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 * Main
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 * B2B E-commerce Trends in 2021-2025

eCommerce Sep 07, 2021


Jane Vyshnova



Julia Tsymbal

Business analyst


Time to read: 20 minutes


 1.  Changing demographics - millennials
 2.  Focus on digital marketing
 3.  Emerging security threats
 4.  Explosion of online marketplaces
 5.  B2B mobile commerce
 6.  PWA and headless technology
 7.  Growth of self-service
 8.  B2B customer loyalty programs
 9.  More in-depth cloud adoption
 10. Increased personalization
 11. AI and chatbots
 12. Focus on customer experience
 13. Omnichannel selling
 14. Employee productivity and safety
 15. Fast B2B order fulfillment
 16. Expanded dropshipping
 17. New payment options
 18. Offering more educational resources to acquire new customers
 19. Eco-conscious B2B
 20. Direct-to-consumer growth
 21. E-commerce integrations
 22. Summary


Right after the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, even skeptics were fast to adopt
digital marketing strategies. The pandemic has forced B2B buyers and sellers to
develop a new set of tactics for successful deal-making. As a result, the B2B
e-commerce growth trends and marketing methods we see now are reshaping the
industry as we know it. Namely, new ways are emerging to attract leads and
increase profits.

The vast majority of B2B retailers (78%) are selling online today. B2B
e-commerce transactions are forecast to reach a $1.2 trillion turnover in 2021!
Although the numbers are huge, the situation could have been foreseen five years
ago, when the industry began to develop rapidly.

B2B businesses are competitive, but what can you do to stand out in the market
area? Of course, take advantage of new trends. Dinarys, a company with in-depth
expertise in e-commerce development with Magento and Shopware, considers the
following B2B e-commerce trends in 2021 to be fundamental.


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Most B2B e-commerce market trends are driven by demographic changes. Generation
X holds the majority of leadership positions. And millennials are more digitally
savvy, influencing 60% of decisions.

Source: trustradius.com

These people want to get results quickly, without wasting time on phone calls
and meetings, personally controlling the placement and delivery dates of orders.

They usually prefer to single-handedly search all the information online,
compare prices, read reviews, and enter into communication with a “live” manager
only after they have made a decision. They do not care about analysts, they
value information from other consumers, not from the seller, they enjoy
innovative technologies, and they do not tolerate aggressive advertising.

When it comes to real buying, roughly 46% of millennials tend to go beyond free
trials. Before making a purchasing decision, they study an average of 12
competing sites. B2B shoppers of this generation tend to cooperate, so they send
and read reviews to four or more other people (89% of millennial shoppers do
this). And the relevant B2B e-commerce statistics and trends show that it will
stay this way.


Up to 80% of B2B decision-makers choose digital self-service, and online
marketing for them is primarily about privacy and new targeting. They prefer to
communicate with the brand, receive information, and inquire about products and
services. And this can be done without direct communication with partners.

Only 20% of B2B shoppers claim that they hope to return to personal selling,
even in sectors where local sales models have traditionally dominated, such as
pharmaceuticals and medical products.

Source: mckinsey.com

Gartner's new perspective shows that the B2B buying path has changed, and your
sales strategy must change accordingly. With an unlimited amount of information
online, sellers have little opportunity to influence customer decisions.

When B2B buyers consider making a purchase, they only spend 17% of their time
meeting with potential suppliers. If they are comparing multiple offers, the
time spent with any sales representative can be as little as 5% or 6%.


The transition to remote work imposes certain security requirements.
Unfortunately, B2B e-commerce offers more opportunities for customer data theft
and fraud. Sellers who rely on vast product catalogs, large deals, and more
complex approval mechanisms need to secure their digital channels.

Source: oroinc.com

For B2B businesses that lack a security culture and rely on disparate security
features, now is the time to put security first. Cloud-based security solutions
focused on the detection of threats will outperform legacy systems, according to
a G2 study.

They will make up the most important e-commerce trends of 2021 in B2B. The
adoption of cloud technologies, including cloud-based e-commerce, will
accelerate these trends and play an even greater role in the operational
efficiency rates.


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B2B buyers want to take full advantage of marketplaces in their chosen niche by
getting the best deals from top vendors and guaranteeing the terms of the deal
on the site. Thanks to them, last year Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, increased
his capital by more than twice!

