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LHDYstad 23:29:59 Tomorrow 5:50 PM €11,200 Current Bid 26 Bids Share Save 1980 ALFA ROMEO 2000 SPIDER VELOCE A stylish, Pininfarina-designed convertible, finished in a timeless colour combination. LHDGothenburg 23:34:59 Tomorrow 5:55 PM €6,500 Current Bid 3 Bids Share Save 2000 DUCATI 748R A smart example of the limited-production homologation special. Turku 47:04:59 Tuesday 5:25 PM €72,700 Current Bid 14 Bids Share Save 1979 PORSCHE 911 (930) TURBO A well-presented example of the iconic 1980s supercar. LHDVilnius 47:09:59 Tuesday 5:30 PM €70,497 Current Bid 16 Bids Share Save 2007 PORSCHE 911 (997) GT3 A highly talented track-focused sports car, specified in a timeless all-black colour scheme. LHDOegstgeest, South-Holland 47:14:59 Tuesday 5:35 PM €42,000 Current Bid 12 Bids Share Save 1955 CHEVROLET BEL AIR - RESTOMOD An eye-catching ‘restomod’ version of the stylish Chevrolet Bel Air. LHDUddevalla VISIT SITE 47:19:59 Tuesday 5:40 PM €11,500 Current Bid 17 Bids Share Save 1957 AUSTIN HEALEY 100/6 An honest example of the charming classic open-top British sports car. LHDHamont-Achel 47:24:59 Tuesday 5:45 PM €6,600 Current Bid 32 Bids Share Save 1999 HARLEY-DAVIDSON BOARD TRACKER L&L CUSTOM A head-turning custom motorcycle, blending modern mechanicals with vintage-inspired elements. Bornem 47:29:59 Tuesday 5:50 PM €6,800 Current Bid 25 Bids Share Save 1979 LANCIA BETA ‘COMPETIZIONE’ A rally-prepared example of Lancia’s modern classic sports coupe. LHDBarcelona 47:34:59 Tuesday 5:55 PM €2,305 Current Bid 8 Bids Share Save 1968 LANCIA FLAVIA MILLEOTTO BERLINA A smart, second-series example of Lancia’s characterful 1960s saloon. LHDBornem 2 days Wednesday 5:20 PM €75,500 Current Bid 23 Bids Share Save 1991 PORSCHE 911 (964) CARRERA - BACKDATE A tastefully modified example of the highly desirable modern classic. LHDKochel, Bavaria 2 days Wednesday 5:25 PM €75,000 Current Bid 46 Bids Share Save 1968 FORD MUSTANG FASTBACK - ‘ELEANOR’ TRIBUTE Rebuilt as a tribute to the famous ‘Eleanor’ of ‘Gone In 60 Seconds’. LHDBornem 2 days Wednesday 5:30 PM €35,250 Current Bid 28 Bids Share Save 2008 PORSCHE 911 (997) CARRERA 4S - MANUAL An exciting all-season sports car, featuring a desirable factory specification. LHDBorås 2 days Wednesday 5:35 PM €15,750 Current Bid 20 Bids Share Save 1973 DATSUN 240Z A vibrant example of the stylish classic coupe. LHDYstad 2 days Wednesday 5:40 PM €5,600 Current Bid 9 Bids Share Save 1971 MORGAN 4/4 1600 An attractive example of the characterful classic British sports car. RHDDour 2 days Wednesday 5:45 PM €11,300 Current Bid 32 Bids Share Save 1985 MERCEDES-BENZ 190E 2.3 16V COSWORTH A wonderful example of the stylish modern classic sports saloon. LHDTenerife 2 days Wednesday 5:50 PM €7,600 Current Bid 19 Bids Share Save 1989 VOLKSWAGEN GOLF (MK2) GTI An iconic German hot hatch, offered for sale in highly original condition. LHDBrabant 2 days Wednesday 5:55 PM €3,550 Current Bid 11 Bids Share Save 1973 MERCEDES-BENZ (W116) 280 S A highly original example of ‘the first S-Class’, with low indicated mileage. LHDBrabant 3 days Thursday 5:10 PM €60,500 Current Bid 23 Bids Share Save 1977 PORSCHE 911 2.7 - 3.0 CARRERA ENGINE A tastefully modified example of the Porsche 911 2.7. LHDLasne, Wallonia 3 days Thursday 5:15 PM €10,250 Current Bid 8 Bids Share Save 1967 FORD MUSTANG HARDTOP - RESTOMOD A custom example of the original ‘pony car’, benefiting from an extensive ‘restomod’ update. LHDUddevalla 3 days Thursday 5:20 PM €11,000 Current Bid 9 Bids Share Save 2000 BMW (E46) - M3 GTR REPLICA An attention-grabbing, race-prepared tribute to the iconic millennium-era race car. LHDDilsen-Stokkem, Limburg 3 days Thursday 5:25 PM €12,750 Current Bid 16 Bids Share Save 1999 BMW (E39) M5 A smart example of the marque’s lauded super-saloon. LHDZlín * « * ‹ * 1 of 3 * › * » SIGN UP TO OUR DAILY BRIEFING Email address Where do you live? 