www.securitas-australia.com.au Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://alarmnet.com.au/
Effective URL: https://www.securitas-australia.com.au/
Submission: On August 26 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from AU

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


<form method="post" novalidate="novalidate" data-f-metadata="" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="EPiServerForms ValidationSuccess" data-f-type="form" id="00eaaf41-ab50-4d7b-bd3e-c46e4b60e12f">
  <script type="text/javascript">
    // This view acts as a rendering template to render InitScript(and server-side Form's descriptor) in FormContainerBlock's client-side for Form[00eaaf41-ab50-4d7b-bd3e-c46e4b60e12f].
    //TECHNOTE: all serverside (paths, dynamic values) of EPiServerForms will be transfered to client side here in this section. 
    (function initializeOnRenderingFormDescriptor() {
      // each workingFormInfo is store inside epi.EPiServer.Forms, lookup by its FormGuid
      var workingFormInfo = epi.EPiServer.Forms["00eaaf41-ab50-4d7b-bd3e-c46e4b60e12f"] = {
        Id: "00eaaf41-ab50-4d7b-bd3e-c46e4b60e12f",
        Name: "Contact Us",
        // whether this Form can be submitted which relates to the visitor's data (cookie, identity) and Form's settings (AllowAnonymous, AllowXXX)
        SubmittableStatus: {
          "submittable": false,
          "message": "You must be logged in to submit this form. If you are logged in and still cannot post, make sure \"Do not track\" in your browser settings is disabled."
        ConfirmMessage: "Thank you for your enquiry, a member of our team will get back to you shortly. ",
        ShowNavigationBar: true,
        ShowSummarizedData: true,
        // serialize the dependency configuration of this form to clientside
        DependenciesInfo: [],
        // keep all fieldName which are not satisfied the field dependency conditions
        DependencyInactiveElements: [],
        // Validation info, for executing validating on client side
        ValidationInfo: [{
          "targetElementName": "__field_705938",
          "targetElementId": "9d4678a6-8e33-463b-bb06-07611fa56cf7",
          "validators": [{
            "type": "EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Validation.RequiredValidator",
            "description": null,
            "model": {
              "message": "This field is required.",
              "validationCssClass": "ValidationRequired",
              "additionalAttributes": {
                "required": "",
                "aria-required": "true"
        }, {
          "targetElementName": "__field_705941",
          "targetElementId": "51781c49-88b2-432b-8f8d-93c3e7613213",
          "validators": [{
            "type": "EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Validation.RequiredValidator",
            "description": null,
            "model": {
              "message": "This field is required.",
              "validationCssClass": "ValidationRequired",
              "additionalAttributes": {
                "required": "",
                "aria-required": "true"
        }, {
          "targetElementName": "__field_705940",
          "targetElementId": "df0d7412-7379-48a2-bf7a-3bf2514f8e8f",
          "validators": [{
            "type": "EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Validation.NumericValidator",
            "description": null,
            "model": {
              "message": "Enter a valid number.",
              "validationCssClass": null,
              "additionalAttributes": null
        }, {
          "targetElementName": "__field_1111291",
          "targetElementId": "43c00ab6-884c-40a2-87c7-e79b9c1fc145",
          "validators": [{
            "type": "EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Validation.RequiredValidator",
            "description": null,
            "model": {
              "message": "This field is required.",
              "validationCssClass": "ValidationRequired",
              "additionalAttributes": {
                "required": "",
                "aria-required": "true"
        }, {
          "targetElementName": "__field_1245374",
          "targetElementId": "369fd407-dc39-4eb8-9ab2-191371c9ccc7",
          "validators": [{
            "type": "SecuritasWebNew.Models.Elements.FriendlyCaptchaValidator",
            "description": null,
            "model": {
              "message": "Failed FriendlyCaptcha validation",