But the renowned platform where you can find everything from A to Z is not
necessarily tailored to the personal experience and interests of individual
target users. In addition to specific product offerings, niche platforms
differentiate brand identity services for a narrower audience. By retaining
customer data and contacts after conversion, niche companies actually continue
to leverage their post-deal audience.

Since AliExpress and similar platforms entered the market, many have given up on
retail services. The same thing happened in the B2B market. The buyer goes to
virtual stores for goods from cheaper global manufacturers. This process
provides an opportunity for increased global competition and a more flexible and
accessible brand for the regular B2B buyer.

Read our guide on how to build a marketplace website.


Below are the results from B2B research and Google and BCG data showing the
importance of mobile for B2B customers:

 1. Almost 70% of B2B e-commerce actions are carried out through smartphones;

 2. Mobile devices bring leading B2B companies over 40% of profits.

The business must be mobile responsive. Brands that move to mobile will generate
more revenue. A mobile app that supports catalogs and shipping monitoring allows
for faster orders based on a business account. Plus, it can connect with sales
for on-the-go sales that sync with your systems.

Some brands (around 15%) use apps for their B2B shoppers. This allows them to
log in, see current rates and place an order in minutes. In the long term, full
integration of voice purchases, augmented and virtual reality, and simpler
electronic document management WITH various B2B processes is expected.


According to Gartner B2B e-commerce trends, a typical online experience will be
supported by no fewer than 30 integrated apps. In addition to investing in
communication tools, B2B e-commerce brands will be investing in offline
architecture and progressive web applications (PWA).

Although mobile traffic accounts for over 53% of all traffic, it only generates
29% of total sales. Unlike mobile apps, PWAs work across all devices and
operating systems. Customers don't need to download and install memory-intensive
apps, and developers don't need to create separate apps for Android and iOS.
PWAs provide increased speed, efficiency, and usability with or without

Headless commerce offers similar personalization options, voice integration,
smartwatches, television, and other less traditional forms of shopping. Most
importantly, it allows brands to maintain specific B2B back-office features and

Read our view on PWAs and the mobile-first approach.

Source: oroinc.com


According to OroCommerce, 86% of customers prefer to use self-service tools,
reordering features, and check order status tools without contacting seller
representatives. Likewise, B2B buyers already complete 57% of the buying process
before interacting with them, and this percentage will only increase.

Source: oroinc.com

In 2021, B2B customers expect responsive interfaces and intuitive commands that
save them time and money. They expect to view past orders, manage negotiations
and approvals without contacting sales representatives. Likewise, back-office
staff will need more transparency in customer information, behind-the-scenes
price management, and ensuring a smoother buying process.


We’ve already reviewed loyalty app development on our blog. Loyalty programs are
major trends in B2B e-commerce as they can increase brand awareness, attract new
customers, and increase opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling.
Therefore, B2B buyers can also count on:

 1. Transaction discounts;

 2. Referral bonuses;

 3. Loyalty programs.

Thus, a customer can get an exclusive discount on joining the program. A member
of the referral program receives a bonus every time he/she refers new potential
clients. In most cases, the new customer will also receive a reward or discount
on their first purchase.

B2B companies can use tiered or threshold reward programs. In the first,
customers earn points for making purchases. This is suitable for businesses that
buy frequently. With the help of the second, customers are promoted through the
levels of rewards. But it is valid for a limited time, so it is suitable for
businesses that buy from the same sellers.


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The growth of cloud e-commerce is one of the main global B2B e-commerce trends.
The solutions enable brands to explore new security technologies, leverage big
data and analytics, and IoT developments to deliver compelling customer

A recent study found that half of the IT professionals surveyed claim the
pandemic has changed their cloud computing plans radically. IDC's FutureScape
report predicts that by the end of 2021, more than 80% of enterprises will
migrate to cloud infrastructure and applications, double last year's forecasts.

Brands are increasingly relying on the cloud to keep tomorrow's work and
flexibility in the future. Every day, more companies are looking to maintain or
increase their cloud investments to streamline operations and improve


In the coming years, B2B shoppers will feel as comfortable as B2C shoppers once
they get interfaces that simplify their tasks. Smarter HQ reports that 72% of
customers only use personalized messaging and 69% of B2B shoppers are willing to
pay more for a personalized experience.

