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Jamie Derksen ha firmato questa petizione


Jamie Derksen ha lanciato questa petizione

Parental alienation has all but ended my happiness and the life I deserve to

My ex husband has been brainwashing my children since they were under 10 years
old, telling them I don't love them, I never cared about them, they are stupid
to want a "loser" like me in their lives...and our three children have seemingly
accepted this as truth.

My heart has been shattered into dust over the last 25 years since I married
this Narcissist that doesn't deserve to keep our children hostage simply (in his
mind) to spite me for being a better person than he is. By this I mean; I truly
love and care about others, my children actually ARE my most important priority
and love in life, I'm dying slowly without them and because I couldn't afford an
attorney for our divorce, after 15 years in this abusive marriage, I got
absolutely nothing in our divorce except custody of our 17 year old daughter (so
he only had to pay support for her for less than a year and she had chosen to
come to me after our divorce when she was sick of being the new "victim" of her
father's narcissism). 

Im supposed to have my 14 year old every other weekend and should've had my
other son after the divorce (as the custody order deems) but he bribed them into
stopping their visits telling the children that they'll just end up like losers
like their mother if they have anything to do with me. Meanwhile he was abusing
meth, offered it to our daughter at around 17 years old, and having them drive
him around to drug houses to sell and buy drugs because he didn't have a
license. He'd ended up in jail for 10 days for some type of assault where he
walked right into the neighbors home and punched their 20 something year old
son. And while he was in jail they were home alone. 

I love my children beyond words and even though I'd left with the children on
several occasions I'd only asked for supervised visits once otherwise I never
kept the children from him even though i should have. I grew up without a father
so I truly thought that was the right decision at the time. Plus, he'd
threatened to kill me if I ever took them from him. 

I can't even suggest what to ask for in this petition, honestly. There needs to
be a huge justice reform in this type of case or accusation of. There's got to
be a way of proving this crime *my opinion* over a child's lifetime and giving
justice to the alienated parent. 

This country needs to open their eyes regarding mental health, it's
consequences, and those that intentionally abuse and endanger their children in
order to punish the other parent because their egos were wounded somehow or
another. Or took their control away. 

To some this may seem an amateur plea. I can admit I'm not the most educated in
the government and justice system, because i don't trust them. What i do know is
that ocer the last 15 years of researching parental alienation I have spoken to
and read other parents experiences in this matter and it's shredding the 
children in this country, their homes, and the families that build them, for
selfish, adolescent reasons. 

This should absolutely be illegal along with narcissism as well, which I'll be
creating a petition for as well. 

The truly evil and those that support them should be held accountable for
ruining their children's and their other parents lives as if its a game. The
justice system does nothing but turn a blind eye to this abuse because (in my
opinion) it definitely would take some extra leg work to work these cases and
create real justified orders as such. I feel like judges do absolutely nothing,
especially in my home county of Mille Lacs, MN. They scam attorneys (and vice
versa) for their own monetary gain so they have to do the least amount of work
possible. Meanwhile the families involved in these family courts are played like
puppets. They're treated as if their hearts, their children, the children's
lives they deserve to be a part of have no meaning and don't deserve the time
and energy of the court system. It's pathetic. 


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Jamie Derksen ha firmato questa petizione


Milan, 20153
Sì! Fatemi sapere se questa petizione vince, e come posso aiutare altre
petizioni importanti.
No. Non voglio sapere se ci sono novità su questa e altre importanti petizioni.
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