www.emburse.com Open in urlscan Pro
2600:9000:26da:4e00:1d:c8a8:d640:93a1  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://landing.captio.net/e3t/Ctc/IZ+113/c1G9V04/VWQQFw9lVD6XW6bCyyZ6KQ3ZkW5_BCzp5cKDjhN5LPbRT5nR32W5BWr2F6lZ3ldVYnfJF8Hz2...
Effective URL: https://www.emburse.com/it/forme/rapporto-di-frodi-interne-sulla-gestione-delle-spese-nelle-aziende-italiane-2024?utm_ca...
Submission: On April 10 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 8 forms found in the DOM

<form __bizdiag="0" __biza="WJ__">
    <legend class="visuallyhidden">Consent Selection</legend>
    <div id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyFieldsetInnerContainer">
      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonNecessary"><strong
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      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferences"><strong
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            data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferencesInline" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div>
      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatistics"><strong
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            data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatisticsInline" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div>
      <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonWrapper"><label class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonLabel" for="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketing"><strong
        <div class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketing" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox"
            data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketingInline" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></div>

<form __bizdiag="0" __biza="WJ__"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonNecessaryInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonDisabled" disabled="disabled" checked="checked"> <span

<form __bizdiag="0" __biza="WJ__"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonPreferencesInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox"
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<form __bizdiag="0" __biza="WJ__"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatisticsInline" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelConsentCheckbox"
    data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonStatistics" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></form>

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    data-target="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonMarketing" checked="checked" tabindex="0"> <span class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSlider"></span></form>

<form class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButtonSliderWrapper" __bizdiag="0" __biza="WJ__"><input type="checkbox" id="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyContentCheckboxPersonalInformation" class="CybotCookiebotDialogBodyLevelButton"> <span


<form class="mx-lg-4 mt-5 d-none d-md-flex search_keyword" action="/it/search" __bizdiag="113" __biza="WJ__">
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    <input class="form-control border-left-0" type="search" spellcheck="false" id="searchInput" placeholder="Search Cerca in Emburse" name="q">
  <button class="btn btn-primary text-uppercase">Search</button>


<form action="/it/search" class="d-md-none mt-4 search_keyword" __bizdiag="113" __biza="WJ__">
  <div class="input-group mb-3">
    <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Search Cerca in Emburse" spellcheck="false" aria-label="Search Cerca in Emburse" name="q">
    <div class="input-group-append">
      <button class="btn btn-primary rounded-0">
        <svg fill="none" height="12" viewBox="0 0 12 12" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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Text Content


Powered by Cookiebot
 * Consent
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 * About


We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features
and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site
with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it
with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected
from your use of their services.

