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Bond volatility matters for more than bonds

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Link Copied 17 minutes ago at 10:00

Even MOVE is moving lower

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Link Copied 37 minutes ago at 09:40
The puke in correlations

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Link Copied an hour ago at 09:20
Too damn short

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Link Copied 20 hours ago at 14:40
As long as it is tech

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Link Copied an hour ago at 09:00

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Link Copied 2 hours ago at 08:40
Leaders & Followers

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Link Copied 2 hours ago at 08:20
Q2 bull story?

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Link Copied 2 hours ago at 08:00
Stocks don't care about no outflows

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Link Copied 3 hours ago at 07:40
Hedge fund positioning near 5-year lows

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Link Copied 3 hours ago at 07:30
Never forget the size buyer

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Link Copied 3 hours ago at 07:20
Helpful, not hurtful

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Link Copied 3 hours ago at 07:00
2025 baby!

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Link Copied 4 hours ago at 06:40
Hanging on by a Fed

Markets are now betting on 2024 seeing bulk of cuts.

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Source: Credit Suisse
Link Copied 4 hours ago at 06:30
Q1 summary: positive data

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Link Copied 4 hours ago at 06:20
Q1 summary: easing

Financial conditions have eased at the start of 2023...

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Source: Credit Agricole
Link Copied 4 hours ago at 06:00
Who loves China the most?

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Link Copied 5 hours ago at 05:40

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Link Copied 5 hours ago at 05:20
Real M1 as a recession signal

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Link Copied 5 hours ago at 05:00
The money growth horror show

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Link Copied 6 hours ago at 04:00
Breaking up according to seasonality

Is this the "ultimate" squeeze chart. Seasonality just about to kick in...

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Source: Equity Clock
Link Copied 7 hours ago at 03:00
SPX estimates are too optimistic

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Link Copied 8 hours ago at 02:00
Yearning for the yield curve "analysis" to work...

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Link Copied 9 hours ago at 01:00
Is this it in terms of earnings cuts?

US estimates in chart 1 vs European estimates in chart 2.

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Source: BernsteinSource: BernsteinView one more chart
Link Copied 10 hours ago at 00:00
Puked just in time for the squeeze

Is everybody trading short gamma these days. Non dealers positioning puked just
in time for the latest squeeze higher. Impressive...

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Source: GS
Link Copied 11 hours ago at 23:00
IG debt ratios

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Link Copied 12 hours ago at 22:05

Even MOVE is moving lower

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Link Copied 37 minutes ago at 09:40

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Link Copied 2 hours ago at 08:40
Breaking up according to seasonality

Is this the "ultimate" squeeze chart. Seasonality just about to kick in...

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Source: Equity Clock
Link Copied 7 hours ago at 03:00
Computers could be huge buyers of equities

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Link Copied 14 hours ago at 20:30
Remember economic surprises?

Citi US economic surprises index has basically been printing new recent highs on
a daily basis since mid January. You don't trade SPX on the back of the CSI, but
that gap still looks very wide...

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Source: Refinitiv
Link Copied 15 hours ago at 19:20
VIX catching bids

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Link Copied 18 hours ago at 16:30
The greatest volatility move

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Link Copied Mar 30 2023 at 12:40
The biggest "delta" matters

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Link Copied Mar 30 2023 at 11:20
The lack of liquidity will support big moves

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Link Copied Mar 30 2023 at 10:40
Fading (big tech) fear

VXN and Apple "VIX" (VXAPL) in full implosion mode, both trading at/below lowest
levels in a very long time. Using options for directional tech plays isn't
overly expensive.

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Source: Refinitiv
Link Copied Mar 30 2023 at 01:00
Oil - it was just a short cover

Note the sharp move higher in the red line. MPAS writes: "CL OI off almost -36k
in last 2 sessions and mostly from front end, suspect managed money short
position built in last 2 weeks took the hit...."

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Source: MPAS
Link Copied Mar 29 2023 at 19:20
and it's gone...

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Link Copied Mar 29 2023 at 15:45
SPX - time to decide

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Link Copied Mar 29 2023 at 09:00
Hedge funds have basically done nothing

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Link Copied Mar 29 2023 at 08:00
Underestimating the risk?

