Open in
urlscan Pro
Public Scan
Effective URL:
Submission: On November 02 via manual from HK — Scanned from DE
TLS certificate: Issued by GlobalSign Organization Validation CA... on May 6th 2022. Valid for: a year.
This is the only time was scanned on! Verdict: No classification
Domain & IP information
IP Address | AS Autonomous System | ||
1 4 | | 132203 (TENCENT-N...) (TENCENT-NET-AP-CN Tencent Building) | |
8 | | 132203 (TENCENT-N...) (TENCENT-NET-AP-CN Tencent Building) | |
1 | 240e:97c:2f:5... 240e:97c:2f:5::59 | 58466 (CT-GUANGZ...) (CT-GUANGZHOU-IDC CHINANET Guangdong province network) | |
12 | 3 |
ASN132203 (TENCENT-NET-AP-CN Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, CN) |
ASN132203 (TENCENT-NET-AP-CN Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, CN) |
ASN58466 (CT-GUANGZHOU-IDC CHINANET Guangdong province network, CN) |
Apex Domain Subdomains |
Transfer | |
8 | — Cisco Umbrella Rank: 100380 |
199 KB |
5 |
1 redirects — Cisco Umbrella Rank: 20496 — Cisco Umbrella Rank: 140047 |
10 KB |
12 | 2 |
Domain | Requested by | |
8 | | |
4 | |
1 redirects |
1 | |
12 | 3 |
This site contains links to these domains. Also see Links.
Domain |
---| |
Subject Issuer | Validity | Valid | |
* GlobalSign Organization Validation CA - SHA256 - G2 |
2022-05-06 - 2023-04-12 |
a year | | DigiCert Secure Site CN CA G3 |
2022-05-12 - 2023-05-24 |
a year | | DigiCert Secure Site CN CA G3 |
2022-08-04 - 2023-08-04 |
a year | |
This page contains 2 frames:
Primary Page:
Frame ID: BC86CFC923994B322840DD6879684E33
Requests: 11 HTTP requests in this frame
Frame ID: 13E5E109D98B73B2D8543231879C8556
Requests: 1 HTTP requests in this frame
Page Title
QQ邮箱中转站文件Page URL History Show full URLs
HTTP 301 Page URL
Page Statistics
1 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.
Title: 下载
Search URL Search Domain Scan URL
Page URL History
This captures the URL locations of the websites, including HTTP redirects and client-side redirects via JavaScript or Meta fields.
HTTP 301 Page URL
Redirected requests
There were HTTP redirect chains for the following requests:
12 HTTP transactions
Method Protocol |
Resource Path |
Size x-fer |
Type MIME-Type |
GET H2 |
Primary Request
ftnExs_download Redirect Chain
5 KB 2 KB |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
Redirect headers
GET H2 |
all60c6c3.js |
384 KB 120 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
comm20105ca3ca.css |
196 KB 37 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ft_download493ddf.css |
14 KB 4 KB |
text/css |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H/1.1 |
ptloginout.js |
4 KB 2 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
qmptlogin2ff953.js |
5 KB 2 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ftn_default_81e9c5d.png |
3 KB 3 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ftndownload24e6ae.js |
85 KB 25 KB |
application/x-javascript |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ftn_download_bg1e9c5d.png |
4 KB 4 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ftn_download_logo1e9c5d.png |
5 KB 4 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ftn_image_8.png |
6 KB 6 KB |
image/png |
Request headers
Response headers
GET H2 |
ajax_proxy.html Frame 13E5 |
282 B 345 B |
text/html |
Request headers
Response headers
Verdicts & Comments Add Verdict or Comment
697 JavaScript Global Variables
These are the non-standard "global" variables defined on the window object. These can be helpful in identifying possible client-side frameworks and code.
