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What you don't want to do is throw it out. Here are ways to put that outdated
data center hardware to good use.

Christopher Tozzi | Sep 11, 2023


All good things must come to an end, and data center hardware is no exception.
Sooner or later, the servers, network switches, and other hardware resources
that power your data center will need to be replaced.

But that doesn't mean the hardware you replace is worthless and should be thrown
out. On the contrary, there are a variety of ways to put that hardware to use.
There are also good reasons — which include but are not limited to increasing
the sustainability of data center operations — for extending the life of
outdated data center hardware.

Related: How AI Can Make Data Centers More Efficient and Decarbonize

Keep reading for guidance on what you can do with hardware when you decide it's
outdated for its original purpose.


Before diving into ways to repurpose outdated data center hardware, let's say a
few words about how hardware becomes outdated in the first place.

In many senses, "outdated" is a state of mind more than a tangible reality. Data
center hardware becomes outdated when data

center operators decide it is, not because the hardware has truly reached the
end of its usable life. Replacing data center hardware too soon wastes money and
is bad for the environment.

Understanding this fact is important because, arguably, the best thing you can
do with seemingly outdated data center hardware is to decide it's not outdated
at all. In other words, think critically about whether your hardware is just on
the older side but is still capable of doing its job, or if it truly is no
longer up to the task of hosting your workloads.

This is an especially important lesson today because data center hardware is no
longer evolving at the pace it used to. Moore's Law is dead, and the servers you
bought a few years ago probably deliver almost as much memory and computing
power as ones you could buy today. You don't have to refresh hardware as
frequently as you did in the past to ensure that it's up to date from a
resource-capacity perspective.

Indeed, Microsoft last year decided to increase the official lifespan of its
cloud data center servers to six years from four. If more data center operators
do the same, there will be less outdated hardware to contend with in the first


But sooner or later, of course, all hardware will become outdated. At that
point, you should look for ways for it to keep delivering value — either at your
own company or elsewhere — instead of sending it to the dump.

Here's a look at strategies for doing so.


Probably the simplest way to extend the usable life of old, outdated hardware is
to partner with a company that specializes in repurposing data center equipment.
Vendors like ITRenew have built businesses around reselling servers that data
center operators have decided are outdated for their purposes but that remain
valuable for others.

The result is a win-win-win for data center operators, resellers, and their
customers. Data center operators get a streamlined means of repurposing outdated
hardware, resellers get easy access to such hardware, and reseller customers get
enterprise-grade equipment at a lower cost. It's also a win for the environment,
since repurposing hardware is a lot more sustainable than tossing old servers in
the dump and releasing the carbon necessary to build new ones


Another obvious way to reuse outdated hardware is to repurpose it within your
own business. Servers that are no longer up to the task of hosting production
environments could power dev/testing environments, for example. Or a server that
once hosted web apps inside a data center could have a second life serving thin
client desktop environments inside your office.

To be sure, not all outdated hardware can serve a useful purpose inside a
business, especially if your business already has the hardware it needs to power
its operations. But the point here is that before you decide the dump is the
only destiny possible for your outdated hardware, look for ways to keep using it
inside your company.


In some cases, old data center hardware as a whole may no longer be usable, but
individual parts are.

You might have servers whose disk drives are too old to be reliable, for
example. But replacing the disks while keeping other components in place might
allow you to keep operating the hardware.

Or perhaps you have servers equipped with fancy GPUs. The servers might lack the
CPUs or memory to use the GPUs to maximum effect, but you could resell just the
GPUs, which might still command a good price on the market.

The auxiliary components that data center hardware requires to run — like cables
and UPS units — can also often be reused for a much longer period than the
servers they powered. If you're disassembling a server rack, then, be sure to
hold onto any of the complementary equipment to use elsewhere in your data
center or to resell.


Outdated data center hardware isn't the same as unusable data center hardware.
On the contrary, businesses that want to optimize costs while also reducing
their carbon footprints face an imperative to make sure that they operate their
hardware as long as they reasonably can before deeming it outdated.

From there, they should look for creative ways to give the hardware a second
life. Sending equipment to the dump is rarely necessary — and it's almost never
the best option from a business or sustainability perspective.

TAGS: Sustainability
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