An analysis of the pages visited by the user, records in chatbots, and frequent
requests allow us to understand the primary and secondary needs of customers,
and what needs to be improved in workflows. Research shows that 50% of B2B
shoppers see improved personalization as a key supplier sourcing feature. That
being said, consumers tend to spend 48% more if their experience is

Source: oroinc.com

The customer experience management market is expected to double to reach $14.9
billion by 2025. Fully personalizing the B2B shopping experience requires the
use of artificial intelligence and machine learning, as well as the expertise of
your telecommuters.


About 21% of sales leaders today rely on AI-powered apps, with the majority
collaborating with marketing teams that share these apps. Roughly 60% of
marketers believe that artificial intelligence is the most important aspect of a
data strategy and can increase productivity by up to 40%. According to forecasts
of, again, Gartner, more than 75% of organizations will be using AI in some way
or another by 2024.

Machines use more data to make accurate recommendations. Learning algorithms
grant 35% of all Amazon sales! B2B brands that deploy AI-powered chatbots on
their sites have shown remarkable engagement rates and increased sales.

Image recognition technology is useful to sellers with millions of SKUs, tons of
product information, descriptions, and specifications. AI systems can reduce
manual work, errors, and costs while improving the customer experience.

Make sure you read our guide on chatbot development for e-commerce.


The usability and accessibility of the website will remain an important trend. A
quarter of surveyed users need only 4 seconds to decide to leave the site.
Google proves that PWAs load eight times faster than a regular mobile landing
page. Self-service portals should make real-time order management, modification,
and tracking intuitive and accessible across all devices.

Wholesale commerce offers tremendous opportunities, but as more choices are
presented, customers have to overcome more obstacles. For example, they will
compare value for money in different outlets, but the reason for choosing will
be the convenience of the purchase process, delivery, and the original features
of the application. This is why a business that wants to enter the B2B market
must understand the logic of the consumer.

Source: paldesk.com


Omnichannel commerce is promising, with brands offering customers a seamless
experience through social media, e-commerce sites, and brick-and-mortar stores.

More than 82% of shoppers use information from their smartphones when shopping
at regular stores. Others choose to research, buy and receive goods without
physical contact. Customers can start with the brand's Facebook account and then
navigate to the site expecting to see the product's history of views and
feedback there. Digital brands use this method to communicate messages to
further increase conversions.

Companies are realizing the power of omnichannel to centralize multiple sales
channels and customer relationships on a single platform. That is why it is
counted among the most important Forrester-noted B2B e-commerce trends.


According to RetailTouchPoints, thorough automation can help boost team
productivity by 45% and overall revenue by 49%. Companies today are turning to
automation to reduce manual tasks, minimize errors, and increase operational

Source: oroinc.com

Automation is great at increasing productivity and optimizing processes that
drive growth. Some automation ideas increase personalization, others eliminate
time-consuming back-office tasks or streamline supply chains.

Automation also allows traditional or semi-autonomous brands to work remotely,
and this is one of the latest trends in B2B e-commerce. It increases the
resilience and flexibility of operations, helping to withstand market shocks.
Many offline B2B companies are embracing telecommuting because digital
technology boosts employee engagement, creates work-life balance, and reduces
health risks.


As more B2B companies go digital, the need for fast and efficient processes is
imperative. Millennials expect B2B companies to provide fast delivery options on
par with B2C sellers. This is a very important point among the current trends in
B2B e-commerce.

Customer expectations are rising and B2B companies can use software to optimize
order fulfillment processes to attract customers. This software can help B2B
companies manage orders across multiple sales platforms, centralize information
and reduce supply chain complexity. They may also help establish steady contact
with third-party service providers.

Third-party software, often referred to as 3PL, uses something like ShipStation
or ShipBob to operate. This works great when the business is scaling up quickly,
running order fulfillment costs go up, or spending too much time managing


Direct shipments are prevalent, although the debate over their profitability
continues. Global blockages due to the pandemic have caused irreparable damage
to e-commerce supply chains. The demand for e-commerce has skyrocketed, forcing
retailers to turn to suppliers for help. Some retailers went bankrupt, while
others filed for bankruptcy. Those who continued to work turned to online sales,
which made the usual ordering tedious and unprofitable.

