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Here is a list of other Taiwan Blogs that we think are of note, as well as our
list of blog lists (bloggoramma), and vlogs. We will keep this updated as best
we can. Websites that are no longer online will be deleted. If you feel that you
should be on this list, please let us know.


Travel and General Interest:

Josh Ellis Photography a travel and urbex photography gallery and blog from a
travel photographer based in Taoyuan.

Spectral Codex a very detailed and thorough travel and urbex blog by Alexander

Formosa>Ex an interesting urban exploration blog written by Jay Mac based in
southern Taiwan. 

Out Recording a unique blog about  riding a dirt bike through some hard to reach
places in Taiwan, all the while recording sounds.

Taiwan Trails and Tales Two women who go hiking in the hills and mountains of

Taiwan Hikes hikes all over Taiwan including information on groups hiking trips
by Anusha. 

Down to Explore adventure and outdoor travels in Taiwan by Ryan Hevern.

Steven Crook the personal blog of travel writer Steven Crook, author of multiple
books on Taiwan.

Travel Taiwan A very useful travel blog in English by local travel guide
Sullivan Chen.

Taiwan Style various travels mainly around southern Taiwan. 

Orbit Adventure Bilingual French-Canadian teaching English in Taiwan, sharing
interesting stories and new places to discover.

Attorney on a Journey travel in Taiwan by Francesca, a life-long learner,
published travel writer, and licensed attorney who packed up her bags to explore
the world.

Paogao's Journal a blog about travel, photography, films, Chinese, Tai-chi, and

Taiwan Fun Times sharing experiences, adventures and discoveries in Taiwan with
others, by Dokuya.

Travels in Asia an extensive travel blog covering places all over Taiwan by

Taiwan Everything  a general interest guide to Taiwan, including outdoors, food,
and travel. 

Groove Grrrl (A Day in the life of...), a travel blog by Jennifer Turek focusing
on her adventures in Taiwan, with lots of river tracing. a general interest and travel blog by MJ Klein.

Nick Kembel Spiritual Travels by author, photographer, award-winning travel
blogger Nick Kembel based in Taiwan.  

Road to Self Blog, a blog by a Finnish couple with restless feet. Sadly they
left Taiwan last year, but there are lots of great Taiwan related posts here.

放羊的狼 by Willy Chang , the most extensive resource for mine exploration in

Over the City outdoor adventures and urbex by Tom Rook.

Pepology urbex and travel from Len Peps.

MIRRORSIGNALMOVE a blog about reservoirs and waterworks in Taiwan by Mike Fagan.

Taipei Air Station history and memories from when there was a US air force base
in Taiwan.

Translating Taiwan a variety of stuff from reviews of the Taiwanese/Chinese
books to language tidbits as well as general (and amateur) observations of
Taipei by Conchobar.

Carlyle Discoveries Frenchie expatriate in Taiwan, with articles and photos of
sites around Taiwan. 

Bubble Tea Island by Antoine, a Belgian studying in Taipei creating content all
about Taiwan.

Everlasting Journey travels from Janet Hsu,  a polish girl married to Taiwanese,
exploring Taiwan, sharing experiences in Taiwan, interesting places, culture and
some life stories.

Hola Taipei Taiwan personalized travel services and experiences in English and
Spanish. You can discover Taipei and Taiwan secrets and curiosities in their
blog with more than 10 years of content.

Food and Lifestyle:

Tricky Taipei  a lifestyle blog based in Taipei by Kathy Cheng, but also
focusing on the Taiwan's tourism and online strategy.

Eating in Taipei one of the most comprehensive Taipei restaurant blogs out

Hungry Girl in Taipei, a food blog focusing on Taiwan cuisine by Joan H.

Jaysun Eats Taipei  a very extensive restaurant guide to Taipei.

Clarissa Wei, blog by the same name, lifestyle and travel blog about many places
including Taiwan.

Amy Chyan written by a woman with the same name, has food and lifestyle guides
to Taipei.

Vegan Dan Dan a blog by Darice, a vegan, Miss Taiwanese American 2014,
writer, translator, model and artist currently based in Taipei, Taiwan.

Ohwanderlin wandering, laughing, and writing about it by Jean. Full of posts on
various cafe's in Taiwan but also lots of other adventures.


CPBL Stats: News and daily stats about Taiwan baseball. 

Politics and Opinion:

Frozen Garlic a blog on elections in Taiwan. Probably the best active political
blog on Taiwan right now.

