www.beaconit.co.uk Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://beaconit.co.uk/
Effective URL: https://www.beaconit.co.uk/
Submission: On June 08 via api from US — Scanned from GB

Form analysis 4 forms found in the DOM


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Text Content

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 * Why Us?
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 * Why Us?
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 * Contact


We are part of your team.

Providing all your technology.



At Beacon IT we understand the challenges and frustrations of a modern business,
we know that costs need to be directly associated with results and we recognise
the need for transparent and honest advice. With the concerns of our clients in
mind, we prefer to take a pragmatic approach to all projects, considering vital
elements such as deadlines, disruption and budget.

Our year, so far

1530 +

Requests Resolved

81 %

First Call Fix

96 %

Within SLA

4 secs

To Answer Your Call

We're committed to you, guaranteed

If you don't love our service, we'll let you leave.

Our Core Services

IT Support

Experts in managing all aspects of IT



Cost effective and flexible telephony



Make an impression with a modern web design


IT Solutions

Efficient & secure IT systems


Our Featured Services


Open your business up to the cloud-based suite of apps that is Microsoft 365 and
reap the benefits of boosted productivity, organisation, and collaboration
across your business.


You need to feel assured that your business is safe in the hands of an IT
provider that you can trust. With us, it will be.


Working in house and with a specially selected data recovery company, we work on
recovering data, whether this be much loved images or essential work documents.


Even if you’re away from work, or your office server is inaccessible, with us
your data in the cloud is always up to date and available, which means
productivity can remain optimal.


We monitor your services 24/7, to identify problems before they develop into an
issue that can cause significant interruption.


We monitor your systems to protect against viruses, apply patches, ensure
backups are performing successfully. We handle issues quickly, often before you
even notice there’s a problem.


Marketing your business has become a non-negotiable in the online space and the
immense power of the internet to propel your brand is undeniable - we can help.


You need fast, secure, and reliable broadband to always keep your business
online so we offer bespoke broadband packages determined on what will work best
for you.


We offer a diverse range of marketing and online services that will enhance your
digital presence and get you noticed.

We Give Hope.

You don't have to persevere with your current IT systems. To make life easier,
we help find ways to develop solutions that better meet the needs of your
business. There is hope.

In a world full of technical jargon, we want to make things as simple as
possible for you and your business, offering a beacon of support for all your
IT, Marketing, Design and Development needs. We provide the solution, leaving
you to take care of business.

We Have Wisdom.

We offer advice, knowledge and experience across a wide range of IT services.
Our wisdom can help your business become more efficient and profitable.

We deliver a range of products and services both onsite and remotely including
data backup and recovery, bespoke software solutions, broadband to full office
relocation and networking. Our ability to cater to all your requirements means
you will not need to look further for efficient and effective IT solutions. 

We Provide Freedom.

Our IT solutions are designed to give you more time and the freedom to
concentrate on what you do best - running your business.

We currently deliver services to a range of clients in and around East Anglia,
Suffolk, Essex, London and Surrey providing honest and reliable insight,
solutions and competitive pricing.

Read Our Latest Blog Posts

Is this the most dangerous phishing scam yet?
Picture this: You’re going about your day, checking your emails, when suddenly
you see a message from a company you trust. You think, “Great! That’s safe to
read”. But hold on just one minute… this email is not what it seems. It’s part
of yet another scam created by cyber criminals to trick you into… Continue
reading Is this the most dangerous phishing scam yet?
Enhance Business Productivity with Microsoft Edge Features on Windows 11
Improving productivity is a never-ending mission for most business owners and
managers. Whether it’s speeding up tasks or improving communication, every
little helps. So it’s crucial to make the most of the tools you already have.
And while you might think of your web browser as just a means to access the
internet, it can… Continue reading Enhance Business Productivity with Microsoft
Edge Features on Windows 11
Copilot is bringing another productivity boost to Teams
If you’re all about doing everything you can to help your team max their
productivity (who wouldn’t want that, right?), then you’re going to love what
Microsoft Teams has in store for us with its latest Copilot upgrades. Imagine,
you’re mid-Teams meeting, brainstorming like there’s no tomorrow. Ideas are
flying all over the place! Even… Continue reading Copilot is bringing another
productivity boost to Teams
Cyber attacks are getting bigger and smarter. Are you vulnerable?
Have you ever tried to buy tickets for a huge event and found that the seller’s
website has collapsed under the weight of thousands of people all trying to do
the same thing at the same time? The ticket site falls over – usually
temporarily – because the server is overloaded with traffic it doesn’t have…
Continue reading Cyber attacks are getting bigger and smarter. Are you
AI is making phishing scams more dangerous
AI chatbots have taken the world by storm in recent months. We’ve been having
fun asking ChatGPT questions, trying to find out how much of our jobs it can do,
and even getting it to tell us jokes. But while lots of people have been having
fun, cyber criminals have been powering ahead and finding… Continue reading AI
is making phishing scams more dangerous
Is your security focusing on the right things?
To protect your home from an intruder you make sure your doors and windows are
all locked and secured. You might go further: build a fence around the
perimeter, perhaps even get an angry looking dog to stand guard. But there’s no
point going to all that effort if someone’s already broken in and set… Continue
reading Is your security focusing on the right things?