These played an important role in the investment of wholesalers in the
restructuring of the order fulfillment infrastructure. Wholesalers and traders
are changing their habits due to the pandemic, and this situation will remain
unchanged for a long time to come. Thus, B2B trends for e-commerce include
sustainable development as a result of the continuous and accelerated growth of
direct delivery. We described the process of building a dropshipping website.


Even before the pandemic, B2B companies recognized the importance of
digitalization, especially when it came to B2B e-commerce payment trends. While
large enterprises are quite resilient to change, COVID-19 has highlighted the
imminent transformation of B2B payments to digital, and the transition has

Over the past year, the share of B2B companies making more than 90% of payments
electronically has grown by 12%, reaching a quarter of total B2B payments in
2020. Although many people still adhere to traditional payment methods, the use
of instant payments is expected to continue to spread.

B2B buyers have begun to actively embrace modern payment systems, including new
forms of financing. Mobile wallets such as Amazon Pay and Apple Pay will rise in
popularity, third-party funding and ACH will be used more frequently.


Now is the time for B2B e-commerce platforms to start a blog. Before making a
purchase, modern customers carefully study all the available materials, so it is
extremely important to give answers to all their questions.

A well-structured and well-filled blog with new and interesting content
constantly appearing, will strengthen the brand image. Users who receive useful
information on your resource with answers to important questions for them will
most likely want to make a deal with you. But to do this, your company must be
associated with a value that the customer shares and that can be converted into
ROI. Keep this in mind when exploring B2B trends in e-commerce.


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Consumer concern about the state of the environment comes to the fore today.
More brands are adopting sustainable and environmentally-friendly marketing
methods to influence customers. The trend will be to reduce the supply chain.
Green branding in marketing will help you stand out in the B2B space.

Many clients are passionate about environmental issues and support conservation
initiatives. While B2B companies do not face public pressure, this can easily
change. Investing in green policies can lead to prosperity, both in terms of
profitability and business sustainability.

Many companies seek to acquire sustainable products by choosing supply chains
that meet green standards. Finding out how much pollution your company is
creating can help reduce your carbon footprint and better your company's image.
For example, through the use of non-electric vehicles in logistics, waste
management, and improved efficiency of utilities. Thus, these areas of work are
also among the B2B e-commerce trends.


The business is entering a fundamentally new path - D2C (Direct-to-Consumer) -
direct brand sales to the end consumer. Gradually phasing out intermediaries in
the form of retailers, distributors, and dealers. The meaning of this process is
clear - the brand knows its customer better and must communicate with them
directly. So a business can analyze and influence all channels of communication
with a user, fully controlling every stage of interaction from the first
acquaintance to the purchasing sales funnel.

Many large companies are already refusing to even place offers on marketplaces.
Despite the fact that such sites have detailed information about the partner's
audience, they are reluctant to share it with suppliers. For instance, at the
end of last year, Nike pulled out of cooperation with eBay and Amazon,
explaining that it wants to focus on sales through the official website.


The integration of B2B e-commerce systems with third-party services, SaaS
solutions, and API marketplaces has become a necessity. CRM and ERP allow you to
centralize all the necessary data about the client, instantly sign contracts
with electronic document flow, and generate invoices.

You can immediately receive information about the turnover of goods and connect
the calculator of popular delivery operators. With the help of the integration
of warehouse accounting systems, you can book the necessary goods at the
manufacturer's warehouse with shipment to the buyer directly.

Integration of the B2B e-commerce system with third-party solutions can automate
more than half of routine business processes. Managers do not have to check the
availability of goods or spend time looking for analogs, contacts with
customers, filling out documents, collecting analytics, or preparing reports
manually. All of this can happen automatically while employees only have to
focus on attracting customers and boosting sales.


The pandemic has only accelerated the growth of the B2B e-commerce segment and
the global shift of sales to online. In fact, digitalization, as one of the main
trends in B2B e-commerce, has shown itself for a long time. This is a natural
process that is perceived by an increasing number of companies as inevitable.

You will come to this as well in any case. So isn't it better to do this now,
when life itself offers a chance? The B2B revolution is already happening.

And if you find it difficult to determine the priorities yourself, contact
Dinarys specialists. We have quite a lot of experience in this area. We will be
happy to discuss your requirements and help solve business problems of any sort.


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