Nihao's it Going by the pseudonym Mossy Konger is a general interest and opinion
blog about topics especially related to foreigners in Taiwan.

Laoren Cha  a general blog for women living in Taiwan with commentary on
everything about Taiwan by Jenna Cody.

The Writing Baron A British-born Taipei-based writer, editor, journalist and
diatribist. Jack-of-all trades and master of at least some, over the years I’ve
scribbled on everything from futsal to foreign affairs.

Chaon, a strange but funny blog by Karl Smith who is based in Taichung. Don't
get your expectations too high for this one, its more like the dark internet
with a Taiwan twist.

Keep up with Taiwan bloggers via this twitter list:
Also you can check out the Facebook group for Taiwan blogs:

Oldies but Goodies:
Inactive blogs with some good info:

The View from Taiwan commentary on history and politics from Taichung, Taiwan
by Michael Turton. Sadly  Mr. Turton announced his retirement from blogging.

Taiwan Matters, a group blog on Taiwan politics, run in part by Tim Maddog.

Letters from Taiwan an online diary of what engages and interests Ben Goren
about Taiwan, as well as a record of his journeys and discoveries.

The Far Eastern Sweet Potato by J Michael Cole, a blog about Taiwan politics and
military as well as Asia in general.

Snarky Tofu blog created by Taiwan travel expert Joshua Samuel Brown and is his
personal blog. 

Follow Xiaofei a travel blog mostly about finding hard to reach hot springs and
other swimming spots in Taiwan. It also features frequent Vlogs. The blog is now
down and has been replaced by 68 

Ink and Adventure by Jamie Walker a blog with travel photos, expat experiences,
and bits about life as a blogger/writer living in Taiwan.

Going Colonial by Doug Chesney, a native Californian who’s been on an adventure
since 2015, making his way around the world one country at a time. This blog is
mainly about colonial architecture in Asia. 

All Aboard  Taiwan a travel and general interest blog by Thomas. 

The Amazing Taitung a travel blog just about everything near and around Taitung.


Foreigners in Taiwan: Yes we have a Youtube channel! Mostly it just has GoPro
and Drone footage to supplement the blog, but you should still subscribe.

Guanxi Taiwan: The place for all things Taiwan. The Trax segment is especially

莫彩曦Hailey daily life from Hailey and her husband, a young American couple that
can speak Chinese and just relocated to Taiwan.

Ryan Hevern With almost a decades experience living and leading adventures in
Taiwan and Asia, Ryan is a passionate adventurer, nature photographer, and keen

Lukas Engstrom: Swedish guy who somehow ended up in Taiwan.

Kayla Meets Culture: YouTuber & writer living on the strange island of Kinmen in

Attorney on a Journey: Travel in Taiwan by Francesca, a life-long learner,
published travel writer, and licensed attorney who packed up her bags to explore
the world.

LoganDBeck Films: Travel and daily life from Logan Beck, an eccentric young
American living in Changhua. 

Stop Kiddin' Studio: A team of young foreigners in Taiwan discussing life and
food in Taiwan.

This is Taiwan: A vlog by a South African living in Taiwan sharing all things

Life in Taiwan: An Englishman that teaches English in Taiwan and his many

Prozzie: Making videos about China and Taiwan and being an expat abroad.

Emily Howe: A British woman married to a Taiwanese man and their life in Taiwan.

李小飛 (Xiaofei):The same blog mentioned above (Follow Xiaofei), but showing all
his videos.

Joshua Samuel Brown: Personal videos of JSB in Taiwan.

Sharon Ristino: The daily life of a stay at home mom based in Taichung.

Let's View the World: A travel and general life guides by Angie from all over
the world, but mostly  Taiwan.

Tony Capatch: The daily life of a body building English teacher in Taiwan.

Asia Hikelopedia 理察爬山百科: Introducing Taiwan and Asia's culture and history via
hiking, biking, and eating adventures.

Taiwan Plus: Pretty much everything on Taiwan Plus is gold. Even though it is
run by the government, the original program in English on the channel is
insightful, interesting, and inspiring. It is much better than anything you can
find from other foreign youtubers. I especially recommend watching Happy

Bloggorama (List of Blogrolls):
 * English Blogs:

Alexander Synaptic's blogroll: 
Expat's Blog list of Taiwan blogs:'s list of Taiwan blogs:
 * Chinese Blogs:

Pixnet list of most popular blogs:

If we have forgotten any blogs or vlogs that you love, please let us know and we
would be glad to add them to this list.