TS Lombard's Steve Blitz: "...when recession hits, the damage to spending may be
a lot more than most expect and turn the recession into a deeper one than
anticipated. There is a still a strong contingent believing no recession at all,
but there were a lot of very smart people in spring 2008 who were still arguing
no recession was underway. Mid-year recession, Fed begins to cut once
unemployment > 4%, and sentiment suggests risk is a worse recession not a milder
one. Not yet my call, but that's the risk."

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Source: TS Lombard
Link Copied Mar 29 2023 at 07:40
VIX starting to realize SPX is doing nothing

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Link Copied Mar 29 2023 at 03:00
Oil - the chase

On March 21 we pointed out the reason why oil could squeeze (hint CTAs, more
here). The CTA community has managed getting caught wrong in another short term
trade going against them. Trend followers continue struggling and behave like
short gamma strategies, but they do not get to enjoy the theta checks...As
Goldman's Nocerino points out: there is much more to buy should oil squeeze even

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Source: GS
Link Copied Mar 28 2023 at 19:30
Use your skew

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Link Copied Mar 28 2023 at 15:20
Stubborn credit stress

While VIX has given back much of the recent gains, the CDX IG remains at
elevated levels post the latest surge. Note the difference in trajectories over
the past months.

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Source: Refinitiv
Link Copied Mar 28 2023 at 09:45
The real estate long

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Link Copied Mar 28 2023 at 08:40
Skew stays elevated

Skew, measured by the SDEX here, is not high on a historical basis, but is
holding up remarkably well post the latest surge. Looks like the crowd is still
in need to pay up for downside protection.

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Source: Refinitiv
Link Copied Mar 28 2023 at 01:00
NASDAQ and mean reversion

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Link Copied Mar 27 2023 at 16:20
Rate volatility - the canary?

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Link Copied Mar 27 2023 at 10:20
Europe's stress - far from over

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Link Copied Mar 27 2023 at 09:00
GS out with an AI "Bible"

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Link Copied Mar 27 2023 at 07:00

GS: buy NKE calls

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Link Copied Mar 15 2023 at 20:30
Calls attractive

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Link Copied Mar 13 2023 at 19:10
You got 13 days

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Link Copied Mar 06 2023 at 07:00
Put hate is gone...and some put love is back

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Link Copied Feb 28 2023 at 14:59
and it's gone

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Link Copied Feb 28 2023 at 13:40
Monetization mania

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Link Copied Feb 28 2023 at 04:00
Rates matter

Jefferies writes: "...the relationship between S&P500 forward PE and US 10Y bond
yield has been tight knit since 2022, with an R squared of 53%." Don't forget to
look at bond volatility as well. Second chart shows SPX vs MOVE (inverted).

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Source: JefferiesSource: RefinitivView one more chart
Link Copied Feb 27 2023 at 13:45
MOVE moving everything

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Link Copied Feb 27 2023 at 12:20
US credit protection has risen as well

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Link Copied Feb 27 2023 at 11:00
Europe's equity vs credit gap

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Link Copied Feb 27 2023 at 10:00
That was quick - bonds edition

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Link Copied Feb 26 2023 at 21:00
0DTE puts are the new 0DTE calls

Scott Rubner writes: "Month to date, more daily puts were trading than calls."
Somebody needs to figure out how to hedge that downside when things get dynamic
to the downside...

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Source: GS
Link Copied Feb 24 2023 at 21:20
Monetizing hedges

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Link Copied Feb 24 2023 at 18:01
Down but with diminishing "panic"

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Link Copied Feb 24 2023 at 17:42
Not the normal VIX Friday

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Link Copied Feb 24 2023 at 14:30
Options color

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Link Copied Feb 24 2023 at 14:10
Credit protection - still resilient

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Link Copied Feb 24 2023 at 11:59
Muted European volatility - the cheap what if hedge?

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Link Copied Feb 24 2023 at 10:35
Watching the MOVE closely

VIX down from recent "panic" highs, but MOVE refuses giving back any of the
gains. Watch bond volatility closely here as it is a big part of the current
macro puzzle.

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Source: Refinitiv
Link Copied Feb 23 2023 at 21:22
0DTE - buy to sell

Great charts via BofA's great derivatives team showing how people start the day
with paying up for 0DTE options (lifting offers) only to sell these as the day
progresses, hitting bids. The trend can be seen in both calls and puts, with
puts being even more pronounced.

Zero sum game until something goes wrong...?

