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URL: https://feenix.org/student/c3dbbd3c1e0542239a223938e55ba4b0-2023
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The Feenix™ Trust: IT831/2017 PBO: 930057053

 Back to Students  
Tyra [ 2020 2021 2022 2023 ]

Matriculated from northcliff high school
University of the Witwatersrand,  Bachelor of Laws,  2023,  Fourth Year
(Graduating in 2023)

Total funding needed R 147,105.59

R 0.00 funded R 147,105.59 funding left

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* An additional cost of minimum 7.5% of your contribution will be utilized
towards the costs of administering Feenix™.
100 147105.59 100
Max R147,105.59
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My name is Tyra. I am a BCom Law Graduate from the University of the Witwatersrand. I am currently studying Bachelor of Laws (2 years) at Wits. I am a hard-working, friendly, and determined person. I am able to work well in a team, but when needed I am able to step up and lead a team. 

My dream since I was a teenager was to make a difference in the world. In Grade 11, I realized that law is a career in which I would have the ability and platform to help others. As an attorney, advocate or even the Public Protector I will be able to help protect people, even the most vulnerable like children. When I was accepted into Wits I knew I was meant to help all people receive the justice, fairness, and equality they deserve.

My mom always sacrifices everything to provide the best for my sisters and me, even if it means that she
doesn’t get to provide the best for herself. My mom is a school teacher and the sole income earner for
the past 5 years and has been responsible for the basic needs of our household as well as my sisters and
I have school and university fees as my dad has been unemployed for that period. One of my ultimate goals is to provide a comfortable lifestyle for my parents, to make them proud, and for them to see that all their dedication, resilience, perseverance, and sacrifices have paid off.

At primary school, I was selected as prefect, scholar patrol captain, and house captain. My high school
achievements range from senior councilor (prefect), half colors for academics at the end of my matric
year, a team tie for A team athletics, and 2nd team Netball captain and Débutantes and Squires participant. I danced with Lesley Angove School of Dancing. My highest achievement in Ballet is Level 2
Certificate in Vocational Graded Examination in Dance: Intermediate Foundation (Ballet).

Besides my mom, dad, and some elders in my family and community, professor Thuli Madonsela and
Shaeera Kalla is an inspiration to me. I truly admire Professor Madonsela’s integrity, tenacity, and
courage. Shaeera Kalla’s role in the “Fees must fall” campaign really inspired me to take a stand to
empower those who were previously marginalized having a positive knock-on effect and uplifting a nation.

After completing my Sunday School Confirmation in Grade 10, I volunteered to be a Sunday School
teacher at the Bosmont Congregational Church. I have been a Gr.7/8 teacher for the past 3 years. I’m also
a member of the church’s outreach group, Church & Society and we share a religious message and
guidance and a hearty meal with the less fortunate once a month. I’m also a netball member of the
Shooting Star's netball team is affiliated with the Emmarentia Netball League. We play our fixtures every
Saturday promotes a healthy, balanced lifestyle in our community.

Upon graduation, I will assist my family and community by giving free legal advice and doing Pro Bono
work for community forums and for those who cannot afford it. When I’m financially stable I intend
to sponsor at least one student to cover the cost of his/her studies for at least 3 years. I will also
volunteer my services to mentor and guide matric learners and Law students to ensure that they are
adequately skilled and prepared to cope effectively within the legal fraternity.

The kind, generous donation will ultimately assist and support my community and empower many other
people besides myself. Through the funding, I will be able to complete/obtain my Bachelor of Laws Degree and further my career, goals, and aspirations paying it forward by doing pro bono work and community involvement. Ultimately the donation will not only uplift and empower me and my community but it will ensure that those who previously didn’t have a voice or a platform to take a stand to fight against corruption and all other ills of society, will now be able to do so with my support and assistance.

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