for transitioning from an attractional concept to a biblically
convictional, gospel-centered model.

The book is masterfully crafted, combining didactic instruction with a
hypothetical story of a church undergoing a philosophical ministry shift. This
approach effectively illustrates the practicality of the principles introduced.
While the book doesn't present groundbreaking assessments or offer entirely new
theological and methodical prescriptions, it is uniquely helpful in illuminating
the process and identifying key pressure points involved in such a transition.

While this book holds value for those who already embrace a "gospel-centered"
philosophy of ministry, its true benefit lies in sharing it with those who may
not have thoroughly considered the implications of the attractional model.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen The New Primer on Gospel-Centered Ministry
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 14. März 2019
Verifizierter Kauf
This is the book I've been wanting Jared Wilson to write for years. I read "The
Prodigal Church" a couple of times. But it was more of a "what not to do" book.
It was a critique of the attractional model of church ministry. This book is a
positive sequel of a more biblical alternative to the attractional model. It is
the "Deep and Wide" for the gospel-centered movement.

This may also be Jared's most well-written book. Jared is a fantastic writer no
matter the subject. And in this book his gift really shines. While the book is
laid out by subject that is typical of most church ministry books, a story of
the fictional LifePoint church is interwoven throughout each chapter. The story
really makes the topics discussed in each chapter come to life while not making
me cringe for seeming phony.

I don't agree with everything in the book. My journey has taken me from the
attractional church world to the missional gospel-centered church world to now
the more confessional Reformed church world (I'm still Baptist though).
Therefore, I'm not as convinced as Jared when he starts getting into missional
church language or even his use of Johnathan Edwards' works when it comes to
measuring church health. But I get where he's coming from and agree with 90% of
what he says. And I find it all very helpful when thinking about how we do

I commend this book to anyone at any level of church ministry.

10 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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Destiny Mann
5,0 von 5 Sternen An important critique of the seeker-sensitive movement that's
practical and timely
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 21. März 2019
Verifizierter Kauf
It feels like we should be done body slamming the seeker-sensitive movement.
Wasn't that so 20 years ago? Unfortunately, like the undead in a bad zombie
movie, it just keeps coming back. And JCW's latest critique of the movement is
as readable as it is timely.

Split into a fictional dialogue between a disillusioned seeker-sensitive pastor
and his staff and a more traditional, how-to format, the book is accessible for
people like me who don't tend to finish Christian living books. I read the first
few chapters and move on (with apologies to all my favorite Christian authors).
So a little liveliness goes a long way in this genre for me, and Wilson's tone
and style in both formats here are a breeze to read and understand.

It seems to me this book was written with practicality in mind. Yes, yes, we all
know the attractional church method is bunk---but how do we pull our churches
out of that mindset? I pastored a church for several years that was struggling
with this very question, and it's almost funny how well Wilson's fictional bits
nail the actual conversations that go on in that kind of a situation. He poses
important questions and offers practical steps, rather than just dunking on the
Osteens, Stanleys, and Hybels of the world without holding forth some kind of

I guess the big takeaway from this book is yes, moving away from man-centered
ecclesiology to God-centered is going to be awkward, difficult, and costly, but
it's also going to be worth it.

5 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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Kelsey Martin
4,0 von 5 Sternen Gospel-Driven Church is a timely and much needed book.
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 3. April 2019
Verifizierter Kauf
If I could somehow get every member of my church to read one book, this would be
the one. Wilson reframes the church growth conversation around the gospel and
encourages pastors to prayerfully labor for healthy growth that can only come
from God's work in the gospel. It is written with humility and a pastoral heart.
The major strength of this book is that it is not merely theoretical. Often
books will give you a gospel vision for ministry and never tell you how to move
forward. Wilson offers his vision of a gospel-driven church and then offers an
abundance of helpful counsel for how to lead with humility and navigate change.
I highly recommend this book to anyone in ministry

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Corbin Henderson
5,0 von 5 Sternen Grace Filled Instruction Manual and Scathing Hot Critique of
the Attractional Churches
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 16. Januar 2021
Verifizierter Kauf
This book is wonderful. Wilson provides a clearz gracious, and helpful guide for
doing Church ministry in a Gospel centered way. Also, the word Gospel centered
isn't just a cliche thrown around lightly. No he defines terms and establishes
what it actually means to be Gospel centered. There is also a great critique of
the seeker sensitive/Attractional church model in here. It is a gracious and
needed critique that also holds no punches. I grew up in an Attractional Church
and this book put into words what was and was not happening in my life at that
time in relationship to spiritual growth.

Last Wilson gives a parable of how all this is applied throughout as he has a
running story of a Church staff applying the truths in the book. It helps you
see how it all works, brilliant!

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Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen
5,0 von 5 Sternen Outstanding
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 16. Januar 2020
Verifizierter Kauf
What a timely, practical and important book this is. Needs to be read widely.
Have bought a copy for others to read too.

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Louis Fife
5,0 von 5 Sternen Challenging but true!
Rezension aus Australien vom 6. Oktober 2021
Verifizierter Kauf
I found this book to be a most challenging read. At the same time, I found it
informational and even transformational. It continually offered challenge after
challenge. I found myself feeling more daunted and less positive or expectant.
However, overall I can not ignore the wise insight and gospel argument; it is
true; we need more gospel-focused modelled churches.

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Hugh Robert McInally-Adair
5,0 von 5 Sternen Excellent resource for every pastors library
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 1. April 2019
Verifizierter Kauf
An excellent and thought provoking process of ensuring that we are keeping the
Gospel at the heart of our ministry and churches
And being faithful to the call of Christ

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