object| 0 object| 1 object| 2 function| decodeURI function| encodeURI object| onbeforeinput object| oncontextlost object| oncontextrestored function| structuredClone object| launchQueue object| onbeforematch function| getScreenDetails function| queryLocalFonts object| navigation string| gsAgent string| gsAppVer string| gsAppName boolean| gbIsOpera boolean| gbIsWebKit boolean| gbIsKHTML boolean| gbIsIE number| gbIsTT boolean| gbIsQB number| gbIsQBWebKit boolean| gbIsQPlus boolean| gbIsSogou boolean| gbIsChrome boolean| gbIsSafari boolean| gbIsQBIE boolean| gbIsFF boolean| gbIsTrident boolean| gbIsEdge boolean| gbIsNS boolean| gbIsAgentErr boolean| gbIsWin boolean| gbIsVista boolean| gbIsWin7 boolean| gbIsWin10 string| gsWinVer boolean| gbIsMac boolean| gsMacVer boolean| gbIsLinux boolean| gbIsAir boolean| gnIEVer number| gnIEDocTypeVer boolean| gsFFVer string| gsSafariVer string| gsChromeVer string| gsQBVer string| _gsForEBuiltTag function| callBack function| waitFor function| unikey function| genGlobalMapIdx function| isLeapYear function| calDays function| now function| trim function| trim2 function| strReplace function| strReplace2 function| regFilter function| isUrl function| cookQueryString function| formatNum function| numToStr function| numToTimeStr function| formatDate function| formatDate2 function| formatDayByLocale function| formatDateByLocale function| outputMonth function| outputDayOfWeek function| getAsiiStrLen function| clearHtmlStr function| subAsiiStr function| getUrlParams function| setCookie function| getCookie function| deleteCookie function| setCookieFlag function| getCookieFlag function| isArr function| E function| extend function| delAtt function| saveAtt function| globalEval function| evalValue function| evalCss function| S function| SN function| attr function| GelTags function| CN function| F function| appendToUrl function| insertHTML function| setHTML function| replaceHTML function| createIframe function| removeSelf function| isObjContainTarget function| isDisableCtl function| disableCtl object| QMSelector function| isShow function| show function| Show function| toggle function| setClass function| addClass function| rmClass function| hasClass function| getStyle function| setOpacity function| getOpacity function| getStrDispLen function| calcPos function| calcPosFrame function| calcAdjPos function| bodyScroll function| htmlDecode function| htmlEncode function| filteScript function| textToHtml function| textToHtmlForNoIE function| htmlToText function| htmlToText2 function| fixNonBreakSpace function| pasteHTML function| T function| TE function| addEvent function| addEvents function| removeEvent function| removeEvents function| preventDefault function| stopPropagation function| getEventTarget function| getDomWin function| getUserTarget function| fireMouseEvent function| liveEvent function| loadJsFile function| loadJsFileToTop function| localReloadJsFile function| loadCssFile function| replaceCssFile function| QMAjax function| includeAjax function| QMAjaxRequest function| getErrMsg function| getHttpProcesser function| goUrl function| generateFlashCode function| getFlash function| zoomFuncCreater function| scrollIntoMidView function| Gel function| objectActive function| inherit function| inheritEx function| inheritSimple function| cacheByIframe function| clearCache function| preLoad function| setDblClickNoSel number| dddIndex function| waitForShowTip function| addDistributeDomainPrefix function| getTopHost function| OprATagForDistributeDomain function| preventDefault2 function| isHttp function| isSupportSSnap function| isCanConnectGoogle function| isCanConnectGoogleCheck function| hasInstallMailApp function| hasInstallFixedVersion function| hasNotInstallMailAppAndIsNotTencentUin function| versionCompare function| startsWith boolean| loging object| loginCallbacks undefined| xmailSid function| sendReport function| tdw string| xmailAjaxIframe function| createXMLHttpRequest function| xmailAutoLogin function| isXmailSidExpired function| setXmailSidExpired function| getXmailRandomString function| collectXmailParams function| doRawXmailRequest