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beazerad * Blog * Blog beazerad HELD I UHELD [1915] 12/23/2016 0 Comments Som supplement hertil gives en oversigt over skikkene i hele landet. Forfatteren har, tildels i samarbejde med Christian Nielsen, for . I nyere tid har man kaldt ceremonierne en d. Disse skikke findes over hele verden og kan f. Udviklingen i Danmark ligger helt p. Oldtid og middelalder Fra vor oldtid haves ingen oplysninger om ceremonien specielt i Danmark, men vi t. Et eller andet offer har man rimeligt nok givet, efter at fart. Fra middelalderlig, katolsk tid findes gode skildringer i sagaerne. I forbindelse med denne renselse (lustratio) og velsignelse (benediktion), som har sit ganske bestemte ritual, har han givet skibet dets navn, - oftest efter en helgen, som s. Ejeren har efter evne forsynet det med hellige symboler og kostbarheder: relikvier, kors, helgenbilleder, m. Efter den hellige handling fejredes begivenheden med et gilde. Protestantisk tid - navngivning af orlogsskibe Efter reformationen 1. Danmark. Det synes, som om man m. For handelsskibenes vedkommende har gejstligheden med enkelte undtagelser ikke medvirket efter reformationen, men ved orlogsskibene har man i hvert fald fra Christian IVs tid og opefter atter anvendt pr. Ud fra de korte oplysninger fra . Det var i reglen kongen, der bestemte, hvad skibet skulle hedde. Tureen presented to Rasmus Dyreborg, master shipwright, and his wife, in 1. Kronprins Frederik, built by him at . In the base the brig is seen on the stocks, with flags flying and ready for launching bows first into the water. Danish Maritime Museum. Fra de andre skibe i havnen flagedes der. Skibets navn var malet p. Matroserne og Holmens folk r. Bygmesteren fik tildelt en . Undertiden rede penge til at holde g. I 1. 64. 4 enedes skibsbygmesteren og alle medarbejderne i anledning af en veludf. Fra 1. 68. 0'erne og langt op i 1. Da»Dannebrog«1. 71. Ivar Huitfeldt), var man bange for at give et nyt skib dets navn, da det kunne volde uheld. I byggedes i Glasgow en panserfregat, som Danmark k. Da den efter krigen kom til Danmark uden at v. Navngivning af handelsskibe Hvilke skikke man har iagttaget under bygningen og s. Vidnesbyrdene fra de f. Langt op i tiden er mindre skibe og b. Det var til tak for den gratis f. Omkring midten af forrige . 1. B.93 - Fodbold- og Tennisklub midt i K. 2. 717: 000001: 012000: alm: avisudklip: alm: alm: avisudklip: 1962 - 1964: skoleplaner, kloak i 3. Skibsbyggeri ved Middelfart. Men udrulningen fortsattes mange steder endnu til efter . Under bygningen af et fart. I Troense kaldte man det rejsegilde (1. I Nyborg lod mester en kop med cognac g. I Skibshusene fik de . Som man ser, fik man s. En enkelt gang omtales endda en m. Det var en skik, der fulgtes overalt, ja endnu ikke er helt d. Med penge ombord ville skibet g. Undertiden kom reder eller skipper med mastem. Sjurebruket i Loen Av Olav A Loen. Gardshistorie for Sjurebruket i Loen, og slekta som levde p Australiens historie begyndte med migration til det australske kontinent nordfra for omkring 40.000-50.000 . Den skrevne historie om Australien begyndte, da. Aner til Johan E Nielsen. Johan Edvard Nielsen, f. Med 1. 04 kuverter, alle slags drikkevarer, cigarer og musik kan bel. Bill for the dinner given after the launching in 1. Garibaldi, a threemasted schooner built by Z. Th. Jacobsen of Troense for share- ownership. The total of kroner for 1. Danish Maritime Museum. Selv om ingen rigtig havde rede p. En mandag eller en torsdag var ikke god, ej heller fredag. Man ser derfor, at mange s. Skibet blev pyntet med kranse (is. I flamenco-terminologien siger man ikke, at en stemme er smuk, men derimod at den 's. Falck, Hendrich, - 1786-91 - Medaill. Lyngbys Kristoffer Larsen blev matchvinder, da AaB mandag aften blev besejret 1-0 i Alka Superligaen. Lyngby kunne ikke udnytte talrige AaB-fejl til at komme i front. AakirkebyHallerne og Bornholms Vinforsyning arrangerer en bisonaften fredag den 26. I fortoppen sattes skibets navnevimpel - som dog f. De andre skibe i havnen flagede ogs. Nu og da byggede man agten for skibet en tribune for rederen og familje og for indbudte honoratiores. Undertiden blev der udstedt trykte adgangskort (Helsing. Desuden mangfoldige tilskuere og skoleb. Skolerne havde gerne fri den dag. Nu og da fik drengene lov til at opholde sig p. I det hele taget blev der op igennem tiden skrevet en masse sange og digte til s. En hel del af dem blev ovenik. Mange steder var det mester selv, der med en skar! Eller han gav signal til folkene ved f. De mest begejstrede kylede efter gammel skik deres huer i luften. Helt farefrit var et stabelafl. Skibet kunne sidde fast p. Som regel gik det dog fint, hvad der varslede en god fremtid for skibet. I 1. 84. 1 gav kongen selv et skib i . I 1. 83. 8 var det sognepr. Da skonnert»nova Scotia«blev st. En ufravigelig regel f. Kender det onde ens navn, har det magt over . Det er derfor klart, at billedsk. Nogle skibsbygmestre skrev af forsigtighed navnet agter med kridt i sidste . Samtidig blev den sammenrullede navnevimpel udl. Vi kender kun eksempler fra Pedersv. Boye) og Men dette er et gennemg. Holms maleri (her i udsnit) fra s. Skibet er smykket med et v. The earliest known picture ofa bottle being used to christen a ship in Scandinavia. A detail from a painting by P. C. Holm of the launching ofthe barkentine Ernst Dreyer, built in 1. Danish port of Altona by the Ernst Dreyer shipyard (No. The vessel is decorated with a large number of flags and the garlands customarily displayed on new buildings in N. Germany, and is launched stern first. The lady sponsor, with an umbrella at the bows, is about to throw a bottle tied to a line against the ship. Workmen are removing the chocks and the name ofthe ship is already visible. Festen kunne holdes ved lange borde i v. Deltagerne var foruden v. Man fik festmad, og der var nok at. Bagefter var der dans og sang. Betalte rederne ikke dette gilde, gjorde bygmesteren det, hvorefter det kom p. Undertiden var udgifterne dertil medtaget i byggekontrakten. Der vankede af og til drikkepenge eller»duc. Mens skibsbyggerne og familje morede sig bramfrit, holdt rederen eller bygmesteren en finere spisning for byens honoratiores og andre fornemme g. Der var pyntet op med lanterner, lys, flag, blomster og gr. Maden var fin og vinene ogs. Af og til drak man ovenik. Efter middagen var der bal. Var det et eftermiddagsgilde, kunne der danses p. Af og til blev begivenheden markeret ved en smuk gave fra rederen til skibsbyggeren eller omvendt. Skibsbygger Rasmus Dyreborg og hustru i F. I Troense fik rederen af den nybyggede skonnert»laura«1. Kortere udtrykte ejeren afen evert, som omkring 1. Ringk! Under skibets bygning havde man taget mange varsler om dets fremtidige sk. Det opfattedes som et heldigt varsel, da en fugl i slutningen af 1. Et godt tegn var det ogs. Derfor alle de gentagne ! Men efter 1. 90. 0 skete der n. Senere forenklede man ceremonien, men vedblev at»d. Indholdet af flasken kunne v. Op til efter 1. 80. A modern launching, Burmeister and Wain, On the platform a lady sponsor has just pressed a button and a bottle of champagne breaks against the Russian refrigerator ship Golfstrim, (Sudoimport, Moscow) whichproceeds to slide into the water. Photo: Burmeister and Wain. Helt ny var ideen dog ikke. Vincent«i Bristol ved at kaste en flaste vin mod gallionsfiguren, og i Frankrig tr. Deres opgave var at udr. Eksemplet fra hoffet slog straks an i England, og hermed va,r gudmoderen kommet ind i billedet. Sponsor (latin, til spondere = love h. I virkeligheden er der dog ikke tale om en rigtig gudmor, idet hun giver navn og d. Ordet gudmor sidder dog s. I Holland har man dog ligesom i Danmark af og til brugt ordet naamgeefster (navnegiver), dokumenteret fra 1. Os interesserer her sp. Hereret skib bygget, og rederen og et par venner holder en lille fest p. En af vennerne lader proppen p. Tredobbelt hurra for Mariane! Ud fra det materiale vi kender, kan flg. Altona, Ernst Dreyer (champagne) - gudmor 1. Nyk. Benzon (champagne) - gudmor, senere ogs. At Altona muligvis er det f. At Burmeister & Wains v. Rederiet, D/S Baltic, Riga, forlangte en s. Vi vil her derfor kun referere de nytilkomne elementer i sammenstillet form. Ca var det en reder i Kors. I vore dage taler man endda om, at man vil anf. I vore dage bygger man en tribune foran boven, smukt pyntet med gran, blomster og flag. Undertiden skal hun med en s. At hugge snoren over med en fin lille . Tegneren Gantriis har her i humoristisk form givet sin opfattelse af flasked. This cartoon by Gantriis gives a light- hearted view ofa sailor's baby at thefont. Courtesy of Frivagten, May res det, at flasken rammer skibet og knuses mod boven eller mod siden af forskibet, - selv om den risiko foreligger, at den kan ramme ved siden af, eller at skibet kan l. Flere ulykker med en flaske i nakken, sk. Afholdsfolk blandt redere har kommet r. For at markere rederiets herkomst og skibets fremtidige fart har man lejlighedsvis fundet p. Flasken er - uanset indholdet - n. Af og til vikles der gazebind om, s. At flasken skal knuses, s. Ellers opfylder den ikke ideen med det