www.bnpparibasfortis.com Open in urlscan Pro
2a02:26f0:ab00:3a8::1a48  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.bnpparibasfortis.com/e-mail-disclaimer.html
Effective URL: https://www.bnpparibasfortis.com/e-mail-disclaimer
Submission: On January 29 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

POST ./e-mail-disclaimer

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      if (typeof PageBus == "undefined") {
         * TIBCO PageBus(TM) version 2.0.0
         * Copyright (c) 2006-2009, TIBCO Software Inc.
         * All rights reserved.
         * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not 
         * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy 
         * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless
         * required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
         * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR 
         * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the 
         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
         * Includes code from the official reference implementation of the OpenAjax
         * Hub that is provided by OpenAjax Alliance. Specification is available at:
         *  http://www.openajax.org/member/wiki/OpenAjax_Hub_Specification
         * Copyright 2006-2009 OpenAjax Alliance
         * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not 
         * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy 
         * of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless
         * required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
         * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR 
         * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the 
         * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
        // prevent re-definition of the OpenAjax object
        if (!window["OpenAjax"]) {
          OpenAjax = new function() {
            var t = true;
            var f = false;
            var g = window;
            var ooh = "org.openajax.hub.";
            var h = {};
            this.hub = h;
            h.implementer = "http://openajax.org";
            h.implVersion = "2.0";
            h.specVersion = "2.0";
            h.implExtraData = {};
            var libs = {};
            h.libraries = libs;
            h.registerLibrary = function(prefix, nsURL, version, extra) {
              libs[prefix] = {
                prefix: prefix,
                namespaceURI: nsURL,
                version: version,
                extraData: extra
              this.publish(ooh + "registerLibrary", libs[prefix]);
            h.unregisterLibrary = function(prefix) {
              this.publish(ooh + "unregisterLibrary", libs[prefix]);
              delete libs[prefix];
            h._subscriptions = {
              c: {},
              s: []
            h._cleanup = [];
            h._subIndex = 0;
            h._pubDepth = 0;
            h.subscribe = function(name, callback, scope, subscriberData, filter) {
              if (!scope) {
                scope = window;
              var handle = name + "." + this._subIndex;
              var sub = {
                scope: scope,
                cb: callback,
                fcb: filter,
                data: subscriberData,
                sid: this._subIndex++,
                hdl: handle
              var path = name.split(".");
              this._subscribe(this._subscriptions, path, 0, sub);
              return handle;
            h.publish = function(name, message) {
              var path = name.split(".");
              this._publish(this._subscriptions, path, 0, name, message);
              if ((this._cleanup.length > 0) && (this._pubDepth == 0)) {
                for (var i = 0; i < this._cleanup.length; i++) this.unsubscribe(this._cleanup[i].hdl);
                this._cleanup = [];
            h.unsubscribe = function(sub) {
              var path = sub.split(".");
              var sid = path.pop();
              this._unsubscribe(this._subscriptions, path, 0, sid);
            h._subscribe = function(tree, path, index, sub) {
              var token = path[index];
              if (index == path.length) tree.s.push(sub);
              else {
                if (typeof tree.c == "undefined") tree.c = {};
                if (typeof tree.c[token] == "undefined") {
                  tree.c[token] = {
                    c: {},
                    s: []
                  this._subscribe(tree.c[token], path, index + 1, sub);
                } else this._subscribe(tree.c[token], path, index + 1, sub);
            h._publish = function(tree, path, index, name, msg, pid) {
              if (typeof tree != "undefined") {
                var node;
                if (index == path.length) {
                  node = tree;
                } else {
                  this._publish(tree.c[path[index]], path, index + 1, name, msg, pid);
                  this._publish(tree.c["*"], path, index + 1, name, msg, pid);
                  node = tree.c["**"];
                if (typeof node != "undefined") {
                  var callbacks = node.s;
                  var max = callbacks.length;
                  for (var i = 0; i < max; i++) {
                    if (callbacks[i].cb) {
                      var sc = callbacks[i].scope;
                      var cb = callbacks[i].cb;
                      var fcb = callbacks[i].fcb;
                      var d = callbacks[i].data;
                      if (typeof cb == "string") {
                        // get a function object
                        cb = sc[cb];
                      if (typeof fcb == "string") {
                        // get a function object
                        fcb = sc[fcb];
                      if ((!fcb) || (fcb.call(sc, name, msg, d))) {
                        cb.call(sc, name, msg, d, pid);
            h._unsubscribe = function(tree, path, index, sid) {
              if (typeof tree != "undefined") {
                if (index < path.length) {
                  var childNode = tree.c[path[index]];
                  this._unsubscribe(childNode, path, index + 1, sid);
                  if (childNode.s.length == 0) {
                    for (var x in childNode.c) return;
                    delete tree.c[path[index]];
                } else {
                  var callbacks = tree.s;
                  var max = callbacks.length;
                  for (var i = 0; i < max; i++)
                    if (sid == callbacks[i].sid) {
                      if (this._pubDepth > 0) {
                        callbacks[i].cb = null;
                      } else callbacks.splice(i, 1);
          // Register the OpenAjax Hub itself as a library.