function| doXmailRequest function| goXmailPage object| xmailReportConfigArray undefined| reportTaskTimer function| xmailReport function| xmailReportInternal function| xmailReportIdKey function| checkXmailSid function| checkXmailSidPeriodically function| getWeDocToken function| showLoginDialog function| reportDeviceInfo function| reportDeviceInfoInternal function| QMDistributeDomain function| init3rdScriptCheck string| gsMsgNoSubject string| gsMsgNoMail string| gsMsgSend string| gsMsgSave string| gsMsgSaveOk string| gsMsgAutoSave string| gsMsgAutoSaveOk string| gsMsgSendErrorSaveOK string| gsMsgSaveErr string| gsMsgNoSender string| gsMsgNoCardSender string| gsMsgNoCard string| gsMsgSettingOk string| gsMsgLinkErr string| gsMsgCheatAlert string| gsMsgSendTimeErr string| gsMsgMoveMailSameFldErr string| gsMsgNoteAutoSave function| doPageError function| resetTopFrameError object| QMFileType object| QMHistory function| QMCache object| QMMailCache function| rdVer function| setGlobalVarValue function| getGlobalVarValue function| hideWindowsElement function| controlWindowsElement function| setKeepAlive function| encodeNick function| encodeNickHTML function| decodeNick function| rollback object| QMPageInit function| initPageEvent function| getTopWin function| getMainWin function| getActionWin function| getLeftWin function| GetLeftWin function| getLeftDateWin function| reloadFrm function| reloadLeftWin function| reloadAllFrm function| reloadFrmLeftMain function| goUrlTopWin function| goUrlMainFrm function| _trimUrlSearchParam function| goNewWin function| isMaximizeMainFrame function| maximizeMainFrame function| filteSignatureTag function| getSignatureHeader function| setDefaultSender function| getMailZoomTool function| setMailZoomTool function| closeRecognizeNickName function| getUserInfoText function| getUserInfo function| setUserInfo function| msgBox function| isshowMsg function| hiddenMsg function| displayGrayTip function| showMsg function| showError function| postErrMsgLog function| showInfo function| showProcess function| getProcessInfo function| replaceCss function| _getLogoSrc function| doRealChangeStyle function| changeStyle function| osslogCompose function| osslogAjaxCompose function| recodeComposeStatus function| errorProcess function| doPostFinishCheck function| actionFinishCheck function| doSendFinishCheck function| submitToActionFrm function| afterAutoSave function| cancelDoSend function| quickDoSend function| disableSendBtn function| disableSaveBtn function| disableTimeSendBtn function| disableSource function| disableAll function| verifyCode function| openComposeDlg function| setVerifyCallBack function| emptyFolder function| renameFolder function| promptFolder function| _setFolderCss string| gsFolderStoreKey function| switchFolderComm function| getSelectedFolder function| switchFolder function| isFolded function| onShowMoreFoldersClick function| updateOnlineDocUnreadNum function| getOnlineAttachInfo function| setOnlineAttachInfo function| switchRightFolder function| isShowFolders function| showFolders function| decreaseFolderUnread function| getFolderUnread function| setFolderUnread function| getGroupUnread function| setGroupUnread function| setTagUnread function| updateFolderByRecur function| optFolderUnread function| doFolderEmpty function| handleSubFolder function| selectAll function| openFullSelect function| selectReadMail function| checkAddrSelected function| checkBoxCount function| PGV function| checkCheckBoxs function| setListCheck function| doCheck function| checkAll function| fakeReadmail function| folderOpt function| recordReadedMailId function| recordMailListScroll function| recordCompareReadedMailId function| SG function| checkNodeLocate function| getSelectGroupUrl function| checkSelectGroup function| hideSelectGroupTip function| selectGroupCheck function| CA function| RD object| QMReadedItem function| listMouseOver function| listMouseOut function| listMouseEvent function| listContextMenu function| GetListMouseClick function| changeSelectAllCkbStatus function| oprSelectAllClick function| ListMouseClick function| listInitForComm function| modifyFolder function| recvPopHidden