Jacob link
5/27/2019 01:23:09 am

Hey, really great list. I've spent time checking out those other blogs. I've in
Taiwan for almost a year now and started my own blog/website. Anyway I could get
included on this list. Definitely willing to add a list to my own website.


Aulya link
8/2/2019 08:00:36 pm

Wow The information you convey is very interesting and very useful for me. Thank
you for sharing your experiences and knowledge about holidays.


Smile Cat link
7/6/2020 02:24:52 pm

Hi there,

I am creating a FB/blog writing about Taiwan local attractions' history in
Mandarin and English, Aims to practice my English writing and also record some
history studies for my personal career need. It is new website and hope I will
continue writing it ;) please kindly have a check and leave any comment if you
are interested in it. thank you so much, cheers!!


Jackie Yu
4/28/2021 11:19:38 pm

朋友们,美好的一天。 我的名字叫成龙,我是中国人。 我是单身和孤独,我正在寻找一个妻子,它将成为我的伴侣,并一起度过余生。


1/19/2022 10:08:19 pm

I have a pet male pro-democrat paradise gourami fish named (BLUETIGER) I want
any taiwanese people that own a pet paradise gourami fish and are pro-democrat
like me I vote democrat I asking if the taiwanese people will train the paradise
gourami to be more effective in self-defense against its 2 republican rivals 1
the south American leaffish 2 the FL flagfish even though this fish eats algae
its still a nippy fish.


abunslot link
2/16/2022 04:30:43 pm

Its okay
keep post like this
i like it


acctotopasangtogel link
6/23/2022 01:29:58 am

Jika Anda mencari situs togel online terpercaya, maka kami ACCTOTO bisa menjadi
akhir dari pencarian Anda.


齊崇硯 link
7/3/2022 01:40:34 am

Wow, " Excellent " You have provide very useful and interesting blogs. My name
is 齊崇硯. I am Ph.D. Student of the Department University of Tokyo. I read some
blogs. But I like most one Food and Lifestyle blogs. I like Taiwan street foods.
Thanks for sharing useful information.


Data HK 2023 link
7/18/2022 04:59:40 am

Thank you for sharing information …


David Johnson link
8/6/2022 01:39:43 am

Good article, my research ends here, because I have found a good name for my
horse. I also recommend my blog <a
href="">Taiwanese last


sidolapak link
10/12/2022 02:56:59 am

i love Blogrolls


Rekap SGP link
11/13/2022 02:16:33 am

thanks for informatio


Data SGP 2023 link
12/19/2022 07:08:46 pm

Thanks for information. i like this blog


Syair HK link
6/20/2023 02:27:20 pm

i like this post


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We are US Expats that have extensive experience living, working, and travelling
in Taiwan. In our day, we had to learn many things about Taiwan the hard way.
But we have come to learn that Taiwan is one of the best places in the world for
Foreigners to live.  Our blog does not represent the opinions of every foreigner
in Taiwan. We are just trying to help others learn more about this beautiful

我們只是想要幫助世界各地的人了解台灣美好的一切! (美國人在管理)


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February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
September 2022
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April 2022
March 2022
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January 2022
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July 2017
June 2017
April 2017
March 2017
February 2017
December 2015
November 2015
October 2015
June 2015
May 2015
December 2014
November 2014
October 2014
September 2014
June 2014
May 2014


