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PrecisionTx is a minimally invasive procedure to treat small areas of fat
in areas such as the lower face and neck or arms. Through a small
incision a very thin tube containing the PrecisionTx laser fi ber is inserted
and delivers thermal energy directly to the treatment area. Read More...


SculpSure helps you safely reduce stubborn fat in problem areas
such as the belly and love handles, with a treatment plan that’s
customized to your desired results.


The result is unprecedented skin rejuvenation
reducing the appearance of cellulite while
also smoothing and tightening the skin.

Call Today For a Consultation:


 * About Dr. Amy DeRosa
   * Reviews & Testimonials
 * Areas of Expertise
   * Face
     * Eyelid Surgery
     * Facelift
     * Facial Resurfacing
     * Neck Lift vs Neck Lipo
   * Breasts
     * Breast Implant Removal
     * Breast Lift
     * Breast Reconstruction
     * Male Breast Reduction
     * Female Breast Reduction
   * Body
     * Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
     * Liposuction
     * Arm Lift
     * Labiaplasty
     * Vaginal Rejuvenation
     * Thigh Lift
     * Post Bariatric Reconstruction
     * Lower Body Lift
   * Men
   * Non-Surgical Treatments
     * Botox ® Cosmetic
     * NuEra tight
     * Chemical Peels
     * Facial Resurfacing
     * Dermal Fillers
       * Juvederm Dermal Filler
       * Voluma Dermal Filler
     * Picosure Laser
     * KYBELLA
     * Tattoo Removal
     * SculpSure®
     * Vaginal Rejuvenation
 * Breast Implant Removal
 * Financing
 * FAQ
 * Forms
 * Contact Us

 * About Dr. Amy DeRosa
   * Reviews & Testimonials
 * Areas of Expertise
   * Face
     * Eyelid Surgery
     * Facelift
     * Facial Resurfacing
     * Neck Lift vs Neck Lipo
   * Breasts
     * Breast Implant Removal
     * Breast Lift
     * Breast Reconstruction
     * Male Breast Reduction
     * Female Breast Reduction
   * Body
     * Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)
     * Liposuction
     * Arm Lift
     * Labiaplasty
     * Vaginal Rejuvenation
     * Thigh Lift
     * Post Bariatric Reconstruction
     * Lower Body Lift
   * Men
   * Non-Surgical Treatments
     * Botox ® Cosmetic
     * NuEra tight
     * Chemical Peels
     * Facial Resurfacing
     * Dermal Fillers
       * Juvederm Dermal Filler
       * Voluma Dermal Filler
     * Picosure Laser
     * KYBELLA
     * Tattoo Removal
     * SculpSure®
     * Vaginal Rejuvenation
 * Breast Implant Removal
 * Financing
 * FAQ
 * Forms
 * Contact Us


We understand that changing something about your appearance is an
intensely personal decision that demands a true partnership between
you and your surgeon.


• Beaumont Hospital- Farmington Hills
• McLaren Oakland Hospital - Surgical Director Of Facial Trauma & Reconstructive
• St John Oakland Hospital
• The Detroit Medical Center (Huron Valley)


Beauty knows no bounds and neither does our care. Dr. Amy DeRosa D.O.,
F.A.C.O.S., F.A.C.S,  a Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon and
nationally renowned expert in Breast Implant Illness.  She has an office in
Oakland County, Michigan, and ensures that your natural transformation will be
beautiful both inside and out. Dr. DeRosa, commonly referred to as “The Artist”
by patients and colleagues alike, is committed to being with you every step of
the way. The end result is the very best you.


Our team at DeRosa Plastic Surgery focuses on providing you with the highest
caliber of Surgical and non-surgical treatments.  You can trust that our office
is committed to achieving the best possible outcome for you while providing
excellence of care. Dr. DeRosa combines her surgical skills with meticulous
attention to aesthetic details to achieve beautiful and natural-looking results.
She has helped a myriad of patients achieve their goals with cosmetic surgical
and non-surgical procedures.  We understand that you have a lot of options and
this is not an easy decision, so please check out what patients have said about
their experience with Dr. DeRosa and contact our office today to learn more!