function| recvPop function| recvPopCreat function| recvPopAll function| setPopFlag function| setPopRecentFlag function| checkPopMailShow function| setBeforeUnloadCheck function| popErrProcess function| showSubmitBtn function| showPopSvr function| setTaskId function| showQuickReply function| hiddenReceipt function| switchOption function| checkPerDel function| delMail function| setMailType function| getAddrSub function| getRefuseText function| reportSpam function| setSpamMail function| setCheatMail function| doReject function| setFolderReaded function| addContentMouseEvent function| linkMaker function| hideMenu function| openMenu function| md function| mu function| pushTelp function| telphonePushWizard function| installAppWizard function| linkIdentify function| isLinkNeedSwap function| swapLink function| preSwapLink function| swapImg function| openSpam function| openHttpsMail function| copyToClipboard function| _openExtLink function| encryptStr function| base64Encode function| goPrevOrNextMail function| goBackHistory object| QMMLCache function| checkPerDelML function| delMailML function| reportSpamML function| MLIUIEvent function| MLI function| MLJump function| initDropML function| dragML function| MLI_A function| mailListFlag function| hideGroupNewReply function| getMailListInfo function| _setSelectALLFldNum function| setMailListInfo function| readMailFinish function| goLockUrl function| checkMail function| checkAndSubmit function| pushToDialogList function| showDialogNewReadMail function| setRemindSpan function| showSimpleRuleFilter function| closeSimpleRuleFilter function| applyRules function| applyRulesConfirm function| submitSwitchForm function| adjustLocalTime function| checkSid number| checkSidTime function| resetCheckSidTime function| checkSidPeriodically function| getDomain function| GetDomain function| getSid function| GetSid function| getUin function| osslogDomain function| getCssDomain function| getPaths function| getPath function| getRes function| getFullResSuffix function| outputJsReferece function| runUrlWithSid function| createBlankIframe function| getFileTypeByExt function| getIconByFileType function| getIconByExt function| getViewTypeByExt function| getFileExt function| getViewTypeByFileName function| createActionFrame function| hideEditorMenu function| OprMouseDown function| hideCalendar function| hideMenuEvent function| confirmBox function| alertBox function| promptBox function| loadingBox function| getQMPluginInfo object| QMAXInfo function| createActiveX function| detectActiveX function| getMailPluginVersion function| getActiveXVer function| canUseFTNPluginForFF function| checkInstallPlugin function| createPlugin function| createFTNPlugin function| createPPFTNPlugin function| detectPnacl function| detectPlugin function| getPluginVer function| initDialog function| requestShowTip function| detectCapsLock function| calcMainFrameDomInGlobalPos function| allDeferOK object| QMLocalStorage function| jumpToAttachFlag function| attachSetFlag function| markAsFinished function| getAttachList function| isEn function| isCh function| getLocale function| recallConfirm function| recall function| mailRecall function| backHome function| resizeFolderList function| setTopSender function| bindAccount function| bindLinkedInAccount function| securityTip function| initSpreadSetAliasEmail function| initComposeNewFuncTips function| initAddress function| getPhotoCGI function| _getCookieMutiName function| setUserCookie function| getUserCookie function| deleteUserCookie function| setUserCookieFlag function| getUserCookieFlag function| getReaderData function| getReaderDataInterval function| changeStatus function| doSearch function| outputDataLoading function| outputToolBarControlBtn object| oUrlWhiteListXss function| isInWhiteList function| asyncGetComposeContent function| initSendTimeInput function| audioPlay function| audioStop function| audioPause function| setPlayer function| playUrl function| stopUrl function| searchMusic function| getMusicUrl function| startWebpush function| closeWebpush function| ftSendStatic function| twoDCodeImgUrl function| showTwoDCodeImgMenu