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WHY COLLECTING CARS?? 130K+ Registered Members 500K+ social media followers 24/7 Live Auctions 100% of selling price received 11,400+ Lots sold €518M+ Worth of lots sold 400+ lots each month 7 day selling process TRUSTED BY OVER 5,000 HAPPY CUSTOMERS Ross Baigent Excellent way to buy and sell cars Brilliant way to sell cars. Slick, informative. No hidden fee's. What you see is what you get. The staff are exceptional, totally user friendly. Highly recommended. Richard Cook A breath of fresh air Super simple, hassle free, and a very fair market value from the sale. Wouldn't hesitate to sell with Collecting Cars again. Dr C N Grocott The whole process was seamless Great photographer. Staff really helpful and easy to deal with. Auction was so easy. Alerts on phone when questions asked. Final auction was brilliant. I can’t recommend enough - great product. Norma Cousins Selling/buying a car made simple I have both bought and sold cars on Collecting Cars and have found the process to be simple and effective. The staff are very helpful. This is a superb world-wide sales platform for cars/bikes. George Abraham I cannot praise this business enough I cannot praise this business enough. From the start of the process to the final sale of my Porsche 911 turbo S, they have been outstanding. My sincere thanks to the entire team at Collecting Cars. Frank Flight Excellent Good, trustworthy and professional all the way through the process. Makes selling a car privately much easier and transparent, and of course the 100% of sale price pass through delivers a much better price for sellers. David Boneham Absolutely superb way to sell Absolutely superb way to sell a collectors car. Proactive highly professional service and will only sell in the future through Collecting Cars. A total delight to do business with, my transaction went like a dream. Highly recommended. TK Accurate details and great pictures One of my "must visit" sites just to see what is out there and even though I was not in the market for another car I was drawn to placing a bid on a car which I then "won". Anyway, the car's details were totally accurate on the Collecting Cars site and I am delighted with my purchase. The transaction with the seller was also straight forward and uncomplicated. I recommend this auction site without reservation. Ross Baigent Excellent way to buy and sell cars Brilliant way to sell cars. Slick, informative. No hidden fee's. What you see is what you get. The staff are exceptional, totally user friendly. Highly recommended. Richard Cook A breath of fresh air Super simple, hassle free, and a very fair market value from the sale. Wouldn't hesitate to sell with Collecting Cars again. Dr C N Grocott The whole process was seamless Great photographer. Staff really helpful and easy to deal with. Auction was so easy. Alerts on phone when questions asked. Final auction was brilliant. I can’t recommend enough - great product. Norma Cousins Selling/buying a car made simple I have both bought and sold cars on Collecting Cars and have found the process to be simple and effective. The staff are very helpful. This is a superb world-wide sales platform for cars/bikes. George Abraham I cannot praise this business enough I cannot praise this business enough. From the start of the process to the final sale of my Porsche 911 turbo S, they have been outstanding. My sincere thanks to the entire team at Collecting Cars. Frank Flight Excellent Good, trustworthy and professional all the way through the process. Makes selling a car privately much easier and transparent, and of course the 100% of sale price pass through delivers a much better price for sellers. David Boneham Absolutely superb way to sell Absolutely superb way to sell a collectors car. Proactive highly professional service and will only sell in the future through Collecting Cars. A total delight to do business with, my transaction went like a dream. Highly recommended. TK Accurate details and great pictures One of my "must visit" sites just to see what is out there and even though I was not in the market for another car I was drawn to placing a bid on a car which I then "won". Anyway, the car's details were totally accurate on the Collecting Cars site and I am delighted with my purchase. The transaction with the seller was also straight forward and uncomplicated. I recommend this auction site without reservation. Ross Baigent Excellent way to buy and sell cars Brilliant way to sell cars. Slick, informative. No hidden fee's. What you see is what you get. The staff are exceptional, totally user friendly. 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