Dr. Amy DeRosa is a board certified plastic surgeon located in West Bloomfield,
MI. She welcomes patients of all ages, male and female.


Dr. DeRosa is commonly referred to as “The Artist” and areas of expertise
include Face, Breasts, Body & Non surgical for both Men & Women.


Financing is offered through



Dr. DeRosa specializes in the removal of breast implants or explantation with
full capsulectomy as they are not meant to last a lifetime.

Read More


Smartlipo laser body contouring is a minimally invasive, laser-assisted
lipolysis procedure that targets trouble spots and permanently eliminates fat.

Read More


The tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is one of the more popular and drastic
procedures that Dr. DeRosa performs with dramatic improvement.

Read More


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Review summary
Based on 168 reviews
DeRosa Plastic Surgery offers exceptional service with professional staff and
highly skilled surgeons. It boasts state-of-the-art facilities, instilling
confidence in its clientele. Users appreciate the surgeons' expertise,
personalised care, and excellent post-surgery support, ensuring customer
Lynn Bronson
June 19, 2024
I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude and appreciation for Dr.
DeRosa, her staff, and the entire practice. From the initial phone call to the
follow-up appointment, my experience was exceptional in every way. Regan and
Tim, in particular, deserve a standing ovation for their outstanding service.
They answered my numerous questions with ease, validation, and sympathy. Thank
you, Dr. DeRosa and team, for your professionalism and empathy. Coming to MI for
my explant with Dr. DeRosa, was the best decision.
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Ro Ruebs
June 12, 2024
From the moment I walked in, I felt comfortable and assured. I had very positive
interactions with each member of Dr. DeRosa’s staff. After my consultation I
called several times and was never made to feel like my questions weren’t
important. Everyone was happy to help me and very thorough. I am extremely
pleased with my procedure and my results and would highly recommend Dr. DeRosa.
She is truly an artist and a genuinely wonderful woman.
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June 12, 2024
Dr DeRosa is the Best
Dr. DeRosa was amazing! From the minute, I walked in the door for my
consultation to my six week postop I experience nothing but professionalism,
courtesy, kindness, compassion, and friendliness. She listened patiently to all
my questions and was very thorough and explaining my procedure. She made me feel
relaxed and comfortable. I knew I was in the best hands possible. I’m so
grateful for her and her team who made my explant surgery easy. Do not hesitate
to have her take care of you. She is the best!
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Dianne H
April 2, 2024
I met with Tim today - he does all of the lasers at Dr. DeRosa's office. He was
very knowledgeable and friendly. I really felt comfortable with him. He wasn't
pushy at all. He didn't try to upsale. I appreciated that. Just an honest, nice
guy who knew his stuff...
Jan Burwell
January 29, 2024
Of course, there is usually apprehension and maybe a little anxiety over an
impending surgery. From my first consultation with Dr DeRosa to post op
appointments, I felt at ease and confident that my explant surgery would be safe
and successful. Her staff is attentive, knowledgeable and friendly. Dr DeRosa is
professional, extremely competent and experienced. I would absolutely recommend
her services.
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Mellisa Casado
January 23, 2024
Dr. DeRosa saved my life!! That’s the best way to describe my story. I had
breast implants put in about five years ago, and within those five years, I had
become extremely sick. I had been diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases,
mental health problems, joint pain, and the list goes on. To make a long story
short. I had my implants removed this past December by Dr DeRosa. I’m feeling so
much better. My routine bloodwork, proved those implants were killing me, and
doctors have struggled for years to get my inflammation at normal levels.
Within3 weeks post surgery, my inflammation is finally at normal levels.
Everyday I'm feeling better and better. Thank you Dr. DeRosa for sharing your
story, and removing those toxic implants.
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lauren gawlik
January 3, 2024
I first want to start out by shedding light to the fact Dr. Amy DeRosa is an
outstanding, caring, meticulous, and professional Doctor.

