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    <div class="product-info__desc-tab-content"><strong>Specification:</strong><br> Material: rhinestones + canvas<br> Project type: 5D diamond painting <br> Color: as shown<br> Diamond type: Full Square Drill<br> Canvas size:
      Approx.20x30CM/7.87x11.81\'\'; 30x40CM/11.81x15.75\'\', 40x50CM/15.75x19.69\'\'; 45x60CM/17.72x23.62\'\'; 50x70CM/19.69x27.56\'\'(1CM=0.39in)<br> Space: living room / bedroom / classroom / entrance<br>
      <strong>DIY diamond painting steps:</strong><br> 1. Open the box, check the kits whether complete;<br> 2. According to the color code, choose a color into the plate;If you paste the same color at the same time, you can increase the speed;<br>
      3. Find the symbols in picture, beginning paste until finish it;<br> 4. When you finish it,put some books on top, let it more firmly;<br> 5. Congratulations, you can go framed up and decorate your home now!<br>
      <strong>Preventive measures of DIY diamond painting:</strong><br> 1. Refer to the previous operation steps.<br> 2. If you don\'t know what the color, please refer to the color chart.<br>
      <strong>Tips:</strong><br> We sell the resin diamonds, semi-finished products, not including frames! Diamond painting, only needs DIY sticking diamond.<br> This is DIY diamond painting. It\'s not finished. You need to do it yourself.<br>
      <strong>Note:</strong><br> 1. Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you!<br> 2. Please allow 1-2CM measuring deviation due to manual
      measurement.<br><br><strong>Package Content:</strong><br>1 X Diamond Painting (rhinestone need to be pasted)<br> 1set X Diamond Painting Tools (no frame)<br> 1set X Drill Bags
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      <p>If you have more detailed plan consultation, please contact us: <span style="color: #000000;"><a href="mailto:service@peggybuy.com" style="color: #000000;">service@peggybuy.com</a></span></p>
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Text Content

Year-end Extra 7% Off -- Code: PBWE88 / Free Shipping on Orders Over $69
 * NEW
    * [For All New]
    * New 5D DIY Craft
    * New Diamond Painting
    * New Special Shaped
    * New Big Size
    * New Christmas

 * TOP
 * From $0.99
    * Flash Deals
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 * Customized
 * Diamond Painting
    * Popular Collection
    * Animal
    * Character
    * Flower
    * Abstract
    * Landscape
    * Cartoon
    * Festival
    * Lettering

 * 5D DIY Craft
    * [All 5D DIY Craft]
    * DIY Sticker
    * DIY Keychain
    * DIY Pendant
    * DIY Coaster
    * DIY Ornaments
    * DIY Mirror
    * DIY Bookmark
    * DIY Bag
    * DIY Fashion Accessories
    * DIY Greeting Card
    * DIY Clock
    * DIY Lamp
    * DIY Notebook
    * DIY Storage Box
    * DIY Travel Storage

 * Big Size
    * [All Big Size]
    * Square Drill
    * Multi-picture
    * Over 60CM
    * Over 70CM
    * Over 80CM
    * Over 85CM
    * Over 90CM
    * Over 100CM

 * Tools
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    * DIY Frame
    * Point Drill Pen
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    * Tray
    * Round Beads Stone
    * Storage Handbag

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    * Paint By Numbers
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   DIY Greeting Card
   DIY Clock
   DIY Lamp
   DIY Notebook
   DIY Storage Box
   DIY Travel Storage
 * Big Size
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   Over 70CM
   Over 80CM
   Over 85CM
   Over 90CM
   Over 100CM
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1 / 8

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33% OFF

Auto-rotate Diamond Painting Point Drill Pen with Mud
$3.99 $5.99

Shower Elephant - Round Drill Diamond Painting - 25*20CM
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Curly Black Girl - Round Drill Diamond Painting - 30*30CM
$5.99 $6.99

Ocean Dolphin - Round Drill Diamond Painting - 90*30CM (Big Size)
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Product Description Reviews Wholesale Discount
Product Description
Material: rhinestones + canvas
Project type: 5D diamond painting
Color: as shown
Diamond type: Full Square Drill
Canvas size: Approx.20x30CM/7.87x11.81\'\'; 30x40CM/11.81x15.75\'\',
40x50CM/15.75x19.69\'\'; 45x60CM/17.72x23.62\'\';
Space: living room / bedroom / classroom / entrance

DIY diamond painting steps:
1. Open the box, check the kits whether complete;
2. According to the color code, choose a color into the plate;If you paste the
same color at the same time, you can increase the speed;
3. Find the symbols in picture, beginning paste until finish it;
4. When you finish it,put some books on top, let it more firmly;
5. Congratulations, you can go framed up and decorate your home now!

