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              <li data-isd-code="+31">NL (+31) </li>
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 4. Stock Markets Made Easy

In Financial Markets


 * Basic
 * English
 * 320856 Learners
 * Validity: 3 Years

Request A Call 4.4 Rating

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 * 5.+ hours of recorded content
 * 4+ Text-based Content
 * Self-Evaluation Tests
 * Certificate of Completion


Stock markets offer the opportunity to create wealth and achieve financial
growth. However, investing or trading involves a significant amount of risk. 

You might refrain from the stock market as you are probably confused by its
complexities. You may have heard that the stock market is confusing, stressful
and risky. 

However, if you holistically understand the workings of the market, then you can
make informed investment decisions, manage risks effectively, and achieve your
financial growth and wealth-building goals.

To make you proficient with the foundations of the stock market, we have created
a stock market course for beginners to help you achieve your financial goals.

Stock Market Made Easy is a self-paced course that will help you understand the
stock market practically. This course will help you by providing a practical and
in-depth understanding of the stock market. You will gain a practical
understanding of market dynamics using the NSE website and Live Terminal.

To learn this course in Hindi, click here: शेयर बाज़ार अब हुआ आसान

Please find below the overview of the topics covered under the Stock Market Made
Easy course: 

Topic 1: Functioning of Financial Markets

 * You will learn the interdependence of the financial ecosystem, where
   participants such as buyers, sellers, and consumers help in the smooth
   functioning of the market. 
 * Delve into the capital creation process through banks and financial markets.
 * Understand SEBI's role in regulating the Indian stock market. 
 * Explore the types of capital markets, i.e., primary & secondary markets and
   how they function. 

Topic 2: Participants in Capital Markets

 * You will get an overview of various participants, such as investors,
   companies and stock market exchanges.
 * Look at the types of investors, such as retail investors, high net worth
   individuals and institutional investors.
 * Learn about the depositories - NSDL & CDSL, clearing corporations and

Topic 3: Understanding Initial Public Offering (IPO)

 * You will deep dive into the concept of IPO and explore the reason why the
   company decided to go public.
 * Understand the different types of public issues apart from IPO, such as
   Follow on Public Offer (FPO) and Offer For Sale (OFS).
 * Learn about the IPO procedure in India, the basis of allotment and applying
   for IPO through ASBA.
 * Explore different investor categories for IPO- Retail Individual Investors,
   Non-Institutional Investors and Qualified Institutional Buyers.
 * Get to understand the entire IPO process with the help of a case study on
   Lodha Developers.

Topic 4: Key Concepts and Trading Terminologies

 * You will learn about the indices based on small cap, mid cap and large cap,
   sector/industry, broad market, and free float market cap.
 * Learn the concept of demat and trading accounts.
 * Gain an introduction to contract notes, its contents and the format.
 * Learn about the types of market sessions and timings- pre-open sessions,
   regular trading sessions, block deal sessions, and closing sessions.
 * Understand various trading terminologies such as tick size, bid and ask
   spread, impact cost, market depth, circuit breakers, types of orders, market
   sentiment trackers, foreign institutional investors & domestic institutional
   investment, bulk deal, block deal, and insider trading.
 * Understand who stockbrokers are and how you should choose the right broker
   for your investment.
 * Understand the concept of margin trading system and rolling settlement.

Topic 5: Introduction to Live Terminal

 * You will get an overall understanding of the live trading terminal. You will
   get an overview of the dashboard, watchlist, and order placement.
 * Look at the importance of newspaper analysis for informed investment

Topic 6: Corporate Action & Its Types

 * You will learn about corporate actions and how company decisions affect stock
 * Learn about the basic concepts of Dividends.
 * Understand the impact of issuing Bonus Issues.
 * Understand how the Bonus Issue differs from the Rights Issue.
 * Understand the impact of Stock Splits.
 * Learn about share Buybacks.

Topic 7: Introduction to Mutual Funds 

 * You will understand the basic concept of mutual funds and their advantages to
   know how they work as investment vehicles. 
 * Explore mutual fund schemes, such as open-ended and closed-ended, to gain
   insight into the options available in the market and to choose the most
   suited ones based on your financial goals and risk tolerance.

Topic 8: Concept of SIP

 * You will learn about the SIP, which allows for monthly investments in stock
 * This topic will also help you decide whether to invest a large sum of money
   at once or in a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) that divides it into 12
   equal payments.

Topic 9: Macroeconomics- Introduction & Importance

 * You will understand what economics is.
 * Look at the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics.
 * Understand the significance of macroeconomics in trading and investing
   decisions even though macroeconomics is a lagging indicator.

Topic 10: Key Growth Variables

 * You will learn the significance of tracking economic health through GDP.
 * See how keeping an eye on the GDP is important for predicting economic and
   market cycles and helping with strategic decisions in various asset classes. 
 * Explore various approaches to calculating GDP, such as the Output,
   Expenditure, and Income approaches.

Topic 11: Price Level Indicators

 * You will now understand the prices within an economy and how they change over
 * Learn what inflation is and the ways that cause inflation: Demand-Pull
   Inflation and Cost-Push Inflation.
 * Understand the impact of inflation on the stock markets.
 * Learn the concepts of Nominal GDP and Real GDP. 
 * Understand deflation and why it is worse for the economy. 
 * Understand the specific indicators you need to monitor for tracking
   inflation, such as WPI and CPI.

