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Text Content

 * About
   * Our Doctors
     * Dr. Irina Frolov
     * Dr. Alex Tyurin
   * Blog
 * Services
   * General Dentistry
   * Cosmetic Procedures
   * Dental Implants
   * LANAP Laser
   * Root Canal Treatment
   * Root Canal Retreatment
 * Botox
 * Gallery
   * Dental gallery
 * News
 * Contact us
 * Financing
 * Policy

 * (267) 990-8668


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Miracle Dental Center

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Our brand new facility is conveniently located in historic Bensalem township,
minutes away from Northeast Philadelphia and within walking distance from
Trevose train station. Our spacious office is equipped with state-of-the-art
dental technology to address all your needs and turn your trips to the dentist
into positive experiences, even if you have always feared going to the dentist.
In fact, patients with dental anxiety have said that we go above and beyond to
make their fears a thing of the past. We are looking to build a long, trusting
relationship and make you feel like part of our Miracle Dental family. Our motto
is “Modern Dentistry in Gentle Hands,” and our aim is to provide old-fashioned
patient care, but with the modern tools and treatments that technology has to
offer us in 2021. Dr. Irina Frolov has over 20 years of experience treating a
variety of dental problems.She strives to make your visits painless and
comfortable. She dedicates ample time to walk you through your treatment options
to help you choose the procedure best suited for you.
Dr. Frolov is a member of the American Academy of Facial Esthetics (AAFE) and is
a certified specialist in dental treatments. She has years of hands-on
experience in this area along with many happy patients and testimonials.

Contact us

What is 5 + 9 ?

For people with no insurance or low coverage, we offer a variety of promotions,
including Care Credit where you can pay over time. Call us to find out more.

Emergency patients can be seen the same day and walk-ins are welcome.

See the difference


High Standard of Dentistry

We provide comprehensive treatment planning and follow strict standards that
ensure your surgery will go smoothly and provide the results you desire.

Committed Dental Team

Our administrative and clinical team is second to none. They are experienced,
highly trained, friendly, and intuitive regarding your needs and will make your
visits run effectively.

Modern Equipment

We have a high attention to detail when it comes to our work and invested
heavily in their instruments, materials and equipment to give patients the best
possible care and treatment.

What People Says


Dr. Irina is great. She did tooth whitening for me using Glo Technology. So much
better then Zoom. Painless.

– Nick A.

Dr. Frolov is an excellent, knowledgeable and gentle dentist. She absolutely
cares about her patients. I have had bad experiences in the past with other
dentists. Dr. Frolov blows any dentist out of the park that I have been to. I
have never been able to trust and relax with any other dentist. Great and caring
staff also, I can’t say enough great things about all of them!

- Joann McBride

Dr. Frolov is highly knowledgeable and professional dentist! Going to the
dentist might be very stressful and expensive, but not with Dr. Frolov. She will
address all you needs and make sure that your visit is very comfortable and
affordable. No matter what your budget is, she will make it work. She will make
sure that you are getting the best quality of anything you do there! The office
staff is very polite and professional. The office itself is beautiful and well
equipped with high end dental technology. I am thrilled to have her as my

– Alex Fradkin

Dr. Irina is great. She did tooth whitening for me using Glo Technology. So much
better then Zoom. Painless.

– Nick A.

Dr. Frolov is an excellent, knowledgeable and gentle dentist. She absolutely
cares about her patients. I have had bad experiences in the past with other
dentists. Dr. Frolov blows any dentist out of the park that I have been to. I
have never been able to trust and relax with any other dentist. Great and caring
staff also, I can’t say enough great things about all of them!

- Joann McBride


For Our Dear Clients


Get complimentary cosmetic
dental evaluation
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Laser Teeth
Get complimentary home kit with in-chair whitening treatment
Know more
No insurance?
No Problem!
Join Miracle Dental VIP program for just $359 a year
and start saving up to 50%  on your dental expenses.
Family discounts available
Call Now
New Patient
Get 10% Off
* $1000 treatment or more
Schedule a Visit
Get complimentary cosmetic
dental evaluation
Book Now
Laser Teeth
Get complimentary home kit with in-chair whitening treatment
Know more
No insurance?
No Problem!
Join Miracle Dental VIP program for just $359 a year
and start saving up to 50%  on your dental expenses.
Family discounts available
Call Now
New Patient
Get 10% Off
* $1000 treatment or more
Schedule a Visit
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We`re always accepting new patients! We believe in providing the best possible
care to all our existing patients and welcome new patients to sample the
services we have to offer.

(267) 990-8668

Contact us

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Monday9AM – 5PM
Tuesday9AM – 6PM
Wednesday9AM – 5PM
Thursday9AM – 7PM
Friday9AM – 5PM
Saturday8AM – 2PM

Our Contacts

 * Miracle Dental Center
   4911 Street Rd. Unit B,
   Feasterville-Trevose, PA 19053
   Get directions on the map
 * (267) 990-8668
 * info@miracle.dental
 * Sitemap


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Select Service Cosmetic Dentistry General Dentistry Orthodontics Children`s
Dentistry Dental Implants Dental Emergency

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