I would also like to provide a detailed review in regard to the “Labiaplasty”
procedure Dr. DeRosa performed on myself. For a lot of woman (including myself)
it is an embarrassing and difficult topic to talk about! Nonetheless, there are
limited reviews, testimonials, and information on this particular procedure.
However, I am here to say it was the best thing I have ever done!

I believe it comes down to the provider preforming the procedure. I visited
countless offices and spent hours doing my own research on this procedure. From
blogs on Reddit, Labiaplasty groups on Facebook, and google searches I never
really found a peace of mind until I met Dr. DeRosa.

Dr. DeRosa was extremely transparent from pre op, surgery day, post op and
everything in between. Recovery is always the main concern for most people.
Although, I most definitely over prepped for this day, I can hands down say
recovery was a breeze! (and im a real wimp) I had taken a week off of work
(realistically I could have gone back the next day) however, I took the week to
rest and heal!

My results, the part you’ve been waiting for! I love love love the final result!
I am so much more comfortable wearing everyday clothes/working out and
absolutely love the way it turned out cosmetically. Without a doubt I am more
than satisfied with my results from a cosmetic and functional aspect.

Thank you Dr. DeRosa and staff for a wonderful experience and amazing results!

** This review was 100% self driven. I want to empower other woman to know it’s
okay to not be happy in your own skin (as I once felt this way) There is help
out there and it’s worth seeking for at DeRosa Plastic Surgery. **
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Amy Travis
December 14, 2023
I highly recommend Dr DeRosa for explant surgery. The office staff were awesome
and everyone was so kind through the entire process. I am beyond thankful and
the results were better than I imagined! Thank you
Jessica Vendetti
November 22, 2023
I'm so grateful to Dr. Amy DeRosa and her staff. Everyone was so helpful and
caring. My procedure went great, and the results were more than I hoped.
November 10, 2023
I can’t say enough great things about Dr. DeRosa and her team. I had a bilateral
breast explant with capsulectomy at the end of October. I had a lot of anxiety
on the day of my surgery but I can’t tell you how comforting everyone was. Dr.
DeRosa is a freaking rockstar! Breast explant is personal to her as she’s gone
through it, she’s a pioneer in what she does, and she’s just freaking cool!
She’s personable and so easy to talk to. And just a surgical wizard!! Wanda, the
anesthesiologist, was so confident and knowledgeable with the information she
provided me as she sat with me right before my operation. Her confidence in the
medication being used and the results it yields really put me at ease. She had
such a relaxing energy! Carissa, the OR assist, she’s got this calming, loving
energy and exactly what I needed as I got prepped on the table. I’m a nurse and
bedside manner matters. When I had my c-section lying naked on the table, it was
like no one noticed me. No one spoke to me, comforted me, explained what would
happen….it was pretty isolating, lonely, and scary. But Carissa and the whole
team made me feel seen and cared for. I was shivering so badly that my teeth
were chattering…that’s how nervous and anxious I was. But everyone made me feel
safe. Post-op, I woke up feeling pretty dang good surprisingly! Get that Exparel
for sure because I didn’t have any pain! Sure, I was sore but it wasn’t really
painful at all. Two weeks post-op and I’m feeling great! When you get the drains
out around 7 days later that’s when you start to really feel good. I’m so happy
that Dr. DeRosa and her team were the ones to help facilitate my journey to
better health. I can’t thank them enough!
Read more
Mary Ann
October 4, 2023
DeRosa Plastic
YOUR LOOKING FOR THE BEST OF THE BEST and a woman who has gone thru what you

You don't need to look any further.

Had Bilateral Explant with Bilateral Capsulectomy Surgery on Sept.25th 2023.
Alot of the BII symptoms that I checked off with seem to be slowly disappearing.
Never thought it could happen this fast.

