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            <span class=" product__price product__price--old h1" data-product-price-old="" data-money-convertible=""> $130.00 </span>
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              <p class="product__price--new-restyle-off js-product__price--new-restyle-off ">now <span class="js-percentage-calculated">23</span>% off</p>
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        <p>Adding the Revolve Carriage/Pram to your Delta Children Revolve Stroller is the coziest way to stroll around town with your newborn. This cozy infant carriage seamlessly attaches to the Revolve Stroller, both forwards and backwards.
          Designed with comfort in mind, this bassinet features a waterproof mattress pad, full coverage canopy, and lets your baby sleep soundly while laying completely flat. It also includes a sunshade attachment with UPF 30+ that completely blocks
          out all light. The zippered foot cover will protect baby from the sun or cold weather. Topped with a luxe leather wrapped carry handle that makes it easy to attach and detach.</p>
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        <p>Easily protect your baby with this Universal Mosquito Net for Strollers, Play Yards &amp; Pack ‘n Plays from Delta Children. Constructed from super fine mesh, this net is a simple solution that keeps mosquitos, no-see-ums, ticks, other
          bugs or family pets out and allows fresh air in. Elastic edges around the whole net hold it in place while also making it extremely easy to remove. Its universal size works with most strollers, joggers, play yards, playpens or Pack ‘n
          Plays. Delta Children was founded around the idea of making safe, high-quality children’s furniture affordable for all families. They know there’s nothing more important than safety when it comes to your child’s space. That’s why all Delta
          Children products are built with long-lasting materials to ensure they stand up to years of jumping and playing. Plus, they are rigorously tested to meet or exceed all industry safety standards.</p>
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        <div class="quick-add__type h5">Accessories</div>
        <div class="h3">Universal Mosquito Net for Infant Cars Seats, Infant Strollers &amp; Bassinets</div>
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            <p class="product__sugested-label product__sugested-label--sm">Suggested Retail Price</p>
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        <p>Easily protect your baby with this Universal Mosquito Net for Infant Cars Seats, Infant Strollers &amp; Bassinets from Delta Children. Constructed from super fine mesh, this net is a simple solution that keeps mosquitos, no-see-ums, ticks,
          other bugs or family pets out and allows fresh air in. Elastic edges around the whole net hold it in place while also making it extremely easy to remove. Its universal size works with most infant cars seats, infant carriage strollers and
          bassinets. Delta Children was founded around the idea of making safe, high-quality children’s furniture affordable for all families. They know there’s nothing more important than safety when it comes to your child’s space. That’s why all
          Delta Children products are built with long-lasting materials to ensure they stand up to years of jumping and playing. Plus, they are rigorously tested to meet or exceed all industry safety standards.</p>
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        <div class="quick-add__type h5">Accessories</div>
        <div class="h3">2-Pack of Universal Mosquito Nets for Strollers, Joggers, Play Yards, Pack ‘n Plays, Infant Cars Seats, Infant Strollers &amp; Bassinets</div>
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        <p>Easily protect your baby at home or on the go with this 2-Pack of Universal Mosquito Nets from Delta Children. The larger mosquito net is designed to fit most strollers, joggers, play yards, playpens or Pack ‘n Plays while the smaller
          mosquito net will create a snug fit on most infant cars seats, infant carriage strollers and bassinets. Constructed from super fine mesh, these nets offer a simple solution that keeps mosquitos, no-see-ums, ticks, other bugs or family pets
          out and allows fresh air in. Elastic edges around the nets hold them in place while also making them extremely easy to remove. Delta Children was founded around the idea of making safe, high-quality children’s furniture affordable for all
          families. They know there’s nothing more important than safety when it comes to your child’s space. That’s why all Delta Children products are built with long-lasting materials to ensure they stand up to years of jumping and playing. Plus,
          they are rigorously tested to meet or exceed all industry safety standards.</p>
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        <div class="quick-add__type h5">Car Seat Adapter</div>
        <div class="h3">Car Seat Adapter for Chicco Keyfit 30 and Graco SnugRide Click Connect Car Seats (fits all Jeep® Scout Strollers)</div>
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        <p>Transform your Jeep Scout Stroller or Jeep Scout AL (Lite) Stroller into the perfect travel stroller with the Jeep Scout Car Seat Adapter for Chicco Keyfit 30 and Graco SnugRide Click Connect Car Seats. This accessory allows you to easily
          attach either the Chicco Keyfit 30 or Graco SnugRide Click Connect Car Seat to the Jeep Scout Stroller (sold separately). Designed for fast and easy installation, this adapter simply hooks and locks into the stroller's frame, and allows you
          to go from the car to the park (or anywhere else) quickly and safely. Since 1941, the Jeep brand has been a symbol of freedom and expression. Influenced by a love of the great outdoors. Jeep products are created for life's little
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      <div class="quick-add__type-and-title">
        <div class="quick-add__type h5">Car Seat Adapter</div>
        <div class="h3">Car Seat Adapter for Britax B-Safe 35 (fits all Jeep® Joggers)</div>
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        <p>Transform your Jeep Jogger into the perfect travel stroller with the Jeep Jogger Car Seat Adapter for Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seats. This accessory allows you to easily attach Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seats (sold separately) to the Jeep Jogger
          (sold separately). Designed for fast and easy installation, this adapter simply "clicks" into the car seat's existing child tray, and allows you to keep your baby facing you as you walk or jog. Since 1941, the Jeep brand has been a symbol
          of freedom and expression. Influenced by a love of the great outdoors. Jeep products are created for life's little adventurers.</p>
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      <div class="quick-add__type-and-title">
        <div class="quick-add__type h5">Car Seat Adapter</div>
        <div class="h3">Car Seat Adapter for Chicco Keyfit 30 (fits all Jeep® Joggers)</div>
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        <p>Transform your Jeep Jogger into the perfect travel stroller with the Jeep Jogger Car Seat Adapter for Chicco Keyfit 30 Car Seats. This accessory allows you to easily attach Chicco Keyfit 30 Car Seats (sold separately) to the Jeep Jogger
          (sold separately). Designed for fast and easy installation, this adapter simply "clicks" into the car seat's existing child tray, and allows you to keep your baby facing you as you walk or jog. Since 1941, the Jeep brand has been a symbol
          of freedom and expression. Influenced by a love of the great outdoors. Jeep products are created for life's little adventurers.</p>
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Baby Gear Accessories & Organizers | Delta Children