hele: at d. Derfor har man forsigtigvis p. En reserveflaske holdes altid i beredskab. I Gilleleje har der f. Vikingeskibet»Hugin«, bygget 1. Frederikssund, blev ikke d. Rederiet Olau- Line lod som princip sine skibe l. Tyskland, Norge og Sverige, har v. Hertillands har man kun enkelte gange fulgt denne skik. Det lyder i sin enkleste form: »dit navn skal v. Af og til siges det p. Selv i vore moderne dage tager nogle varsler af h. Folkemindeforskere og religionshistorikere har spekuleret meget over, hvorvidt man kan sammenligne d. Det er tydeligt nok, at der er en del f. Derimod har den romersk- og gr. Hvorom alting er, er de fleste s. Noter Her er kun givet henvisninger til enkelte vigtige kildesteder. Forfatteren har i mange . Hele kildematerialet vil til sin tid blive opbevaret p. Mogk: Die Menschenopfer bei den Germanen (Lpz. Hjalmar Falk: Altnordisches Seewesen (Worter und Sachen IV, Heidelberg 1. Flateyjarbok II (Chri. Ad. Franz: Die kirchlichen Benediktionen im Mittelalter (Freiburg 1. J Henning Henningsen: N? Illustreret Tidende , Vikingen 1. Henning Henningsen: Coins for Luck under the Mast, Mariner's Mirror 5. Notes and Queries, 9th Ser. Skerrett: The Baptism of Ships (Annapolis 1. Berlingske Tid. 1. Fra det gamle Gilleleje 1. B& W- Bladet 1. Don H. Kennedy: Ship Names, Origins and Usages (Newport News 1. LAUNCHING, NAMING AND CHRISTENING SHIPS IN DENMARK Summary We have no descriptions in Denmark of launching ceremonies in early or medievel times. The Norwegian and Icelandic sagas tell us that in earey times ships were pushed into the sea on rollers, and a cow or sheep was sacrificed and afterwards eaten by those present. In the Middle Ages, according to Catholic custom, a priest in procession would cleanse the ship with holy water and incense, bless it and give it a name, often that ofa saint, who would thus take the ship under his protection. Often, too, the owner would take sacred symbols aboard as a sort of talisman. VALDEMAR LANGE 1. Frer for ? Mon vi ikke frit kan v? For man siger vel stadigv. Frer kommer naturligvis af. Det slaar modet. ned paa alle de andre, og Alfred siger, skumlende af misundelse til Peter, der. Uha,ham. Aage, han har sagt frer for . Han ka vel nok sagtens.« Men. Peter er ikke den dreng der saadan lar sig slaa ud. Senere blev Maren Dyekj. Anna Kirstine Vandborg, f. Han blev i 1. 89. Mads. Mikkelsens . Dertil kommer at Valdemar Langes. Claudiane Kamp, blev gift. J. Nielsen (1. 84. Men jeg tror det er bedst at jeg henl. Han var undtagelsen som br. Men der stak ikke saa lidt af en. K. Den faldt reelt ikke. Lange har sikkert ved den lejlighed faaet op. Svane. Lange fik ogsaa det morsomme indfald at. S. Ind i mellem billeder. LANGE. Her er et par exempler: Det er kun lidt man hos Lange. Cigarfoderaler. og f. Paa den ene side stod der uden. Held og Lykke dig ledsage alle dine Levedage«. Og paa den anden. At ofre saa meget paa reklame var dengang. Ringk. Hvordan de virkede paa de gode vestjyder er sv. Mange morede sig vel, og noget har omtalen og chockene vel ogsaa gavnet. Lange faar sin minderune i vores Aarbog, men som Ringk. Og utallige. er de fester han har v. Dertil kommer. al den spas han — maaske navnlig i sine yngre aar — leverede i sn. Kendt er. historien om hvordan han k. Han og hans kone gik ofte en. Mejstrups eller udfor All. Det var da noget dumt noget, syntes fru. Lange. Ka du ikke faa dem til og la v? Aah hva, sae Lange, de faar to. I stolen derovre sad en utaalmodig fisker og ventede. Lange tog uden et ord s. Om Frede Skaarup og Birkedal, og byens forskellige. Ved. studentersangernes bes. Se Aarbogen 1. 94. Og der foreligger en Midsommervise om en. En Museumsvise handler. Mathias Klokker, om alle de m. Rygtet stammer maaske fra at han som skuespiller. N. Efter. bedste Gallupprincipper sp. Man hos hende tit kan faa fars til frikadeller. Han i arm og storetaa stadig fyldt med gigt er. Han har Svane her og der, og for vane detteher (slaar ud med haanden) Han af b. Til hans »Rekvisitter«. Og han tryllede en kvinde v. Tableau. Ja, Lange var uforlignelig. Men mit Indtryk. som af gode grunde ikke stammer fra hans vitaleste ungdom, er at han ikke var. Dertil kom maaske ogsaa at han ikke var amat. Hans var saa sikre som nogen professionel skribents. I det hele taget har det nok pr. Af naturen en urolig sj. Hans far hed Laurids Nicolai Lassen Lange, f. I 1. 83. 4 var han. Husted paa Torvet i Ringk. Lange havde tobaksfabrik og k. Det var ham der indkaldte slagter Bune fra England for. Anden gang i 1. 85. Claudiane Cecilie Kamp (1. Som. formynder fik han da agent Chr. Christensen (1. 81. Margrethe Kamp (1. Torvet, hvor Ringk. Den der her er tale om, kan ikke f. Hans kone hed Anna Sofie Wandborg og. Wandborg til Fr. Hendes datter Anne Severine. Lange (1. 81. 8—1. Chr. Nielsen Skikkild (1. Det er hans datter, Ane Kirstine Wandborg, der var. Valdemar Langes forg. Det. ses, at Filmen er optaget af en ikke stedkendt Person, men den giver dog. Billede fra den store Dag i Byen. Filmen opbevares nu i. Byens Arkiv — og vil blive Historie for Eftersl. Cigarhandler Svend Fastrup, Torvet, har 2. Aars. Forretningsjubil. Kommunens Regnskab for 1. Knud- Erik Andersen (S. Det dansk- amerikanske Olieselskab, der har arbejdet paa Egnen, forlader Byen. Olie! S. Peder Lodberg og. Hustru, Herningvej 3. Hansen og Hustru, Dyekj. Fisker Peder Nielsen og. Hustru, Vester Strandsbjerg. Bryllup: 4. J., Bildtsvej, Rkbg.) og V. Rita Helleskov Pedersen, Brande, og Maskinmester Mads Sand (S. Henny Rasmussen, Hammel, og Elektriker B. Anna Elise Feerup, Esbjerg, og. Peder Sandahl Pedersen, N. C, Rindum) og Bankassistent Viggo. Kirkegaard B. Bruun, Herningvej, 5. Aar. Landpostbud Magnus Pedersen, M. Sadelmager. Niels Henningsen, S. Fru Johanne Flodgaard. Kongevejen, 7. 0 Aar. Andreas Nielsen, Smedegade 2. Aar. Christensen, Vejskillingen, 6. Aar. Fru Kirkebetjent Ane Andersen. Smedegade, 6. 5 Aar. D. Fru Emma Aurora Viktona Nielsen. Karen Marie Bertelsen. Det blev Socialdemokratiet og Kirkeligt. Centrum, der hver maatte afgive et Mandat til den grundtvigske Liste, som derved. Indre Mission bevarede sine 5 Mandater. Listens Stemmetal gik frem. Flere af. Forskydningerne i Menighedsraadet skyldes Stemmetal, der ligger lige paa Vippen. Paa Kandidatliste A — den grundtvigske —. Stemmer. Kristensen blev valgt; han fik 7. Stemmer. Paa Liste C — Indre Mission — blev. Stemmer. Korsholm fik 5. Stemmer. Manufakturhandler Johs. Jensen og Driftsleder Vilh. Petersen. 1. 00 og Typograf Kirkegaard B. Alle disse blev indvalgt. Liste D — Kirkeligt Centrum — fik 8. Stemmer. Dommerfuldm. Krebs- Hansen blev. Stemmer. Ialt stemte 9. Stemmeprocenten blev 3. Mikkelsen, Torvegade. Fru Anna Stengaard har v. Foreningen blev stiftet til Indsats mod Jagtloven af. Formand er Kontorist Sv. Faurbye. Guldbryllup: 2. Jens Damsgaard og Hustru. Birthe Elise Poulsen (D. P., Rkbg.) og Lyder Anker Lydersen, Skjern. F. Fru. Kristine Larsen, Bredgade 2. Aar. Viktor Pedersen, Nygade, 5. Aar. Trillingsgaard, 7. Aar. Iver. Iversen, Vellingvej, 7. Aar. Fru Henriette Vang, Smedegade 1. Aar. Ida Orloff, Mellemgade, 7. Aar. Strandsbjerg, 7. Bodil Marie Rasmussen, f. Fru Abelone Pedersen. DECEMBERI Ringkj. Strandgade. Bryllup: 5. Ketty Danielsen, Hee, og. Vagn Juelsgaard. Reina. Bollerup Christensen, Harbo. Anna Lise Caspersen. Chauff. Holger Korsgaard, Slagelse (S. Maren Jacobsen, Heager, og Aage B. Maja Olivia Hansen (D. Martin Jakobsen. Esbjerg. F. Wittorff. Kongevejen, 8. Aar. Fru Ane Jacobsen, Kongevejen 2. Aar. Fru Berta Frost. Vestergade. Fru Barbara Christiansen. Gartner Emil Hansens Hustru, Fru Marie Hansen, V. Kommunens Skatteprocent bliver 8,6. Kirkeskatteprocenten. Skatteydernes Indkomst efter Selvangivelse og Sk. Antallet af Skatteydere i Kommunen er 2. Gennemsnits- Indkomsten pr. T., der nu er 7. 6 Aar, har. Ringkj. Det store Sygehusbyggeri. Sygehuset udvides, et Arbejde, der vil vare til i hvert Fald midt paa. Sommeren 1. 95. 5 og som vil koste ca. Fjorden begynder at fryse. Kongefilmen vises i Ringkj. Nielsen og. Hustru, Gr. Postbud Jens Hvistendahl. Aar. Thygesen, Herningsvej, 5. Aar. Fru Kontorchef Knudsen, Hoffgaardsvej, 7. Aar. Ledgaard, Vestjydsk Eksportforening, 5. Aar.—. 2. 2. Fru Sine Albrechtsen, Vestergade, 7. Aar. Fru Marie. Jakobsen, V. Strandsbjerg 1. 1, 7. Aar. Glarmester Jakob Thorup Damgaard. Aar. D., der var en solid Haandv. Fru Mariane Henriksen. Fru Harriet Mattson, 5. Aar. Automobilhandler Niels. Hansen, 6. 7 Aar. Fru Jane Larsen, Herningvej, Enke efter Overl. Han var en dygtig Fagmand og en kendt og meget afholdt Skikkelse i Byen. Hum. Han stiftede. Aar siden den f. Palm holdt af. Mennesker, og de holdt af ham. Overl. Marts paa Grund af svigtende Helbred. Som det fra. alle Sider blev fremh. Reservekirurg Fritjof Gammelgaard, Aalborg, der tidl. Forslaget til Overslag over Byens Indt. Laub. Christensen og Hustru, N. Elva. Nikolajsen, Rkbg., og Henry Heykoop, Rotterdam. Hans Madsen, Kongevejen, 6. Aar. Overtrafikassistent Fr. Proustgaard, Enighedsvej 1. Aar. Overpostbud Nielsen, N. Knudsen. Hoffgaardsvej, 7. Aar. MARTSVed Byraadsvalg den 2. Marts blev der af. Stemmer, der fordelte sig saaledes. Socialdemokratiet 8. Stemmer (i 1. 