function| sendGift function| beginStatTime function| endStatTime function| ossLog function| ossLogForSetFrame function| LogKV function| ossLogCustom function| isSpreadAddr object| AD object| CommVer function| initAD function| LogPageSpeed function| speedLog function| onlineDocMsg object| weworkSignature function| all_js function| getFtnPreviewData function| onResumeFolderClick function| goResumePage function| disableResumeRedPoint function| reportResumeFold function| reportResumeExpose function| reportResumeClick function| reportResume function| jumpToResume function| openResume function| onInvoiceFolderClick function| goInvoicePage function| disableInvoiceRedPoint function| jumpToInvoice function| reportInvhelpWebSettingExpoffClick function| reportInvhelpWebSettingExponClick function| reportInvhelpWebFolderClick function| reportInvhelpWebMailenterExposeWebmail function| reportInvhelpWebMailenterClickWebmail function| reportInvoice function| openInvoice function| saveToInvoice function| showInvoiceConfirmDialog function| showInvoiceFailDialog function| onXmBookFolderClick function| goXmBookPage function| disableXmBookRedPoint function| reportXmBookFold function| reportXmBookExpose function| reportXmBookClick function| reportXmBook function| goCalendarPage function| grayRuleCalendar function| handleCalendarWhiteList function| addCalendarClickEvent function| handleJumpToCalendar function| reportCalendarClick function| reportCalendarClickOld function| reportCalendarExpose function| reportCalendarClickBelowIE10 function| reportCalendarOldExpose function| reportCalendar function| reportWeDoc function| onWeDocFolderClick function| goWeDocPage function| receiveDocMessage function| goFtnPage function| grayRuleFtn function| handleFtnWhiteList function| addFtnClickEvent function| handleJumpToFtn function| goExpandFtn function| goCardPage function| grayRuleCard function| addCardClickEvent function| handleJumpToCard function| getPreviewView function| isSupportImportWord function| appendEditorFileContent function| getOfficeRealContent object| _oTop object| _oOidbAccountBase function| toAddAccountPage function| toBindAccountPage function| str2JSON function| ptloginResize function| closeAccount function| toAuthorizeWeiyun function| toVerifyQQAccount object| cardModal object| cardInfo function| getOuterRes function| getCssRules function| reportSkinLoad function| getTop function| reTryGetTop function| finds function| parents function| createForm boolean| gIsInitPageEventProcess function| log function| Log function| debug function| Debug function| trace function| Trace function| call string| g_sBaseImageUrl object| goUserInfo function| ossLogComposeInitTime function| maskPanel object| Scale function| increaseUploadCount function| decreaseUploadCount function| reportUploadCrash function| clearUploadCount function| autoWaterMark function| reportIcs function| replyInvitation function| scheduleDateFormat function| resolveDateText function| resolveCalendar function| applyOpenGroupMail object| pt_logout object| QMPTLogin function| testLogin function| addMReadLog function| addMClientLog object| _oIconMap object| _oFileIcon string| _sType object| _oExts function| iconUrl function| setKey function| sid function| fsave function| fSetLogout function| fShowLogin function| fInit function| fCheckXF function| fAfterLogin object| _rEaDYinFO_ function| _event_1 object| QMWin object| Q object| $ number| _guid_ object| goCache function| _event_2 function| _event_3 function| _event_4 function| _event_5 function| _event_6 function| _event_7 function| _event_8 function| ptlogin2_onClose function| ptlogin2_onResize function| ptlogin2_onLoginSucc function| _creAteifRAmeoNlQAd_0 Cookies
Cookies are little pieces of information stored in the browser of a user. Whenever a user visits the site again, he will also send his cookie values, thus allowing the website to re-identify him even if he changed locations. This is how permanent logins work.
This is a term in the security industry to describe indicators such as IPs, Domains, Hashes, etc. This does not imply that any of these indicate malicious activity.