Dr.Amy DeRosa, Tim, Carissa.
They gave me so much SUPPORT, COMPASSION,CARE.

The fact that Dr.DeRosa has gone thru this same procedure is game changing in my

Tim fights for you, with you in regards to getting help to cover all bases!! He
is a work horse!!
The time he took alone with me and the issues we had, well let me just say his
determination n follow thru on your hehalf speaks volumess!!

Carissa CERT.1ST ASST, C.S.T., Make sure to request her for your surgery!! This
woman is a Rock Star and knows the OR, how to pass instruments, make sure ur
sutures, drains etc are ready to go and in the Best Sterlie Conditions
You will absolutely be in the finest hands with her in the OR with you.

The compassion, laughter, and gentleness when I was tearing up meant so much. I
never felt like I was an intrusion or asking something that was already answered

Dr.DeRosa is also leading the way to get the medical community and insurance
companies to recognize that BII is real.
Read more
Lindsay M
July 31, 2023
I went to Dr. DeRosa on the recommendation of a friend who is also a patient.
Beginning with my initial phone call to make a consultation appointment, I felt
cared for. Every person at DeRosa Plastic Surgery was friendly and professional.
I’m a person who normally has anxiety seeing a new doctor, but the second I
walked in Dr. DeRosa’s office, I felt at ease. The staff are professional, yet
still manage to make you feel like a friend.
I had a cyst on my elbow removed, and after only 10 days I am blown away at how
great my incision looks! I had no bruising, and almost zero pain. My only
disappointment was that I couldn’t get the sympathy from my family that I
wanted, because I felt so great! I kept forgetting I even had a procedure done,
and had to keep reminding myself to be careful. I felt THAT good.
If and when I ever have to have any other procedure done by a plastic surgeon,
Dr. DeRosa will absolutely be my choice—hands down. If I could give more than 5
stars, I would.
Read more
Cecilia Powell
July 21, 2023
After months and months of research, calling offices, and having in person
appointments, I cannot express how happy I am to have Dr DeRosa perform my
surgery! She really listened to all of my concerns both before and after
surgery. She was readily available after hours to address my issues to ensure
the best recovery. Dr DeRosa is knowledgeable, talented, caring, and made me
feel completely informed. Her staff members were also very knowledgeable,
friendly, and helpful. I feel great and would definitely recommend Dr DeRosa and
her team without hesitation!
Read more
July 21, 2023
I Could Not Ask for a Better Experience! I was fully informed and had the best
possible outcome
I could not ask for a better experience! Dr DeRosa and her team are truly
amazing. Dr DeRosa is talented, caring, personable, and took her time to ensure
that I was fully informed and had the best possible outcome. She was readily
available to address my questions and concerns both before and after surgery.
Because of my past experience, I really did A LOT of research, calling/emailing
surgeons, and having office visits before deciding to have Dr DeRosa perform my
surgery. I feel great and am so happy with my results. I would recommend her and
her staff without hesitation!
Read more
July 21, 2023
From day 1 I felt very comfortable
Absolutely the best in the business!! From day 1 I felt very comfortable with
Dr. DeRosa. Leading up to my surgery I was extremely nervous and anxious,
however from the moment walking into the surgical center and being greeted by
her staff, I knew I was in the best hands out there. My care was top notch, and
I am so happy with my results. I truly believe Dr. DeRosa gave me my life back!
I cannot thank her enough.
Read more
Lori Keyes
June 22, 2023
Dr. DeRosa & Her Team Are Top Notch!!

Dr. DeRosa‘s abilities to give you the completely best overall experience
throughout this surgical journey is a 100% guarantee!! I could not of asked for
a kinder, more compassionate, confident, knowledgeable, talented & professional
surgeon to perform my surgery.