          OpenAjax.hub.registerLibrary("OpenAjax", "http://openajax.org/hub", "1.0", {});
        if (!window["PageBus"]) {
          PageBus = new function() {
            var D = 0;
            var Q = [];
            var that = this;
            this.version = "2.0.0";
            this._debug = function() {
            _badParm = function() {
              throw new Error("OpenAjax.hub.Errors.BadParameters");
            _valPub = function(name) {
              if ((name == null) || (name.indexOf("*") != -1) || (name.indexOf("..") != -1) || (name.charAt(0) == ".") || (name.charAt(name.length - 1) == ".")) _badParm();
            _valSub = function(name) {
              var path = name.split(".");
              var len = path.length;
              for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                if ((path[i] == "") || ((path[i].indexOf("*") != -1) && (path[i] != "*") && (path[i] != "**"))) _badParm();
                if ((path[i] == "**") && (i < len - 1)) _badParm();
              return path;
            _cacheIt = function(subData) {
              return ((subData) && (typeof subData == "object") && (subData["PageBus"]) && (subData.PageBus["cache"]));
            _TopicMatcher = function() {
              this._items = {};
            _TopicMatcher.prototype.store = function(topic, val) {
              var path = topic.split(".");
              var len = path.length;
              _recurse = function(tree, index) {
                if (index == len) tree["."] = {
                  topic: topic,
                  value: val
                else {
                  var token = path[index];
                  if (!tree[token]) tree[token] = {};
                  _recurse(tree[token], index + 1);
              _recurse(this._items, 0);
            _TopicMatcher.prototype.match = function(topic, exactMatch) {
              var path = topic.split(".");
              var len = path.length;
              var res = [];
              _recurse = function(tree, index) {
                if (!tree) return;
                var node;
                if (index == len) node = tree;
                else {
                  _recurse(tree[path[index]], index + 1);
                  if (exactMatch) return;
                  if (path[index] != "**") _recurse(tree["*"], index + 1);
                  node = tree["**"];
                if ((!node) || (!node["."])) return;
              _recurse(this._items, 0);
              return res;
            _TopicMatcher.prototype.exists = function(topic, exactMatch) {
              var path = topic.split(".");
              var len = path.length;
              var res = false;
              _recurse = function(tree, index) {
                if (!tree) return;
                var node;
                if (index == len) node = tree;
                else {
                  _recurse(tree[path[index]], index + 1);
                  if (res || exactMatch) return;
                  if (path[index] != "**") {
                    _recurse(tree["*"], index + 1);
                    if (res) return;
                  node = tree["**"];
                if ((!node) || (!node["."])) return;
                res = true;
              _recurse(this._items, 0);
              return res;
            _TopicMatcher.prototype.clear = function(topic) {
              var path = topic.split(".");
              var len = path.length;
              _recurse = function(tree, index) {
                if (!tree) return;
                if (index == len) {
                  if (tree["."]) delete tree["."];
                } else {
                  _recurse(tree[path[index]], index + 1);
                  for (var x in tree[path[index]]) {
                  delete tree[path[index]];
              _recurse(this._items, 0);
            _TopicMatcher.prototype.wildcardMatch = function(topic) {
              var path = topic.split(".");
              var len = path.length;
              var res = [];
              _recurse = function(tree, index) {
                var tok = path[index];
                var node;
                if ((!tree) || (index == len)) return;
                if (tok == "**") {
                  for (var n in tree) {
                    if (n != ".") {
                      node = tree[n];
                      if (node["."]) res.push(node["."]);
                      _recurse(node, index);
                } else if (tok == "*") {
                  for (var n in tree) {
                    if ((n != ".") && (n != "**")) {
                      node = tree[n];
                      if (index == len - 1) {