              "validationCssClass": null,
              "additionalAttributes": null
        // Steps information for driving multiple-step Forms.
        StepsInfo: {
          Steps: [{
            "index": 0,
            "attachedUrl": "",
            "dependField": null,
            "dependCondition": null,
            "isActive": true,
            "attachedContentLink": "",
            "dependValue": "",
            "elementName": "__field_",
            "guid": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
        FieldsExcludedInSubmissionSummary: [],
        ElementsInfo: {
          "__field_705938": {
            "type": "EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Elements.TextboxElementBlock",
            "friendlyName": "Name",
            "customBinding": false
          "__field_705941": {
            "type": "EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Elements.TextboxElementBlock",
            "friendlyName": "Email",
            "customBinding": false
          "__field_705940": {
            "type": "EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Elements.NumberElementBlock",
            "friendlyName": "Number",
            "customBinding": false
          "__field_1111291": {
            "type": "EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Elements.TextareaElementBlock",
            "friendlyName": "Text box",
            "customBinding": false
          "__field_1245374": {
            "type": "SecuritasWebNew.Models.Elements.FriendlyCaptchaElement",
            "friendlyName": "FriendlyCaptchaElement",
            "customBinding": false
          "__field_705943": {
            "type": "EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Elements.SubmitButtonElementBlock",
            "friendlyName": "Submit button",
            "customBinding": false
        DataSubmitController: "/EPiServer.Forms/DataSubmit"
      /// TECHNOTE: Calculation at FormInfo level, and these values will be static input for later processing.
      workingFormInfo.StepsInfo.FormHasNoStep_VirtualStepCreated = true; // this FLAG will be true, if Editor does not put any FormStep. Engine will create a virtual step, with empty GUID
      workingFormInfo.StepsInfo.FormHasNothing = false; // this FLAG will be true if FormContainer has no element at all
      workingFormInfo.StepsInfo.AllStepsAreNotLinked = true; // this FLAG will be true, if all steps all have contentLink=="" (emptyString)
  <input type="hidden" class="Form__Element Form__SystemElement FormHidden FormHideInSummarized" name="__FormGuid" value="00eaaf41-ab50-4d7b-bd3e-c46e4b60e12f" data-f-type="hidden" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="hidden" class="Form__Element Form__SystemElement FormHidden FormHideInSummarized" name="__FormHostedPage" value="18970" data-f-type="hidden" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="hidden" class="Form__Element Form__SystemElement FormHidden FormHideInSummarized" name="__FormLanguage" value="en" data-f-type="hidden" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="hidden" class="Form__Element Form__SystemElement FormHidden FormHideInSummarized" name="__FormCurrentStepIndex" value="0" data-f-type="hidden" autocomplete="off">
  <input type="hidden" class="Form__Element Form__SystemElement FormHidden FormHideInSummarized" name="__FormSubmissionId" value="" data-f-type="hidden" autocomplete="off">
  <input name="__RequestVerificationToken" type="hidden" value="nmw3oho25jD4IMtjXe5P8c_wbZniPbH7Q9ramR-FPfpYcLJmjwS8VDfZNblwCN0EJiSOSdKNVbOMrnWzgwp1cljWRliYhTndCqxWKI3p_io1">
  <h2 class="Form__Title">Enquiry Form</h2>
  <aside class="Form__Description">Securitas Australia values your privacy and will handle your personal information in accordance with our Collection Notice and Privacy Policy that you will find in the footer of this web page.</aside>
  <div class="Form__Status">
    <div role="alert" aria-live="polite" class="Form__Status__Message Form__Warning__Message" data-f-form-statusmessage="">You must be logged in to submit this form. If you are logged in and still cannot post, make sure "Do not track" in your browser
      settings is disabled.</div>
  <div data-f-mainbody="" class="Form__MainBody">
    <section id="__field_" data-f-type="step" data-f-element-name="__field_" class="Form__Element FormStep Form__Element--NonData " data-f-stepindex="0" data-f-element-nondata="">
      <!-- Each FormStep groups the elements below it til the next FormStep -->
