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           * * NewgenONE Overview – Automate all aspects of your business for
               efficient operations and end-to-end customer journeys. Connect
               front-office for seamless information flow across the
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       * * Migrate to NewgenONE – Choose Storage Transition Manager on NewgenONE
           Content Services Platform to Fast-track your Content Migration
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     * NewgenONE Use Cases
       * * Enterprise Content Management
         * Records Management
         * Document Management
         * Intelligent Document Processing
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       * * Hyperautomation
         * Rapid Application Development
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Contact Us
 * Platform
   * NewgenONE Platform
     * NewgenONE Overview
     * Intelligent Process Automation
       * Overview
       * Business Rules Management
       * Dynamic Case Management
       * Process Insights
       * Process Modeling
       * Process Orchestration
       * Reporting and Analytics
       * Robotic Process Automation
       * User Workplace
       * Process Gamification
     * Contextual Content Services
       * Overview
       * Content Management
       * Content Integration
       * Content Classification
       * Enterprise Search
       * Intelligent Extraction
       * Multi-channel Capture
       * Records Lifecycle Management
       * Secure Messaging Center
     * Omnichannel Customer Engagement
       * Overview
       * Communication Designer
       * Communication Distribution
       * Communication Generation
       * Communication Monitoring
       * Communication Templates
       * Digital and Social Sensing
     * Low Code Application Development
       * Overview
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       * Data Model Designer
       * Enterprise Mobility
       * Low Code DevOps
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     * AI and Data Science
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       * Deployment and Monitoring Server
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       * Research and Collaboration Hub
     * Generative AI
   * Integration Ecosystem
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     * SAP
     * Guidewire
     * Salesforce
     * Microsoft 365
     * Mambu
     * TCS BaNCS
     * Temenos
     * Duck Creek
   * Governance and Security
   * NewgenONE Use Cases
     * Enterprise Content Management
     * Records Management
     * Document Management
     * Intelligent Document Processing
     * Case Management
     * Document Generation
     * Hyperautomation
     * Rapid Application Development
     * Business Process Management
     * Digital Process Automation
     * Customer Communication Management
     * Workflow Management
 * Solutions
   * By Industry
     * Financial Institutions
       * Overview
       * Customer Onboarding
       * Retail Banking
       * Commercial Banking
       * Transaction Banking
     * Insurance Firms
       * Overview
       * Claims Processing
       * Point of Insurance Sale
       * Policy Administration and Servicing
       * Policy Issuance and Underwriting
       * Policy Wording and Clause Management
     * Government Organizations
       * Overview
       * EDRMS
       * Grants Management
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     * Healthcare Payers
       * Overview
       * Medicare Enrollment
       * Provider Lifecycle Management
       * Appeals and Grievances
     * Energy and Utilities
     * Shared Services
   * By Business Functions
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       * Export-Import Documentation
       * Sales Order Management
       * Order Fulfillment
     * Finance and Accounting
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       * General Ledger
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     * HR Operations
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     * Corporate Governance
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       * Financial Statement Close Process
     * Enterprise Service Management
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Newgen is the leading provider of a unified digital transformation platform with
native process automation, content services, and communication management
capabilities. Globally, successful enterprises rely on Newgen’s
industry-recognized low code application platform (LCAP) to develop and deploy
complex, content-driven, and customer-engaging business applications on the
cloud. Our products and applications have been recognized by the top analyst
firms, including Gartner and Forrester.


For nearly three decades, Newgen has been driving digital transformation
initiatives and delivering superior customer experience with our
industry-specific applications, available on cloud, on-premises, and in hybrid
environments. Our platform-based products seamlessly integrate with virtually
any internal and external systems, to ensure that our customers maximize their
ROI from existing investments, while staying compliant and future-ready.


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Newgen Software Inc.
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Newgen Software Technologies Pte Ltd.
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Newgen Software, Registered Office, New Delhi
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Phone: +91 1­­146 533 200

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Qutab Institutional Area
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Newgen Software, New Delhi
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New Delhi 110020
Phone: +91 11 4077 3700

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Newgen Software, Noida
B-19 – Sector 132
Noida 201304
Phone: +91 120 6086444

For HR inquiry:

Newgen Software, Mumbai
401A, Fourth Floor, A Wing
Fortune 2000, Plot C-3, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex
Bandra East , Mumbai 400051
Phone: +91 22 6277 7666

For HR inquiry:

Newgen Software, Kolkata
M.B.C (Mangalam Business Centre)
22, Camac Street, Block – B, 6th Floor, Room No – 631
Kolkata 700016
Phone: +91 33 6534 0498

