Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On April 23 via api from FI — Scanned from FI

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM


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            <p class="chakra-text styles_itemTokenName__0tTqu css-1y43gk1">Bitcoin</p>
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            <p class="chakra-text styles_itemTokenName__0tTqu css-1y43gk1">RuneChain</p>
    <div class="css-15p9n5u"></div>
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            <p class="chakra-text styles_wrapEmptyTitle__M2Nt4 css-1y43gk1">No Runes found</p><button type="button" class="chakra-button styles_wrapEmptyBtn__N_vPL css-1uagy62">Buy Runers</button>
  <div class="css-15p9n5u"></div>
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    <div class="styles_child__RYcd_ css-k008qs"><button type="button" class="chakra-button css-c6b8ni">
        <p class="styles_btnContainer_text__sCt2f">Connect Naka Wallet</p>
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      <div class="css-11cu8sa">
        <p class="chakra-text styles_btnLinkSwitchWallet__PKUd5 styles_btnLink__p4W8p css-1y43gk1">Switch BTC Wallet</p>
    </div><button type="button" class="chakra-button styles_btnCheckYourTx__2veqW css-1uagy62">View Your Transaction History <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="">
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Bridge your Runers to the RuneChain to activate their mining power.





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After activating your Runers, you will no longer see them in your Bitcoin
wallet. Under the hood, your Runers are being bridged from Bitcoin to RuneChain.

When you deactivate your Runers, they will be bridged back from RuneChain to
Bitcoin and into your Bitcoin wallet.