upisa.com.py Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

URL: https://upisa.com.py/
Submission: On February 28 via api from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM


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          <div class="mr-auto flex flex-wrap items-center xl:flex-nowrap justify-start gap-5 w-full "><span class="uppercase font-bold min-w-[78px]  ">Children</span>
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              <div class="border border-[#FAE0C9] bg-white flex h-full rounded-lg w-min"><input readonly="" name="porcion" type="number" class="noarrow w-8 sm:w-12" value="5"></div>
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          <div class=" border bg-white border-[#FAE0C9] 
                        flex items-center justify-center rounded-lg"><input name="porcion" disabled="" class="h-full w-8 sm:w-12 inline items-center noarrow" type="number" value="500">g<label class="h-full px-2 flex items-center cursor-pointer"><svg
                width="17" height="17" viewBox="0 0 17 17" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
                  d="M16.1641 3.33592L13.6641 0.83592C13.577 0.74852 13.4735 0.679173 13.3595 0.631855C13.2456 0.584538 13.1234 0.560181 13 0.560181C12.8766 0.560181 12.7544 0.584538 12.6405 0.631855C12.5265 0.679173 12.423 0.74852 12.3359 0.83592L4.83594 8.33592C4.7486 8.42295 4.67945 8.52648 4.63251 8.64048C4.58557 8.75449 4.56177 8.87669 4.5625 8.99998V11.5C4.5625 11.7486 4.66127 11.9871 4.83709 12.1629C5.0129 12.3387 5.25136 12.4375 5.5 12.4375H8C8.24837 12.4356 8.48637 12.3376 8.66406 12.164L16.1641 4.66405C16.2515 4.57695 16.3208 4.47345 16.3681 4.3595C16.4154 4.24555 16.4398 4.12337 16.4398 3.99998C16.4398 3.87659 16.4154 3.75442 16.3681 3.64047C16.3208 3.52651 16.2515 3.42302 16.1641 3.33592ZM13 2.82811L14.1719 3.99998L13.3125 4.85936L12.1406 3.68748L13 2.82811ZM7.60938 10.5625H6.4375V9.39061L10.8125 5.01561L11.9844 6.18748L7.60938 10.5625ZM15.8125 9.04686V15.25C15.8104 15.6638 15.6452 16.06 15.3526 16.3526C15.06 16.6451 14.6638 16.8104 14.25 16.8125H1.75C1.33623 16.8104 0.939996 16.6451 0.647415 16.3526C0.354833 16.06 0.189553 15.6638 0.1875 15.25V2.74998C0.189553 2.33621 0.354833 1.93998 0.647415 1.6474C0.939996 1.35482 1.33623 1.18954 1.75 1.18748H7.95312C8.20177 1.18748 8.44022 1.28625 8.61604 1.46207C8.79185 1.63789 8.89062 1.87634 8.89062 2.12498C8.89062 2.37362 8.79185 2.61208 8.61604 2.7879C8.44022 2.96371 8.20177 3.06248 7.95312 3.06248H2.0625V14.9375H13.9375V9.04686C13.9375 8.79822 14.0363 8.55976 14.2121 8.38394C14.3879 8.20813 14.6264 8.10936 14.875 8.10936C15.1236 8.10936 15.3621 8.20813 15.5379 8.38394C15.7137 8.55976 15.8125 8.79822 15.8125 9.04686Z"
        <h4 class="uppercase">Select meat</h4>
        <div class="grid grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-1 my-12  gap-7"><label class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}" class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Bondiola </label><label class="flex items-start gap-4"><input
              type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}" class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Rump sirloin </label><label class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}" class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Ribs </label><label
            class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}" class="min-h-2 min-w-2">American Barbecue </label><label class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}"
              class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Beefsteak (Bife de Chorizo) </label><label class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}" class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Thin flank steak</label></div>
        <h4 class="uppercase">Select Sausages</h4>
        <div class="grid grid-cols-1 lg:grid-cols-2 my-12  gap-7"><label class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}" class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Traditional Tuscan Sausage </label><label
            class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}" class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Tuscan Sausage with Fine Herbs</label><label class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}"
              id="${v.name}" class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Tuscan Sausage with Garlic</label><label class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}" class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Tuscan Quick Sausage with Spices</label><label
            class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}" class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Vienne Sausage</label><label class="flex items-start gap-4"><input type="checkbox" name="${v.name}" id="${v.name}"
              class="min-h-2 min-w-2">Barbeque Sausage with and without Spices</label></div>
      <div class="p-6 flex flex-col whitespace-nowrap">
        <div class="flex gap-6 flex-wrap">
          <div class="flex  gap-2  justify-between">
            <h4 class="uppercase">5 Adults</h4>
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              <div class="text-center text-neutral-900">share: <span class="font-semibold ">2500 g</span></div>
          <div class="flex  gap-2  justify-between">
            <h4 class="uppercase">5 Children</h4>
            <div class="px-3 py-2.5 bg-[#FDF2E8]  justify-center items-center gap-2 inline-flex">
              <div class="text-center text-neutral-900">share: <span class="font-semibold ">2500 g</span></div>
        <div class="grid 
            mt-16 gap-4 ">
          <div class="flex flex-col [&amp;>div]:min-h-[3rem] whitespace-normal">
            <div class="flex items-center gap-2 "><svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
                  d="M11.3501 6.98501L12.9884 5.34584C12.7946 5.15207 12.6515 4.91349 12.5719 4.65123C12.4923 4.38897 12.4786 4.11113 12.5321 3.84231C12.5855 3.57349 12.7044 3.32199 12.8782 3.11009C13.052 2.89819 13.2754 2.73244 13.5286 2.6275C13.7818 2.52256 14.057 2.48168 14.3297 2.50848C14.6025 2.53528 14.8644 2.62893 15.0924 2.78114C15.3203 2.93335 15.5072 3.13942 15.6364 3.3811C15.7657 3.62278 15.8334 3.8926 15.8334 4.16668C16.1076 4.16648 16.3775 4.23391 16.6194 4.363C16.8612 4.49209 17.0675 4.67884 17.2199 4.9067C17.3724 5.13457 17.4662 5.39652 17.4932 5.66934C17.5202 5.94215 17.4794 6.21741 17.3746 6.47072C17.2698 6.72402 17.1041 6.94756 16.8922 7.12151C16.6803 7.29546 16.4288 7.41446 16.1599 7.46797C15.891 7.52147 15.6131 7.50782 15.3507 7.42822C15.0884 7.34863 14.8498 7.20556 14.6559 7.01168L13.1393 8.52918"
                  stroke="#4688C3" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M4.91982 15.4969C7.19788 17.775 9.83607 18.8303 10.8124 17.854C11.7887 16.8776 10.7334 14.2395 8.45536 11.9614C6.1773 9.68334 3.53911 8.62807 2.5628 9.60438C1.58649 10.5807 2.64176 13.2189 4.91982 15.4969Z" stroke="#4688C3"
                  stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path>
                <path d="M6.25014 13.3334L7.08348 14.1667M10.8126 17.8542C14.0668 14.5992 14.8585 10.1142 12.5801 7.8367C10.3026 5.55837 5.81764 6.35003 2.56348 9.6042" stroke="#4688C3" stroke-width="1.5" stroke-linecap="round"
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            <div class="flex items-center gap-2 "><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none">
                  d="M17.5 4.80834C17.375 4.70834 17.2666 4.625 17.1583 4.54167L17.1833 4.50834C17.8333 3.85834 17.8333 2.80834 17.1833 2.15834C16.5333 1.50834 15.4833 1.50834 14.825 2.15834L14.2083 2.775C13.6511 2.35298 12.9597 2.14742 12.2624 2.19646C11.5651 2.2455 10.9093 2.54581 10.4166 3.04167L3.04163 10.4167C2.54578 10.9093 2.24546 11.5652 2.19643 12.2624C2.14739 12.9597 2.35295 13.6511 2.77497 14.2083L2.1583 14.825C1.49997 15.4833 1.49997 16.5333 2.1583 17.1833C2.8083 17.8333 3.8583 17.8333 4.5083 17.1833L4.54163 17.1583C4.62497 17.2667 4.7083 17.375 4.8083 17.5C5.94163 18.6167 7.79163 18.6167 8.9333 17.5L17.475 8.93334C18.0209 8.38729 18.3297 7.6481 18.3344 6.87597C18.339 6.10383 18.0392 5.36096 17.5 4.80834ZM3.97497 13.0083C3.86271 12.775 3.82567 12.5126 3.86896 12.2574C3.91225 12.0021 4.03374 11.7666 4.21663 11.5833L11.5833 4.21667C11.7666 4.03377 12.0021 3.91229 12.2573 3.869C12.5126 3.82571 12.775 3.86275 13.0083 3.975L3.97497 13.0083ZM16.3 7.75L7.74997 16.3C7.26663 16.7917 6.47497 16.7917 5.9833 16.3C5.49997 15.8333 5.49997 15 5.9833 14.5333L14.5333 5.98334C15 5.5 15.8333 5.5 16.3 5.98334C16.7916 6.475 16.7916 7.26667 16.3 7.75Z"
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Text Content