Consent Selection




Show details
 * Necessary 50
   Necessary cookies help make a website usable by enabling basic functions like
   page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot
   function properly without these cookies.
    * Calendly
      Learn more about this provider
      _calendly_sessionIf consent is given by the visitor, this cookie allows
      the website to add events into the visitor's calendar.
      Expiry: 21 daysType: HTTP
      _abThis cookie is necessary for making credit card transactions on the
      website. The service is provided by Stripe.com which allows online
      transactions without storing any credit card information.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      _mfThis cookie is necessary for making credit card transactions on the
      website. The service is provided by Stripe.com which allows online
      transactions without storing any credit card information.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * Ceros
      Learn more about this provider
      testcookieThis cookie determines whether the browser accepts cookies.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Cookiebot
      Learn more about this provider
      1.gifUsed to count the number of sessions to the website, necessary for
      optimizing CMP product delivery.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * Google
      Learn more about this provider
      test_cookieUsed to check if the user's browser supports cookies.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      rc::aThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is
      beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of
      their website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      rc::cThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * LinkedIn
      Learn more about this provider
      bcookieUsed in order to detect spam and improve the website's security.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      li_gcStores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain
      Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTP
      bscookieThis cookie is used to identify the visitor through an
      application. This allows the visitor to login to a website through their
      LinkedIn application for example.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * New Relic
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Stripe
      Learn more about this provider
      __stripe_midThis cookie is necessary for making credit card transactions
      on the website. The service is provided by Stripe.com which allows online
      transactions without storing any credit card information.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      __stripe_sidThis cookie is necessary for making credit card transactions
      on the website. The service is provided by Stripe.com which allows online
      transactions without storing any credit card information.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      mDetermines the device used to access the website. This allows the website
      to be formatted accordingly.
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
    * Typeform
      Learn more about this provider
      AWSALBTGRegisters which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is
      used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience.
      Expiry: 7 daysType: HTTP
      AWSALBTGCORSRegisters which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is
      used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience.
      Expiry: 7 daysType: HTTP
    * calendly.com
      __cf_bm [x8]This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
      This is beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the
      use of their website.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
    * calendly.com
      __cfruid [x2]This cookie is a part of the services provided by Cloudflare
      - Including load-balancing, deliverance of website content and serving DNS
      connection for website operators.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * cdn.signalfx.com
      _splunk_rum_sidDetects and logs potential errors on third-party provided
      functions on the website.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * chromeriver.com
      exp_csrf_tokenEnsures visitor browsing-security by preventing cross-site
      request forgery. This cookie is essential for the security of the website
      and visitor.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
    * consent.cookiebot.com
      CookieConsent [x4]Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * expense.certify.com
      AWSALB [x3]Registers which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is
      used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience.
      Expiry: 7 daysType: HTTP
      AWSALBCORS [x3]Registers which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This
      is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize user
      Expiry: 7 daysType: HTTP
    * hsforms.com
      _cfuvid [x4]This cookie is a part of the services provided by Cloudflare -
      Including load-balancing, deliverance of website content and serving DNS
      connection for website operators.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * info.emburse.com
      BIGipServer#Used to distribute traffic to the website on several servers
      in order to optimise response times.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * ob.michiganrobotflower.com
      _cq_suid [x3]This cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * obs.michiganrobotflower.com
      cg_uuidNecessary for the website security.
      Expiry: 11 monthsType: HTTP
    * ws.zoominfo.com
      visitorIdPreserves users states across page requests.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP

 * Preferences 17
   Preference cookies enable a website to remember information that changes the
   way the website behaves or looks, like your preferred language or the region
   that you are in.
    * Bizible
      Learn more about this provider
      _biz_flagsA [x2]This cookie serves multiple purposes; it determines
      whether the user has submitted any forms, performed cross-domain migration
      or has made any tracking opt-out choices.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Calendly
      Learn more about this provider
      1This cookie is used in conjunction with the payment window - The cookie
      is necessary for making secure transactions on the website.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * Drift
      Learn more about this provider
      driftt_aid [x3]Necessary for the functionality of the website's chat-box
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
      DRIFT_openTabsUsed to make the chat function consistent across tabs, if
      the user has multiple browser tabs open for the same website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      DRIFT_SESSION_IDAllows the website to recoqnise the visitor, in order to
      optimize the chat-box functionality.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      DRIFT_SESSION_STARTEDStores a unique ID string for each chat-box session.
      This allows the website-support to see previous issues and reconnect with
      the previous supporter.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      DRIFT_visitCountsDetermines the number of visits of the specific visitor.
      This is used in order to make the chat-box function more relevant.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * Hubspot
      Learn more about this provider
      messagesUtkStores a unique ID string for each chat-box session. This
      allows the website-support to see previous issues and reconnect with the
      previous supporter.
      Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTP
    * LinkedIn
      Learn more about this provider
      lidcRegisters which server-cluster is serving the visitor. This is used in
      context with load balancing, in order to optimize user experience.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
    * Vimeo
      Learn more about this provider
      playerSaves the user's preferences when playing embedded videos from
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      sync_activeContains data on visitor's video-content preferences - This
      allows the website to remember parameters such as preferred volume or
      video quality. The service is provided by Vimeo.com.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * www.emburse.com
      loglevelMaintains settings and outputs when using the Developer Tools
      Console on current session.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      wistia-video-progress-#Contains a timestamp for the website’s
      video-content. This allows the user to resume watching without having to
      start over, if the user leaves the video or website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      adroll#adrollStores the user's cookie consent state for the current domain
      Expiry: PersistentType: IDB