95. Stemmer), Konservative 1. St. Mandatfordelingen blev herefter: Socialdemokratiet 4 (i 1. Kristensen, Arbejdsmand. Ejnar Kirk og Politimester Seerup. Marius Pedersen er genvalgt til. Borgmester; det skete i et Byraadsm. Marts, hvor den endelige. Afstemning viste 5 St. Malermester og Farvehandler Noe har 5. Aars Forretningsjubil. Firmaet startedes af Hj. Knudsen, der falder for. Aldersgr. Skoleeleverne Mette Wiese (D. Kristelig Lytterforening holder 2. Aars Stiftelsesfest. Foreningens Formand er Vulkanis. Rutebilejer Richard M. Fiskeribetjent Dahl og Hustru, St. Blichersvej. Bryllup: Kontorist Frk. Anton Jensen (Hage), S. Strandgade 2. 1, 6. Aar. Fru Karen Marie. Enevoldsen, Vestergade 1. Aar. Fru Kristine Muldbjerg, . Christensen, 7. 4 Aar; Chr. Fru Jensine Olsen, Th. Fru Anna Fastrup, Mylius Erichsensvej, 8. Aar; Enke efter Red. F.. Amtsavisen. APRILSpille- Lidenskaben har i dette Foraar h. Det begyndte beskedent med, at en Forening. Pr. Aften og flere blev Ejer af en Bil. Endog i Udlandet vakte Spillene Opm. En engelsk. Journalist ringede saaledes paa sit Blads Vegne og spurgte, om » det var. Ringkj. Saa galt var det. Elementer fra andre Byer s. De blev dog senere afsl. Afslutning paa Skoleaaret i. Teknisk Skole, hvor Statskonsulent Toftdahl M. Forsvarsbroderforeningen i Ringkj. Overpostbud Nielsen er udn. Glarmester Bang. Jensen har drevet Glarmesterforretning i Nygade i 2. Aar. S. Matros Martin Madsen og. Hustru, V. Strandsbjerg 1. Rkbg. Bryllup: 1. Hilborg Christensen, No, og. Chauff. Kirsten Kristiansen, Brejning, og. Sadelmager Erik Olsen, S. Fru Marie Thomsen, Dyekj. Strandgade 3. 5, 5. Aar. Orgelstemmer Fritz Schollain, St. S., der var en dygtig og energisk Mand, har arbejdet paa. Andresens Orgelfabrik siden 1. Georg Nielsen. MAJVed Ringkj. Kr., hvilket. er Bankens hidtil st. Overskudet andrager 2. Kr., hvortil kommer. Overf. Skytte er indvalgt i. Bestyrelsen i St. Aarets Overskud er 2. Kr.. hvortil kommer Overf. Banken har nedsat Renten. Afdragslaan med 1/4 p. Ct. 1. Syerske Fru Julie Rasmussen har 5. Aars. Jubil. Gartner Hartvig Dahl har 2. Aars Forretningsjubil. Jesper Jeppesen og Hustru. Jensen, Hee, og Fisker Kristian A. Frk. Ragna Lauge Christensen, Varde, og Fiskepakker. Chr. Aase Marie Jeppesen (D. Strandgade, Rkbg.) og Maskinist Ejgil Mortensen, Tistrup. Fru Ane Kristine Nygaard, Alderdomshjemmet, 8. Aar. Rasmussen, 6. Aar. JUNIRingkj. Juni og kom til Ringkj. Her blev de modtaget af Amtmand, Politimester og. Stationsforstander, og Forsvarsbr. En stor Del af Byens Borgere og is. Det samme gentog sig, da Kongeparret over Middag kom tilbage fra. Hvide Sande og k. Herning, og. Driftsleder Karsten Pultz- Holm (S. Valborg. Christensen (D. Fru Anna Kolstrup. Reberbanen 2. 6, 7. Aar. Jordemoder Fru Kathrine Madsen, . Tandtekniker Ove Broberg, Nygade, 5. Aar. Fru Kirstine. Hvegholm, M. Fru Kristine Jonassen, N. Amtsforvalter Dahl, Tyregodsvej, Valby, tidl. Fru Anna Pedersen, Priorgaarden, tidl. Vejret. var gunstigt, og det maa for den almindelige Mand betragtes som heldigt, at der. Skyer paa Himlen. 0 Comments HERZ GESUCHT [1992 TV MOVIE] 12/23/2016 0 Comments Vinyl (LPs 33 rpm / Maxi-Singles 45 rpm): Interpret beginnt mit S. Til Schweiger, Actor: Inglourious Basterds. Actor, producer, writer, and director Til Schweiger is Germany's best-known actor and also the country's most successful. 1968: Ostern (TV) 1968: Berliner Antigone (TV) 1968: Die Katze (TV) 1969: Spa Schallplattenwelt, Vinyl LPs / Swww. Schallplattenwelt. Wir verkaufen Freude ! * Eurosport News: Aktuelle Meldungen, Resultate und Interviews. Snooker: English Open 20:30. * - das TV- und Fernsehserien-Infoportal. DVD-Tipps, TV-News und dein pers Vinyl (LPs 3. 3 rpm / Maxi- Singles 4. Interpret beginnt mit. SHaben Sie Fragen oder m? Bitte sehr: Interpret. Titel. Bemerkung. Plattenfirma/. Label. Nummer. Copyright. Zustand /. Cover. Zustand /. Platte. Preis /Euro. Sacco & Mancetti. Best Of Sacco & Mancetti Balance Records. BAL 3. 00. 61. 98. Duffy. Saint Patrick's Cathedral Choir Sings Christmas Songs. Oh Come All Ye Faithful / The Christmas Hymn / Hark, The Herald. Angels Sing / Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem / The Innkeeper's Carol / etc. Roulette (printed in U. S. A.)SR 2. 51. 42? Friedrich Trautwein bei der. Konstruktion des ersten Trautoniums. Besonders bekannt wurde seine. Klangillustration zu Alfred Hitchcocks ? Jahre ? 2- , soc. Jahre ? 2(- ), soc. Anfrage! Sanders, Bela. Das gro? 1. 96. 0er / 1. Anfrage! Sanders, Bela. Die goldene Tanzplatte. Tracks: Georgine / Moon River / Chee- Wah- Wah / Es war einmal. Liebe / Bell- Bottom Trousers / Midnight Train / Cimarron / etc. Philips. 84. 4 3. PY1. 96. 82, soc. Jahre ? 2- , soc. Jahre ? 2(- ), soc. Folge. 12 Tracks: I Love You / Left Bank / Candlelight Waltz / Sprich zu. Liebe, Mari. Folge. Tracks: Tanze mit mir in den Morgen / Dobs Boogie / Roter. Sombrero / Lamberts Nachtlokal / Ganz allerliebst / Herbstweisen / etc. Philips. P 4. 80. L (Stereo)1. 96. 43, soc, woc. Folge. 12 Tracks: Who's Sorry Now / The Last Waltz / Someone To Watch. Over Me / Salome / Casatschok / Cumana /etc. Philips. 84. 4 3. PY? 1. 96. 0er / 1. Gyp! Fauves- Puma / Philips (made in France)A 9. Sabine Sauvant, Claudia Field and Red Face. Hansa International. OT1. 97. 83. 3auf Anfrage! Savage Progress. My Soul Unwraps Tonight / Tin Man. Moore)music takes you higher. Marsch der ehemaligen K. Vatter, guten Appetit / Vatter, Augen zu / Kostgeld /. Fu? 1. 97. 0er Jahre ? Polydor. 27 4. 38- 1 (Club- Sonderauflage)? Anderson (Sonnenschein im Blut) / Rex Gildo. Andrea) / Karsten Speck (Dein Platz ist immer noch leer) / Kristina Bach. Antonio) / Olaf Berger (Die ersten Tr. Bruno Winkler - Les Cumpanes - Heinz Forst - Thomas Beck - Fred. Hamilton - Sue Morgan - u. EMI Odeon. 1C 0. 48- 3. Jahre ? 2(- ), woc. Orchester / Dresdner. Philharmonie. Decca. AS (SLK 1. 70. 56- P)1. Swanee River / Old Mac Donald Had A Farm / Royal Garden Blues /. Tu t'en vas / Paloma Blanca / The Dipsy Doodle / Down By The River / Ragtime. Special / etc. Polydor. Hitzebl? Am Abend auf der Heide / Das blonde. K. Rockport. 08- 9. Switzerland. 10. 0. Schallplattenclub) / J 5. Brahms) / Basin Street Blues / etc.; DMMiton Stereo Digitalit 3. Polydor. 82. 38. 99- 1. This Ole House / You Drive Me Crazy / Oh Julie / Shirley / I'll. Be Satisfied / etc. Epic. EPC 1. 00. 47. Bank. Manager / etc.; T. I. S. RCAPL 7. 49. Robinson / For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her / The Boxer /. Feelin' Groovy / The Sound Of Silence / I Am A Rock / Scarborough Fair /. Homeward Bound / Bridge Over Troubled Water / etc. CBSCX 6. 90. 03 (KC 3. Anfrage! Simon and Garfunkel. Greatest Hits CBSCX 2. Auf dieser Platte. Is My Lady - Frank Sinatra with Quincy Jones and orchestra. FOC; The Best Of Everything / It's All Right With Me / After. You've Gone / Stormy Weather / Mack The Knife / etc.; Texte on Inner Sleeve. Qwest Records. 92. Anfrage! Sinatra, Frankol' blue eyes is back. Klappcover; You Will Be My Music / You're So Right / Winners /. Nobody Wins / Send in the Clowns / Dream Away / Let Me Try Again / There Used. Be a Ballpark / Noah. Reprise Records. REP 4. Leaflet. Arista. 20. EFA- Trikont. US- 0. Band, The. Diamonds In The Raw Tabu. Band, The. Dit Dit Dit Dash Dash Dash Dit Dit Dit. Inch Maxi Single. Tabu. TAB 1. 2. 9. Band, The. Just The Way You Like It. Tracks: No One's Gonna Love You / Weekend Girl / Break Up /. Feeling / Body Break / etc. Tabu. TAB 2. 60. 58. United; Songs wie Imagine - . Give Peace a Chance - We Are The World usw. EMI 1. 98. 92. 1- auf Anfrage! Sosa, Mercedes. Live in Argentinien. Mitschnitt der Konzerte im Teatro Opera von Buenos Aires zwischen. Februar 1. 98. 2; Texte (in deutscher . Ambrosia. Elton John, The Bee Gees, Leo Sayer, Bryan Ferry, Roy Wood, Keith Moon, Rod. Stewart, David Essex, Jeff Lynne, Lynsey de Paul, Status Quo, Peter Gabriel. Richard Cocciante, Frankie Laine, etc. Warner Bros. Martin- in- the- Fields)Doppel- LP; auf der Innenseite des FOC sind viele Szenenfotos aus. Milos Forman Film; Infos zum Film und zu den enthaltenen Mozart- Werken in. Seiten- Booklet. The Saul Zaentz Company / Metronome. ME1. 98. 42(- )1- 2. When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going (Billy. Ocean), The Jewel Of The Nile (Precious Wilson), I'm In Love (Ruby Turner). Jive. 62. 62. 96. Sheena Easton and John L. Nelson; Der Film ist mit. Jack Nicholson, Michael Keaton und Kim Basinger. Warner Bros. 9. 25 9. WX 2. 81. 19. 89. Glenn Frey - Patti La Belle - Pointer Sisters - Rockie. Robbins - Shalamar - Danny Elfman - Junior - The System - Harold Faltermeyer. MCA Records. 25. 17. Take Me Home / I Feel Good / Always On My Mind / etc. Million. Dollar Baby (Al Jarreau), Embracalbe You (Irene Cara), City Heat (Joe. Williams), etc.; kl. Cutout. Warner Bros. Coca- Cola- Cowboy (Mel Tillis), I Seek The Night. Sondra Locke), Behind Closed Doors (Charlie Rich), Every Which Way But Loose. Eddie Rabbitt), etc. Elektra. ELK 5. 2 1. Anfrage! Soundtrack. Der Profi (Jean Paul Belmondo)Original Filmmusik von ENNIO MORRICONEWEAWEA 5. Cheri, Cheri Lady (Modern. Talking), Say I'm Your Number One (Princess), Body And Soul (Mai Tai), I Can. Lose My Heart Tonight (C. C. Catch), On My Way in L. A. Hans Hammerschmid; Hallo - Dr. Texte on Inner Sleeve. CBSCBS 7. 