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Submitted URL: https://link.zondervanacademic.com/click/31171438.9880/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYW1hem9uLmNvbS9FdGhpY3MtQmV5b25kLVJ1bGVzLUNocmlzdHMtSW5mb3Jt...
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Ethics-Beyond-Rules-Christs-Informs-ebook/dp/B08NHX551H/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=...
Submission: On April 18 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Ethics-Beyond-Rules-Christs-Informs-ebook/dp/B08NHX551H/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=...
Submission: On April 18 via api from BE — Scanned from DE
Form analysis
9 forms found in the DOMName: site-search — GET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss
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// Fix for TT: https://t.corp.amazon.com/P25461968
// We should NOT freeze the 1-Click button when user returns to the DP page by hitting back buttton
// This is an issue in mshop since the page gets cached in history
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Claimed Applicable Promotions
Expose a jQuery event trigger here that will show a message about
what promotions will be applied to this purchase. Since the "You Save"
message and price is calculated pre-promotion, we'll hide that message
to avoid confusion.
A.on('kindle_price_block_show_promotions', function(promotionText, numberOfPromotions) {
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data-a-modal="{"closeButtonLabel":"Schließen","width":"780","name":"add-narration-learn-more","header":"\u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/x-locale/common/transparent-pixel._V192234675_.gif\" id=\"ku-headphones\"/> \u003cspan id=\"kindle_narration_modal_title\"> Füge das passende Audible Hörbuch zu deinem Kindle eBook hinzu \u003c\/span>","popoverLabel":"Audible-Hörbuch","inlineContent":"\u003cdiv class=\"a-section narration\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row a-spacing-base a-spacing-top-base\"> \u003cimg alt=\"Keep the story going\" src=\"https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/03/AudibleDE/de_DE/img/partner/amazon/WfV/narration-modal-title_DE.png\" class=\"narration-header\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6 narration-left\"> \u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-highlight\">Wechsle\u003c\/span> nahtlos zwischen Lesen und Hören, ohne den Faden in der Geschichte zu verlieren.\u003c\/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-highlight\">Synchronisiere\u003c\/span> deine Geräte - Du setzt immer automatisch wieder an der richtigen Stelle ein.\u003c\/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-highlight\">Spare\u003c\/span> beim Kauf des passenden Hörbuchs zu deinem Kindle eBook.\u003c\/p>\n\u003cp>\u003cspan class=\"text-highlight\">Höre\u003c\/span> dein Hörbuch mit der Audible-App auf deinem Smartphone oder Tablet, auf Fire-Geräten oder mit der Kindle-App.\u003c\/p> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6 narration-right a-span-last\"> \u003cimg alt=\"\" src=\"https://m.media-amazon.com/images/G/01/kindle/merch/global/narration-modal-devices._CB485979979_.png\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003chr aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"a-divider-normal\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-section narration-more\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row a-expander-container a-expander-inline-container\"> \u003ca data-csa-c-func-deps=\"aui-da-a-expander-toggle\" data-csa-c-type=\"widget\" data-csa-interaction-events=\"click\" aria-expanded=\"false\" role=\"button\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\" data-action=\"a-expander-toggle\" class=\"a-expander-header a-declarative a-expander-inline-header a-link-expander\" data-a-expander-toggle=\"{&quot;allowLinkDefault&quot;:true, &quot;expand_prompt&quot;:&quot;&quot;, &quot;collapse_prompt&quot;:&quot;&quot;}\">\u003ci class=\"a-icon a-icon-expand\">\u003c\/i>\u003cspan class=\"a-expander-prompt\"> Mehr erfahren \u003c\/span>\u003c\/a> \u003cdiv aria-expanded=\"false\" class=\"a-expander-content a-expander-inline-content a-expander-inner\" style=\"display:none\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6\"> \u003ch4>Was sind Audible Hörbücher?