Preventive measures of DIY diamond painting:
1. Refer to the previous operation steps.
2. If you don\'t know what the color, please refer to the color chart.

We sell the resin diamonds, semi-finished products, not including frames!
Diamond painting, only needs DIY sticking diamond.
This is DIY diamond painting. It\'s not finished. You need to do it yourself.

1. Due to the different monitor and light effect, the actual color of the item
might be slightly different from the color showed on the pictures. Thank you!
2. Please allow 1-2CM measuring deviation due to manual measurement.

Package Content:
1 X Diamond Painting (rhinestone need to be pasted)
1set X Diamond Painting Tools (no frame)
1set X Drill Bags

Wholesale Discount

If you have more detailed plan consultation, please contact us:

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33% OFF

Auto-rotate Diamond Painting Point Drill Pen with Mud
$3.99 $5.99

Shower Elephant - Round Drill Diamond Painting - 25*20CM
14% OFF

Curly Black Girl - Round Drill Diamond Painting - 30*30CM
$5.99 $6.99

Ocean Dolphin - Round Drill Diamond Painting - 90*30CM (Big Size)
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SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-smart-block', SpzSmartBlockComponent);
${(function(){ const product = data.product; const toQuery = obj =>
Object.keys(obj) .map(k => Array.isArray(obj[k]) ? obj[k].map(v =>
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`${k}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[k])}` ) .join('&'); return `
${product.images.map((image) => { return `` }).join('')}


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`; })()}
${(function(){ const product = data.product; const avail_variants =
product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); const
selected_variant = product.min_price_variant.available ?
product.min_price_variant : avail_variants.length && avail_variants[0]; return `
${ option.values.map(function(value, index){ const checked =
selected_variant["option"+option.position] == value ? "checked": ""; return `
` }).join("") }
` })()}
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${(function(){ const products = data.products; const getDefaultVariant =
function(product){ if (product.min_price_variant.available){ return
product.min_price_variant; }else { const avail_variants =
product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); if
(avail_variants.length) { return avail_variants[0]; } } }; const toQuery = obj
=> Object.keys(obj) .map(k => Array.isArray(obj[k]) ? obj[k].map(v =>
`${k}[]=${encodeURIComponent(v)}`).join('&') :
`${k}=${encodeURIComponent(obj[k])}` ) .join('&'); const getDefaultTrackParams =
function(product, index){ const variant = getDefaultVariant(product); const
params = { aid: 'smart_recommend.2.' + data.id, scm: product.scm || data.scm ||
'', spm: data.spmBase + '.' + index, ssp: data.ssp || '', }; const trackParams =
Object.keys(params).map(function(key){ return params[key]; }).join('__'); return
trackParams; }; const hasMore = (data.products.length -
data.target_top_product_num - data.page * data.limit) === 0; return `
${(function(){ return `

