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Want To Know Your Health Score? Modify Values


5'10" ft


60 kgs


32 yrs

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* Please select your gender



Lightly Active
Moderately Active
Very Active

* Please select Your Lifestyle






Disclaimer : The following predications are based on our scientific research and
need not be true.

Your Health Score

Get My Free Diet Plan


Health score

A hundred on hundred is always welcome in life, isn’t it? Why leave your health
out? Check your health score right away!

Learn more.

Diet and Workout Plans

For every health problem you have, we have a plan. Choose now from our
personalized diet and workout plans.

Learn more.

Track Your Health

Everything from your sleep hours to water, food, and alcohol consumption can now
be tracked. Start tracking!

Learn more.

Nutritionists Support

Our panel of nutritionists are here to acquaint you with your body’s needs. Ask
them for their health and lifestyle-related expert opinion, now!

Learn more.


The Fit Indian calculates your health score on the basis of your lifestyle
activities, starting from the food you eat to the quality of your sleep, and
your current health conditions. Utilize it to keep record of every activity that
affects your health, and the calculated score will keep you accountable to make
the necessary lifestyle changes.


Has your lifestyle gone out of whack? Bring it back on track with The Fit
Indian’s tailor-made diet and workout plans. Whether you want to lose, gain, or
maintain your weight, we’ve got everything sorted out for you!


How do you know that these diet and workout plans are making the difference?
Apart from the fact that you can indeed feel the difference, you can use our
unique tracking feature to check your health score and keep track of it
throughout your health journey.


When we say ‘sorted out’, we mean that our panel of expert nutritionists are
relentlessly working towards helping you achieve your health goals. Customized
diet plans approved by skilled nutritionists are here to kick-start your health
journey right away!

> <

 * “I am a health enthusiast and a workout freak. While I was looking for just
   the right kind of guidance to give a sense of direction to my workout
   sessions, I landed on The Fit Indian app. I not only found an at-home workout
   regime that I am absolutely in love with but also found the exact diet plan
   for my needs. Looks like six-pack’s on the way! ”

 * “I work for 8 hours a day and travel for 4 more hours. With that kind of
   lifestyle and work schedule, I thought I could never feel healthy again until
   I found The Fit Indian app. I love the fact that I don’t have to move out of
   my house to meet an expert who can guide me in regaining my health. ”

 * “There’s nothing worse than dealing with post-partum weight gain (the
   hormones and the mess plus, having to look after the little one). It drove me
   nuts, but thanks to this app, their diet and workout plans have brought me
   back to normalcy within no time. Such a relief! ”












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Coming soon


The Fit Indian app is an all-inclusive platform that offers specialized, focused
diet and workout plans; daily food and water consumption tracking; sleep cycle
tracking and restoration, and an overall Health Score for all the seekers of
good health and fitness out there! Avail our online support from a team of
certified nutritionists right away!

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