SALE EXTENDED: Up to 80% Off for a Limited Time

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   Baby Cribs
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   Crib Mattresses
   Sheets & Mattress Covers
   Nightstands & End Tables
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   Bookcases & Hutches
   Storage & Organization
   Trundle Drawers
   Crib Conversion Kits
   Changing Pads & Covers
 * Kids' Bedroom
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   Toddler Beds
   Twin & Full Mattresses
   Sheets & Mattress Covers
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   Foam Bed Rails
   Nap Mats
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 * Play
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   Table & Chair Sets
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 * Wagons
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   High Chairs & Boosters
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   Mattress Pads & Protectors
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   * Full-Size Bed Conversion Kits
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   * How We’re Safe
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   * Nursery Safety Tips
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 * Kids' Bedroom
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 * Play
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Revolve Carriage/Pram Add-On

Regular price $130.00

Regular price $130.00 $99.99

now 23% off

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Black Friday Sale: $99.99
9 reviews


9 reviews
Revolve Carriage/Pram Add-On

now 23% off


Adding the Revolve Carriage/Pram to your Delta Children Revolve Stroller is the
coziest way to stroll around town with your newborn. This cozy infant carriage
seamlessly attaches to the Revolve Stroller, both forwards and backwards.
Designed with comfort in mind, this bassinet features a waterproof mattress pad,
full coverage canopy, and lets your baby sleep soundly while laying completely
flat. It also includes a sunshade attachment with UPF 30+ that completely blocks
out all light. The zippered foot cover will protect baby from the sun or cold
weather. Topped with a luxe leather wrapped carry handle that makes it easy to
attach and detach.


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Universal Mosquito Net for Strollers, Joggers, Play Yards & Pack ‘n Plays

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now 23% off

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Black Friday Sale: $9.99
1 review


1 review
Universal Mosquito Net for Strollers, Joggers, Play Yards & Pack ‘n Plays

now % off

Suggested Retail Price

Easily protect your baby with this Universal Mosquito Net for Strollers, Play
Yards & Pack ‘n Plays from Delta Children. Constructed from super fine mesh,
this net is a simple solution that keeps mosquitos, no-see-ums, ticks, other
bugs or family pets out and allows fresh air in. Elastic edges around the whole
net hold it in place while also making it extremely easy to remove. Its
universal size works with most strollers, joggers, play yards, playpens or Pack
‘n Plays. Delta Children was founded around the idea of making safe,
high-quality children’s furniture affordable for all families. They know there’s
nothing more important than safety when it comes to your child’s space. That’s
why all Delta Children products are built with long-lasting materials to ensure
they stand up to years of jumping and playing. Plus, they are rigorously tested
to meet or exceed all industry safety standards.