 * Statistics 41
   Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact
   with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously.
    * Appnexus
      Learn more about this provider
      bounceDetermines if a user leaves the website straight away. This
      information is used for internal statistics and analytics by the website
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * Bizible
      Learn more about this provider
      u [x2]Collects data on the user's visits to the website, such as the
      number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have
      been loaded with the purpose of generating reports for optimising the
      website content.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * Google
      Learn more about this provider
      _dc_gtm_UA-# [x2]Used by Google Tag Manager to control the loading of a
      Google Analytics script tag.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      tdRegisters statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for
      internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * Hotjar
      Learn more about this provider
      _hjSession_# [x2]Collects statistics on the visitor's visits to the
      website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website
      and what pages have been read.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      _hjSessionUser_# [x2]Collects statistics on the visitor's visits to the
      website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website
      and what pages have been read.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      _hjTLDTest [x2]Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the
      website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      hjActiveViewportIdsThis cookie contains an ID string on the current
      session. This contains non-personal information on what subpages the
      visitor enters – this information is used to optimize the visitor's
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      hjViewportIdSaves the user's screen size in order to adjust the size of
      images on the website.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * Hubspot
      Learn more about this provider
      __hssc [x2]Identifies if the cookie data needs to be updated in the
      visitor's browser.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      __hssrc [x2]Used to recognise the visitor's browser upon reentry on the
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      __hstc [x2]Sets a unique ID for the session. This allows the website to
      obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical purposes.
      Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTP
      hubspotutk [x2]Sets a unique ID for the session. This allows the website
      to obtain data on visitor behaviour for statistical purposes.
      Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTP
    * LinkedIn
      Learn more about this provider
      AnalyticsSyncHistoryUsed in connection with data-synchronization with
      third-party analysis service.
      Expiry: 30 daysType: HTTP
    * PubMatic
      Learn more about this provider
      PugTUsed to determine the number of times the cookies have been updated in
      the visitor's browser. Used to optimize the website's server efficiency.
      Expiry: 30 daysType: HTTP
    * SalesLoft
      Learn more about this provider
      sliguidContains an visitor ID - This is used to track visitors' navigation
      and interaction on the website for internal website-optimization.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      slirequestedContains an visitor ID - This is used to track visitors'
      navigation and interaction on the website for internal
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Taboola
      Learn more about this provider
      taboola global:last-external-referrerDetects how the user reached the
      website by registering their last URL-address.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * Vimeo
      Learn more about this provider
      aka_debugUsed by Vimeo to track usage of their embedded video player.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      vuidCollects data on the user's visits to the website, such as which pages
      have been read.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
    * app.teamwalnut.com
      _dd_sRegisters the website's speed and performance. This function can be
      used in context with statistics and load-balancing.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      ajs_anonymous_idThis cookie is used to identify a specific visitor - this
      information is used to identify the number of specific visitors on a
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      ajs_anonymous_idThis cookie is used to count how many times a website has
      been visited by different visitors - this is done by assigning the visitor
      an ID, so the visitor does not get registered twice.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * app.teamwalnut.com
      dd_cookie_test_# [x3]Registers data on visitors' website-behaviour. This
      is used for internal analysis and website optimization.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
    * chromeriver.com
      exp_trackerContains information on what date the user last visited the
      website. Used to generate statistical data.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * obs.michiganrobotflower.com
      tracker/tc_imp.gifCollects data on the user’s navigation and behavior on
      the website. This is used to compile statistical reports and heatmaps for
      the website owner.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * vidassets.terminus.services
      d-a8e6Allows for tracking same session data across multiple browser tabs
      and sessions.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * ws.zoominfo.com
      ziwsSessionCollects statistics on the user's visits to the website, such
      as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages
      have been read.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      ziwsSessionIdCollects statistics on the user's visits to the website, such
      as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages
      have been read.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * www.emburse.com
      wistiaUsed by the website to track the visitor's use of video-content -
      The cookie roots from Wistia, which provides video-software to websites.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML