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Source: BofA
Link Copied Feb 23 2023 at 15:20
Very little "monetization"

We have covered the rise in SPX and the rise in SKEW extensively over past weeks
(here). When both rise you should watch closely as it shows the crowd is paying
up for downside protection (on a relative volatility basis)...because they need
it. This protection is usually monetized when markets move lower. This time we
have seen very little of that "monetization"...

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Source: Refinitiv
Link Copied Feb 23 2023 at 13:40
They don't come cheap

0DTE options trade with a huge volatility premium. BofA's chart showing the
volatility smile "with the call side trading at more elevated implied vols than
longer-dated tenors".

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Source: BofA
Link Copied Feb 22 2023 at 22:59
0DTE and Volmageddon 2.0?

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Link Copied Feb 22 2023 at 22:30
MOVE moving VIX

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Link Copied Feb 22 2023 at 19:20
Sell low, buy high agony is back

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Link Copied Feb 22 2023 at 16:45

The blockchain bulls are back in town (with disclaimers)

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Link Copied Mar 30 2023 at 13:00
Unstoppable bitcoin

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Link Copied Mar 29 2023 at 10:00
Mentioning Crypto

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Link Copied Mar 29 2023 at 05:40
Bitcoin trying to tell us something?

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Link Copied Mar 27 2023 at 15:30
Bitcoin - still waiting for the institutional bid

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Link Copied Mar 23 2023 at 12:15
Crypto - decoupling begins

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Link Copied Mar 22 2023 at 19:40
Bitcoin has been the leader

It led things on the way up. Does it lead to the downside? Short term 1 day 5
min chart showing BTC and SPX.

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Source: Refinitiv
Link Copied Mar 22 2023 at 19:30
Follow bitcoin

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Link Copied Mar 22 2023 at 15:20
Bitcoin - does anyone care?

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Link Copied Mar 16 2023 at 18:20
The winner continues winning

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Link Copied Mar 14 2023 at 13:00
Not everything is pricing fear

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Link Copied Mar 13 2023 at 14:12
Bitcoin discounting "happy days"

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Link Copied Mar 12 2023 at 19:04
Bitcoin - will we ever see the institutional bid?

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Link Copied Mar 02 2023 at 04:00
BTC tracking the 17/18 cycle

BTC price action generally tracks the 2017/18 cycle, but trading volumes are
low, and crypto company credit risks remain. Morgan Stanley's ETH PAVA
speculative indicator has reached an extreme high.

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Source: Morgan Stanley
Link Copied Jan 18 2023 at 19:20
Crypto - suddenly not so boring

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Link Copied Jan 15 2023 at 11:30
A crypto doughnut

Early in the month, and now we have a rally...but could crypto funding in the
month of January actually register a big fat zero? Like some (many) ECM

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Source: JPM
Link Copied Jan 13 2023 at 15:46
Bitcoin volatility

More of the spot up, vol up behavior for forgotten Bitcoin. Second chart shows
the 35 delta skew, also moving higher, as upside "chasing" makes a come back.

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Source: AmberdataSource: AmberdataView one more chart
Link Copied Jan 13 2023 at 15:30
Bitcoin bull

Bitcoin is extending the most recent surge. We stick with our upside call
spreads logic from Monday (here). Make sure to roll into higher strikes
dynamically in order to capture max optionality. Note the 200 day coming in
slightly higher. We have not traded above it since Jan 2022. 20k is the
"psychological" level to watch.

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Source: Refinitiv
Link Copied Jan 13 2023 at 15:20
Got crypto?

Long crypto is unique these days. That is part of the reason we continue to feel
comfortable with our latest squeeze BTC logic (here). Charts show JPM's position
proxy based on open interest in CME Bitcoin and Ethereum futures contracts.

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Source: JPMSource: JPMView one more chart
Link Copied Jan 12 2023 at 20:20
Bitcoin - will you ever attract interest?

Let's see if the latest mini move higher reignites some "institutional"
interest. One things is sure, the trend is not overly exciting...making the
squeeze even more exciting.

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Source: JPM
Link Copied Jan 12 2023 at 18:00
Bitcoin's comeback, but...

Bitcoin is trading above the 100 day moving average as of writing. We have not
seen that since the early November crash. On Monday we outlined our short term
BTC squeeze logic and we wrote: "One way to play a possible break out move in
BTC is via shorter dated call spreads." This has worked well, but don't forget
to roll into higher strikes in order to max out the "greeks". 18500 is a first
bigger resistance. Booking some profits and rolling into higher strikes is a
strategy we like. Note the 200 day still way higher and the negative trend
coming in slightly higher.