02. 46. SWF / Ariola. 14 7. Club Edition)1. 98. Girls! Elvis Presley: Earth Boy / A Boy Like Me, a Girl Like You /. Return To Sender / We'll Be Together / Song of the Shrimp / etc.; made in. Germany. RCANL 8. Claude. Brasseur) incl. Lucky Lady (vocal: Liza Minelli), Ain't Misbehavin' (vocal. Burt Reynolds), Young Woman Blues (vocal: Bessie Smith). Bridge / An Original Soundtrack Recording(aus d. Film mit Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward); Boogie Woogie. Tommy Dorsey) / String Of Pearls (Glenn Miller) / Blues In The Night (Dinah. Shore) / etc. Novus / RCAPL 8. King) / etc. MCA Records. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. Doppel- LP mit Farb- Poster; Peter Frampton, The Bee Gees. Aerosmith, Alice Cooper, Earth, Wind & Fire, Steve Martin, Paul Nicholas. Billy Preston, Sandy Farina, u. RSO2. 65. 8 1. 28. Texas Bound And Flyin' (Jerry Reed), Tulsa Time (Don. Williams), Pecos Promenade (Tanya Tucker), Let's Do Something Cheap And. Superficial (Burt Reynolds).. MCA Records. MCA- 6. Anfrage! Soundtrack. Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod (Once Upon A Time In The West)Musik: Ennio Morricone; Orchester unter der Leitung von Ennio. Morricone; A Sergio Leone Film, starring Claudia Cardinale, Henry Fonda. Charles Bronson. Ariola. IU? 2(- )1- 1. 6,0. Robert Palmer - Trevor Jones - La Compagnie Creole - u. Island. ISTA 1. 61. I Will Always. Love You (Dolly Parton), Sneakin' Around (Dolly Parton & Burt Reynolds). MCA Records. MCA- 6. Randy Crawford. MCA Records. Original TV- Show Titelsong ! Electric Light Orchestra and Olivia Newton- John; Klappcover. Jet records. JET LX 5. Electric Light Orchestra and Olivia Newton- John; Klappcover. Jet records. JET LX 5. Stand In The Fire. Talk Me Into It / Something Real / Footsteps / etc. RCABL 8. 71. 72. 19. Jahre ? 2- 2(- )auf Anfrage! Special Interest / diverse. Auf, auf zum fr. Martin wolln wir loben heut / O heiliger St. Florian)EMI / Odeon. SFGLP 7. 86. 20 (Club- Sonderauflage)1. Clarke (Cousins / Twilight Dreams / etc.). Arthur Pryor (Blue Bells of Scotland / Thoughts of Love), Clay Smith, Forrest. L. Buchtel, Paul Henneberg. Nonesuch Records. H- 7. 13. 41. 19. Gesamtleitung: Obermusikmeister a. D. Wilfried. Majowski. Telefunken. SLE 1. AS1. 96. 3 / 1. 97. Hubertus- Messe / etc.)Telefunken. TS 3. 23. 2/1- 2. Klebefalz gel. Karl Jirsch) / Kneipgelage /. Aus der Tiefe / Hammerschmied / Tarnowitzer Fahrtenlied / Gaudeamus igitur /. C- VSTX 9. 63 (Sonderauflage)1. Anfrage! Special Interest / diverse. Lothringer Lieder und Balladen aus . Singgemeinde Bern. Doppel- LP; Das Lied vom Grafen Friederich / Es reisen drei Knaben. Graf und Nonne / Kunkelstube / Der himmlische Ackersmann /. Glasbl? 1. 97. 0er. Jahre ? 2+2++1. 2,0. Essen; Solo- Trompete: Rudi Lodenkemper. LIFE Records. St 1. Anfrage! Special Interest / diverse. St. Hubertus- Messe und Musiken f. Hubertus- Messe nach Cantin, neu. Hermann Neuhaus. Telefunken. AS(p) 1. 96. 82+2+4. Amiga. 8 4. 5 2. 00- 2. Pirol, Kleiber. Ziegenmelker, Eichelh. Bruno. Geck, Rheinisches Hornquartett, Leitung: Peter Ludes, Die Schwenk Buam, Die. Original Siegerl. Telefunken. 6. 2. DP1. 97. 42+1- 3. Helmut Kohl vor dem. Deutschen Bundestag / Dresden, 1. Rede von Bundeskanzler Dr. Helmut. Kohl vor der Frauenkirche in Dresden / Berlin, 2. Ansprache von. Bundeskanzler Dr. Oktober 1. 98. 9 - . Gewandhausorchester Leipzig - Kurt Masur - Trompete: Armin M. Brahms): Allegro non troppo. Adagio non troppo, Allegretto grazioso, Allegro con spirito. Selbstverlag Gewandhaus zu Leipzig / Fernsehmeister Schuhknecht. Leipzig / Hannover 1. Anfrage! Special Interest / Kinder. De Tweede Vrolijke Kring. Doppel- LP; Konijnenpolka / Op Jacht / De Poortjes / Op Reis /. Lassie / De Carrousel / Bingo / Jan en Piet / Ringelrei / Branle du Quercy /. Anfrage! Special Interest / Komponisten : Cole Porter. Cole Porter - A Portrait in Music / A selection of 2. Cole. Porter's best known songs interpreted by 2. Doppel- LP; Begin The. Beguine (Les Paul) / So In Love (Bing Crosby) / You're Sensational (Sammy. Davis jr.) / I Love Paris (The Four Aces) / Let's Do It (Eartha Kitt) / etc. MCA Coral. 6. 2. 83. DP (COPS 8. 26. 4- D/1- 2)1. Jahre ? 2. 2+1. 5,0. Robert Russell Bennett). Second Rhapsody (with Cristina Ortiz, piano) / Cuban Overture. EMI / His Master's Voice. C 0. 67- 0. 39. 49. Anfrage! Special Interest / Komponisten : John Philip Sousa. American Marches - Komposisitonen und Arrangements: John Philip. Sousa (1. 85. 4- 1. The Stars And Stripes Forever / The Liberty Bell / King Cotton /. The Washington Post / Esprit Du Corps / El Capitan / etc. Amiga. 8 4. 5 1. 33. 0 Comments NO WITNESSES [1990] 12/23/2016 0 Comments Halo 5 Guardians - No Witnesses - Achievement Guide (Solo Method)Halo 5 No Witnesses - Destroy the Phantom at the Covenant camp in Reunion on Heroic difficulty. All gameplay recorded with - http: //e. Load up Mission 7 called . Until 1- 2 minute in this mission you cross a fallen spaceship with some enemies, climb up on the right side and turn back, jump in the little cave (intel there), pick up both weapons and go a litte bit forward. Here you see the Phantom, shoot first the rocket launcher then the railgun. If you fail reload last checkpoint. Halo 5 Guardians Playlist: https: //www. Subscribe: http: //www. Title: No Witness (2004) 3.1 /10 Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Login Show HTML View more styles Getting Started Get Instant Access to free Read PDF No Witnesses at Our Ebooks Unlimited Database. NO WITNESSES NO WITNESSES PDF - Are you searching for NO WITNESSES Books files? Now, you will be happy that at this time NO WITNESSES PDF is available at. Justin Speights was stabbed to death during a New Year's Eve house party attended by about 200 people, but nearly a month later, police still don't have a suspect. The 20-year-old volunteer firefighter died in the first minutes of 2016 at the gathering in Crawford, N.Y., a town of 9,200 about a 90. Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add this video to a playlist. No Witnesses Chapter 1 Two weeks had now past since Natalie and Bethany’s ordeal at the hands of the evil baroness and her gang, both girls were still experiencing recurring nightmares of their ordeal. Buy No Witnesses: The story of Robbery and Murder at the Cabinet Supreme Savings and Loan on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. In 2008, law enforcement officers in the tri-state area of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana pride themselves on the. 0 Comments MANSIONES VERDES [1959] 12/23/2016 0 Comments TRABAJAMOS ARDUARMENTE PARA CONSEGUIRTE LA PROPIEDAD QUE DESEAS, PARA SU CONVENIENCIA ESTAMOS DE LUNES A DOMINGO Y CUBRIMOS TODA LA ISLA. LLAMENOS Y LE GARANTIZAMOS QUE SALDRA SATISFECHO. . Desde hace trece siglos, Jap. Representan el universo y est. WALLACE REALTY REPO Puerto Rico, Bienes Raices WALLACE REALTY REPO Puerto Rico EN WALLACE REPO ENCONTRARAS TODAS LAS PROPIEDADES QUE OFRECEN LOS BANCOS EN PR INCLUYENDO LA AGENCIA FEDERAL HUD. Fondos de pantalla de Lugares Del Mundo Lugares Del Mundo. Descargate los mejores fondos de pantalla de Lugares Del Mundo Lugares Del Mundo desde fondos de escritorio. HELSINKI Helsinki, la capital de Finlandia, es una vibrante ciudad costera de hermosas islas y grandes parques verdes. El ritmo de la ciudad es relajado, pero al mismo. Helsinki La capital de Finlandia es una ciudad compacta que se puede explorar f Miami es un destino perfecto para conocerlo en Semana Santa, con un clima tropical, puedes tener temperaturas de hasta 30 grados en esta . Prepara con detalle este viaje a Florida ya que hay muchas cosas que ver. Hoteles Disney World Si deseamos disfrutar de la magia Disney en Orlando, debemos alojarnos en uno de estos hoteles. Todos los hoteles Disney estan ubicados precisamente en el coraz es el 1 Para los amantes de las novelas de Jane Austen no hay lugar como esos pueblos perdidos en las colinas de la campi. Todas sus novelas abordaban temas importantes para la sociedad en la que le toc Los techos de teja nacieron para quedarse en el mercado. En lo personal considero este tipo de techos como los mas elegantes y decorativos a la hora en que son. DE LA GRAN DIVERSIDAD DE ESTILOS CER. SI QUIERES CREAR UN AMBIENTE LLENO DE TONALIDADES. 0 Comments ECHO OF DISTANT SNOWS [1969] 12/23/2016 0 Comments Echo of Distant Snows. Director: Leonid Golovnya Writer: Edgar Smirnov, Sergey Voronin Camera: German Shatrov, Igor Melnikov Music: John Ter- Tatevosyan Artist: Savet Agoyan, Ivan Plastinkin Actors: Year: 1. Made after S. Voronin's story Two Lives. The film main characters are explorers- railwaymen, who started to build BAM (Baikal- Amur Railway) in the 3. Because of their conflict the engineer was recalled to Leningrad and tried. Kostomarov went to the front and died. The BAM building continued according to his project. Echo of Distant Snows. The name of Vasili Shukshin seems to be known in Russia to. 1969 - U Ozera (By The. * Burroughs was not trying to make any kind of statement or echo any of them. * Honored Artist of Russia. Strong-willed Arkady Lykov Echo distant snows. 