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Skip to main content CAD List your propertyRegister Sign in * Stays * Flights * Car rentals * Attractions * Airport taxis * More 1. Home 2. Hotels 3. Vietnam 4. Phu Quoc Island 5. Phu Quoc 6. Duong To 7. MỘC LAM BUNGALOW PHÚ QUỐC (HOTEL), PHU QUOC (VIETNAM) DEALS * Overview * Info & prices * Facilities * House rules * Guest reviews (57) * More Reserve Beachfront Airport shuttle MỘC LAM BUNGALOW PHÚ QUỐC Mộc Lam Bungalow Phú Quốc Đường Trần Hưng Đạo, tổ 3, ấp Cửa Lấp, Dương Tơ, Phú Quốc tổ 3, ấp Cửa Lấp, Dương Tơ, Phú Quốc, Duong To, Phu Quoc, Vietnam – Great location - show map After booking, all of the property’s details, including telephone and address, are provided in your booking confirmation and your account. +27 photos MỘC LAM BUNGALOW PHÚ QUỐC RESERVE NOW Gallery Close * Lock in a great price for Mộc Lam Bungalow Phú Quốc - rated 8.6 by recent guests. Enter dates to get started. Lock in a great price for Mộc Lam Bungalow Phú Quốc - rated 8.6 by recent guests. Enter dates to get started. Scored 8.6 8.6 Rated fabulous Fabulous 57 reviews See what guests loved the most: “Excellent host. Extremely accommodating, humble and helpful.” Chintan India -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “One of the cosiest places I’ve ever stayed. We liked the location, the family who runs this bungalow, the facilities. The room has everything that you need! We had a little separate equipped...” Alina Georgia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The pool was just great, also local home made breakfasts were amazing. But the best part were super comfy beds.” Pavel Czech Republic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Staff is welcoming and ready to meet all my requests - they lend me a bicycle and split a coconut for me! Property has many plants and it is near the main road where are many restaurants and a bus...” Dušan Serbia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Staff is very helpful & accommodating. Dealt directly with them for transport arrangement. Location is peaceful, not far from main road. Cam'on.” Ahmad Malaysia -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “A very good location. This bungalow is a great choice for holiday at Phu Quick. We got an upgrade room with early check in, all staffs are friendly and helpful.” Qtdarrelljw Vietnam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The staffs were very friendly and helpful. Room is large, clean. I like the garden view from both bedrooms and toilet. Walking distance from downtown and night market” Drughhykto Vietnam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Excellent breakfast, central location, friendly staff, Pool, private beach, facilities” Jmwnstrassner Vietnam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “The property and facilities were beyond expectations!” Show Vietnam -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Comme souvent au Vietnam..un bon accueil et toujours prêt pour rendre service” Show translation Willy France -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Categories: Staff 9.2 Facilities 8.8 Cleanliness 8.7 Comfort 8.8 Value for money 8.8 Location 8.4 Scored 8.6 8.6 Rated fabulous Fabulous 57 reviews -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Facilities 8.8 * Cleanliness 8.7 * Comfort 8.8 * Value for money 8.8 * Location 8.4 * Total 8.6 GUESTS WHO STAYED HERE LOVED * “Excellent host. Extremely accommodating, humble and helpful.” C Chintan India * “One of the cosiest places I’ve ever stayed. We liked the location, the family who runs this bungalow, the facilities. The room has everything that...” Alina Georgia * “The pool was just great, also local home made breakfasts were amazing. But the best part were super comfy beds.” Pavel Czech Republic * “Staff is welcoming and ready to meet all my requests - they lend me a bicycle and split a coconut for me! Property has many plants and it is near...” D Dušan Serbia * “Staff is very helpful & accommodating. Dealt directly with them for transport arrangement. Location is peaceful, not far from main road. Cam'on.” A Ahmad Malaysia * “A very good location. This bungalow is a great choice for holiday at Phu Quick. We got an upgrade room with early check in, all staffs are friendly...” Q Qtdarrelljw Vietnam * “The staffs were very friendly and helpful. Room is large, clean. I like the garden view from both bedrooms and toilet. Walking distance from...” D Drughhykto Vietnam * “Excellent breakfast, central location, friendly staff, Pool, private beach, facilities” J Jmwnstrassner Vietnam * “The property and facilities were beyond expectations!” S Show Vietnam * “As often in Vietnam..a good welcome and always ready to help” Willy France -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Staff 9.2 Show on map * Breakfast * Outdoor swimming pool * Free private parking * Private bathroom * Airport shuttle * Balcony * View * Family rooms * BBQ facilities * Non-smoking rooms You're eligible for a Genius discount at Mộc Lam Bungalow Phú Quốc! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in. Situated in Phu Quoc, 3.6 km from Sung Hung Pagoda, Mộc Lam Bungalow Phú Quốc features accommodation with an outdoor swimming pool, free private parking, a garden and a shared lounge. Featuring a terrace, this 4-star hotel has air-conditioned rooms with a private bathroom. The accommodation offers a shared kitchen, room service and currency exchange for guests. At the hotel, the rooms include a balcony with pool view. All rooms in Mộc Lam Bungalow Phú Quốc are fitted with a flat-screen TV and free toiletries. The accommodation offers an à la carte or Asian breakfast. Mộc Lam Bungalow Phú Quốc offers a barbecue. Speaking English and Vietnamese, staff are willing to help at any time of the day at the reception. Vinpearl Land Phu Quoc is 25 km from the hotel, while Corona Casino is 25 km from the property. The nearest airport is Phu Quoc International, 2 km from Mộc Lam Bungalow Phú Quốc, and the property offers a paid airport shuttle service. Couples particularly like the location — they rated it 8.3 for a two-person trip. Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap Show me more Most popular facilities * Outdoor swimming pool * Beachfront * Airport shuttle * Family rooms * Non-smoking rooms * Free parking * Room service * BBQ facilities * Tea/coffee maker in all rooms * Breakfast PROPERTY HIGHLIGHTS Top location: Highly rated by recent guests (8.4) BREAKFAST INFO Asian FREE private parking! Reserve Save the property -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sign in, save money You could save 10% or more at this property when you sign in Sign inCreate an account AVAILABILITY We Price Match Select dates to see this property's availability and prices Check-in date — Check-out date 2 adults · 0 children · 1 room Search Room type Number of guests Superior Bungalow 1 double bed Show prices Family Bungalow 2 double beds × 4 Show prices Something went wrong. Please try again later. Something went wrong. Please try again later. PROPERTY PRACTICES This property has told us they implemented certain practices across some or all of these categories: waste, water, energy and greenhouse gases, destination and community, and nature. Learn more Guest reviews See availability Scored 8.6 8.6 Rated fabulous Fabulous · 57 reviews Read all reviews CATEGORIES: Staff 9.2 Facilities 8.8 Cleanliness 8.7 Comfort 8.8 Value for money 8.8 Location 8.4 Select topics to read reviews: LocationRoomCleanPoolBeach SEE WHAT GUESTS LOVED THE MOST: * Chintan India “Excellent host. Extremely accommodating, humble and helpful.” Read more * Alina Georgia “One of the cosiest places I’ve ever stayed. We liked the location, the family who runs this bungalow, the facilities. The room has everything that you need! We had a little separate equipped kitchen, shower, terrace, the room is clear, with a lot...” Read more * Pavel Czech Republic “The pool was just great, also local home made breakfasts were amazing. But the best part were super comfy beds.” Read more * Dušan Serbia “Staff is welcoming and ready to meet all my requests - they lend me a bicycle and split a coconut for me! Property has many plants and it is near the main road where are many restaurants and a bus stop. Beach is not far away either.” Read more * Ahmad Malaysia “Staff is very helpful & accommodating. Dealt directly with them for transport arrangement. Location is peaceful, not far from main road. Cam'on.” Read more * Qtdarrelljw Vietnam “A very good location. This bungalow is a great choice for holiday at Phu Quick. We got an upgrade room with early check in, all staffs are friendly and helpful.” Read more * Drughhykto Vietnam “The staffs were very friendly and helpful. Room is large, clean. I like the garden view from both bedrooms and toilet. Walking distance from downtown and night market” Read more * Jmwnstrassner Vietnam “Excellent breakfast, central location, friendly staff, Pool, private beach, facilities” Read more * Show Vietnam “The property and facilities were beyond expectations!” Read more * Willy France “Comme souvent au Vietnam..un bon accueil et toujours prêt pour rendre service” Read more Show translation Read all reviews TRAVELLERS ARE ASKING See availability * Do they serve breakfast? * Can I park there? * Is the swimming pool open? * What restaurants, attractions, and public transport options are nearby? * Is there a restaurant? * Are there rooms with a hot tub? * Can I bring my pet? * What are the check-in and check-out times? * Is there a spa? * Are there rooms with a private bathroom? Still looking? Ask a question We have an instant answer to most questions See other questions (4) HOTEL SURROUNDINGS See availability Great location - show map What's nearby * Phu Quoc Island 0 m * Suối Tiên - Fairy Stream 550 m * Coi Nguon Museum 600 m * Công Viên Bạch Đằng 3.8 km * Phu Quoc National Park 3.8 km * Vườn Quốc Gia Phú Quốc 4.1 km * Phu Quoc Prison 7 km * Kids Club 18 km Restaurants & cafes * Cafe/barOck.tin 50 m * Cafe/barPassion Pub 100 m * Cafe/barRestaurant Duc Thach 100 m Natural beauty * WaterfallTranh Waterfall 4.9 km Beaches in the neighbourhood * Long Beach 400 m * Dinh Cau Beach 3.1 km * Duong Dong Beach 3.9 km * Ganh Gio Beach 6 km * Bai Vong Beach 8 km Closest airports * Phu Quoc International Airport 1.6 km * Sihanouk International Airport 55 km All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary. Missing some information? Yes /No FACILITIES OF MỘC LAM BUNGALOW PHÚ QUỐC GREAT FACILITIES! REVIEW SCORE, 8.8 See availability Most popular facilities * Outdoor swimming pool * Beachfront * Airport shuttle * Family rooms * Non-smoking rooms * Free parking * Room service * BBQ facilities * Tea/coffee maker in all rooms * Breakfast Bathroom * Toilet paper * Towels * Slippers * Private bathroom * Toilet * Free toiletries * Hairdryer * Shower View * Pool view * Garden view * View Outdoors * Outdoor fireplace * Picnic area * Beachfront * Sun terrace * Private pool * BBQ facilities * Balcony * Terrace * Garden Kitchen * Shared kitchen * Cleaning products * Kitchenware * Electric kettle * Kitchen * Kitchenette Room Amenities * Clothes rack Activities * Cooking class Additional chargeOff-site * Tour or class about local culture Additional charge * Happy hour Additional charge * Beach * Snorkelling Additional chargeOff-site * Diving Additional chargeOff-site * Fishing Additional chargeOff-site Living Area * Fireplace * Seating Area * Desk Media & Technology * Flat-screen TV * TV Food & Drink * Breakfast in the room * Tea/Coffee maker Internet No internet access available. Parking Free private parking is possible at a location nearby (reservation is needed). Reception services * Lockers * Private check-in/check-out * Tour desk * Currency exchange * 24-hour front desk Safety & security * Fire extinguishers General * Shuttle service Additional charge * Carbon monoxide detector * Shared lounge/TV area * Designated smoking area * Air conditioning * Non-smoking throughout * Allergy-free room * Mosquito net * Wake-up service * Private entrance * Family rooms * Airport shuttle Additional charge * Non-smoking rooms * Room service Outdoor swimming pool Free! * Open all year * All ages welcome Wellness * Sun loungers or beach chairs Additional charge Languages spoken * English * Vietnamese Missing some information? Yes /No HOUSE RULES MỘC LAM BUNGALOW PHÚ QUỐC TAKES SPECIAL REQUESTS - ADD IN THE NEXT STEP! See availability Check-in From 14:00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check-out Until 12:30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cancellation/ prepayment Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodation type. Please enter the dates of your stay and check the conditions of your required option. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Children and beds CHILD POLICIES Children of any age are welcome. To see correct prices and occupancy information, please add the number of children in your group and their ages to your search. COT AND EXTRA BED POLICIES 0 - 12 years Extra bed upon request VND 150,000 per child, per night 13+ years Extra bed upon request VND 200,000 per person, per night Prices for extra beds are not included in the total price, and will have to be paid for separately during your stay. The number of extra beds allowed is dependent on the option you choose. Please check your selected option for more information. There are no cots available at this property. All extra beds are subject to availability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No age restriction There is no age requirement for check-in -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pets Pets are not allowed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accepted payment methods Cash -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BEST OF PHU QUOC Click here to see more hotels and accommodation near popular landmarks in Phu Quoc ATTRACTIONS * Vinpearl Safari Phu Quoc LANDMARKS * Sung Hung Pagoda * Su Muon Pagoda * Phu Quoc Pearl Farm * Phu Quoc Night Market * Cau Temple * Coco Dive Center * Fish Sauce Factory * Tranh Waterfall * Ham Ninh Fishing Village * Phu Quoc Post Office MONUMENTS * Phu Quoc Prison MUSEUMS * Coi Nguon Museum POPULAR AREAS * Suoi Tranh Waterfall Most popular cities * Ganh Dau * Cua Can * Bien Ong Lang * Ấp Ông Lang * Ban Cui Countries Regions Cities Districts Airports Hotels Places of interest Holiday Homes Apartments Resorts Villas Hostels B&Bs Guest Houses Unique places to stay Reviews Discover monthly stays SUPPORT * Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs * Manage your trips * Contact Customer Service * Safety resource centre DISCOVER * Genius loyalty programme * Seasonal and holiday deals * Travel articles * Booking.com for Business * Traveller Review Awards * Booking.com for Travel Agents TERMS AND SETTINGS * Privacy & cookies * Terms and conditions * Partner dispute * Modern Slavery Statement * Human Rights Statement PARTNERS * Extranet login * Partner help * List your property * Become an affiliate ABOUT * About Booking.com * How we work * Sustainability * Press centre * Careers * Investor relations * Corporate contact CAD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Booking.com is part of Booking Holdings Inc., the world leader in online travel and related services. 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