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Source: Refinitiv
Link Copied Jan 12 2023 at 14:30
You know things are squeezy when...

...even BTC is moving higher. BTC looks to be closing above the range highs.
Second chart shows the short term chart moving in tandem with NASDAQ.

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Source: RefinitivSource: RefinitivView one more chart
Link Copied Jan 09 2023 at 17:40
Bitcoin optionality

Bitcoin volatility has come down sharply. One way to play a possible break out
move in BTC is via shorter dated call spreads. Skew is not dirt cheap, but given
the implosion in vols, playing directional bets in BTC looks relatively

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Source: AmberdataSource: AmberdataView one more chart
Link Copied Jan 09 2023 at 09:20
Bitcoin - is that a break out attempt?

BTC is currently pushing higher, trading at 17200 as of writing. BTC has been
stuck inside a massively boring range. A close here or higher and we could be
seeing some upside momentum kick in.

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Source: Refinitiv
Link Copied Jan 09 2023 at 09:10
Why to still believe in crypto

Bernstein highlights 5 arguments on why one still should believe in crypto
despite the current bear cycle and FTX-like catastrophes that have weighed on
investor confidence.

1. With maturing internet adoption, crypto still has decades of application-led
growth. Crypto only touches 5% of total internet users

2. Crypto's survival instinct is that every crypto winter (in 2014 and 2018
before) is as brutal, but the industry has always come back

3. Ethereum & its ecosystem represents this application-led growth. Gautam
believes that value within crypto will migrate from the speculative crypto
assets to more utility and application-driven ecosystems such as Ethereum and
its related Layer-2 platforms

4. FTX contagion effects are isolated to select players with FTX only 10% of the
global trading volumes, and have strengthened the blockchain financial economy

5. Regulation is coming but adds legitimacy to the space for institutions to
participate and will be a net positive in the long run in our view. 

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Source: Bernstein
Link Copied Jan 04 2023 at 07:00

Bond volatility matters for more than bonds

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Link Copied 17 minutes ago at 10:00
Even MOVE is moving lower

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Link Copied 37 minutes ago at 09:40
The puke in correlations

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Link Copied an hour ago at 09:20
As long as it is tech

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Link Copied an hour ago at 09:00

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Link Copied 2 hours ago at 08:40
Leaders & Followers

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Link Copied 2 hours ago at 08:20
Q2 bull story?

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Link Copied 2 hours ago at 08:00
Stocks don't care about no outflows

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Link Copied 3 hours ago at 07:40
Hedge fund positioning near 5-year lows

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Link Copied 3 hours ago at 07:30
Never forget the size buyer

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Link Copied 3 hours ago at 07:20
Helpful, not hurtful

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Link Copied 3 hours ago at 07:00
2025 baby!

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Link Copied 4 hours ago at 06:40
Hanging on by a Fed

Markets are now betting on 2024 seeing bulk of cuts.

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Source: Credit Suisse
Link Copied 4 hours ago at 06:30
Q1 summary: positive data

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Link Copied 4 hours ago at 06:20
Q1 summary: easing

Financial conditions have eased at the start of 2023...

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Source: Credit Agricole
Link Copied 4 hours ago at 06:00
Who loves China the most?

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Link Copied 5 hours ago at 05:40

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Link Copied 5 hours ago at 05:20
Real M1 as a recession signal

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Link Copied 5 hours ago at 05:00
The money growth horror show

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Link Copied 6 hours ago at 04:00
Breaking up according to seasonality

Is this the "ultimate" squeeze chart. Seasonality just about to kick in...

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Source: Equity Clock
Link Copied 7 hours ago at 03:00
SPX estimates are too optimistic

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Link Copied 8 hours ago at 02:00
Yearning for the yield curve "analysis" to work...

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Link Copied 9 hours ago at 01:00
Is this it in terms of earnings cuts?

US estimates in chart 1 vs European estimates in chart 2.

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Source: BernsteinSource: BernsteinView one more chart
Link Copied 10 hours ago at 00:00
Puked just in time for the squeeze

Is everybody trading short gamma these days. Non dealers positioning puked just
in time for the latest squeeze higher. Impressive...

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Source: GS
Link Copied 11 hours ago at 23:00
IG debt ratios

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Link Copied 12 hours ago at 22:05

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