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Universal Mosquito Net for Infant Cars Seats, Infant Strollers & Bassinets

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Black Friday Sale: $9.99
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Universal Mosquito Net for Infant Cars Seats, Infant Strollers & Bassinets

now % off

Suggested Retail Price

Easily protect your baby with this Universal Mosquito Net for Infant Cars Seats,
Infant Strollers & Bassinets from Delta Children. Constructed from super fine
mesh, this net is a simple solution that keeps mosquitos, no-see-ums, ticks,
other bugs or family pets out and allows fresh air in. Elastic edges around the
whole net hold it in place while also making it extremely easy to remove. Its
universal size works with most infant cars seats, infant carriage strollers and
bassinets. Delta Children was founded around the idea of making safe,
high-quality children’s furniture affordable for all families. They know there’s
nothing more important than safety when it comes to your child’s space. That’s
why all Delta Children products are built with long-lasting materials to ensure
they stand up to years of jumping and playing. Plus, they are rigorously tested
to meet or exceed all industry safety standards.


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2-Pack of Universal Mosquito Nets for Strollers, Joggers, Play Yards, Pack ‘n
Plays, Infant Cars Seats, Infant Strollers & Bassinets

Regular price


now % off

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Black Friday Sale: $19.99
8 reviews


8 reviews
2-Pack of Universal Mosquito Nets for Strollers, Joggers, Play Yards, Pack ‘n
Plays, Infant Cars Seats, Infant Strollers & Bassinets

now % off

Easily protect your baby at home or on the go with this 2-Pack of Universal
Mosquito Nets from Delta Children. The larger mosquito net is designed to fit
most strollers, joggers, play yards, playpens or Pack ‘n Plays while the smaller
mosquito net will create a snug fit on most infant cars seats, infant carriage
strollers and bassinets. Constructed from super fine mesh, these nets offer a
simple solution that keeps mosquitos, no-see-ums, ticks, other bugs or family
pets out and allows fresh air in. Elastic edges around the nets hold them in
place while also making them extremely easy to remove. Delta Children was
founded around the idea of making safe, high-quality children’s furniture
affordable for all families. They know there’s nothing more important than
safety when it comes to your child’s space. That’s why all Delta Children
products are built with long-lasting materials to ensure they stand up to years
of jumping and playing. Plus, they are rigorously tested to meet or exceed all
industry safety standards.


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Car Seat Adapter for Chicco Keyfit 30 and Graco SnugRide Click Connect Car Seats
(fits all Jeep® Scout Strollers) SOLD OUT

Regular price


now % off


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Black Friday Sale: $24.99
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Car Seat Adapter
Car Seat Adapter for Chicco Keyfit 30 and Graco SnugRide Click Connect Car Seats
(fits all Jeep® Scout Strollers)

now % off

Transform your Jeep Scout Stroller or Jeep Scout AL (Lite) Stroller into the
perfect travel stroller with the Jeep Scout Car Seat Adapter for Chicco Keyfit
30 and Graco SnugRide Click Connect Car Seats. This accessory allows you to
easily attach either the Chicco Keyfit 30 or Graco SnugRide Click Connect Car
Seat to the Jeep Scout Stroller (sold separately). Designed for fast and easy
installation, this adapter simply hooks and locks into the stroller's frame, and
allows you to go from the car to the park (or anywhere else) quickly and safely.
Since 1941, the Jeep brand has been a symbol of freedom and expression.
Influenced by a love of the great outdoors. Jeep products are created for life's
little adventurers.


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Sold Out

Please check back for an estimated restock date for this item

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Car Seat Adapter for Britax B-Safe 35 (fits all Jeep® Joggers)

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now % off

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Black Friday Sale: $24.99
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Car Seat Adapter
Car Seat Adapter for Britax B-Safe 35 (fits all Jeep® Joggers)

now % off

Transform your Jeep Jogger into the perfect travel stroller with the Jeep Jogger
Car Seat Adapter for Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seats. This accessory allows you to
easily attach Britax B-Safe 35 Car Seats (sold separately) to the Jeep Jogger
(sold separately). Designed for fast and easy installation, this adapter simply
"clicks" into the car seat's existing child tray, and allows you to keep your
baby facing you as you walk or jog. Since 1941, the Jeep brand has been a symbol
of freedom and expression. Influenced by a love of the great outdoors. Jeep
products are created for life's little adventurers.


