Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On August 23 via manual from US — Scanned from US

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form ng-submit="searchKB(kbQuery)" class="ng-pristine ng-valid">
  <div class="input-group">
    <input type="text" class="form-control ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty" placeholder="Search..." ng-model="kbQuery">
    <div class="input-group-append">
      <button class="btn btn-secondary-btn" type="submit">
        <i class="fa fa-search"></i>

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Important: Email Protection features depends on your plan. If your account
interface and settings differ from the ones described below, upgrade from Email
Protection Lite to Email Protection.

LinkSafe™ works by re-writing links in the email during initial email
processing, which allows to validate the link security at the moment when a user
clicks on a link. It prevents users from visiting phishing pages or pages that
contain malware. To exclude safe links from re-writing you could use Safe
URL functionality or Safe Sender functionality.

 * Enabling/Disabling LinkSafe™
 * Actions to take when a threat is detected / NOT detected
 * Live Scanning
 * Safe and Blocked URLs


Note: turning on LinkSafe™ will result in all links being affected. If you need
to decode a URL which was already re-written, contact support.

To enable the service, navigate to HostPilot® Control Panel > Services > Email
Protection > Inbound Policy > Default Policy > LinkSafe™. Check the box enable
LinkSafe™ and click Save Changes.


To disable the service, navigate to HostPilot > Services > Email Protection >
Inbound Policy > Default Policy > LinkSafe™. Uncheck the box enable LinkSafe™
and click Save Changes.

Important: when LinkSafe™ is disabled, URL safe and blocked lists are wiped and
cannot be restored.

Note: after disabling LinkSafe™, links in new emails will not be re-written or
scanned. However, links in historical emails will remain re-written and we will
still perform basic security checks at the moment of click.


 * A threat is detected
 * A threat is not detected

A threat is detected

Once a user clicks on a link, the LinkSafe™ service analyzes it by performing a
threat scanning. An administrator may choose, what action to take when a threat
is found: either show a warning but allow access to the website or Block Access
to the website.

With the first option selected, a user will see a corresponding warning but
still will be able to proceed to the website by clicking Open Anyway.


The user will be shown the target website URL and will be able to generate a
screenshot of the target website (without accessing it) to make a justified
decision before opening the website.


If an administrator decides to block access to the website, the corresponding
threat warning will be shown. However, a user will not be able to access the
website, see the target website URL or generate a screenshot.


Note: There are three different warning types:

 * Phishing
 * Malware
 * Harmful Programs



Harmful Programs


A threat is not detected

Additional settings allow an administrator to choose what action to take when a
threat is not found: either automatically open the website or require
confirmation before opening the page.



With the first option enabled, the website will be opened immediately and there
will be no notification for a user that the webpage is safe.

If confirmation is required, a user will be informed that the website is safe,
they will see the target website URL and a notification that the website is



In case scanning fails - users will NOT be able to access the target website and
will be asked to try again.



If the link was modified and broken (for example after email forwarding), a user
may not be able to open the webpage.




Live scanning adds an additional level of protection against the zero-day
threats and new malicious websites and allows to perform a real-time scanning of
the URL. Live scanning is used in addition to existing URL reputation checks and
requires no additional settings.

A URL reputation check - a scan against the databases of malicious links - is
always performed first. If a threat is not found in the Databases and Live
scanning is enabled, we will perform an additional real-time scanning on the

Note: If a threat was detected during the database scanning, the Live scanning
is not performed.

To enable Live scanning, navigate to HostPilot > Services > Email Protection >
Inbound Policy > Default Policy > LinkSafe™ > Scanning settings > Enable live
scanning > Save changes.



During the Live scanning process, end-users will see the following animation:



Note: Live scanning cannot be performed for internal, network restricted
websites, however the database scanning is always performed and if no threats
are found a user will have the ability to proceed to the target website without
Live scan.



Note: Sometimes Live scanning may result in an automated action being performed
on the target site. An example of this is a link that automatically unsubscribes
you from a mailing list. The system will detect such cases and show a warning
asking to either proceed to the page without Live Scan (Database scan was
already performed at this stage) or - Force a Live scan.




The URLs that match an entry on the Safe URLs List will be always considered
safe and will not be re-written during original email processing. When a user
clicks on such link – they will be redirected to the target website and no
threat scanning will be performed.

To add an entry to the Safe URL's list, navigate to HostPilot > Services > Email
Protection > Inbound Policy > Default Policy > LinkSafe™ > Safe URLs.

The URLs that match an entry on the Blocked URLs List will be always considered
unsafe and users will be blocked from accessing the target website. When a user
clicks on such link - they will see a warning page with no option to open the



To add an entry to the Blocked URLs list, navigate to HostPilot > Services >
Email Protection > Inbound Policy > Default Policy > LinkSafe™ > Blocked URLs.

Note: you must enter the actual URL address. Wildcards are supported. Examples:

 * *
 * *

Example: if ‘’ is added to the safe URL list, the link
‘\home\users’ will also be considered safe. However, it will NOT
match ''. To white-list sub-domains - enter

Note: If a URL is added to both Safe and Blocked URLs list, the URL will be
considered safe.

Note: If the message contains more than 1000 URLs, including mailto: addresses,
it gets automatically routed to Admin Quarantine regardless of account settings.
The email tracking will show the following error code: URL Rewrite Limit. The
limit or 1000 URLs cannot be changed. As a workaround, you may add the sender's
address to the Email Protection Safe list.

To do this, navigate to Services > Email Protection > Inbound Policy > Default
Policy > Safe Senders. 
Type the sender's address to the Add safe senders field and click Add. The
sender will be automatically added to the list with Spam and Marketing checks to
bypass. Click Manage button on the right to the added Safe sender and then
check URL Protection box. Click Save changes.





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Article ID: 12516

Last updated on: 06/04/2024 07:26 AM

Product: Email

Internal Only
Partner Article

Tags: protection, URL, warning, link, Advanced Email Security



 * Email Protection: Policy Level Safe & Blocked Senders Lists
 * Email Protection: Outbound Email Filtering & DLP
 * Email Protection: LinkSafe™ Warning Screens
 * Email Protection
 * Email Protection For Exchange Overview

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