You don't have to persevere with your current IT systems. To make life easier,
we help find ways to develop solutions that better meet the needs of your
business. There is hope.

In a world full of technical jargon, we want to make things as simple as
possible for you and your business, offering a beacon of support for all your
IT, Marketing, Design and Development needs. We provide the solution, leaving
you to take care of business.


We offer advice, knowledge and experience across a wide range of IT services.
Our wisdom can help your business become more efficient and profitable.

We deliver a range of products and services both onsite and remotely including
data backup and recovery, bespoke software solutions, broadband to full office
relocation and networking. Our ability to cater to all your requirements means
you will not need to look further for efficient and effective IT solutions. 


Our IT solutions are designed to give you more time and the freedom to
concentrate on what you do best - running your business.

We currently deliver services to a range of clients in and around East Anglia,
Suffolk, Essex, London and Surrey providing honest and reliable insight,
solutions and competitive pricing.



Our team is an extension of yours, offering a bespoke service tailored

to your needs. We will manage your IT infrastructure, overseeing everything and
offering guidance and technical support if anything goes wrong. You can feel
confident in the knowledge that we’ve got things under control, leaving you free
to focus on

your commercial and business goals



We provide IT solutions that are exactly that –

a solution. An answer to your problems in a fast, secure and reliable way. We
know that figuring out what IT help and support you need for your business can
be an overwhelming task, but with us on hand you don’t need to worry.



We design and build bespoke websites to meet the needs of your business. Whether
you need a website to advertise your services, sell your products or something
much more, our team makes sure that your website is not just a pretty face. We
also develop PowerApps and bespoke web applications to empowering your
businesses efficiency and growth.



With our cloud services you can access files, work remotely as though you were
in the office, and even collaborate remotely still within a safe and secure
environment. Even if you’re away from work, or your office server is
inaccessible, data in the cloud is always up to date and available, which means
productivity can remain optimal.


We offer a range of telephony solutions for either an on premise system, or as a
hosted service. We will work with you to deliver feature-rich telephony,
remote-working capabilities, and all the benefits of state-of-art telephone

Marketing & Branding

Marketing your business has become a non-negotiable in the online space. The
immense power of the internet to propel your brand is undeniable. Alongside our
IT services and solutions, we offer a diverse range of marketing and online
services that will enhance your digital presence and get you noticed.


“Ben and the team at Beacon IT have understood Officeflow's vision since our
first day of trading back in January 2020. Beacon IT's advice and the services
they provide for us have grown and changed alongside us which has been
invaluable support as a young business that has experienced rapid growth. We
have needed a responsive and caring provider to offer the correct support as our
business needs have evolved.

From website design and hosting to cloud accessible network data storage,
Microsoft 365 management and centralised anti-virus management, Beacon IT cover
some of the core areas of our business. We have recently signed off on the
latest build of our website and we are delighted with the result and have had
lots of great feedback from customers and suppliers across the country!

It all comes down to providing a personal and local approach to business and
people and this is something Beacon IT get it right every time".


Director, Officeflow


"As someone who has known Ben for a good few years now, it has come as no
surprise that he is building an exciting and growing business. Beacon IT provide
us with a wide range of services, including all year round IT support,
telephone, broadband, mobile phone and cloud services, backup, hardware and even
designing and hosting our website. Sister Company, Abacus Security, also look
after our CCTV, door entry and fire alarm systems.

The one thing that stands our for me is their ability to deliver, and question
if needs be, what the best IT solutions are for our business across our four
sites. In my experience, not all IT companies do this, and it's something I
value above all else".


Director, Once Upon A Time Nursery


“RMC Global had a very specific requirement for IT support which included
development of software. We were looking for a new supplier when Beacon IT
started supporting our sister company, Anglian Assessors. We were impressed by
the knowledge displayed and the forward-thinking way in which they looked at
systems and the best solutions.


We started working with Beacon IT at the beginning of 2016 and have had
consistently reliable support. The proactive team in place are fantastic, for
which we have been very grateful, particularly during our recent premises
move. A stressful experience was made far better through their support and hard


I would recommend Beacon IT to people who are looking for a holistic approach to
IT support, coupled with a dedication to getting the job done well, that is
second to none.”


Operations Director, RMC Global Ltd


"Beacon IT built and designed me a new website that is very slick, user friendly
and has been great for my business as it’s produced a large increase in interest
from new customers.

Following a pleasant and professional experience with my personal website and IT
queries I have asked Beacon IT to work alongside me on some of my electrical
contracting jobs. All of the customers I’ve recommended Beacon IT for have seen
a vast improvement in all aspects of their IT systems and have been over joyed
with their approach and workmanship following mostly confusing, unreliable and
expensive relationships with previous IT companies.