 * Marketing 151
   Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. The intention
   is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and
   thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers.
    * Meta Platforms, Inc.
      Learn more about this provider
      _fbp [x3]Used by Facebook to deliver a series of advertisement products
      such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      lastExternalReferrerDetects how the user reached the website by
      registering their last URL-address.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      lastExternalReferrerTimeDetects how the user reached the website by
      registering their last URL-address.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * Adroll
      Learn more about this provider
      __adrollRegisters a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device.
      The ID is used for targeted ads.
      Expiry: 13 monthsType: HTTP
      cm/#/outCollects information on user behaviour on multiple websites. This
      information is used in order to optimize the relevance of advertisement on
      the website.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      cm/g/inPresents the user with relevant content and advertisement. The
      service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate
      real-time bidding for advertisers.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      segment/#/#Collects information on user behaviour on multiple websites.
      This information is used in order to optimize the relevance of
      advertisement on the website.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * Adroll Group
      Learn more about this provider
      __adroll_sharedCollects data on the user across websites - This data is
      used to make advertisement more relevant.
      Expiry: 13 monthsType: HTTP
      __adroll_consent_paramsCollects information on user behaviour on multiple
      websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance of
      advertisement on the website.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      __adroll_fpcUsed to identify the visitor across visits and devices. This
      allows the website to present the visitor with relevant advertisement -
      The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which
      facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      __ar_v4Optimises ad display based on the user's movement combined and
      various advertiser bids for displaying user ads.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      _te_Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The
      ID is used for targeted ads.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Appnexus
      Learn more about this provider
      anjRegisters a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID
      is used for targeted ads.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      uuid2Registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The
      ID is used for targeted ads.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      XANDR_PANIDThis cookie registers data on the visitor. The information is
      used to optimize advertisement relevance.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
    * Bizible
      Learn more about this provider
      _BUID [x2]Collects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the
      website - This information is used make content and advertisement more
      relevant to the specific visitor.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      _biz_dfsA [x2]Collects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the
      website - This information is used make content and advertisement more
      relevant to the specific visitor.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      _biz_kvpA [x2]Collects data on user visits to the website, such as what
      pages have been accessed. The registered data is used to categorise the
      user's interest and demographic profiles in terms of resales for targeted
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      _biz_nA [x2]Collects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the
      website - This information is used make content and advertisement more
      relevant to the specific visitor.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      _biz_pendingA [x2]Collects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on
      the website - This information is used make content and advertisement more
      relevant to the specific visitor.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      _biz_uid [x2]Collects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the
      website - This information is used make content and advertisement more
      relevant to the specific visitor.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      site_identityCollects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to
      optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Casale Media
      Learn more about this provider
      CMIDCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website,
      such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what
      pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      CMPROCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order
      to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to
      limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      CMPSCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website,
      such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what
      pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      rumCollects data related to the user's visits to the website, such as the
      number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have
      been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * DemandBase
      Learn more about this provider
      tuuidCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website,
      such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what
      pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
      tuuid_luContains a unique visitor ID, which allows Bidswitch.com to track
      the visitor across multiple websites. This allows Bidswitch to optimize
      advertisement relevance and ensure that the visitor does not see the same
      ads multiple times.
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
    * Drift
      Learn more about this provider
      drift_aid [x3]Sets a unique ID for the specific user. This allows the
      website to target the user with relevant offers through its chat
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
      drift_campaign_refresh [x3]Sets a unique ID for the specific user. This
      allows the website to target the user with relevant offers through its
      chat functionality.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      DRIFT_SESSION_CAMPAIGNSUsed to determine when and where certain pop-ups on
      the website should be presented for the user and remember whether the user