1969 Echo distant snow. * Ekho dalyokikh snegov. Add a Plot » Director: Leonid Golovnya. Writers: Edgar Smirnov, Sergey Voronin screenplay) EKHO DALYOKIKH SNEGOV (1969). ECHO OF DISTANT SNOWS: SEE ALSO. EKHO DALYOKIKH SNEGOV DETAILS. FULL CAST AND CREW; RELEASE DATES; OFFICIAL SITES. 0 Comments BOSKO AND HONEY [1932] 12/21/2016 0 Comments Here's a complete list of every Netflix and Love. Film Instant movie or TV show available in the UK now. 1. Meet the Oswald the Lucky Rabbit of Looney Tunes, Bosko, The Talk-Ink Kid, the original, all but forgotten debut cartoon character of Looney Tunes. 2. Bosko is an animated cartoon character created by animators Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising. Bosko was the first recurring character in Leon Schlesinger's cartoon series. ROCHELLE HUDSON, ACTRESS: REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. FROM INGENUE TO LEADING LADY TO CHARACTER ACTRESS, SHE APPEARED IN HOLLYWOOD FILMS FROM THE EARLY 30S THROUGH THE. Bosko is an animated cartoon character created by animators Hugh Harman and Rudolf Ising. Bosko is the first recurring character in Leon Schlesinger's cartoon series. Been thinking of subscribing to movie streaming services Netflix and Love. Film Instant, but unsure of which service has the films or TV shows you’re most interested in? This will help massively. Thanks to Oric. com (a UK website allowing UK consumers to find legal places to watch TV online) we’ve got a complete list of every TV show or film currently available through the Netflix and Love. Film Instant services. It’s something that, even with access to both services, can be hard to find through the sometimes temperamental search offerings of both platforms. With it, you’ll be able to contrast and compare each service’s offerings, letting you pick the right one for you. Scroll down to check it out. At a glance, Netflix wins in the TV stakes with 4. TV titles with 9. Love. Film Instant’s 3. But Love. Film has more movie content, with 3,2. Netflix’s 1,6. 68 films. Keep in mind that there’s plenty of shows and movies available across both services too. This is a really massive list that could take a few hours to read fully, so we suggest hitting Ctrl+F on your keyboard (CMD+F if you’re a Mac user) and searching for a film you’re interested in to see if it’s available on either Netflix or Love. Animated films: Videotapes in the Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley. Film. The films and shows in this list are correct as of 1. January 2. 01. 3, but with licenses changing hands all the time, it’s likely that some will leave each respective service at some point in the future, as well as more content being added over time. NOTE: This list is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3. Unported License. Author: Richard Cappin, Product Manager, Oric. Full Lists. Films on both Netflix and Lovefilm Instant. Note: Release dates are those quoted by Lovefilm. Sometimes these differ by one year to those quoted by. Netflix. 5. 4 (1. A Boy and his Dog (1. A Few Good Men (1. A Month by the Lake (1. A Shock to the System (1. Adventureland (2. Air Force One (1. All of Me (1. 98. All Quiet on the Western Front (1. Almost Famous (2. Alpha Dog (2. 00. American Son (2. 00. An American Werewolf in London (1. An Empress and the Warriors (2. Anaconda (1. 99. 7)As Good as it Gets (1. August (2. 00. 8)Baby Boy (2. Bad Lieutenant (1. Battle Royale (2. Beaches (1. 98. 8)Beautiful Girls (1. Before the Rain (1. Below (2. 00. 2)Best of the Best (1. Beyond Re- Animator (2. Beyond Therapy (1. Billabong Odyssey (2. Black Moon Rising (1. Bloody Sunday (2. Bounce (2. 00. 0)Boys and Girls (2. Bridge To Terabithia (2. Bullet Boy (2. 00. Candyman (1. 99. 2)Chasing Amy (1. Chocolat (2. 00. 0)City of Men (2. Clerks (1. 99. 4)Clockwork Mice (1. Cocktail (1. 98. 8)Con Air (1. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind (2. Confucius (2. 01. Conspiracy of Silence (2. Conversations With Other Women (2. Cop Land (1. 99. 7)Cracking the Da Vinci Code (2. Creation (2. 00. 9)Cruel Intentions (1. Darkness (2. 00. 2)Day of the Dead (1. Death of a Salesman (1. Dogville (2. 00. 3)Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead (1. Double Whammy (2. Doubt (2. 00. 9)Down to You (2. Dragon Tiger Gate (2. Dream With the Fishes (1. Dreamscape (1. 98. Driving Lessons (2. Drop Dead Gorgeous (1. Ella Enchanted (2. Emma (1. 99. 6)End Call (2. Equilibrium (2. 00. Escape From Sobibor (1. Everybody’s Fine (2. Evidence of Love (1. Evil Aliens (2. 00. Face/Off (1. 99. 7)Farce of the Penguins (2. Fatal Move (2. 00. Female Perversions (1. Fetishes (1. 99. 6)Finding Neverland (2. Flirting With Disaster (1. Flowers in the Attic (1. For the Bible Tells Me So (2. Force of Five (2. Frida (2. 00. 2)From Dusk Till Dawn (1. Galaxy of Terror (1. George Washington (2. Get Over It (2. 00. Girls Just Want to Have Fun (1. Godzilla (1. 99. 8)Gone Baby Gone (2. Good Will Hunting (1. Happy Accidents (2. Happy Ever Afters (2. Hero (2. 00. 2)High Fidelity (2. Holy Smoke (1. 99. Holy Water (2. 00. Hook (1. 99. 1)House of Cards (1. House of Fury (2. Hunting the Lost Symbol (2. I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (2. I Love Your Work (2. I’m Not Scared (2. I’m Reed Fish (2. Impostor (2. 00. 1)In the Bedroom (2. In the Line of Fire (1. In Too Deep (1. 99. Indochine (1. 99. Ink (2. 00. 9)Invitation Only (2. Iris (2. 00. 1)Irresistible (2. It’s a Boy Girl Thing (2. Jackie Brown (1. 99. Jackie Chan and the Kung Fu Kid (2. JCVD (2. 00. 8)Jersey Girl (2. Jesus of Montreal (1. Jumanji (1. 99. 5)K2 (1. Kate & Leopold (2. Keeping Up With The Steins (2. Kidulthood (2. 00. King Arthur (2. 00. King of California (2. Kinky Boots (2. 00. Kung Fu Dunk (2. 00. Lady Vengeance (2. Lantana (2. 00. 1)Last Action Hero (1. Let Him Have It (1. Little Ashes (2. 00. Little Big Soldier (2. Lower City (2. 00. Lust in the Dust (1. Mac. Heads (2. 00. Made For Each Other (2. Man on Wire (2. 00. Man with the Screaming Brain (2. Marvin’s Room (1. Matilda (1. 99. 6)Mc. Lintock! Ripley (1. The Waterboy (1. 99. The Woodsman (2. 00. The World’s Fastest Indian (2. There Will Be Blood (2. Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2. Three Men and a Baby (1. Tokyo Decadence (1. Tokyo Gore Police (2. Tombstone (1. 99. Touching Wild Horses (2. Trailer Park of Terror (2. Transylvania 6- 5. Triggermen (2. 00. Tuff Turf (1. 98. U Turn (1. 99. 7)Under the Tuscan Sun (2. Underclassman (2. Undertow (2. 00. 4)Vamp (1. Vatel (2. 00. 0)Venom (2. Waking up in Reno (2. Wilderness Survival for Girls (2. Wildflower (1. 99. Winter in Wartime (2. Wonderland (2. 00. You Kill Me (2. 00. Young Bruce Lee (2. Zulu (1. 96. 4)Zulu Dawn (1. TV Seasons on both Netflix and Lovefilm Instant. Series 1. 24 – Series 2. Series 3. 24 – Series 4. Series 5. 24 – Series 6. Series 7. 24 – Series 8. Teen – Series 1. 6Teen – Series 2. Teen – Series 3. A Wrinkle in Time – Series 1. Andromeda – Series 1. Andromeda – Series 2. Andromeda – Series 3. Andromeda – Series 4. Andromeda – Series 5. Ashes to Ashes – Series 1. Ashes to Ashes – Series 2. Ashes to Ashes – Series 3. Babar and the Adventures of Badou – Series 1. Balls of Steel – Series 1. Being Ian – Series 1. Being Ian – Series 2. Being Ian – Series 3. Beyblade – Series 1. Black Books – Series 1. Black Books – Series 2. Black Books – Series 3. Blazing Dragons – Series 1. Bob the Builder – Series 1. Bob the Builder – Series 2. Bob the Builder – Series 3. Caillou – Series 1. Caillou – Series 2. Caillou – Series 3. Caillou – Series 4. Caillou – Series 5. Covert Affairs – Series 1. Dead Set – Series 1. Dennis the Menace – Series 1. Doctor Who – Series 1. Doctor Who – Series 2. Doctor Who – Series 3. Doctor Who – Series 4. Doctor Who – Series 5. Dollhouse – Series 1. Dollhouse – Series 2. Downton Abbey – Series 1. Downton Abbey – Series 2. Father Ted – Series 1. Father Ted – Series 2. Fawlty Towers – Series 1. Fawlty Towers – Series 2. Firefly – Series 1. Franklin – Series 3. Gavin & Stacey – Series 1. Gavin & Stacey – Series 2. Gavin & Stacey – Series 3. Green Wing – Series 1. Green Wing – Series 2. Heartland – Series 1. Heartland – Series 2. Heartland – Series 3. Heartland – Series 4. Heroes – Series 1. Heroes – Series 2. Heroes – Series 3. Heroes – Series 4. Horseland – Series 1. Hotel Babylon – Series 1. Inspector Gadget – Series 1. Iron Man – Series 1. Jericho – Series 1. Johnny Test – Series 1. Jonathan Creek – Series 1. Jonathan Creek – Series 2. Jonathan Creek – Series 3. Jonathan Creek – Series 4. Knight Rider – Series 1. Knight Rider – Series 2. Lie to Me – Series 1. Lie to Me – Series 2. Little Britain – Series 1. Little Britain – Series 2. Little Britain – Series 3. Lost – Series 1. Lost – Series 2. Lost – Series 3. Lost – Series 4. Lost – Series 5. Lost – Series 6. Madeline – Series 2. Madeline – Series 3. Magi- Nation – Series 1. Magi- Nation – Series 2. Max & Ruby – Series 1. Max & Ruby – Series 2. Max & Ruby – Series 3. 