\u003c\/h4>\n\u003cp>Mit Audible kannst du die passende Hörbuchversion zu deinem eBook hinzufügen. Alle Hörbücher werden von professionellen Sprechern gesprochen.\u003c\/p> \n\u003cp>Mit den kostenlosen Audible-Apps hörst du wo immer du auch gerade bist - im Auto, zuhause oder beim Sport.\u003c\/p> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-column a-span6 a-span-last\"> \u003ch4>Warum sollte ich ein Hörbuch zu meinem Kindle eBook hinzufügen?\u003c\/h4>\n\u003cp>Du kannst damit nahtlos zwischen Lesen und Hören hin-und herwechseln, und immer automatisch an der richtige Stelle wieder einsetzen. \u003c\/p>\n\u003ch4>Wie aktiviere ich diese Funktion auf meinem Gerät?\u003c\/h4>\n\u003cp>Es ist keine besondere Aktivierung notwendig. Sobald du das passende Hörbuch zum eBook hinzugefügt hast, kannst du lesen und hören.\u003c\/p> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row a-spacing-base a-spacing-top-base\"> \u003chr aria-hidden=\"true\" class=\"a-divider-normal\"/> \u003c\/div> \u003cdiv class=\"a-row\"> \u003ch4>\u003c\/h4>\n \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div> \u003c\/div>"}"
data-csa-c-id="ng3ymj-9qcpix-wn9mnv-em8yir"> <a class="a-link-normal" href="#" role="link"> Audible-Hörbuch </a> </span> für nur <span class="a-color-price">12,99 USD</span> zu Ihrem Kauf hinzu </span> </span></label></div>
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P.when('A', 'jQuery').execute(function(A, $) {
var addNarrationBinding = function() {
var isAyceEnabled = 'false';
var addNarrationParam = 'WFV';
if ($("#narration-checkbox").is(':checked')) {
if (isAyceEnabled === 'true') {
} else {
P.when('A', 'ready').execute(function(A) {
A.post('/gp/audible/eventtracker.html/?ref=adbl_dt_kdp_nontoa', {});
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Alle INTERNATIONALE EINKÄUFE BENACHRICHTIGUNG FÜR ÜBERGANG Wir liefern international Wir zeigen Ihnen Artikel, die nach Deutschland geliefert werden. Um Artikel anzuzeigen, die in ein anderes Land geliefert werden, ändern Sie bitte Ihre Versandadresse. FORTFAHREN DIE ADRESSE ÄNDERN Angebote des Tages Kundenservice Wunschlisten Geschenkkarten Verkaufen bei Amazon Kundensupport bei Behinderungen Jetzt tolle Angebote durchstöbern Ein Kindle kaufen Kindle eBooks Kindle Unlimited NEU: Prime Reading Bestseller und mehr Kategorien Kindle Vella Amazon Buchclubs Kindle Buchangebote Kindle Singles eMagazine Inhalte und Geräte verwalten Erweiterte Suche Amazon.com: Ethics beyond Rules: How Christ’s Call to Love Informs Our Moral Choices eBook : Stanglin, Keith D: Kindle-Shop * Kindle-Shop * › * Kindle eBooks * › * Religion & Glaube Preis der Print-Ausgabe: 26,99 USD Kindle-Preis: 14,57 USD Spare 12,42 USD (46 %) inkl. USt. Der Verkaufspreis wurde vom Verlag festgesetzt. Jetzt kaufen mit 1-Click ® Aktionen werden beim Kauf angewendet Diese Aktionen werden auf diesen Artikel angewendet: Einige Angebote können miteinander kombiniert werden, andere nicht. Für mehr Details lese bitte die Nutzungsbedingungen der jeweiligen Promotion. Fügen Sie das Audible-Hörbuch für nur 12,99 USD zu Ihrem Kauf hinzu Mit dem Kauf dieses Titels erklärst du dich mit den Nutzungsbedingungen von Audible einverstanden. Verkauf und Bereitstellung durch Audible, ein Amazon Unternehmen An Meine Kindle-Bibliothek senden Du hast abonniert! Wir werden deine Artikel innerhalb von 24 Stunden vorbestellen, sobald sie verfügbar sind. Wenn neue Bücher erscheinen, belasten wir deine Standardzahlungsmethode mit dem niedrigsten Preis, der während des Vorbestellungszeitraums verfügbar ist. Aktualisiere dein Gerät oder deine Zahlungsart, storniere einzelne Vorbestellungen oder dein Abonnement unter Meine Mitgliedschaften & Abos Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Aufgrund eines Fehlers konnten wir dein Abonnement nicht verarbeiten. Bitte aktualisiere die Seite und versuche es erneut. FÜR ANDERE KAUFEN Kaufe und versende dieses eBook an andere Personen. Weitere Informationen KAUFEN UND VERSENDEN VON EBOOKS AN ANDERE PERSONEN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menge auswählen Versandoption auswählen und eBooks kaufen Empfänger können auf jedem unterstützten Gerät lesen. Beim Kauf einzelner eBooks sind zusätzliche Geschenkoptionen verfügbar. Weitere Informationen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diese eBooks können nur von Empfängern im gleichen Land