      has closed these, to keep them from showing multiple times.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * G2Crowd
      Learn more about this provider
      _session_idThis is used to provide insights into how the company's G2
      product profile influences buyer behavior by tracking visitors who
      navigate between the G2 product profile and the website.
      Expiry: 14 daysType: HTTP
    * Google
      Learn more about this provider
      _ga [x3]Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device
      and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
      _ga_# [x3]Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device
      and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
      _gcl_au [x3]Used by Google AdSense for experimenting with advertisement
      efficiency across websites using their services.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      _gid [x2]Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device
      and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      _gatUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and
      behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      IDEUsed by Google DoubleClick to register and report the website user's
      actions after viewing or clicking one of the advertiser's ads with the
      purpose of measuring the efficacy of an ad and to present targeted ads to
      the user.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      pagead/landing [x2]Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple
      websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also
      allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the
      same advertisement.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      ads/ga-audiencesUsed by Google AdWords to re-engage visitors that are
      likely to convert to customers based on the visitor's online behaviour
      across websites.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      pagead/1p-user-list/#Tracks if the user has shown interest in specific
      products or events across multiple websites and detects how the user
      navigates between sites. This is used for measurement of advertisement
      efforts and facilitates payment of referral-fees between websites.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      collectUsed to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device
      and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * Hubspot
      Learn more about this provider
      __ptq.gifSends data to the marketing platform Hubspot about the visitor's
      device and behaviour. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      Expiry: PersistentType: IDB
      viral-links/v1/trackingTracks the individual sessions on the website,
      allowing the website to compile statistical data from multiple visits.
      This data can also be used to create leads for marketing purposes.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      HUBLYTICS_EVENTS_53Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple
      websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also
      allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the
      same advertisement.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * LinkedIn
      Learn more about this provider
      li_sugrCollects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to
      optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      UserMatchHistoryEnsures visitor browsing-security by preventing cross-site
      request forgery. This cookie is essential for the security of the website
      and visitor.
      Expiry: 30 daysType: HTTP
      li_adsIdCollects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to
      optimize the website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * Marketo
      Learn more about this provider
      _mkto_trk [x3]Contains data on visitor behaviour and website interaction.
      This is used in context with the email marketing service Marketo.com,
      which allows the website to target visitors via email.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
    * Microsoft
      Learn more about this provider
      _uetsidUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _uetsid_expContains the expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _uetvidUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      _uetvid_expContains the expiry-date for the cookie with corresponding
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      MSPTCThis cookie registers data on the visitor. The information is used to
      optimize advertisement relevance.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      MUIDUsed widely by Microsoft as a unique user ID. The cookie enables user
      tracking by synchronising the ID across many Microsoft domains.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      _uetsid [x3]Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in
      order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the
      website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      _uetvid [x3]Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to
      present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Openx
      Learn more about this provider
      w/1.0/sdRegisters data on visitors such as IP addresses, geographical
      location and advertisement interaction. This information is used optimize
      the advertisement on websites that make use of OpenX.net services.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * PubMatic
      Learn more about this provider
      AdServer/PugSets a timestamp for when the visitor entered the website.
      This is used for analytical purposes on the website.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
      KRTBCOOKIE_#Registers a unique ID that identifies the user's device during
      return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used
      to allow targeted ads.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
    * SalesLoft
      Learn more about this provider
      sliregRegisters user behaviour and navigation on the website, and any
      interaction with active campaigns. This is used for optimizing
      advertisement and for efficient retargeting.
      Expiry: 7 daysType: HTTP
    * StackAdapt
      Learn more about this provider
      sa-user-idUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to present
      relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      sa-user-id [x2]Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to
      present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      sa-user-id-v2 [x2]Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to
      present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      sa-user-id-v2Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to
      present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      sa-user-id-v3 [x2]Pending