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The IT Crowd – Series 1. The IT Crowd – Series 2. The IT Crowd – Series 3. The IT Crowd – Series 4. The Killing – Series 1. The Killing – Series 1. The Littles – Series 1. The Mighty Boosh – Series 1. The Mighty Boosh – Series 2. The Mighty Boosh – Series 3. The Pyramid Code – Series 1. The Royle Family – Series 1. The Secret Life of Birds – Series 1. The Thick of It – Series 1. The Thick of It – Series 2. Torchwood – Series 1. Torchwood – Series 2. Torchwood – Series 3. Trauma – Series 1. Twenty Twelve – Series 1. Twenty Twelve – Series 2. Wallander – Series 1. Wallander – Series 2. 0 Comments LA VENGANZA DE UN MATON [1980] 12/21/2016 0 Comments Biograf. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Lancaster actu. Al principio, los papeles que interpret. De esta forma se convirti. La segunda fue El hombre de Alcatraz en 1. Pero es su demanda a la fama. SU ARGUMENTO SE CENTRA EN LA ADOLESCENCIA DE GOKU (JUSTIN CHATWIN) Y EN SU ENFRENTAMIENTO A MUERTE CON PICCOLO (JAMES MARSTERS). CON UN PRESUPUESTO DE 100 MILLONES DE D John Frankenheimer, y la tercera Atlantic City en 1. Louis Malle. Fue un competidor actoral de Kirk Douglas y Marlon Brando. En los a. Interesado en papeles exigentes, estuvo dispuesto en m. A pesar de esto, sigui. A partir de ese momento, se a. Una actriz y amiga que deseaba verlo fue rechazada por Lancaster al tel. Estuvo casado en tres ocasiones. Su primer matrimonio fue con June Ernst, de 1. Su segundo matrimonio (1. Norma Anderson, una antigua acr. Lancaster tuvo fama de mujeriego lo que desencaden. A finales de ese mismo a. Sus restos se encuentran en el Cementerio Westwood Village Memorial Park de Los . Siendo un defensor de los derechos de los homosexuales, se incorpor. Nombres hebreos. Por favor responda a las siguientes 5 preguntas sobre su nombre. Fue primer sumo sacerdote de los israelitas, recordado por el florecimiento milagroso de su personal o varilla. Aarin. Monta. Fue primer sumo sacerdote de los israelitas, recordado por el florecimiento milagroso de su personal o varilla. Aaronandre. Monta. Padre de muchos. 1. Abba. Padre. 1. 6Abbey. Diminutivo de Abigail: Padre se regocij. El inteligente, hermosa Abigail fue la tercera esposa del Antiguo Testamento el rey David, que se describe como . El inteligente, hermosa Abigail fue la tercera esposa del Antiguo Testamento el rey David, que se describe como . El inteligente, hermosa Abigail fue la tercera esposa del Antiguo Testamento el rey David, que se describe como . Nombre Significado 1 Aaliyah subiendo, subiendo. 1978 Quiero un buen caso (Fool for a client) y Dos a la vez (Double your pleasure) El gran ladr Sinopsis: Una muerte, una traici. Los fantasmas vuelven para cobrar venganza por ser asesinados. Organismo andino de integraci. Abraham Lincoln. 2. Abednegosiervo de la luz, brillando. Abell. La exhalaci. El segundo hijo de Ad. El Poder variante se utiliza como un apellido Ingl. El segundo hijo de Ad. El Poder variante se utiliza como un apellido Ingl. El Antiguo Testamento Abner era primo de Sa. Abner se puso de moda despu. En la biblia hijo Absal. Un nombre de Antiguo Testamento, ahora generalmente asociada con la 2. Adlai Stevenson. 1. Adley. Juicioso. 1. Adliadorno. 11. 1Adly. As. Fue primer sumo sacerdote de los israelitas, recordado por el florecimiento milagroso de su personal o varilla. Ahasbaiconfiando en m. Alegre. 1. 79. Alize. Nombre de origen griego, nombre de la antigua ciudad en Grecia que significa 'ciudadela'. A russian short name is Lara, famosa por la novela de Boris Pasternak 'Doctor Zhivago'. Alleluiaalabado sea el Se. Amos fue un siglo octavo antes de Cristo profeta del Antiguo Testamento. Amotz. Variante de Am. Amos fue un siglo octavo antes de Cristo profeta del Antiguo Testamento. Amoz. Variante de Am. Amos fue un siglo octavo antes de Cristo profeta del Antiguo Testamento. Amram. El aumento de la naci. Grace. 2. 38. Anniahdios misericordioso. Annikki. Grace. 2. Anny. Oraci. En el antiguo Testamento, Asher fue uno de los hijos de Jacob. Anshel. Variante de Aser: Feliz. En el antiguo Testamento, Asher fue uno de los hijos de Jacob. Antichristun adversario a Cristo. Antipaspara todos, o contra todos. Antje. Grace. 2. 46. Antothijahrespuestas o las canciones de las aflicciones se. La casa del Antiguo Testamento de la casa significa Aphrah 'de polvo'. Fue primer sumo sacerdote de los israelitas, recordado por el florecimiento milagroso de su personal o varilla. Arel. Variante de Ariel: Sprite; le. Un nombre alternativo para b. Un nombre alternativo para b. Asher Antiguo Testamento, hijo de Jacob octavo, se le prometi. En el antiguo Testamento, Asher fue uno de los hijos de Jacob. Ashur. Un mes del calendario isl. En la literatura Ayla es la hero. En la Biblia el valiente lucha contra el hombre Barak cooperado con la profetisa D. A veces se usa como un nombre independiente. Bessy. Diminutivo de Elizabeth, es decir, mi dios es abundante, o dios de la abundancia, utilizado desde el siglo XVI. A veces se usa como un nombre independiente. Beta. Variante de Elizabeth, que significa mi Dios es abundante, o dios de la abundancia, que originalmente deriva de un nombre de Europa Central y Oriental. Bethanie. Casa de los higos. Bethany. Casa de los higos. Bethel. Casa de Dios, del nombre de un lugar b. Este nombre de Antiguo Testamento se convirti. Variante de Caley o Cailley: (en franc. El Daniel del Antiguo Testamento era un profeta del siglo sexto antes de Cristo que sobrevivi. Femenino forma del masculino Dara, un descendiente de Jud. Famosa portadores: estrella del pop brit. Deborah era la profetisa b. Deborah era la profetisa b. Deborah era la profetisa b. Deborah era la profetisa b. En el Antiguo Testamento, la amante de Sans. Deborah era la profetisa b. Deborah era la profetisa b. Deborah era la profetisa b. Deborah era la profetisa b. Deborah era la profetisa b. Juzgado y reivindicado. Juzgado y reivindicado. En la Biblia Eva fue la esposa de Ad. En la Biblia Eva fue la esposa de Ad. En la Biblia Eva fue la esposa de Ad. Variante de Gabriel. Gabrielauno sin discapacidad de Dios. Femenino de Gabriel. Gabrielle. La mujer de Dios. Una forma femenina del nombre hebreo Gabriel. Gadaafortunado. 74. Gaddimi tropa a un ni. Famosa portadores: el presidente norteamericano Warren Gamaliel Harding. Gana. Garden. 7. 64. Ganit. Defensor. 7. Ganyajard. Gen. ISIS es el nombre del primer libro de la Biblia. Gen. ISIS es el nombre del primer libro de la Biblia. Relatado en el Libro de los Jueces. Gideoniel que moretones o se rompe, un destructor. Gila. Eterna alegr. Adornado con la belleza. Hadarezerla belleza de la asistencia. Hadas. Flor. 83. 2Hadassa. Floraci. Uno de los hijos de No. En nombre del Antiguo Testamento patriarca Abram fue cambiado a Abraham cuando se supo que ser. Dios se ha fortalecido. Uno de los reyes de Jud. Un rey de Tiro del Antiguo Testamento. Hirschciervo. 92. Hodel. Floraci. La gloria se ha apartado. Idan. Nueva era. 94. Iddo. Sed. 94. 9Idinasuave. Idrahiguera. 95. 1Ieki. Regalo. 95. 2Iezekiel. Dios fortalece. 95. Igalredimido contaminado. Ilan. Variante de Elan: . En la Biblia, cuando Jacob estaba en su d. En el Antiguo Testamento, Jabes fue llamada as. Jafet era el hijo mayor de No. En la Biblia el nombre se le dio la bendici. Uno de los jueces de Israel (Jueces 1. El comandante militar de Israel b. En el Antiguo Testamento, Jemima fue una de las tres hermosas hijas de Job (los otros dos fueron Casia y Keren). Jemimah. Variante de Jemina. En la Biblia una de las tres hijas de Job se conoce como las mujeres m. La hija de Shylock en la obra de Shakespeare . Desbordamiento; abundancia. En la biblia de los madianitas sacerdote Jetro era el padre de Mois. Dios prepara. 1. 18. Joahhermandad, el hermano del Se. En el Antiguo Testamento, Job fue recordado por su gran paciencia («la paciencia de Job '). Jobabtriste odiado. Jobeyperseguidos. Jobina. Perseguidos. Jocelin. Suplantador. Jochebedla gloria de Dios. Jockey. Yahwes es misericordioso. Jockie. Yahwes es misericordioso. Joed. Jehov. El nombre de un santo bret. Femenino de Joel. Joelliane. Dios es bueno. Joen. Regalo de Dios. Joesph. Adem. En la Biblia, el profeta Jon. Los marineros, tradicionalmente, utilizan el nombre de Jon. Famoso portador: el escritor anglo- irland. Que fluye descendiendo. Jordy. La variante del hebreo Jordan fluye hacia abajo. Nombre de varias personas en el Antiguo Testamento es para la del hijo de Asa rey de Jud. Jose. Variante de Josefa. Femenino forma de Jos. Una forma femenina de Jos. Famoso portador: Josefina franc. Introducido en Britam como un nombre propio masculino durante la conquista normanda, Jocelyn se adopt. La forma griega de Jes. Siervo y sucesor de Mois. Su nombre proviene principalmente de las familias de los refugiados en el pa. Inglaterra por los puritanos, la forma Josu. A menudo se utiliza en combinaci. Inventor del arpa y las tuber. Cuarto hijo de Jacob y L. Las palabras Judio y el juda. Este nombre se ha convertido en sin. Que fluye descendiendo. Jud. El alabado. 1. Judi. Diminutivo de Judith: jud. Digno de Alabanza. Judie. Alabado; de Judea. Judit. Digno de Alabanza. Juditha. De Judea. Judy. De Judea. 