eingelöst werden. Einlöse-Links und eBooks können nicht weiterverkauft werden. Weiter Kostenlose Leseprobe senden An Meine Kindle-Bibliothek senden Auf die Liste Hinzugefügt zu Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte versuche es erneut. ES IST EIN FEHLER AUFGETRETEN. Es gab einen Fehler beim Abrufen deines Wunschzettels. Versuche es noch einmal. ES IST EIN FEHLER AUFGETRETEN. Liste nicht verfügbar. Lade die kostenlose Kindle-App herunter und lese deine Kindle-Bücher sofort auf deinem Smartphone, Tablet oder Computer – kein Kindle-Gerät erforderlich. Weitere Informationen Mit Kindle für Web kannst du sofort in deinem Browser lesen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scanne den folgenden Code mit deiner Mobiltelefonkamera und lade die Kindle-App herunter. Zum Buchclub hinzufügen Deine Buchclubs werden geladen. Beim Laden deiner Buchclubs ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte versuche es noch einmal. Nicht in einem Club? Weitere Informationen Mitglied werden oder Buchclubs erstellen Wählt gemeinsam Bücher aus Verfolge deine Bücher. Bringe deinen Club zu Amazon Buchclubs, gründe einen neuen Buchclub und lade Freunde ein oder finde kostenlos einen Club, der zu dir passt. Amazon Book Clubs erkunden Gesponsert Audible-Hörprobe Wiedergabe ... 0:00 Angehalten 0:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEM AUTOR FOLGEN Keith D. Stanglin Folgen Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Wiederhole die Anfrage später noch einmal. OK ETHICS BEYOND RULES: HOW CHRIST’S CALL TO LOVE INFORMS OUR MORAL CHOICES KINDLE AUSGABE von Keith D Stanglin (Author) Format: Kindle Ausgabe 4,1 von 5 Sternen 6 Sternebewertungen Alle Formate und Editionen anzeigen Sorry, there was a problem loading this page. Try again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preis Neu ab Gebraucht ab Kindle "Bitte wiederholen" 14,99 $ — — Audible Hörbuch, Ungekürzte Ausgabe "Bitte wiederholen" 0,00 $ Gratis im Audible-Probemonat Gebundenes Buch "Bitte wiederholen" 18,48 $ 12,66 $ 12,70 $ * Kindle 14,99 $ Lies mit kostenfreier App * Hörbuch 0,00 $ Gratis im Audible-Probemonat * Gebundenes Buch 18,48 $ 6 Gebraucht ab 12,70 $ 15 Neu ab 12,66 $ 1 Sammlerstück ab 48,98 $ An introduction to ethics that will help Christians rediscover a moral reasoning rooted in Scripture and navigate the ethical crises of our time. How should Christians live? How should we interact with one another? Why do we think the way we do about right and wrong? How should we approach today's complex moral questions? Keith Stanglin realigns our ethical thinking around the central question: What does real love require? applying it to our ethical reasoning on many of the social issues present in today's culture: * abortion * sexual ethics * consumerism * technology * race * and politics Moral evaluation must be based on more than our subjective feelings or the received wisdom or majority opinion of our community. But thinking objectively and reasonably about our ethical commitments is a process that's rarely taught in contemporary education or even in churches. Ethics Beyond Rules is a clear and accessible introduction for thoughtful Christians who want to lead moral lives—who want to define their moral code by firm biblical standards while acknowledging the complex nature of the issues at hand. Stanglin's love-based framework for moral decision-making engages Scripture and the historic Christian faith, giving Christians the tools to clear-mindedly consider the ethical problems of today and the foundation to confront new issues in the years to come. Mehr lesen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previous page 1. Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe 256 Seiten 2. Sprache Englisch 3. Haftnotizen Mit Kindle Scribe 4. Herausgeber Zondervan 5. Erscheinungstermin 17. August 2021 6. Dateigröße 733 KB 7. PageFlip Aktiviert 8. Word Wise Aktiviert 9. Verbesserter Schriftsatz Aktiviert 10. Alle Details anzeigen Next page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KUNDEN, DIE DIESEN ARTIKEL ANGESEHEN HABEN, HABEN AUCH ANGESEHEN Seite 1 von 1 Zum AnfangSeite 1 von 1 Previous page 1. After Arminius: A Historical Introduction to Arminian Theology Thomas H. McCall 4,7 von 5 Sternen 14 Kindle Ausgabe 30,39$30,39$ 2. Super-Abundant Grace: Reflections on Romans Keith D. Stanglin