Topic 12: Role of Government

 * You will explore the role of government in an economy.
 * Understand what fiscal policy is and how the government can use it to manage
   the economy by using fiscal policy tools such as increasing/decreasing taxes
   and increasing/decreasing government spending. 
 * Understand the monetary policy and various related tools, including interest
   rate related tools, liquidity related tools and direct market action.

Topic 13: Introduction to Fundamental Analysis

 * You will understand the basic concept of fundamental analysis and the reason
   behind doing it.
 * Explore the factors that affect the stock prices, such as negative or
   positive newsflow, liquidity in the company, etc.

Topic 14: Different Approaches to Stock Investing: 

 * You will explore the Top-Down and Bottom-Up approaches to investing.
 * Learn to carry out the Economy and Industry Analysis.
 * Look at Porter's Five Forces Analysis, an approach for identifying good
   businesses and promising sectors.
 * Using real-world examples, you'll study SWOT analysis.

Topic 15: Learn Technical Analysis

 * You will now look at the philosophy behind the technical analysis. 
 * Understand price over time and the concepts of volume and open interest in

About the Trainer


775383 Learners 3077 reviews

Elearnmarkets is India’s leading online financial education platform with over
2.7 million users and 100+ market experts hosting finance courses and webinars
in multiple languages. Our courses also include certifications from NSE Academy
and are aimed at fostering the need for financial education amongst students,
traders, and investors alike. With an app rating of 4.8, Elearnmarkets is
available both on the iOS and Play Store.


Know More


 * Understand the structure of financial markets and how the economy and
   financial markets are interdependent.
 * Develop a comprehensive understanding of the equity market and its operations
   by gaining an overview of the NSE website and an introduction to the live
 * Gain a comprehensive understanding of IPOs through infographics and case
 * Understand the various types of corporate actions and their impact on share
 * Conduct diligent research and analysis on companies to make informed
   investment decisions by learning different approaches to stock investing.
 * Evaluate and effectively manage the risks associated with trading and


 * Basics of Capital Markets
 * Understanding Stock Markets
 * Understanding Mutual Funds
 * Relation of Economy and Financial Markets
 * Different Approaches to Fundamental Analysis
 * Basics of Technical Analysis


Anyone looking to understand the foundations of stock market, explore investment
options, or safeguard their financial future.


Enhance your career prospects with a Elearnmarkets certification!


Under this course, “Stock Markets Made Easy”, the participant will be required
to appear for the online examination hosted on the website of Elearnmarkets.com.
Please note that the participant will get the Certificate of Completion for the
course only after passing the Certification Test provided in the course.



 * The student has to appear for the Certification Test hosted on the website
   itself under “Self-Evaluation Test >> Certification Test”
 * In case the student does not clear the Certification Test, he/she can
   re-appear the same after 8 hours
 * In case of any further assistance, drop in an email to
   support@elearnmarkets.com or call: 9051622255

Other Details:

 * Duration:  40 minutes.
 * Pattern of questions: Multiple choice-based questions of 2 marks each.
 * No Negative Marking
 * Qualifying marks: 60%

Certificate of Completion:
After successful completion of the online examination, participants need to go
to the "My Certificate" tab in Student Dashboard to download the certificate for
the respective course.



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Stock market trading refers to the buying and selling of financial instruments
such as stocks on public exchanges. Traders aim to make money on price
fluctuations through long-term investments or short-term trends. It takes place
on stock exchanges, enabling buyers and sellers to trade. Investors participate
in the stock market for capital appreciation, dividends, and portfolio
diversification, making it an essential part of the global financial system.

To begin stock trading, conduct research and choose a reliable brokerage
platform. Open a demat account, deposit funds, and gain experience with the
basics of the market. Taking your investing objectives and risk tolerance into
account, develop a strategy. Analyse equities, keep an eye on your portfolio and
use market or limit orders to purchase or sell. To trade stocks successfully,
one must always be learning more and keeping up with market trends.

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To post your queries in the discussion forum, follow the steps: Go to the video
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Question icon >> A dialog box will open. Type the topic in which you are having
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possible. >> Your query will be answered by our experts soon.

Yes, this is a certification course with lifetime validity.

After successfully completing the examination, participants need to go to the
"My Certificate" tab in Student Dashboard to download the certificate for the
respective course.

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Investing is an effective way to put your money to work and potentially build
wealth. It can help you build your savings, protect your money from inflation
and taxes, and maximize income from your investments.

"There are various types of risks involved when a person buys or sells a stock.
Some of these include: >> Systematic risk- This risk is associated with the
regular price fluctuations in the market. >> Unsystematic risk – Such risks
affect a particular company or industry. >> Business risk – This type of risk
arises if a certain business is not doing well because of its performance. >>
Inflationary Risk- With an increase in inflation, the cost of raw material will
increase, which can influence the prices of shares. >> Interest risk – Changes
in the rate of interest by the RBI can be a risk for investors."

To become proficient, begin by learning fundamental financial concepts and stock
market fundamentals. Follow financial news, read books, and consider speaking
with a financial advisor. You can check out our FREE financial guides.

Yes, this course is a basic course on the stock market. This is suitable for
those who are looking to understand the foundations of the stock market, explore
investment options, or safeguard their financial future.

This stock market courses for beginners will help you to understand the workings
of the market, then you can make informed investment decisions, manage risks
effectively, and achieve your financial growth and wealth-building goals.

The first step to start with your investment in the stock market is to educate
yourself and then open a DEMAT Account. Dematerialization is the process of
allowing investors to convert their physical shares into digital format and they
are held in a Demat account.


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