holliflor.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://holliflor.ch/
Effective URL: https://holliflor.com/
Submission: On January 01 via api from CH — Scanned from CH

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM

POST /#gf_3

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      <label for="cookie4" style="color: #595959;"> advertisement </label>

Text Content

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 * Login webshop
 * Webshop
 * About us
 * Assortment
 * Become a customer
 * Contact

Expert in flowers, plants & deco Visit our webshop Order online 24/7 in our
webshop Order your products Quality and personal service Visit our webshop
Order 24/7 online

Holliflor is the one-stop-shop for flowers, plants and decorative materials. You
can order our products easy and quickly in our webshop 24 hours a day, 7 days a


 * Order easy and quickly
 * Orders before 10 am will be delivered the next day
 * Our complete assortment is visible in one webshop
 * You can order with your tablet, smartphone or laptop from any location
 * You receive fresh product daily with our fast service


Would you like to order something from our webshop, but don’t have login details
yet? Let us know by contacting us and receive your personal login details as
soon as possible.

Login webshop
Since 1986

Holliflor buys every day fresh flowers, plants and decorative materials directly
from growers in the biggest flower auction in the world, RFH. You will receive a
permanent contact person, where you can submit questions or wishes in your own
language. The team of Holliflor has over 30 years of experience in the
floriculture sector. Because of this experience we can provide you with the best
quality of flowers, plants and decorative materials for your shop, for the best
prices. This allows more people to enjoy flowers and plants. At home, at work
and in their free time.

View our fresh assortment

Our partners

We are the partner for retailers, florists and wholesalers who believe in a good
collaboration. Our target? Continue to grow, but with selected partners that
suit us. You can easily choose from a complete, exclusive and clear assortment,
we completely unburden you, you are always provided with fresh and competitively
priced products that also can be ordered 24/7 in small numbers and benefits you
from our expert advice. Looking for a reliable partner? Please contact us and we
will discuss the possibilities together.

Become a partner of Holliflor

Actual assortment

In our truck you can order your flowers, plants and decorative materials in
front of your shop, by telephone, fax or e-mail at Holliflor. But you can also
order your products online 24/7 in our webshop. Our complete assortiment is here
up-to-date to view and order. Ordered produts are usually delivered within 24
hours. Log in or register a personal account to experience our convenience of
online shopping ourself.

Personal service

Holliflor is a modern export company with personal service from a traditional
Flying Dutchman. Thanks to our refrigerated truck we can guarantly you the
quality of all our fresh flowers and plants. We transport your products as
sustainable as possible from Holland to places throughout Europe.

Login webshop

Contact us

Do you have a question? Do you want access to our webshop? Or do you want to get
in touch with us?
Fill in the contact form below and we will contact you so soon as possible.

 * Company name*
   Company name
 * Name Contact Person*
   First Last
 * Address*
 * ZIP Code*
 * City*
 * Country*
 * Telephone number*
 * E-mail address*
 * Vat Number
 * Note


Tooropstraat 31
2231 MN Rijnsburg
The Netherlands


Alexander Brussee: +31 6 12 78 77 33 Frans Brussee: +31 6 15 19 81 81 Bjorn: +31
6 33 16 84 68 Daan: +31 6 37 27 33 43


KvK 62590456
BTW NL8548.78.300.B01
IBAN NL97 RABO0302135170


Webdesign & realisatie 100% LEIDEN
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 * Essentieel: onthoud uw instelling voor cookietoestemming
 * Essentieel: sessiecookies toestaan
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 * Essentieel: houd bij wat u in het winkelwagentje invoert
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 * Essentieel: onthoud de taalversie die je hebt geselecteerd
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 * Functionaliteit: onthoud geselecteerde regio en land


 * Analysis: keeping track of your visited pages and the interaction taken
 * Analyzes: keep track of your location and region based on your IP number
 * Analytics: keep track of the time spent on each page
 * Analytics: increase the data quality of the statistical functions
 * Advertising: customized information and advertising for your interests based
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 * Advertising: collect personally identifiable information such as name and


 * Remember which cookies group you accepted
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 * Essential: collect information that you enter in a newsletter with contact
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 * Analysis: keeping track of your visited pages and the interaction taken
 * Analysis: keep track of your location and region based on your IP number
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 * Functionality: remember social media settings
 * Functionality: remember selected region and country
 * Analysis: keeping track of your visited pages and the interaction taken
 * Analyzes: keep track of your location and region based on your IP number
 * Analytics: keep track of the time spent on each page
 * Analytics: increase the data quality of the statistical functions
 * Advertising: customized information and advertising for your interests based
   on b. the content you have previously visited. (We currently do not use
   targeting or targeting cookies)
 * Advertising: collect personally identifiable information such as name and


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