                        if (node["."]) res.push(node["."]);
                      } else _recurse(node, index + 1);
                } else {
                  node = tree[tok];
                  if (!node) return;
                  if (index == len - 1) {
                    if (node["."]) res.push(node["."]);
                  } else _recurse(node, index + 1);
              _recurse(this._items, 0);
              return res;
            this._refs = {};
            this._doCache = new _TopicMatcher();
            this._caches = new _TopicMatcher();
            _isCaching = function(topic) {
              return that._doCache.exists(topic, false);
            _copy = function(obj) {
              var c;
              if (typeof(obj) == "object") {
                if (obj == null) return null;
                else if (obj.constructor == Array) {
                  c = [];
                  for (var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) c[i] = _copy(obj[i]);
                  return c;
                } else if (obj.constructor == Date) {
                  c = new Date();
                  return c;
                c = {};
                for (var p in obj) c[p] = _copy(obj[p]);
                return c;
              } else {
                return obj;
            this._add = function(topic, subID) {
              var dc;
              var dca = this._doCache.match(topic, true);
              if (dca.length > 0) dc = dca[0].value;
              else {
                dc = {
                  rc: 0
                this._doCache.store(topic, dc);
              this._refs[subID] = topic;
            this._remove = function(subID) {
              var topic = this._refs[subID];
              if (!topic) return;
              delete this._refs[subID];
              var dca = this._doCache.match(topic, true);
              if (dca.length == 0) return;
              if (dca[0].value.rc == 0) {
                var caches = this._caches.wildcardMatch(topic);
                for (var i = 0; i < caches.length; i++) {
                  if (!(this._doCache.exists(caches[i].topic, false))) this._caches.clear(caches[i].topic);
            this.subscribe = function(topic, scope, onData, subscriberData) {
              if (!subscriberData) subscriberData = null;
              var sid = OpenAjax.hub.subscribe(topic, onData, scope, subscriberData);
              // Create caches after we subscribe
              if (_cacheIt(subscriberData)) {
                this._add(topic, sid);
                var vals = this.query(topic);
                for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
                  try {
                    onData.call(scope ? scope : window, vals[i].topic, vals[i].value, subscriberData);
                  } catch (e) {
              return sid;
            this.publish = function(topic, data) {
                n: topic,
                m: data,
                d: (D + 1)
              if (_isCaching(topic)) {
                // Cache a copy of the message before we deliver the message
                try {
                  this._caches.store(topic, data);
                } catch (e) {
              if (D == 0) {
                while (Q.length > 0) {
                  var qitem = Q.shift();
                  var path = qitem.n.split(".");
                  try {
                    D = qitem.d;
                    OpenAjax.hub.publish(qitem.n, qitem.m);
                    D = 0;
                  } catch (err) {
                    D = 0;
                    throw (err);
            this.unsubscribe = function(sub) {
              try {
              } catch (err) {
            this.store = function(topic, data) {
              if (!_isCaching(topic)) throw new Error("PageBus.cache.NoCache");
              this.publish(topic, data);
            this.query = function(topic) {
              try {
                return this._caches.wildcardMatch(topic);
              } catch (e) {
          OpenAjax.hub.registerLibrary("PageBus", "http://tibco.com/PageBus", "1.2.0", {});
        PageBus.subscribe("analyticsServices", this, function(data, msg) {
          //console.log("analyticsServices pagebus call");
          if (typeof msg.trackMethod != "undefined") {
            try {
            } catch (e) {
              console.log("Satellite Error !");
      _satellite["_runScript1"](function(event, target, Promise) {
        Production Cookie.js Links

        QA Cookie.js links
        var currentDomain = window.location.origin;
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