Aboriginal Culture 原住民文化
Alishan 阿里山
Amusement Parks 娛樂園
Aquariums 海洋館
Art 藝術
Basic Info 基本資訊
Beaches 海灘
Blogroll 部落格名單
Bridges 橋梁
Buddhism 佛教
Buddhism 佛教
Business 商業
Business 商業
Camping 露營
Car Driving Test 考汽車駕照
Car Rental 租氣車
Caves 山洞
Changhua 彰化
Chiayi 嘉義
Children Activities 小孩活動
Chinese Film 中文電影
Chinese Language 中文
Chinese Language 中文
Chinese Literature 中文文學
Chinese Literature 中文文學
Chinese Pollution 中國污染
City Parks 都市公園
Click Bait 點擊誘餌
Coal Mining 煤礦
Confucius Temples 孔廟
Cycling 騎腳踏車
Cycling 騎腳踏車
Daily Life 日常生活
Daoism 道教
Disaster Tourism 災害旅遊
Driving In Taiwan 開車
Drone Flying 飛空拍機
East Rift Valley 花東縱谷
East Taiwan 東部
Ershui 二水
Events 活動
Festivals 節日
Fish Foot Massage 溫泉魚
Floral Sea 花海
Food 食物
Forts 堡壘
Fruit 水果
Geography 地理
Geography 地理
Geology 地質
Golf 高爾夫球
Green Energy 綠色能源
Growing Bananas 種香蕉日記
Guest Blog Posts 客人部落格
Hakka Culture 客家文化
Hiking 爬山
Historical Buildings 歷史建築
Historical Buildings 歷史建築
Hot Springs 溫泉
Hot Springs 溫泉
Hsinchu 新竹
Hualien 花蓮
Immigration/Visa 移民/簽證
Japanese Era 日治時期
Jiaoxi 礁溪
Kaohsiung 高雄
Keelung 基隆
Kenting 墾丁
Kinmen 金門
Lakes And Reservoirs 湖及水庫
Lighthouses 燈塔
Longdong 龍洞
Lukang 鹿港
Luodong Night Market 羅東夜市
Maolin 茂林
Matsu Islands 馬祖列島
Miaoli 苗栗
Migrant Workers 外籍勞動
Monkeys 猴子
Monkeys 猴子
Mountain Biking 越野
Mountain Biking 越野
Museums 博物館
Nangang 南港
Nantou 南投
National Forest Recreation Areas 國家森林游樂區
National Palace Museum 故宮
National Parks 國家公園
Natural Scenery 自然風景
New Taipei 新北市
Night Market 夜市
Northern Coast 北海岸
Not Taiwan 台灣以外的地方
Nuclear Power 核能
Nuclear Power 核能
Offroading 越野
Old City Gates 古城門
Old Streets 老街
Old Trails 古道
Orchid Island (Lanyu 蘭嶼)
Outer Islands 外島
Paragliding 跳傘
Pathos And Logos 情與理
Penghu Islands 澎湖群島
Pingtung 屏東
Pingxi Railway 平息火車綫
Politics 政治
Politics 政治
Qing Dynasty Era 清朝時代
Railways 鐵路
Recreational Farms 休閑農場
River Tracing 朔溪
Rock Climbing 攀岩
Sailing 帆船
Sand Dunes 沙丘
Scooter Driving Test 考機車駕照
Scooter Rental 租機車
Seafood Markets 海鮮市場
Shiding 石碇
Shilin Night Market 士林夜市
Shopping 購物
Sicao Green Tunnel 四草綠色隧道
Smokestacks 烟囪
Snorkeling 浮潛
Snorkeling 浮潛
Starting A Taiwan Business 創業
Starting A Taiwan Business 創業
Sun Moon Lake 日月潭
Sun Moon Lake 日月潭
Surfing 3490928010
Surfing 冲浪
Taichung 臺中
Tainan 台南
Taipei 101
Taipei 101 101
Taipei 101 2148821271 101
Taipei 2148821271
Taipei Zoo 台北動物園
Taipei 臺北
Taipei 臺北
Taitung 臺東
Taiwanese Spouse 台灣配偶
Taiwan FAQ 臺灣常見問題
Taiwan History 台灣的歷史
Taiwan History 台灣的歷史
Taiwan's Economy 台灣經濟
Taiwan's Economy 台灣經濟
Taiwan Temples 臺灣的廟
Tamsui 淡水
Taoyuan 桃園
Taroko Gorge 太魯閣
Tax 稅
Thailand 泰國
Top 10 前十名
Top 10 前十名
Top 5 前5名
Transportation 交通
Tsai Yingwen 蔡英文
Turtle Island 龜山島
Turtle Island 龜山島
Typhoons 颱風
Ultimate Guide 極限指南
Urbex 城市探險
Waterfalls 瀑布
Weather 天氣
White Terror 白色恐怖
Wildlife 野生動物
Women In Chinese Society 女士們在中國社會
Working In Taiwan 在台灣工作
Working In Taiwan 在台灣工作
Wulai Hot Springs 烏來溫泉
Xiaoliuqiu 小琉球
Xitou 溪頭
Xitou 溪頭
Xizhi 汐止
Yangmingshan 陽明山
Yilan 宜蘭
Yunlin 雲林
Yushan (Jade Mt.) 玉山
Zhongtaishan 中台山
Zoos 動物園

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