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Valencia Meth
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by Valencia Meth


There is a negative perception when it comes to contending for the faith. People
think that those who do it are judgmental and have no love for people.
Contending for the faith does not mean that we become contentious people, it
does not mean criticising every church or Christian organisation that is
different from us, certainly not. Contending for the faith simply means that we
take our commitment to Jesus Christ and His Church seriously enough to take firm
action whenever such a need arises concerning doctrine, to maintain the
spiritual health of the body of Christ and for the welfare of souls in eternity.
It is done out of pure selfless love.

If we truly love the Lord Jesus and His Word, and if we truly love the Church of
God and the souls of men, then we must take strong action whenever it is needed.
We must strongly contend for the faith. I want to make this explicitly clear.
When I speak about the church, I am speaking about the universal church, the
church at large, not a specific church or my church. I just felt that I needed
to say that so that offense does not creep in when people are reading my work.
The church at large has a great responsibility to God and to His people. The
book of 1 John 4:20 tells us that to love God is to love His people. You cannot
love God and hate His people then His love has not been perfected in you.

As the church there are certain things that we need to uphold. We are to keep
His commandments and teach others to keep His commandments. We are to bear
witness of Jesus Christ and to operate under the unction of the Holy Spirit. We
are to equip the saints and shepherd the flock of Jesus Christ as they are His
people and we are stewards over them. We are to serve the saints and strengthen
them against the attacks from the enemy.


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Valencia Meth

Valencia Meth is a mother to two children and grandmother of one child. She is a
campus Pastor under the leadership of Apostles Johny and Patricia Grobler at the
Durban Christian Centre South Church in Durban South Africa.

She felt the call of God in 2013, quit her job in August and in September of the
same year, she went full time to study the word of God. She was soon drafted
into the youth leadership team and later joined the worship team as she had a
natural desire to sing unto God. She grew quickly in the knowledge of the word
and her responsibilities grew as well. 

She worked at the Durban Christian Centre South Church office and began
assisting with administrative duties to cover the practical component of her
studies. Later she was given the responsibility of oversighting the information
counter for the two churches. 

In July 2015 with a word from God, she started a ministry for single mothers and
developed her own program for this ministry that was based on the word of God
and her personal experience. She was very committed and showed so much love to
the saints that her call and maturity was very obvious to her pastors.

In 2017 we launched our local School of the Spirit at DCC South and Valencia was
a very obvious and excellent choice for Dean of the School Of The Spirit. She
continued to administrate the students, write and update material for the School
of the Spirit and establish the students in their calls and ministry roles with
a very personal, passionate and practical flair .

In 2019 we established a new church in the Fynnlands area and named it Durban
Christian Centre Fynnlands. Once again Valencia shone brightly with her passion
for souls and all-round capability to establish the various ministries
associated with a new local church. She was appointed as the local church pastor
since and she began shepherding the flock and raising a team for the growing

In 2023 we started a fully accredited, international bible college of which she
is also the Dean and has been a blessing to the students with her love for the
saints of God and a passion for their growth and maturity.


Valencia Meth is a mother to two children and grandmother of one child. She is a
campus Pastor under the leadership of Apostles Johny and Patricia Grobler at the
Durban Christian Centre South Church in Durban South Africa.

She felt the call of God in 2013, quit her job in August and in September of the
same year, she went full time to study the word of God. She was soon drafted
into the youth leadership team and later joined the worship team as...

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