      <div class="Form__Element FormTextbox ValidationRequired" data-f-element-name="__field_705938" data-f-type="textbox">
        <label for="9d4678a6-8e33-463b-bb06-07611fa56cf7" class="Form__Element__Caption">Name</label>
        <input name="__field_705938" id="9d4678a6-8e33-463b-bb06-07611fa56cf7" type="text" class="FormTextbox__Input" aria-describedby="__field_705938_desc" value="" required="" aria-required="true" data-f-datainput="" aria-invalid="false"
        <span class="Form__Element__ValidationError" data-f-linked-name="__field_705938" data-f-validationerror="" id="__field_705938_desc" style="display:none"></span>
      <div class="Form__Element FormTextbox ValidationRequired" data-f-element-name="__field_705941" data-f-type="textbox">
        <label for="51781c49-88b2-432b-8f8d-93c3e7613213" class="Form__Element__Caption">Email Address</label>
        <input name="__field_705941" id="51781c49-88b2-432b-8f8d-93c3e7613213" type="text" class="FormTextbox__Input" aria-describedby="__field_705941_desc" value="" required="" aria-required="true" data-f-datainput="" aria-invalid="false"
        <span class="Form__Element__ValidationError" data-f-linked-name="__field_705941" data-f-validationerror="" id="__field_705941_desc" style="display:none"></span>
      <div class="Form__Element FormTextbox FormTextbox--Number" data-f-element-name="__field_705940" data-f-modifier="number" data-f-type="textbox">
        <label for="df0d7412-7379-48a2-bf7a-3bf2514f8e8f" class="Form__Element__Caption">Contact Number</label>
        <input name="__field_705940" id="df0d7412-7379-48a2-bf7a-3bf2514f8e8f" type="number" class="FormTextbox__Input" data-f-datainput="" value="" aria-describedby="__field_705940_desc" aria-invalid="false" autocomplete="off">
        <span class="Form__Element__ValidationError" data-f-linked-name="__field_705940" data-f-validationerror="" id="__field_705940_desc" style="display:none"></span>
      <div class="Form__Element FormTextbox FormTextbox--Textarea ValidationRequired" data-f-element-name="__field_1111291" data-f-modifier="textarea" data-f-type="textbox">
        <label for="43c00ab6-884c-40a2-87c7-e79b9c1fc145" class="Form__Element__Caption">How can we help you?</label>
        <textarea name="__field_1111291" id="43c00ab6-884c-40a2-87c7-e79b9c1fc145" class="FormTextbox__Input" data-f-label="How can we help you?" data-f-datainput="" required="" aria-required="true" aria-describedby="__field_1111291_desc"
          aria-invalid="false" autocomplete="off"></textarea>
        <span class="Form__Element__ValidationError" data-f-linked-name="__field_1111291" data-f-validationerror="" id="__field_1111291_desc" style="display:none"></span>
      <script type="module" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/friendly-challenge@0.9.14/widget.module.min.js" async="" defer=""></script>
      <script nomodule="" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/friendly-challenge@0.9.14/widget.min.js" async="" defer=""></script>
      <div class="Form__Element frc-captcha" data-f-element-name="frc-captcha-solution" data-sitekey="FCMGKISSTAATGJUN" data-start="focus" data-lang="en" data-attached="1">
        <div class="frc-container">
          <svg class="frc-icon" aria-hidden="true" role="img" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="32" width="32" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
            <path d="M17,11c0.34,0,0.67,0.04,1,0.09V6.27L10.5,3L3,6.27v4.91c0,4.54,3.2,8.79,7.5,9.82c0.55-0.13,1.08-0.32,1.6-0.55 C11.41,19.47,11,18.28,11,17C11,13.69,13.69,11,17,11z"></path>
            <path d="M17,13c-2.21,0-4,1.79-4,4c0,2.21,1.79,4,4,4s4-1.79,4-4C21,14.79,19.21,13,17,13z M17,14.38"></path>
          <div class="frc-content">
            <span class="frc-text">Anti-Robot Verification</span>
            <button type="button" class="frc-button">Click to start verification</button>
        </div><span class="frc-banner"><a lang="en" href="https://friendlycaptcha.com/" rel="noopener" target="_blank"><b>Friendly</b>Captcha ⇗</a></span>
        <input name="frc-captcha-solution" class="frc-captcha-solution" type="hidden" value=".UNSTARTED">
      <button id="ab226032-7579-401a-833e-2035e45ffd36" name="submit" type="submit" value="ab226032-7579-401a-833e-2035e45ffd36" data-f-is-finalized="false" data-f-is-progressive-submit="true" data-f-type="submitbutton"
        data-f-element-name="__field_705943" disabled="" class="Form__Element FormExcludeDataRebind FormSubmitButton"> Submit </button>