Beyond satisfied with my results.
Thank you Dr. DeRosa!
Read more
Brittney Thorsen
June 21, 2023
I have nothing but great things to say about Dr.DeRosa and her staff! She
genuinely cares about your health and wellbeing! Going through with my explant
surgery was the best decision I ever made to reclaim my health! Thank you Dr.
DeRosa and your amazing team for encouraging me every step of the way! If you
are looking to go through this explant journey look no further because this
whole team is the best!
Read more
June 21, 2023
Dr. DeRosa & Her Team Are Top Notch!!
Dr. DeRosa‘s abilities to give you the completely best overall experience
throughout this surgical journey is a 100% guarantee!! I could not of asked for
a kinder, more compassionate, confident, knowledgeable surgeon to perform my
surgery. Thank you Dr. DeRosa & Team!!
Candace Kulhanek
May 23, 2023
Had my implants removed in February with a lolly pop lift. Excellent results.
Everyone in the office was great to work with. Dr. DeRosa was very kind and
answered any questions I had. Would definitely recommend her!
Jenn Corbett
May 20, 2023
Had my under muscle saline breast implants (of 18 years) and capsules removed 8
weeks ago and have no regrets! Dr. Amy and her whole staff could not have been
any nicer! Feeling so much better! Would definitely recommend any procedure with
Linda Vance
May 3, 2023
Dr. DeRosa is a skillful surgeon with results that far exceeded expectations.
Dr. DeRosa was supportive and available through my two month recovery, she has a
bedside manner and empathy that I’ve not experienced from a doctor before. Dr.
DeRosa and her staff (Tim, Rebecca and others) are an incredible team.
May 2, 2023
Office review - fantastic team and run a superb office
When I required explant surgery, I wanted the absolute best skilled surgeon I
could find. Dr. DeRosa certainly delivered! She is a gifted and talented surgeon
who truly cares about her patients before and long after the operation. Her
husband Tim, the surgical coordinator/educator was very instrumental in making
sure I was equipped with all the necessary information needed before I even had
consulted with the dr. They are a fantastic TEAM and run a superb office! I
would highly recommend Dr. Amy DeRosa!!
Read more
May 1, 2023
Implant removal with areola adjustment and skin excision
I choose Dr. DeRosa for my implant removal after doing a lot of research. I
ended up driving 8 hours for my October, 2022 consult and after meeting her and
her wonderful team knew immediately that I made the right decision! My implants
were 23 year old silicone gel that had hardened over the years and had become
very uncomfortable. My surgery was scheduled for March 2023. I had Implant
removal with areola adjustment and skin excision. The communication between Dr.
DeRosa's office myself and my primary care provider was excellent and I was able
to have all of my pre-op testing completed in a timely manner. The week before
surgery the nervousness was starting to kick in until I got a call from Michelle
who would be administrating my Anesthesia. She walked me through everything that
would be taking place and totally calmed me down. Because of my conversation
with her I went into surgery feeling excited verses nervous! As for Dr. DeRosa,
she is extremely professional, warm and caring, concerned, and in my opinion the
very best in her field! My results are beyond anything that I was expecting, she
is a true artist! I am now 7 weeks out. Recovery is going great! Thank you again
Dr. DeRosa, Tim, Rebecca, Michelle and staff!
Read more
April 27, 2023
110% Blessed to Have Had Such an Experienced and Talented Surgeon.
Could not have asked for a better surgeon. Very professional, and talented.
Beyond satisfied with the results. I felt comfortable from the beginning with
all of the staff and all of which were amazing. Would highly recommend
January 1, 2023
My friends say you look great and I am calling her!
Dr. Derosa, listened to my plan, liked my plan, and did not try to push any
other procedure. She managed expectations. I had no pain with my lower or upper
eyes and had no bruising in 9 days. I also received Chin Lipo which also
exceeded my expectations. If you listen to the instructions you are provided and
do what they advise you to do, you too should have great results. My friends
just say you look great and I am calling her:) Which one friend did immediately!
Read more
November 30, 2022
Dr. DeRosa and her staff are the best!