Kindle Ausgabe 9,99$9,99$ Next page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUKTBESCHREIBUNG DES VERLAGS FROM THE PUBLISHER TIMOTHY C. TENNENT, PRESIDENT AND PROFESSOR OF WORLD CHRISTIANITY, ASBURY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY "Stanglin in Ethics Beyond Rules lays bare all the pseudo-foundations of the moral relativism that has gripped our culture. It is engagingly written, persuasively argued, and decisively relevant. Every Christian should purchase two copies, one to read, and one to give to a friend, because this book is that good." MARY EBERSTADT, PANULA CHAIR IN CHRISTIAN CULTURE, CATHOLIC INFORMATION CENTER, WASHINGTON, DC, AUTHOR OF PRIMAL SCREAMS AND HOW THE WEST REALLY LOST GOD "Ethics Beyond Rules is exactly the right book in exactly the right moment for every Christian, especially in a world increasingly untethered from biblical faith. Beautifully written and intensely engaging, it examines the contentious issues of our time through the only lens that matters: What does Christian love require? Here is a book for every man and woman of faith—but also for those of no faith." PAUL COPAN, PLEDGER FAMILY CHAIR OF PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS, PALM BEACH ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY, AND AUTHOR "Ethics Beyond Rules is a readable, insightful book. It offers guidance for Christian disciples living in a quickly changing and increasingly morally confused culture. Keith Stanglin provides both a solid framework and grounding principles for a clear, biblically informed ethic on living wisely and well. Then with balance, courage, and grace, he applies those principles to relevant topics. I am very pleased to recommend this fine book." DOUGLAS A. SWEENEY, DEAN AND PROFESSOR OF DIVINITY, BEESON DIVINITY SCHOOL "Kudos to Keith Stanglin for the courage, intelligence, and love it took to write this crucial tract for the times. I applaud the way it orients our ethical reflection in relation to the question, 'What does real love require?' If more of us attended to that question more regularly, deeply, and honestly, our world would be a much better place." DEANN STUART, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM, AUSTIN INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF FAMILY AND CULTURE "Ethics Beyond Rules is a clarion call to wake up a sleepy Church and to exhort Christians to become 'loving resistance fighters.' Drawing from Scripture, tradition, history, science, and human experience, Stanglin offers an articulate defense of the church’s ageless teaching and challenges Christians everywhere to sanctify rather than submit to an increasingly secular culture." GILBERT MEILAENDER, SENIOR RESEARCH PROFESSOR OF THEOLOGY, VALPARAISO UNIVERSITY "Ethics Beyond Rules is the product of wide reading and careful Christian thinking. Readers will find in it both the sorts of considerations that matter in moral reasoning and a discussion of many of the ethical issues that are central to human life. Stanglin approaches disputed moral problems in thoughtful, often imaginative ways that will be accessible to many sorts of readers." EPHRAIM RADNER, PROFESSOR OF HISTORICAL THEOLOGY, WYCLIFFE COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO "Stanglin brings his keen mind, Christian rootedness, and lucid writing to this pointed overview of Christian ethics. A wonderfully ordered and accessibly presented discussion of the foundations of the gospel’s love ethic that is then applied to a series of key issues, Stanglin pulls no punches, providing a responsible Scriptural lens on matters ranging from race to technology and politics. It deserves a wide reading throughout the church." GREG PETERS, PROFESSOR, TORREY HONORS COLLEGE, BIOLA UNIVERSITY "Ethics Beyond Rules is deceptively easy to read, but the discerning reader will notice the way in which Keith Stanglin has taken the ethical insights of such luminaries as Aristotle, Plato, Augustine of Hippo, and Thomas Aquinas and made them accessible to everyone, while also fully integrating this history of ethics with the inspired teaching of the Christian Scriptures. In doing this, Stanglin has produced a much needed volume of Christian ethics, one that will equip pastors and laity alike in living holy lives." A NOTE FROM THE AUTHOR REZENSIONEN DER REDAKTION REVIEW 'Stanglin