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Car Seat Adapter for Chicco Keyfit 30 (fits all Jeep® Joggers)

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now % off

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Black Friday Sale: $24.99
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Car Seat Adapter
Car Seat Adapter for Chicco Keyfit 30 (fits all Jeep® Joggers)

now % off

Transform your Jeep Jogger into the perfect travel stroller with the Jeep Jogger
Car Seat Adapter for Chicco Keyfit 30 Car Seats. This accessory allows you to
easily attach Chicco Keyfit 30 Car Seats (sold separately) to the Jeep Jogger
(sold separately). Designed for fast and easy installation, this adapter simply
"clicks" into the car seat's existing child tray, and allows you to keep your
baby facing you as you walk or jog. Since 1941, the Jeep brand has been a symbol
of freedom and expression. Influenced by a love of the great outdoors. Jeep
products are created for life's little adventurers.


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Delta Children is the most trusted and recognized name in baby and children’s
furniture. For over 50 years, we have been constantly innovating by creating
safe, healthy, high-quality, comfortable and stylish products for newborns all
the way through teens!

Non-Toxic & Safe: For your child's safety, all of our products are free from
added toxic fire retardants, lead, and phthalates. They are tested to meet or
exceed all applicable JPMA, CPSIA and ASTM safety testing standards.


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 * Nursery Sets
 * Baby Cribs
 * Dressers & Changing Tables
 * Gliders & Rocking Chairs
 * Crib Mattresses
 * Sheets & Mattress Covers
 * Bassinets
 * Nightstands & End Tables
 * Bookcases & Hutches
 * Storage & Organization
 * Trundle Drawers
 * Crib Conversion Kits
 * Changing Pads & Accessories


 * Kids’ Bedroom Sets
 * Twin Beds & Headboards
 * Toddler Beds
 * Dressers
 * Nightstands
 * Storage
 * Kids’ Chairs
 * Table & Chair Sets
 * Décor
 * Rugs
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 * Twin & Full Mattresses
 * Foam Bed Rails
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 * Playroom Sets
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 * Teepees & Playhouses
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 * Full-Size
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 * Accessories


 * Bassinets
 * High Chairs & Boosters
 * Play Yards
 * Walkers
 * Accessories


 * Toddler Guardrails
 * Full-Size Bed Conversion Kits
 * Trundle Drawers
 * Foam Bed Rails


WE MAKE PRODUCTS FOR EVERY AGE & STAGE – From nursery sets, cribs, mattresses,
gliders, dressers, changing tables, bookcases, and toy storage to toddler beds,
playroom items, kids’ and teen chairs, and twin-sized beds, we are a one-stop
shop for all your needs. Parents also love our expansive line of baby gear,
including strollers & joggers, bassinets, highchairs, toddler potties, bath
items, walkers and baby floor seats. Delta Children has it all!

WE ARE HEALTHY – Delta Children uses healthy materials to create the best
sleeping environments for your kids. All of our products are non-toxic and we
use high-quality materials like renewable New Zealand pine to ensure our
products are not only keeping your children safe but also are contributing to a
healthier Earth. All of our crib mattresses are GREENGUARD GOLD certified.

WE ARE SAFE– Safety is always our number one priority, which is why all products
are tested above and beyond the standards. We work with the leading safety
organizations to ensure our products are JPMA certified, ASTM tested, CPSC
certified and UL verified.

WE GIVE BACK - We donate 10% of all profits towards improving the lives of
families in need as part of our Safe Sleep Campaign, dedicated to finding a safe
place for every baby to sleep.

WE PARTNER WITH THE BEST - Along with our own furniture collections, Delta
Children also has partnerships with the most well-known and award-winning brands
including Disney, Nickelodeon, Warner Brothers, Major League Baseball (MLB),
Sesame Street, Marvel, Entertainment One, Jeep, Simmons Kids, Beautyrest, and

Copyright © 2023 Delta Children's Products Corp. All Rights Reserved. Privacy
Policy • Terms of Use • Returns & Exchanges Taxes apply for the following
states: AR, CA, IL, NJ, NY, PA, MI, WI. We ship only to the US contiguous 48