For HR inquiry:

Newgen Software, Hyderabad
Regus Business Centre 8th Floor, SLN Terminus
Survey no.133 Beside Botanical Gardens
Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500032
Phone: +91 40 6717 2344, 6717 2345

For HR inquiry:

Newgen Software, Bangalore
FF-2, Alpine Arch
10 Langford Road
Bangalore 560025
Phone: +91 80 2223 7765
Phone: +91 80 4609 0000
Fax: +91 80 2229 1615

For HR inquiry:

Newgen Software, Chennai
Ground Floor, Quanta ZEN
38, Dr. Thomas Road, Off. South Boag Rd
T. Nagar, Chennai 600 017
Phone: +91 44 4356 0890
Phone: +91 44 4356 0891

For HR inquiry:

Newgen Software, Chennai
Plot #13, D-17, 4th Main Road
Sipcot IT Park, Siruseri
Chennai 603103
Phone: +91 44 4963 4444

For HR inquiry:

Newgen Software, Mumbai
A519, Rupa Solitaire
Millennium Business Park
Mahape, Navi Mumbai 400710
Phone: +91 22 4184 2000
Phone: +91 22 4184 2099

For HR inquiry:

Newgen is the leading provider of a unified digital transformation platform with
native process automation, content services, and communication management
capabilities. Globally, successful enterprises rely on Newgen’s
industry-recognized low code application platform to develop and deploy complex,
content-driven, and customer-engaging business applications on the cloud. From
onboarding to service requests, lending to underwriting, and for many more use
cases across industries. Newgen unlocks simple with speed and agility.


NewgenONE Platform

Intelligent process automation

Contextual Content Services

Omnichannel Customer Engagement

Low Code Application Development

AI and Data Science

Generative AI

Intelligent Process Automation

Business Rules Management

Dynamic Case Management

Process Insights

Process Modeling

Process Orchestration

Reporting and Analytics

Robotic Process Automation

User Workplace

Process Gamification

Low Code Application Development

Application Studio

Data Model Designer

Enterprise Mobility

Low Code DevOps

User Interface Designer

Contextual Content Services

Content Management

Content Integration

Content Classification

Enterprise Search

Intelligent Extraction

Multi-channel Capture

Records Lifecycle Management

Content WorkDesk

Secure Messaging Center

Omnichannel Customer Engagement

Communication Designer

Communication Distribution

Communication Generation

Communication Monitoring

Communication Templates

Digital and Social Sensing

AI and Data Science

Automated Data Science

Data Fusion Hub

Data Visualization

Deployment and Monitoring Server

Model Development Studio

Research and Collaboration Hub

Generative AI

NewgenONE Use Cases

Enterprise Content Management

Records Management

Document Management

Intelligent Document Processing

Case Management

Document Generation


Rapid Application Development

Business Process Management

Digital Process Automation

Workflow Management

Customer Communication Management

Integration Ecosystem




Microsoft 365




Duck Creek

Solutions by Industry

Financial Institutions

Insurance Firms

Government Organizations

Healthcare Payers

Energy and Utilities

Shared Services

NewgenONE Platform

Intelligent process automation

Contextual Content Services

Omnichannel Customer Engagement

Low Code Application Development

AI and Data Science

Generative AI

Intelligent Process Automation

Business Rules Management

Dynamic Case Management

Process Insights

Process Modeling

Process Orchestration

Reporting and Analytics

Robotic Process Automation

User Workplace

Process Gamification

Low Code Application Development

Application Studio

Data Model Designer

Enterprise Mobility

Low Code DevOps

User Interface Designer

Contextual Content Services

Content Management

Content Integration

Content Classification

Enterprise Search

Intelligent Extraction

Multi-channel Capture

Records Lifecycle Management

Content WorkDesk

Secure Messaging Center

Omnichannel Customer Engagement

Communication Designer

Communication Distribution

Communication Generation

Communication Monitoring

Communication Templates

Digital and Social Sensing

AI and Data Science

Automated Data Science

Data Fusion Hub

Data Visualization

Deployment and Monitoring Server

Model Development Studio

Research and Collaboration Hub

Generative AI

NewgenONE Use Cases

Enterprise Content Management

Records Management

Document Management

Intelligent Document Processing

Case Management

Document Generation


Rapid Application Development

Business Process Management

Digital Process Automation

Workflow Management

Customer Communication Management

Integration Ecosystem




Microsoft 365




Duck Creek

Solutions by Industry

Financial Institutions

Insurance Firms

Government Organizations

Healthcare Payers

Energy and Utilities

Shared Services


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