August 24, 2022
Everyone was caring and wonderful - pain was not bad at all
Everyone (from beginning to end) was very caring and wonderful to me! Pain was
not bad at all after surgery or the days after. I only had one day I felt a
little queasy. I didn't care what I looked like after, I just wanted "them" out!
I actually felt SO ALIVE, AMAZING AND REVIVED! Seriously weight lifted from
me!!! I immediately felt a difference. I am so grateful for Dr. DeRosa from
beginning to end, she was so caring and empathetic. I would recommend her to
Read more
Nena S.
May 28, 2022
Best breast implant removal experience! Couldn’t be happier with results
Dr. DeRosa is absolutely amazing! She was honest, caring and understanding.
Never once did I feel rushed or pushed into making my decision. She answered all
my questions before I even asked and was honest with everything she said. She
did an amazing job and I couldn’t be any happier with my results! Her staff is
absolutely wonderful and caring as well. Thank you Dr. DeRosa for giving me my
life back and thank you to your staff for being so nice and helpful!
Read more
May 26, 2022
Amazing surgeon with very gifted hands - pleased with my results
I would highly recommend Dr DeRosa to any of my friends and family members. I
had an amazing experience with her and her staff. I could not be more happy with
my results from my explant . I have absolutely no complaints. She is an amazing
surgeon and has very gifted hands . By for the best doctor!
April 25, 2022
Results Exceeded Expectations
Dr. DeRosa and her staff make everything very personal. You can tell from the
moment you walk in that patient care is their primary focus. This precedent is
clearly set by Dr. DeRosa herself. Every step was thoroughly explained, executed
and followed up on by her and the staff. I'm so pleased with my lower
blepharoplasty results!!
April 15, 2022
Implants removed & extremely happy - cancer mastectomy reconstruction
From the start, I was listened to and made to feel comfortable with my decision
to have my implants removed and to go flat. My emails and phone calls were
returned in a very timely manner. The journey for me to have my implants (cancer
mastectomy reconstruction) removed was a frustrating and overwhelming experience
until I met Dr. DeRosa and her staff. I am extremely happy with my surgical
results and am now on a more healthier road of recovery. Before my surgery, I
couldn't hug my kids because the area around my implants hurt. Thanks to Dr.
DeRosa, I can now hug my kids without pain.
Read more
February 1, 2022
Genuinely Blown Away and Beyond Impressed!
I am beyond impressed with Dr. DeRosa and her staff. They truly care about their
patients and make you feel like family from the moment you walk through the
door. I am genuinely excited for my follow up appt just so that I can be around
such wonderful people. And talented doesn’t begin to describe Dr. DeRosa. I’ve
never felt so good and it’s all because of her.
Read more
January 10, 2022
My recovery went seamless and I am ecstatic with my results
I saw Dr. DeRosa for removal of my breast implants. I had been severely sick for
a few months and dealing with a capsular contracture. The compassion and
attentiveness Dr. DeRosa showed me that day in my consult solidified my choice
for her to remove them, on top of being a highly skilled surgeon. I will never
forget how she sat and listened as I cried and poured my heart out. Her entire
office is compassionate and they really work hard to make sure everything is
perfect. My recovery went seem less and I am ecstatic with my results.
Read more
December 13, 2021
My visit with Dr. DeRosa was as she put it anything but normal, I had a tummy
tuck, with a OMG, allergic reaction. But she saw me through till I was totally
healed, and the end result is just amazing. I would recommend her to anyone!
Pauline I.
January 26, 2020
Dr Amy Derosa has pretty much saved my life! She is so kind and takes the time
to sit and listen to you. My surgery was a hard surgery for me and she was
honest about what my recovery would be like. If you have heard of Breast Implant
Illness this is the Dr you want to see! All of the office staff was so nice and
you could tell they really cared about my healing process. #thehealisreal #BII
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Molly H.
October 14, 2019
She is amazing! Tim and Amy are such real people interested in helping you. I am
so thankful that I chose them.