   About US
 * enEnglish


We have a real commitment to food safety through excellence in processes, the
implementation of state-of-the-art technology and verifiable traceability, being
a company with maximum process control over the analysis of the final product.


The Paraguayan Association of Nutrition Graduates (ASPAGRAN.) is a
scientific/union association made up of nutrition graduates. Its purpose is to
endorse those products necessary for a balanced diet.


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) is a global food safety system
that assesses, prevents and mitigates risks at all stages of food production,
guaranteeing their safety.


Marca País (Country Brand) is a seal that companies get through quality which
helps the country to position itself in the world to increase foreign









Bondiola Rump sirloin Ribs American Barbecue Beefsteak (Bife de Chorizo) Thin
flank steak


Traditional Tuscan Sausage Tuscan Sausage with Fine HerbsTuscan Sausage with
GarlicTuscan Quick Sausage with SpicesVienne SausageBarbeque Sausage with and
without Spices


share: 2500 g


share: 2500 g

Name and last name:






Sargento Velasco y Vecinal Edid González | Barrio Posta Yvycuá | Capiatá Ruta 1

(021) 339 8404



Ruta PY03 | Santa Rosa del Aguaray

(0985) 737 706


Monseñor Sinforiano Bogarín esq. 14 de mayo | Concepción

(0986) 456 228


Ruta Graneros del Sur Km. 28 esq. Calle M | Fram

(021) 327 0811



José Leandro Oviedo esq. Alto Paraná | Fram

(0995) 360 699


Corredor Sur casi Fulgencio Yegros | Ciudad del Este

(0994) 860 192


Enrique Vera casi Av. Dr. Juan M. Frutos | Caaguazú

(0994) 851 036


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