in Ethics beyond Rules lays bare all the pseudo-foundations of the moral relativism that has gripped our culture. Tragically, even the church has been caught in the quicksand of this moral malaise and needs a fresh vision and renewed understanding of biblical ethics. Stanglin provides it in a refreshing and compelling way, focusing on many of the most pressing issues of our day. It is engagingly written, persuasively argued, and decisively relevant. Every Christian should purchase two copies, one to read, and one to give to a friend, because this book is that good.' -- Timothy C. Tennent, president and professor of world Christianity, Asbury Theological Seminary 'Ethics beyond Rules is the product of wide reading and careful Christian thinking. Readers will find in it both the sorts of considerations that matter in moral reasoning and a discussion of many of the ethical issues that are central to human life--all of this done in a way that takes seriously not only natural reason but also Christian Scripture and tradition. Stanglin approaches disputed moral problems in thoughtful, often imaginative ways that will be accessible to many sorts of readers.' -- Gilbert Meilaender, senior research professor of theology, Valparaiso University 'Kudos to Keith Stanglin for the courage, intelligence, and love it took to write this crucial tract for the times. It is full of Christian wisdom about how we ought to live and interact with one another in nearly every sphere of life. I applaud the way it orients our ethical reflection in relation to the question, 'What does real love require?' If more of us attended to that question more regularly, deeply, and honestly, our world would be a much better place.' -- Douglas A. Sweeney, dean and professor of divinity, Beeson Divinity School 'Ethics beyond Rules is exactly the right book in exactly the right moment for every Christian, especially in a world increasingly untethered from biblical faith. Beautifully written and intensely engaging, it examines the contentious issues of our time through the only lens that matters: What does Christian love require? Here is a book for every man and woman of faith--but also for those of no faith, because its decency and compassion refute once and for all the anti-Christian caricatures of our time.' -- Mary Eberstadt, Panula Chair in Christian Culture, Catholic Information Center, Washington, DC, author of Primal Screams and How the West Really Lost God 'Ethics beyond Rules is a clarion call to wake up a sleepy Church and to exhort Christians to become 'loving resistance fighters.' Drawing from Scripture, tradition, history, science, and human experience, Stanglin offers an articulate defense of the church's ageless teaching and challenges Christians everywhere to sanctify rather than submit to an increasingly secular culture.' -- DeAnn Stuart, associate director of curriculum, Austin Institute for the Study of Family and Culture 'Stanglin brings his keen mind, Christian rootedness, and lucid writing to this pointed overview of Christian ethics. A wonderfully ordered and accessibly presented discussion of the foundations of the gospel's love ethic that is then applied to a series of key issues, Stanglin pulls no punches, providing a responsible Scriptural lens on matters ranging from sexuality and race to technology and politics. Wearing its learning lightly and delving into the concrete challenges of Christian life in the world, this illuminating volume will deepen the faith and practice of any serious disciple. It deserves a wide reading throughout the church.' -- Ephraim Radner, professor of historical theology, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto 'Ethics beyond Rules is deceptively easy to read, but the discerning reader will notice the way in which Keith Stanglin has taken the ethical insights of such luminaries as Aristotle, Plato, Augustine of Hippo, and Thomas Aquinas and made them accessible to everyone, while also fully integrating this history of ethics with the inspired teaching of the Christian Scriptures. In doing this, Stanglin has produced a much needed volume of Christian ethics, one that will equip pastors and laity alike in living holy lives while also guiding others toward the same. This volume is not only a corrective to the erroneous moral theology so common today but a map for those who