${data.rebate_tips || ''}
`; })()}

`; })()}

class SpzCustomComponent extends SPZ.BaseElement { constructor(element) {
super(element); this.templates_ = null; this.container_ = null;
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this.limit_ = 10; this.loading_ = false; } static deferredMount() { return
false; } isLayoutSupported(layout) { return layout == SPZCore.Layout.CONTAINER;
} buildCallback() { this.templates_ = SPZServices.templatesForDoc(this.element);
this.setAction_(); } mountCallback() { console.log('pop mounted'); this.i18n_ =
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const e = event.detail; if (e.source === 'buy_now' || window.__upsell_block ||
this.rendered_) return; that.fetchActivityData({product_id: e.product_id,
variant_id: e.variant_id}).then(data => { if (!data || !data.products ||
!data.products.length) return; that.config_ = data.config; const recommendStyle
= document.createElement('style'); recommendStyle.innerHTML = `
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that.rendered_ = true; if (data.products.length) { const headEl =
document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_head_render"); if (headEl) {
SPZ.whenApiDefined(headEl).then(function(head){ head.render({ data: data }); });
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that.impressListen('#smart_cart_pop_activity', function(){
that.trackPluginImpression_(data); }); api.open(); const intersectionObserver =
new IntersectionObserver( function (entries) { if (entries[0].intersectionRatio
> 0){ !that.loading_ && (that.products_.length - that.target_top_product_num_)
=== that.page_ * that.limit_ && that.viewMore(); } }, { threshold: [0.1] } );
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this; const data = {}; SPZ.whenApiDefined(cartPopRenderEl).then(function(api){
that.fetchActivityData({ page: that.page_ + 1, limit: that.limit_
}).then(function(data) { data.products = that.products_;
data.target_top_product_num = that.target_top_product_num_; data.i18n =
that.i18n_; data.spmBase = `smart_recommend_2`; api.render(data); }) }) }
fetchActivityData(data) { const that = this; if (data.product_id) {
that._atcLineItem = data; } that.loading_ = true; return
that.getCart().then(cart => { that.cart_ = cart.cart; return
fetch(window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root + "/api/possum/recommend_activities", {
method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", "store-id":
window.SHOPLAZZA.shop.shop_id, }, body: JSON.stringify({ "show_type": 2,
"line_item": { "product_id": that._atcLineItem.product_id, "variant_id":
that._atcLineItem.variant_id, }, line_items: cart.cart.line_items, "page":
data.page || 1, "limit": data.limit || 10, }) }).then(function(res){ if(res.ok){
return res.json(); } }).then(function(data){ data.cart = cart.cart; if
(data.page === 1) { that.target_top_product_num_ = data.target_top_product_num
|| 0; } that.products_ = that.products_.concat(data.products || []); that.page_
= data.page || 1; that.limit_ = data.limit || 10; return data;
}).catch(function(e){ console.log(e); }).finally(function(){ that.loading_ =
false; }) }); }; setAction_() { this.registerAction('changeBannerColor', (data)
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data.args.data, config: that.config_ }); }); const atcTextEl =
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data.args.data, defaultText: data.args.defaultText, soldOutText:
that.i18n_.sold_out }); }); if (data.args.data.variant.available) {
} else {
} }); this.registerAction('handleProduct', (detail) => { const that = this;
this.renderProductsForm_(detail.args.data.data); });
this.registerAction('addATCHook', (data) => { const params = data.args;
this.myInterceptor_ = window.djInterceptors && window.djInterceptors.track.use({
event: 'dj.addToCart', params: { aid: 'smart_recommend.2.' + params.activity_id,
ssp: params.ssp, scm: params.scm, cfb: params.cfb, spm:
`..${window.SHOPLAZZA.meta.page.template_name}.${params.spm}`, }, once: true });
}); this.registerAction('handleAtcSuccess', (detail) => {
detail.args.data.product = detail.args.data.product || {};
detail.args.data.variant = detail.args.data.variant || {}; const defParams =
detail.args.product.split('__'); const product_id = detail.args.data.product.id;
const product_title = detail.args.data.product.title; const variant_id =
detail.args.data.variant.id; const price = detail.args.data.variant.price; const
aid = defParams[0]; const ifb = detail.args.data.product.ifb; const cfb =
detail.args.data.product.cfb; const scm = defParams[1]; const spm =
defParams[2]; const ssp = defParams[3]; const params = { id: product_id,
product_id: product_id, number: 1, name: product_title, variant_id: variant_id,
childrenId: variant_id, item_price: price, source: 'add_to_cart', _extra: { aid:
aid, ifb: ifb, cfb: cfb, scm: scm, spm:
`..${window.SHOPLAZZA.meta.page.template_name}.${spm}`, ssp: ssp, } }; const
activity_id = `${detail.args.activity_id}`; const target_drive_way =
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000); this.tranckAddToCart(params); if (target_drive_way === 'rebate') {
const bannerEl = document.getElementById(`smart_cart_pop_banner`);
this.getRecommendInfo(activity_id).then(res => { if (res && res.rebate_tips) {
bannerEl.innerHTML = res.rebate_tips; } }) } });
this.registerAction('handleCartSummary', (event) => { this.onBuyNowClick();