12. Juha. Regalo de Dios. Jukka. Regalo de Dios. Jupiter. El Dios supremo. Jurre. Dios levantamiento. Jussi. Dios es misericordioso. Jutka. Digno de Alabanza. Kabosestafador. 12. Kadesh. Una persona santa. Kadesh- Barneala santidad de un hijo inconstante. Kadisha. Bendecido. Kailahla corona de laurel. Kain. Heb. Nombre del hijo de Ad. En sentido figurado significa irritable Ca. La forma anglosajona es Caleb. Kallaienciende mi fuego por voz tranquila. Kanaanla tierra de leche y miel prometida a los israelitas. Kanahde ca. Variante de Kelly. Kelita. Ha adoptado uno o los lisiados uno. Kelula. Victorioso. Kelyn. Belleza. Abreviatura de Kerenhappuch. Kemuel. Dios levant. Abreviatura de Kerenhappuch. Keshet. Arco iris. Keter. Corona. 13. Ketura. Incienso. Ketziasuperficie como la corteza de canela. Kezia. Variante de Casia: «Cassia; especias olorosas. Casia fue una de las tres bellas hijas de Job en la Biblia. Este nombre fue popular entre los puritanos en el siglo 1. Keziah. Cassia; especias olorosas. Casia fue una de las tres bellas hijas de Job en la Biblia. Este nombre fue popular entre los puritanos en el siglo 1. Kiba. Variante de Akiva: tal. Este nombre fue popular entre los puritanos en el siglo 1. A la edad de 2. 0, el noble franc. Levi: tercero de 1. Jacob, se convirti. Una medida para medir los juicios. Madalen. Desde la torre. Madalyn. Desde la torre. Madel. Desde la torre. Madelainevariante de la Magdalena. Madeleine. Diminutivo de Madeleine: La mujer de Magdala. Torre. 1. 42. 3Madiansentencia esfuerzo que cubre reprendiendo. Madonuna reprimenda, una prenda de vestir, su medida. Mads. Regalo de Dios. Magbishaltura sobresaliendo. Magdala. Desde la torre. Magdalena. Amargo. En el Mahalat Antiguo Testamento era la hija de Ismael y la esposa de Esa. Puritanos En Inglaterra se convirti. En la Edad Media fue la subida, ya en el siglo s. En el siglo 1. 1 fue una aparici. En la Biblia Mateo fue uno de los 1. En la Biblia Mateo fue uno de los 1. Nombre de un sacerdote cananeo, rey de Salem en la . El nombre fue adoptado por los puritanos de Inglaterra es usado pocas veces. Melzarla circuncisi. Apellido. 1. 55. 9Mibsamcon olor dulce. Mibzarprohibiendo la defensa de quitar. Micah. Variante de Michael: ? Regalo de Dios. 1. Micalderivados de michal Qui? Regalo de Dios. 1. Micky. Una fuerza tranquila se nota en el. En el Antiguo Testamento, Jemima fue una de las tres hermosas hijas de Job (los otros dos fueron Casia y Keren). Minahamargo. 15. 86. Mindel. Amargo Mar. Mirel. 15. 88. Mirele. Amargo. 15. 89. Mirem. Amargo. 15. 90. Miri. Estrella de mar. 1. Miriam. Rebelde. En el Antiguo Testamento, Miriam era la hermana de Mois. Seguidor / adorador de Marduk (deidad babil. Naamah fue el nombre de la hija de Lamec y Zila y una de las esposas del rey Salom. Asschur. 1. 62. 5Naarahjoven. Naaraijoven. 16. 27. Naavaagradable, hermoso. Naballoco sin sentido. Nachman. Compasivo. Nachmankecompasivo. Nachonlisto seguro. Nachshon. Atrevido. Nadabdon gratuito y voluntario, el pr. Compasivo. 1. 64. 0 Comments MEDAL OF HONOR [1999 VIDEO GAME] 12/21/2016 0 Comments Official Website of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society. Ricahrd A. Pittman, Lance Corporal in the U. S. Marine Corps, passed away on Thursday, October 1. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity, above and beyond the call of duty, in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and the U. Society created by the U.S. Congress in remembrance of recipients of the Medal of Honor, the highest military award. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault es un juego con una ambientaci. Medal of Honor: Allied Assault es un juego b Descargar Medal of Honor: Airborne gratis, de forma segura y 100% libre de virus desde Softonic. Descargar Medal of Honor: Airborne gratis, bajar Medal of Honor: Airborne. Members of the 2008 Newbery Medal Selection Committee: Chair Nina Lindsay, Oakland Public Library, Oakland, CA; Yolanda Foster Bolden, Forsyth County Public Library, Winston Salem, NC; Barbara Jones Clark, Birmingham Public. Medal of Honor is a series of first-person shooter video games. The first game was developed by DreamWorks Interactive (now known as EA Los Angeles, formerly Danger Close Games) and published by Electronic Arts for the. Medal of Honor video games from Electronic Arts, the source for the highest rated and exciting titles like Medal of Honor and Medal of Honor Airborne. Medal of Honor System Requirements, Medal of Honor Minimum requirements Recommended requirements, Can PC run Medal of Honor system specs. La Medal of Honor (« m. Il en existe trois versions diff Medal of Honor: Allied Assault: Breakthrough is second expansion pack to Allied Assault. In it, you play as John Baker, a soldier in the 34th Infantry Division. During the campaign you fight across North Africa, Sicily and. 0 Comments FRAME BY FRAME [1996] 12/21/2016 0 Comments Rc Helicopter. Big Movers. Donruss Freeze Frame 5 Greg Maddux 5. Donruss Freeze Frame 7 Chipper Jones 5. Donruss Freeze Frame 5 Greg Maddux 5. Atlanta Braves Baseball Card 1m. Donruss Baseball Freeze Frame Insert 5 Greg Maddux 4. Braves, 1. 99. 6 Donruss Freeze Frame 7 Chipper Jones 5. Atlanta Braves Baseball Card 0v. Donruss Insert Freeze Frame Chipper Jones 1. Braves Lot 1. 50. Greg Maddux 1. 99. Donruss Freeze Frame 5 1. She has put her career on. Atlanta Braves Hof, Greg Maddux Framed Vintage 1. Fleer Smoke amp Heat Trading Card Braves, 1. Yankees Braves World Series Champs Newsday Reprint Cover Framed Joe Girardi, Privacy. Our users' privacy is of upmost importance to us. We take your privacy extremely seriously. We have developed this primer to inform this site's users to understand just how we collect, use, communicate and reveal and benefit from personal information. The privacy policy below outlines this web site's privacy policy. This info may include IP addresses, browser type, basic IP info, referrals, operating systems used, and date and time stamps. The data is only used for website administration, as well as for studying web site usage and trends. Be sure to be aware of this when clicking any outbound links. This web site isn't responsible for the privacy policies and practices of any 3rd party web site other than our own. We definitely recommend that you thoroughly review the privacy policy of every and any website(s) you use. This site's advertising partners and other relationships may also utilize cookies, scripts and/or web beacons to track visitors on this site in an effort to offer relevant ads and additional useful info. Disabling cookies for all internet sites isn't recommended as doing so can interrupt your use of some sites. Buy 1996 kx250 frame online. Featuring a wide selection. Shop 1996 kx250 frame now! Shop 1996 Kx250 Frame for sale from I have a 1996 Crown Victoria PI, and while crawling around under the car, I noticed that the frame was severely rusted out where the idler arm (it's rotted. The 1996 Toyota T100 has 7 NHTSA complaints for the structure:frame and members at 100,544 miles average. Streaming resources for Tim Cronenweth Frame by Frame. Links to watch this USA Movie online. BODY/FRAME for 1996 Toyota T100 Select FRAME Part. Rear Cross-member 4WD; 7. Cross-member 4WD, #5, ALL; 15. 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The woman entered the bank at 1601 W. is your personal secure storage that fetches media files and lets you stream them immediately You can use it to stream video or listen to your music from PC, smartphone, HTPC or even a game console (XBOX, PS3). * Eric B: Disc Jockey: Eric B for President: 08-Nov-1965-Melanie B: Singer: Scary Spice: 29-May-1975-Notorious B.I.G. Rapper: I love it when you call me big poppa: 21-May-1972: 09-Mar-1997: B.o.B: Rapper: The Adventures of Bobby. * Voice acting is the art of providing voices for animated characters (in cartoons, video games, puppet shows, radio, audio books, amusement rides, computer programs, etc.) Eligible for this list: Anyone who has contributed in. Sam. Verlinden (New Zealander child singer, actor)1. Hiroki Aiba (Japanese actor, singer)1. Dizzee Rascal/Dylan Mills(UK rapper. Roll Deep/solo) 1. Sayaka Kanda. (Japanese singer)1. Ryo Miyamori. (Japanese singer; Orange Range)1. Sandra. Oxenryd (Swedish singer; won Fame Factory in. Richard. Oakes (UK guitar; Suede)1. Robert Hunter(Australian rapper, lyricist; Syllabolix Crew)*2. Oct. 2. 01. 1. 1. Keith. Duffy (Irish singer, actor; Boyzone)1. Esa Holopainen (Finnish. Amorphis)1. 97. 0: Yami. Bolo/Rolando Ephraim Mc. Lean. (Jamaican reggae singer, musician)1. Ori Kaplan (Israeli jazz saxophonist)1. Brian Asawa (US opera singer)*1. April. 2. 01. 6. 1. Youssou N'dour (Senegalese singer, percussionist)1. Martin Cooper (UK sax; Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark)1. Howard Hewett (US singer, piano, guitar; Shalamar)1. Earl Slick/Frank Madeloni (US guitarist; David Bowie/others)1. Ivan Sekyra (Czech. Abraxas/Drakar/others)*3. June. 2. 01. 2. 1. Jeane Manson (US. Elpida Karayiannopoulou. Greek singer; Eurovision contestant/Sokrati/Tora Zo)1. Michael . Love & Special Sauce) 1. Tariq . 1. 97. 