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * SurveyMonkey
      Learn more about this provider
      ep#Saves user states across page requests when completing a web-based
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
    * Taboola
      Learn more about this provider
      #:session-dataTracks the individual sessions on the website, allowing the
      website to compile statistical data from multiple visits. This data can
      also be used to create leads for marketing purposes.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      eng_mtTracks the conversion rate between the user and the advertisement
      banners on the website - This serves to optimise the relevance of the
      advertisements on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      t_gidThis cookie assigns a specific visitor ID, when the visitor interacts
      with ads or content from the website - this allows the website to target
      the visitor with similar ads or content.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      t_pt_gidCollects information on user preferences and/or interaction with
      web-campaign content - This is used on CRM-campaign-platform used by
      website owners for promoting events or products.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
      taboola global:user-idSets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third
      party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This
      pairing service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which
      facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      taboola_session_idThis cookie is used to collect information on a visitor.
      This information will become an ID string with information on a specific
      visitor – ID information strings can be used to target groups with similar
      preferences, or can be used by third-party domains or ad-exchanges.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Telaria
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
      tvidPresents the user with relevant content and advertisement. The service
      is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time
      bidding for advertisers.
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * Triplelift
      Learn more about this provider
      xuidPresents the user with relevant content and advertisement. The service
      is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time
      bidding for advertisers.
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * YouTube
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      iU5q-!O9@$Registers a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from
      YouTube the user has seen.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      Expiry: PersistentType: IDB
      nextIdUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      remote_sidNecessary for the implementation and functionality of YouTube
      video-content on the website.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      requestsUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      ServiceWorkerLogsDatabase#SWHealthLogNecessary for the implementation and
      functionality of YouTube video-content on the website.
      Expiry: PersistentType: IDB
      TESTCOOKIESENABLEDUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
      Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTP
      VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATAStores the user's cookie consent state for the
      current domain
      Expiry: 180 daysType: HTTP
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      ytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      YtIdbMeta#databasesUsed to track user’s interaction with embedded content.
      Expiry: PersistentType: IDB
      yt-remote-cast-availableStores the user's video player preferences using
      embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      yt-remote-cast-installedStores the user's video player preferences using
      embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      yt-remote-connected-devicesStores the user's video player preferences
      using embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      yt-remote-device-idStores the user's video player preferences using
      embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      yt-remote-fast-check-periodStores the user's video player preferences
      using embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      yt-remote-session-appStores the user's video player preferences using
      embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      yt-remote-session-nameStores the user's video player preferences using
      embedded YouTube video
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * adnxs.com
      receive-cookie-deprecation [x4]Pending
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
    * app.teamwalnut.com
      __tld__ [x2]Used to track visitors on multiple websites, in order to
      present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      ajs_user_idThis cookie is used to collect data on the visitor's behavior
      on the website - this information can be used to assign the visitor to a
      visitor segment, based on common preferences.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      ajs_user_idCollects data on visitors' preferences and behaviour on the
      website - This information is used make content and advertisement more
      relevant to the specific visitor.
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      dd_site_test_#-#-#-#-# [x2]Pending
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * ob.michiganrobotflower.com
      _cq_duid [x3]Used by the website to protect against fraud in relation to
      its referral system.
      Expiry: 3 monthsType: HTTP
      _cq_tuidCollects data on visitors. This information is used to assign
      visitors into segments, making website advertisement more efficient.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * ojrq.net
      brwsr [x2]Collects data on the user across websites - This data is used to
      make advertisement more relevant.
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
    * utt.impactcdn.com
      IR_gbdRegisters a unique ID that identifies the user's device during
      return visits across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used
      to allow targeted ads.
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
      IR_PITracks the conversion rate between the user and the advertisement
      banners on the website - This serves to optimise the relevance of the
      advertisements on the website.
      Expiry: 2 yearsType: HTTP
    * vidassets.terminus.services
      s-9da4Tracks the individual sessions on the website, allowing the website
      to compile statistical data from multiple visits. This data can also be
      used to create leads for marketing purposes.
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
    * www.emburse.com
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP

 * Unclassified 64
   Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying,
   together with the providers of individual cookies.
    * Adroll Group
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Bizible
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * Ceros
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * Impact
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
    * Impact Radius
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * Mintigo
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: SessionType: Pixel
    * SurveyMonkey
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: 1 yearType: HTTP
    * TechValidate
      Learn more about this provider
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * app.teamwalnut.com
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
    * emburse.com
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * omm.crownpeak.com
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
    * snippet.omm.crownpeak.com
      Expiry: 400 daysType: HTTP
    * utt.impactcdn.com
      Expiry: SessionType: HTTP
    * vidassets.terminus.services
      Expiry: 1 dayType: HTTP
    * www.certify.com
      emb_efe_formfills [x2]Pending
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML
      impOI [x2]Pending
      Expiry: SessionType: HTML
    * www.emburse.com
      Expiry: PersistentType: HTML

Cross-domain consent3 Your consent applies to the following domains:
List of domains your consent applies to: chromeriver.com certify.com emburse.com
Cookie declaration last updated on 01.04.24 by Cookiebot



Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make a user's
experience more efficient.

The law states that we can store cookies on your device if they are strictly
necessary for the operation of this site. For all other types of cookies we need
your permission.

This site uses different types of cookies. Some cookies are placed by third
party services that appear on our pages.

You can at any time change or withdraw your consent from the Cookie Declaration
on our website.

Learn more about who we are, how you can contact us and how we process personal
data in our Privacy Policy.

Please state your consent ID and date when you contact us regarding your

Do not sell or share my personal information
Deny Allow selection Customize

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Powered by Cookiebot by Usercentrics

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 * Prodotti
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Demo Gratuita
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 * Centro assistenza


Un'analisi per scoprire quanto le frodi interne incidono sulle aziende, in cui

 * L’analisi dei dati sulle frodi
 * I diversi tipi di frode
 * Quali sono le conseguenze delle frodi interne, incluse quelle legali
 * Come evitarle

Il 2023, per le piccole, medie e grandi imprese, ha significato un notevole
aumento della mobilità dei lavoratori rispetto al 2022. Il loro obiettivo
principale è rimasto quello di controllare la riduzione dei costi e sulla

Per questo motivo, tornano ad avere particolare rilevanza l’analisi delle
spese del personale, dei costi legati alla produzione o di quelli legati alla
gestione amministrativa dell’impresa, al fine di rilevare il problema che sta
all’origine della perdita di entrate nelle cosiddette spese occulte. Ecco
perché è importante ricordarsi sempre di tenerne conto e incorporare la
configurazione degli avvisi nelle aziende diventa una delle misure importanti
per individuare le frodi interne.

Il rilevamento delle frodi interne può aiutare a misurare il forte impatto
economico che si verifica quando non si esercita un attento controllo.

In questa analisi sono stati studiati i diversi tipi di frodi esistenti e come
queste colpiscono le aziende in base alla loro dimensione. Lo scopo
principale è quello di proporre una serie di misure efficaci per minimizzare
un problema che affligge la stragrande maggioranza delle aziende e di
sensibilizzare sull’impatto economico e generale che le frodi interne hanno
su tutte le tipologie di imprese.

Scarica subito il report, è gratis.

 * Gestione delle spese
 * Carte aziendali
 * Analisi delle spese
 * Viaggi aziendali
 * Enterprise

Termini Legali
 * Termini e condizioni
 * Informazioni cookie
 * Politica sulla privacy
 * Politica di sicurezza delle informazioni

 * Tutte le integrazioni

 * Ebooks e guide
 * Infografiche
 * Template
 * Storie di successo
 * Blog

 * Mission di Emburse
 * Premi
 * Carriere
 * I nostri numeri


 * Gestione delle spese
 * Carte aziendali
 * Analisi delle spese
 * Viaggi aziendali
 * Enterprise


 * Termini e condizioni
 * Informazioni cookie
 * Politica sulla privacy
 * Politica di sicurezza delle informazioni


 * Tutte le integrazioni


 * Ebooks e guide
 * Infografiche
 * Template
 * Storie di successo
 * Blog


 * Mission di Emburse
 * Premi
 * Carriere
 * I nostri numeri

Numero di telefono
+39 329 97 73 515

© 2024 Emburse, Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati.

Emburse offre le migliori e più innovative soluzioni aziendali pensate per
semplificare e automatizzare il processo di analisi, gestione, rendicontazione e
tracciamento delle spese aziendali. Grazie ad app e software è possibile
semplificare la contabilità aziendale relativa alle spese di spostamento e
alloggio dei dipendenti. Si possono richiedere pacchetti personalizzati, su
misura e in grandi quantità in base alle dimensioni e necessità della tua
azienda. Sul nostro sito è possibile consultare i nostri costi e le nostre
tariffe. Contattaci per maggiori informazioni!

 * Politica sulla privacy
 * Informazioni cookie
 * Sicurezza
 * Termini e condizioni
 * Mappa del sito