Text Content

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 * About Us
    * Brief Facts
    * Our Leaders
      * Thea Emetlis
      * Neil Fanning
      * Darren Nathan
      * Joshua Simmons
      * Richard Laufer
      * Jeff Ryan
    * Securitas in Australia
    * Securitas Group
    * Our responsibility
    * Our strategy
    * Our purpose unites us
    * Our glorious past
    * Our values guide us
    * Your privacy is important to us
      * Cookies Policy
    * News at Securitas
    * Our Certifications and Accreditations
    * Corporate Documents

 * SME Services
 * Services
    * Guarding Services
      * On-Site Security Management
      * Corporate Security and Customer Services
      * Visitor and Credential Management
    * Electronic Security Services
      * Video Security Solutions
      * System Design and Construction
      * Security Systems Service and Maintenance
      * Access Control and Biometrics
    * Remote Services
      * Alarm Monitoring
      * Remote Guarding
      * Remote Video Solutions (RVS) - Smart Security
      * Bureau Monitoring

 * Security Solutions
    * Integrated Security Solutions
    * Retail
    * Banking and Financial
    * IT and Data Centres
    * Office Buildings
    * Logistics and Cargo Terminals
    * Small and Medium Business
    * Education

 * Careers
    * Join our team
    * Diversity and Inclusion
    * Melker Schörling scholarship

 * Contact Us
    * Our Offices across Australia
      * Brisbane
      * Adelaide
      * Perth
      * Canberra
      * Sydney
      * Melbourne

 * Latest News
    * Securitas secures world’s digital footprint
    * Securitas Annual and Sustainability Report 2022
    * Securitas’ three red dots turning 50 years on May 11

 * Securitas Integrity Line


 1. Home
 2. Australia


Securitas provides a broad range of specialised guarding, technology solutions
and consulting services. We customise offerings that are suited to our
individual customer’s needs in order to deliver the most effective security
solutions. Everywhere from small stores to airports, our 370,000+ employees are
making a difference.

 * Certifications and Accreditations

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Cookies.Cookies Settings


For almost 90 years, we at Securitas have made sure that people feel safe in
their everyday lives. The years give us the experience and skills we need as we
now look ahead. Because we are convinced that the safety and security that we
stand for will be more important than ever in the future.


From on-site guarding services to remote monitoring services or electronic
security services we have your bespoke security solution covered.


Explore our industry specific integrated security solutions.


Learn more about working at Securitas.


Securitas Australia values your privacy and will handle your personal
information in accordance with our Collection Notice and Privacy Policy that you
will find in the footer of this web page.
You must be logged in to submit this form. If you are logged in and still cannot
post, make sure "Do not track" in your browser settings is disabled.
Email Address
Contact Number
How can we help you?
Anti-Robot Verification Click to start verification
FriendlyCaptcha ⇗

Master Licenses

 * Master Licences ES: VIC-89752300S | ACT-17502549 | NSW-000101209 |
   QLD-4448535 | WA-71120 | SA-184533
 * Master Licences PSGA: ACT-17502474 | NSW-409911328 | WA-77159 | VIC-69125770S
   | NT-SFL1065 | QLD-3314617 | TAS-581639135

Get In Touch

 * Contact Us
 * Careers

Learn about Securitas

 * Our History
 * Our Responsibility
 * Our Values
 * Privacy Policy
 * Collection Notice

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below. Click on “Accept all” if you accept all cookies. If you do not accept us
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are required for us to let visitors interact with and use the websites. When you
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choices” button in the bottom of the list.