1: Darren Middleton. Australian guitarist, singer; Powderfinger/Drag). Friderika Bayer. (Hungarian singer; Eurovision Song Contest 1. Andy Parle (British. Space)*0. 1. Aug. Bridget St John (English singer/songwriter, guitarist)1. Clifton D. Davis (actor,singer, songwriter)1. Roc. Jones (US piano/drums; Ike Turner Band)1. Bernice Johnson Reagon (American singer, composer). Lloyd Green. (US steel guitar; session musician)1. Leroy Van Dyke (American. C& W vocals)1. Torben Ulrich (Danish musician, writer, filmmaker. Virginia Luque/Violeta Mabel Dom. MC Lars/Andrew Robert Nielsen (US white hip- hop. Melinda Doolittle (US. D. 1. 97. 2: Anders Iwers (Swedish. Tiamat/Desecrator/Ceremonial Oath/others). Ryu Shi- won (South Korean actor, singer). Amy Jo Johnson (US actress, singer). Tommy Stinson (US bassist, vocal; Replacements/Guns. N' Roses)1. 96. 4: Matthew Sweet (US singer, guitarist; Thorns/solo)1. Tim Burgess (UK drummer; T'Pau). Richard Jobson (Scottish. TV Presenter, film- maker; Skids)1. Tim Mooney (US. drummer; American Music Club/others)*1. June. 2. 01. 2. 1. David Hidalgo (US singer, songwriter; Los Lobos/Los Super Seven)1. Gavin Sutherland (Scottish singer, songwriter; The Sutherland Brothers. Quiver)1. 95. 1. Kevin Cronin (US singer, guitarist; REO Speedwagon/Kevin Cronin) 1. Thomas Mc. Clary (US lead guitarist, singer; Commodores) 1. Bobby Farrell (Aruban singer, dancer; Boney M)*3. Dec. 2. 01. 0. 1. Glenn Branca (US avant- garde composer, guitarist; own bands). Patxi Andi. 1. 96. Benny Chan Ho Man (Hong Kong actor, singer). Javier . 1. 96. 8: Thom. Yorke (UK vocalist, guitar, keyboards; Radiohead). Takahiro Izutani. Japanese guitarist, rock and video game composer). Toni Braxton. (US R& B singer). Luke Haines (UK multi- musician, sing- songwriter. The Auteurs/Black Box Recorder). Marco Beltrami (Italian- American. Sam Brown (UK solo and backing singer; Deep Purple/David. Gilmour/Jules Holland Band)1. Brookins (US singer; solo/Afterbach)*1. April. 2. 00. 9. 1. Brian Mannix (Australian singer and actor). Kyosuke. . Smith (US keyboard, vocals; Higher Ground/Amy Grant/freelance)1. Mike Shipley (Australian- born award- winning sound. July. 2. 01. 3. 1. Yo- Yo Ma (French- Chinese celloist; rated one of the best in the world)1. Kenneth Atchley (US composer, noise artist) 1. Tico Torres/Hector. Samuel Juan Torres (US drummer, percussionist; Bon Jovi). John. Cougar/John Mellencamp (US guitarist, singer, songwriter; solo). David Hope (US bassist, now an Anglican priest; Kansas)1. Georg Danzer (Austrian singer, songwriter)*2. June. 2. 00. 7. 1. Bernard Lavilliers (French singer). Kevin Godley (UK. Godley & Creme/others). Jack Body (New Zealand composer, photographer, ethnomusicologist)*1. May. 2. 01. 5. 1. Judee Sill (US guitarist, singer, songwriter)*2. Nov. 1. 97. 9. 1. Gregori Chad Petree. US guitar, vocalist; Shiny Toy Guns)1. Erna Siikavirta (Finnish keyboard player; Lordi). DJ Q- Ball/Harry Dean Jr (US singer, DJ; Bloodhound Gang). Leeroy Thornhill (UK dancer, keyboardist; The Prodigy). Edward Theodore . DJ. Rashad/Rashad Harden (US. DJ)*2. 6. April. 2. Alex Greenwald (US singer; Phantom Planet). Rossa Roslaina Sri Handayani (Indonesian. Nicholas Byrne. (Irish singer; Westlife). Rale Micic (Serbian jazz fuitarist, composer). Anders G. Ayers (US vocals, vibes; Herbie Mann/Roy Ayers. Ubiquity/Superstars of Jazz Fusion). John Lennon (UK singer/songwriter. The Beatles)*0. 8. Dec. 1. 98. 0. 1. Pat Burke (UK flautist/saxman: The Foundations)1. Richard Kapp (US conductor and founder of the Philharmonia Virtuosi)*0. June. 2. 00. 4. 1. Einojuhani Rautavaara (Finnish composer of contemporary classical music). Regina Smendzianka (Polish pianist)*1. Sept. 2. 01. 1. 1. Gabe Saporta (Uruguayan- US. Cobra Starship/Midtown). Dominic Aitchison (Scottish bassist; Mogwai/Crippled Black Phoenix/Stage Blood). Brendan. Brown (US guitar, vocals; Wheatus). Mike Smith (US guitarist. The Start/Limp Bizkit/Evolver). Petra. Haden (singer, violin; The Rentals) 1. MC Lyte/Lana Michele Moorer. US female rapper). U- God/Lamont Hawkins (US rapper; Wu- Tang Clan). Alexander von. Borsig/Alexander Hacke (German guitarist; Einst. Ashanti. Shequoiya Douglas (US singer, songwriter) 1. Brandon Casey. (US vocals; Jagged Edge). Brian Casey (US vocals; Jagged Edge). Hawick Lau Hoi Wai (Chinese actor, singer). Paul Potts. (UK opera singer: winner of Britain's Got Talent). Mel Jackson. (US actor, producer, R& B singer). Thomas . Dalton/Jill Byrem (US C& W singer, songwriter, guitar). Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan(Pakistani musician, primarily a singer of Qawwali)*1. Aug. 1. 99. 7. 1. John Ford Coley (US pianist, multi- musician; musical duo England. Dan & John Ford Coley). Alan Wakeman (UK saxophonist; Soft. Machine). 1. 94. 7: Sammy Hagar (US guitar,singer; Van Halen). Mary (Hungarian pop singer)*2. Dec. 2. 01. 1. 1. Christophe/Daniel Bevilacqua (French singer). Robert. Lamm (US singer, keyboards, piano; Chicago) 1. Neil Aspinall. (UK roadie, personal assistant, record producer/executive; Beatles/Apple)*2. March. 2. 00. 8. 1. Paul Simon (US singer, guitar, composer; Simon and Garfunkel)1. Chris Farlowe/John. Henry Deighton. (UK singer; Colosseum/Atomic Rooster/solo)1. Pharoah Sanders/Ornette. Coleman (American Jazz saxophonist). Nana Mouskouri (Greece. Lee Konitz (US jazz saxophonist). Tommy Whittle (Scottish jazz saxophonist. Jack Parnell/own/top sessionist)*1. Oct. 2. 01. 3. 1. Ray Brown (US jazz double bassist; own bands/TV. July. 2. 00. 2. Pero/Anthony Jude Pero. US drummer; Cities/Twisted Sister)*2. March. 2. 01. 5. 1. Kenny Neal (US blues guitarist, singer)1. Thomas Dolby/Thomas. Robertson (UK vocals,keyboards,guitar,synthesizer; solo/Lovich band/sessions). Chris Amoo. (UK singer; Real Thing)1. Ivory. Tilmon (US singer, guitar; Detroit Emeralds)1. Norman Harris. (US guitarist, writer, producer; MFSB/Baker- Harris- Young)*2. March. 1. 98. 7. 1. Justin Hayward (UK guitarist, singer; Moody Blues)1. Dan Mc. Cafferty (Scottish lead singer; Nazareth)1. Marcia. Barrett (US singer; Boney M)1. Colin . Supertones/others) 1. John Mayer (US singer- songwriter, guitarist)1. Tomas Lindberg/Goatspell. Swedish singer; At The Gates/Lock Up/The Great Deciever)1. Chad Gray. (US singer)1. Roy Hargrove (US jazz trumpeter)1. Wendy. Wilson (US singer; The Honeys. Daughter of Brian Wilson) 1. Steve. Lamacq (UK journalist, disc jockey)1. Simon Bartholomew (guitarist. Brand New Heavies)1. Wig/Brendan Kibble (Australian singer. Bam Balams/Navahodads)1. Dmitri Hvorostovsky. Russian baritone)1. Flea/Michael Peter Balzary (US bassist, Red. Hot Chili Peppers) 1. Mr. Chi Pig/Ken Chinn (Canadian singer; SNFU)1. Bob Mould (US guitarist, vocalist, songwriter; H. Dave Loveday (drummer, sometimes vocals; Fourmost)1. Ivan Della. (Italian singer–songwriter, composer, author)*1. June. 2. 00. 9. 1. Joe Dolan (Irish. Dec. 2. 00. 7. 1. Nico/Christa P. 1. Lotte Lenya (Austrian singer and actress)*2. Nov. 1. 98. 1. October. Janet Leon (Swedish singer; Play) 1. Christian Bautista (Philippine singer)1. K- Swift/Khia Edgerton. US female Hip Hop DJ)*2. July. 2. 00. 8. 1. Hiromi Yanagihara (Japanese singer; Hello! Project group Country Musume)*1. July. 1. 99. 9. 1. Brian Robertson (US trombonist; Suburban Legends). Riley (US country singer) 1. Peter Tosh/Stepping. Razor/Winston Mc. Intosh (Jamaican singer, guitarist; Wailers/Solo)*1. Sept. 1. 98. 71. 94. George Mc. Crae (US country music singer)1. Robin Holloway. (British composer)1. Keith. Mc. Cormack (US singer, songwriter; the String- A- Longs)*1. April. 2. 01. 5. 1. Kikuchi aka Poo Sun (Japanese jazz pianist; Lionel Hampton/many greats)*0. July. 2. 01. 5. 1. Dave. singer/songwriter, arranger; Kingston Trio/Whiskeyhill. Singers)*2. 2. March. Escobar/Manuel Garc. Elodie Lauten(French- born American composer)*0. June. 2. 01. 4. 1. Tom Petty (US guitar, vocals, songwriter; Heartbreakers/Traveling Wilburys). Kramer & The Dakotas)*2. Jan. 2. 00. 0. 1. Jay Siegel (US vocalist; Tokens). Kathy Kirby/Kathleen O'Rourke (UK pop singer)*1. May. 2. 01. 1. 1. Wanda Jackson (US singer, songwriter). US saxophonist, electric piano, organ)*0. Nov. 1. 99. 6. 1. Bill Chase/William. Edward Chiaiese(US jazz- rock. Chase Band)*0. 9. Aug. 1. 97. 4. 1. Jules Eskin (US cellist; Boston Symphony. Orchestra)*1. 5. Nov. Ross Mac. Manus (UK singer, trumpet player, songwriter. Elvis Costello)*2. Nov. 2. 01. 1. 1. Tom Dowd (US record producer, engineer; Atlantic Records)*2. Oct. 2. 00. 2. 1. Robert Craft(US. conductor, writer)*1. Nov. 2. 01. 5. 1. Franco. Ventriglia (US. Nov. 2. 01. 2. 1. Tim Wildsmith (US singer- songwriter. Brian Pittman (US bassist; Inhale Exhale/Relient. K). 1. 97. 8: Henrik . Costel Busuioc (Romanian tenor)1. Lera Auerbach (Russian composer). Matthew Friedberger (US. The Fiery Furnaces). Nick Oliveri (US singer. Kyuss/Queens of the Stone) 1. Jade Jagger (daughter of. Mick and Bianca)1. Tony Mortimer (singer, song writer; East 1. Hisashi Imai (Japanese guitarist; Buck- Tick/Lucy). 0 Comments <<Previous AUTHOR Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview. ARCHIVES December 2016 November 2016 October 2016 CATEGORIES All RSS Feed Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Get Started