October 10, 2019
Excellent Doctor
I consulted with Dr. DeRosa concerning my breast implants with a capsular
contracture. I have had a lot of procedures over the years but I think this is
the first time I have felt truly comfortable with a surgeon. Dr. DeRosa is
professional yet down to earth. I could tell immediately that she is
compassionate and cares about her patients. I have not yet decided what I want
to do about my breast implants because she does not replace implants; I am
afraid of how my breast with all the extra skin will look. I decided to go to
her for my botox instead of the surgeon I have been going to for the past 3yrs.
I am also planning on having a Co2 laser done soon. I highly recommend
consulting with her.
Read more
Sarah S.
May 1, 2019
I can't say enough good things about the staff and artistic talent of Dr.
Derosa. I couldn't imagine going anywhere else!
Jessica C.
April 29, 2019
There isn't enough space to write all the wonderful things about Dr. DeRosa and
her staff. They are kind, honest people who know their business. I went in
expecting one thing and they suggested another option that worked out perfectly
for me. They are genuine, real deal people. I will continue to go here for all
of my future cosmetic needs as well as anyone in my family who needs advice and
options. I recommend them "highly"!
Read more
April 3, 2019
I’m 100% Glad I Got my Breast Implants Taken Out...
From the moment I walked through the door, I knew that I was in the right place.
Her staff greeted me in the kindest manner and her office didn’t have that
white, sterile feel that most doctors offices feel like. It was like being at
home! The reason for my visit was that my breast implants were bothering me both
inside and out. I started having all these weird symptoms like burning joint
pain, memory loss, reddened eyes, dark circles under eyes, fatigue, and sharp
shooting breast pain. Dr. DeRosa is a believer of “Breast Implant Illness” and
my consultation solidified my case that my breast implants were causing me harm,
that I wasn’t benefitting from them, and that they needed to come out! I only
had my silicone breast implants for 3 years and if I didn’t do my research and
listen to myself, I have no idea what kind of shape I would be in later down the
road. The surgery was a breeze! The recovery wasn’t so bad, apart from having JP
drains for two weeks and not being able to raise my arms. I’m glad she doesn’t
do lifts, because my breasts look amazing after getting my implants out.
Everything healed very nicely and went back to my pre-Implant size. Dr. DeRosa
is the only plastic surgeon in Michigan that does enbloc/capsulectomy and a
believer in BII as well. She’s doing a study on BII that is being funded by
Beamount Hospital. I hope that one day BII will be a real medical diagnosis and
that women will be compensated for all the trouble they have went through. All
my symptoms I was experiencing went away within getting the implants out and two
weeks out my body looked less inflamed. Dr. DeRosa exemplified everything that I
would want a doctor to be and I’m glad I chose her!
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Kris P.
June 7, 2018
An accident left my face without a front tooth and feeling like I wanted to hide
. After feeling sorry for myself, I decided to make something good out of a bad
situation. I looked into expensive and evasive face lifts. Then I spoke with Tim
at DeRosa Plastic Surgery Instead of being a sales person, he educated me on my
choices for looking better. I had a CO2 laser treatment. The results exceeded my
expectations. Tim is still giving me advise, and saved my self esteem. I can't
thank the team at DeRosa enough
Read more



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   Implant RemovalBreast ReductionCellulite TreatmentCheek LiftChemical
   PeelChin/CheekDermabrasion/ Acne ScarsEndermologieEye lid SurgeryFace
   liftFacial ResurfacingGynecomastiaHair
   ImplantationJuvedermLabiaplastyLiposuctionMommy MakeoverNeck LiftLip
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Dr. Amy P. DeRosa, D.O., F.A.C.O.S., F.A.C.S is a board certified plastic &
reconstructive surgeon in Metro Detroit. She currently has hospital privileges
at several hospitals in Tri-county Detroit.



33200 W. 14 Mile Road Suite 180
West Bloomfield, MI 48322

Office Hours: M-F 8:30 am-4:30 pm

Phone: 248-688-7597

Fax: 248-498-6060


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