I continue to work alongside the Beacon IT team who are friendly, efficient,
affordable and most importantly reliable for me and my long serving customers.

I’m happy to recommend Beacon IT to anyone and look forward to continuing our
working relationship".


Owner, Brooks Electrical


“Ben and the team at Beacon IT have understood Officeflow's vision since our
first day of trading back in January 2020. Beacon IT's advice and the services
they provide for us have grown and changed alongside us which has been
invaluable support as a young business that has experienced rapid growth. We
have needed a responsive and caring provider to offer the correct support as our
business needs have evolved.

From website design and hosting to cloud accessible network data storage,
Microsoft 365 management and centralised anti-virus management, Beacon IT cover
some of the core areas of our business. We have recently signed off on the
latest build of our website and we are delighted with the result and have had
lots of great feedback from customers and suppliers across the country!

It all comes down to providing a personal and local approach to business and
people and this is something Beacon IT get it right every time".


Director, Officeflow


"As someone who has known Ben for a good few years now, it has come as no
surprise that he is building an exciting and growing business. Beacon IT provide
us with a wide range of services, including all year round IT support,
telephone, broadband, mobile phone and cloud services, backup, hardware and even
designing and hosting our website. Sister Company, Abacus Security, also look
after our CCTV, door entry and fire alarm systems.

The one thing that stands our for me is their ability to deliver, and question
if needs be, what the best IT solutions are for our business across our four
sites. In my experience, not all IT companies do this, and it's something I
value above all else".


Director, Once Upon A Time Nursery


“RMC Global had a very specific requirement for IT support which included
development of software. We were looking for a new supplier when Beacon IT
started supporting our sister company, Anglian Assessors. We were impressed by
the knowledge displayed and the forward-thinking way in which they looked at
systems and the best solutions.


We started working with Beacon IT at the beginning of 2016 and have had
consistently reliable support. The proactive team in place are fantastic, for
which we have been very grateful, particularly during our recent premises
move. A stressful experience was made far better through their support and hard


I would recommend Beacon IT to people who are looking for a holistic approach to
IT support, coupled with a dedication to getting the job done well, that is
second to none.”


Operations Director, RMC Global Ltd


"Beacon IT built and designed me a new website that is very slick, user friendly
and has been great for my business as it’s produced a large increase in interest
from new customers.

Following a pleasant and professional experience with my personal website and IT
queries I have asked Beacon IT to work alongside me on some of my electrical
contracting jobs. All of the customers I’ve recommended Beacon IT for have seen
a vast improvement in all aspects of their IT systems and have been over joyed
with their approach and workmanship following mostly confusing, unreliable and
expensive relationships with previous IT companies.

I continue to work alongside the Beacon IT team who are friendly, efficient,
affordable and most importantly reliable for me and my long serving customers.

I’m happy to recommend Beacon IT to anyone and look forward to continuing our
working relationship".


Owner, Brooks Electrical


“Ben and the team at Beacon IT have understood Officeflow's vision since our
first day of trading back in January 2020. Beacon IT's advice and the services
they provide for us have grown and changed alongside us which has been
invaluable support as a young business that has experienced rapid growth. We
have needed a responsive and caring provider to offer the correct support as our
business needs have evolved.

From website design and hosting to cloud accessible network data storage,
Microsoft 365 management and centralised anti-virus management, Beacon IT cover
some of the core areas of our business. We have recently signed off on the
latest build of our website and we are delighted with the result and have had
lots of great feedback from customers and suppliers across the country!

It all comes down to providing a personal and local approach to business and
people and this is something Beacon IT get it right every time".


Director, Officeflow

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Still wondering, why us?

At Beacon IT we understand the challenges and frustrations of a modern business,
we know that costs need to be directly associated with results and we recognise
the need for transparent and honest advice. With the concerns of our clients in
mind, we prefer to take a pragmatic approach to all projects, considering vital
elements such as deadlines, disruption and budget.

As your IT department, we are flexible and adaptable to your needs

High quality management, design and service

Transparent and competitive pricing

Clear communication with all our clients

Easily accessible with options for out of hours support contracts and access to
your own personalised customer portal

We are small enough to work around you, but have the experience to achieve the
required results

We'd love to meet you

Call us

01603 905420



or, we'll call you.

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You can even book a time to suit you.

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Request our free guide on buying IT Services

One of the most critical partnerships your business will ever make is with your
IT support company.

Just think how dependent you and your team are on technology. When everything
works as it should, it’s liberating.

We've written this guide. It’s not about us; it’s about all IT support companies
and how to choose the right one for you.




Why Us?


Free Guide



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Stable 2, White House Farm,

Salhouse Road, Norwich,

Norfolk, NR13 6LB

01603 905420


09:00 - 17:00 Mon-Fri




© 2024 Beacon IT LTD. All rights reserved | Company Registration Number:
10013547. Registered in England.

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