desire to love God and their neighbor wholeheartedly.' -- Greg Peters, professor, Torrey Honors College, Biola University 'Ethics beyond Rules is a readable, insightful book. It offers guidance for Christian disciples living in a quickly changing and increasingly morally confused culture. Keith Stanglin provides both a solid framework and grounding principles for a clear, biblically informed ethic on living wisely and well. Then with balance, courage, and grace, he applies those principles to such relevant topics as race and sexuality. Finally, he exhorts us to take our calling as salt and light seriously, engaging in the spiritual and cultural challenges of our day as 'loving resistance fighters.' I am very pleased to recommend this fine book.' -- Paul Copan, Pledger Family Chair of Philosophy and Ethics, Palm Beach Atlantic University, and author of Loving Wisdom: A Guide to Philosophy and Christian Faith -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: hardcover. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Keith Stanglin is executive director of the Center for Christian Studies in Austin, Texas, and professor of theology at Heritage Christian University in Florence, Alabama. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: hardcover. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRODUKTINFORMATION * ASIN : B08NHX551H * Herausgeber : Zondervan (17. August 2021) * Erscheinungstermin : 17. August 2021 * Sprache : Englisch * Dateigröße : 733 KB * Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten : Bis zu 5 Geräte gleichzeitig, je nach vom Verlag festgelegter Grenze * Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) : Aktiviert * Screenreader : Unterstützt * Verbesserter Schriftsatz : Aktiviert * X-Ray : Nicht aktiviert * Word Wise : Aktiviert * Haftnotizen : Mit Kindle Scribe * Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe : 256 Seiten * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 1,335,608 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in Kindle-Shop) * Nr. 369 in eBooks Religiöse Ethik * Nr. 785 in Moraltheologie * Nr. 1,848 in eBooks Christlich-soziale Themen * Kundenrezensionen: 4,1 von 5 Sternen 6 Sternebewertungen Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. VIDEOS Seite 1 von 1Noch einmal von vorneSeite 1 von 1 Previous page 1. VIDEOS FÜR DIESES PRODUKT 1:55 Hier klicken, um Video abzuspielen ETHICS BEYOND RULES Merchant Video Next page Video Player is loading. 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Keith Stanglin (B.A., M.Div., Ph.D.) is Director of the Center for Christian Studies in Austin, Texas; Professor of Theology at Heritage Christian University in Florence, Alabama; and Adjunct Professor at Harding School of Theology in Memphis, Tennessee. He previously taught at Austin Graduate School of Theology and Harding University, and he has also taught courses at Abilene Christian University Graduate School of Theology, the Institute for Theology and Christian Ministry (St. Petersburg, Russia), and Kuyper College. He likes to speak, teach, and write in the fields of historical and systematic theology, moral theology, biblical hermeneutics, liturgical theology, and comparative Christian theology. Mehr lesenWeniger lesen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gesponsert -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIE BEWERTEST DU HEUTE DEINE ERFAHRUNG BEIM KAUF VON BÜCHERN AUF AMAZON? 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Oktober 2022 As part of our Christian Ethics class at Amridge University, aside from the Bible, Keith D. Stanglin's book, Ethics Beyond Rules, has been our textbook throughout the course, and what a wonderful one it is. Stanglin clearly understands that Christianity is established in the objective, unlike the secular world, even when there are gray areas not always presented in Scripture. Far from simply a book telling what is right and wrong, he teaches the reader to use reason and a biblical mind to wade through the gunk of the modern world to arrive at the truth. More so, his no-nonsense attitude toward the subjects he tackles, from abortion to transgender ideology, which is very prevalent in today's society, has to make one at least respect his blunt honesty. A great read and a definite assist in my course! 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