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event && event.args && event.args.data && event.args.data.data; if (!tipEl ||
!cart) return; const that = this; let total_price = cart.total_price; if
(!total_price) { SPZ.whenApiDefined(tipEl).then(function(api){ api.render({
total_price: total_price, i18n: that.i18n_ }, false); }); } else {
this.getBindDiscount_(cart.line_items).then(res => { if (res &&
res.discount_code){ const total = cart.line_price - cart.total_discount -
res.bundle_discount_value; if (total > 0) { total_price = total; } else {
total_price = 0; } } SPZ.whenApiDefined(tipEl).then(function(api){ api.render({
total_price: total_price, i18n: that.i18n_ }, false); }); }) } });
this.registerAction('open', () => {
Number(window.sessionStorage.getItem('smart_pop_times')) + 1); });
this.registerAction('close', () => { this.rendered_ = false; this.products_ =
[]; window.djInterceptors &&
window.djInterceptors.track.eject(this.myInterceptor_); }); } getCart() { return
fetch(`${window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root || ''}/api/cart`, { method: 'GET',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }, }).then(res =>
res.json()) } getRecommendInfo (activity_id) { return this.getCart().then(cart
=> { this.cart_ = cart.cart; return fetch(`${window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root ||
''}/api/possum/recommend_info`, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type':
'application/json; charset=UTF-8', }, body: JSON.stringify({ show_type: 2,
rule_id: `${activity_id}`, line_items: cart.cart.line_items, line_item:
this._atcLineItem, }) }).then(res => res.json()) }) } renderProductsForm_(data)
{ const products = data.products; const listPopRenderEl =
document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_render"); if (!listPopRenderEl) return;
el.style.background = data.config.add_to_cart_button_color; });
products.forEach(function(product){ const productId = product.id; const
productFormEls =
let variantsEl =
#smart_cart_pop_variant_${productId}_mobile ljs-variants`); if
(window.innerWidth > 768) { variantsEl =
#smart_cart_pop_variant_${productId}_pc ljs-variants`); }
productFormEls.forEach(function(el){ SPZ.whenApiDefined(el).then(function(api){
api.setProduct(product); }); }); variantsEl.forEach(function(el){
SPZ.whenApiDefined(el).then(function(api){ api.handleRender(product); }); }) });
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window.$(document.body).trigger('dj.addToCart', detail); } }
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"impressions", rule_id: rule.id, ssp: rule.ssp, scm: rule.scm, show_type: 2 });
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document.getElementById("smart_cart_pop_checkout"); if (!checkoutEl) return;
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plugin_name: "upsell", event_type: "checkout_submit", rule_id:
`${this.activityId_}`, show_type: 2 }; window.sa &&
window.sa.track("plugin_common", trackData); }); } getBindDiscount_(carts) { let
bundle_sale_ids = []; try { bundle_sale_ids = sessionStorage['bundle_sale_ids']
&& JSON.parse(sessionStorage['bundle_sale_ids']).filter((item, index, arr) =>
arr.indexOf(item, 0) === index).slice(-5); } catch (err) { console.error(err); }
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fetch(`${window.SHOPLAZZA.routes.root || ''}/api/bundle-sales/cart`, { method:
'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
'store-id': window.SHOPLAZZA.shop.shop_id, }, body: JSON.stringify({ cart:
carts, action_type: 'cart', bundle_sale_ids }) }).then(res => res.json()) }
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if (el) { onImpress(); } } } SPZ.defineElement('spz-custom-smart',
SpzCustomComponent); ${function(){ return `
${data.data.rebate_tips || ''}
`; }()} ${function(){ const getImageHeight = function(image){ const width =
image.width || 500; const height = image.height || 500; const image_size =
data.config.image_size || 0; let ratio = 0; if(image_size == 0){ ratio = (height
/ width).toFixed(2); }else if(image_size == 1){ ratio = 1.5; } return 132 *
ratio; }; const image = data.data.variant.image || data.data.product.image;
return ` `; }()}
${(function(){ const product = data.product; const avail_variants =
product.variants.filter(function(variant){ return variant.available; }); const
selected_variant = product.min_price_variant.available ?
product.min_price_variant : avail_variants.length && avail_variants[0]; return `
${ option.values.map(function(value, index){ const checked =
selected_variant["option"+option.position] == value ? "checked": ""; return `
` }).join("") }
` })()}
${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return `

`; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.variant; return `
${ variant.options.map(function(option){ return option.value; }).join("/") ||
'Not exist' }
`; })()} ${(function(){ const variant = data.data && data.data.variant; const
defaultText = data.defaultText || 'Add To Cart'; const text = (!variant ||
variant.available) ? defaultText: data.soldOutText; return `
`; })()} ${(function(){ let cart = data; if(data.data) { cart = data.data; }
return `
${cart.item_count >=0 ? cart.item_count : '..'}
`; })()}
(Multi-Size) Purple Mushroom - Square Drill Diamond Painting $3.99
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(Multi-Size) Purple Mushroom - Square Drill Diamond Painting $3.99

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