Read about our Cookie Policy Accept all
 * Google Analytics
   Name: _ga
   Used to distinguish users. A unique identifier associated with each user is
   sent with each hit in order to determine which traffic belongs to which user.
   This cookie enables the website's owner to track a visitor’s behavior and
   measure the website's performance. The main purpose of this cookie is to
   improve the website's performance.
   Name: _gat
   Used to throttle request rates for information on the website. This cookie
   does not store any user information. The main purpose of this cookie is to
   improve the website's performance.
   Name: _gid
   Used to distinguish users. This cookie enables the website's owner to track a
   visitor’s behavior and measure the website's performance. The main purpose of
   this cookie is to improve the website's performance. 

 * Microsoft Application Insights (always active)
   Name: ai_session
   Speeds up page loading times and overrides any security restrictions that may
   be applied to a browser based on the IP address from which it comes.
   Name: ai_user
   Unique user identifier cookie for counting the number of users accessing an
   application over time. 

 * Azure instance tracker (always active)
   Name: ARRAffinity
   Routes the request made through a web browser to the same machine in the DXC
   cloud environment. See ARRAffinity - Microsoft Azure. This cookie is deleted
   when you close your browser.

 * Cloudfare (always active)
   Name: __cfuid
   Speeds up page loading times and overrides any security restrictions that may
   be applied to a browser based on the IP address from which it comes.

 * Cookie acceptance tracker (always active)
   Name: CookiesAccept
   Used to keep track of whether the user has accepted the cookie usage or not.
   This is not set unless the visitor has clicked on "Accept" in the cookie
   banner in the bottom of the website. The main purpose of this cookie is to
   improve the website's performance.

 * Episserver Forms (always active)
   Name: EPiForm_{FormGuid}:{Username}
   Stores partial form submissions so that a visitor can continue with a form
   submission upon return. One cookie is created for each form and each logged
   in visitor. Stores the current submission status of the form (formGuid,
   submissionID, and if submission is finalized or not).
   Name: .EPiForm_BID
   Identifies the form submission made to the site when a visitor submits data
   via an Episerver form. Stores a GUID as the browser ID.
   Name: .EPiForm_VisitorIdentifier
   Identifies the form submission to the site when a visitor submits data to via
   an Episerver form. Stores a GUID which is the visitor identifier. Persistent
   (90 days from creation).

 * Episerver visitor interaction (always active)
   Name: EPI-MAR-<Content GUID>
   Records a visitor’s interaction with a running website optimization test, to
   ensure that a visitor has a consistent experience.

 * Microsoft session cookie (always active)
   Name: ASP.NET_SessionId
   Used to keep track of a user navigating through the website. This is used to
   transfer information between pages and to store information that the user
   might reuse on different pages. The main purpose of this cookie is to improve
   the website's performance.

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We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. By
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efforts. You can also manage your cookies by clicking “Cookie settings"

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When you visit any website, it may store or retrieve information on your
browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This information might be about you,
your preferences or your device and is mostly used to make the site work as you
expect it to. The information does not usually directly identify you, but it can
give you a more personalized web experience. Because we respect your right to
privacy, you can choose not to allow some types of cookies. Click on the
different category headings to find out more and change our default settings.
However, blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience of the site
and the services we are able to offer.
More information
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Always Active

These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched
off in our systems. They are usually only set in response to actions made by you
which amount to a request for services, such as setting your privacy
preferences, logging in or filling in forms. You can set your browser to block
or alert you about these cookies, but some parts of the site will not then work.
These cookies do not store any personally identifiable information.

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Performance Cookies

These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and
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most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. All
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will not be able to monitor its performance.

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some or all of these services may not function properly.

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Targeting Cookies

These cookies may be set through our site by our advertising partners. They may
be used by those companies to build a profile of your interests and show you
relevant adverts on other sites.    They do not store directly personal
information, but are based on uniquely identifying your browser and internet
device. If you do not allow these cookies, you will experience less targeted

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