www.popstarlabs.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.popstarlabs.com/
Effective URL: https://www.popstarlabs.com/
Submission: On March 20 via api from US — Scanned from CA

Form analysis 5 forms found in the DOM

POST /cart/add

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Popstar supports a larger semen load volume and enhances its taste, making the
sexual experience even better for you and your partner.

60-Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee

Free, Discreet Shipping in the USA

Non-GMO Organic Sources




More volume just feels better and looks better. The only downside is the
cleanup, but totally worth it. Careful, you could shoot an eye out.


Our formula counters the negative effects of what you eat and drink to make sure
you're shooting the good stuff. Haven't you always wanted pineapple jizz?


While it may be less sexy, what goes into Popstar makes what comes out of you
even better, supporting overall sperm health and fertility.



$49.99 /

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Our revolutionary, patented men's health supplement for bigger loads was created
by the country’s top urologists specializing in sex medicine and the first to
focus on complete semen health. Physician formulated, Popstar supports sperm
health, promotes sperm volume, and enhances the taste of semen.


*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This
product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 




In our proprietary blend you'll find only the good stuff, none of the
bad.All-natural, super high-quality, and tested by third party labs for purity,
quality, and efficacy. Click through to learn more about what makes Popstar so

Learn More



Popstar was created by two of the country’s leading men’s sexual health
physicians and thought leaders, Joshua Gonzalez, MD and Brian Steixner, MD.
They've written countless articles on this subject, have undertaken numerous
studies, and have counseled thousands of patients looking for answers about
semen health.

We're proud to have developed a solution.

Our Story





Popstar is a revolutionary blend of ingredients designed to enhance your sexual
experience. The active ingredients modify three different aspects of semen:
sperm health, semen volume and flavor. Bromelain, sourced from pineapple, has
been associated with a more pleasant, sweet semen flavor. Fructose, the main
sugar in semen, is the nutrient sperm need to flourish and is responsible for
your load’s naturally sweet taste. Pygeum and Lecithin both increase the volume
of semen. Zinc and L-Arginine have been shown to improve semen health, erections
and testosterone production. Together, these ingredients will help you level up
your sexual experience and maximize your ejaculation and orgasm.


Results may vary, but most men start to see a difference after 2-3 weeks. Be
patient and remember to take 4 Popstar pills daily with 16 ounces of water for
optimal results.


This is the content.


This is the content.


This is the content.

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Now, I know what you're thinking. "L-what now? And what does that have to do
with my precious package?"

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Lucky for you, we are founded by doctors. That means we are giving you the real
truth about everything in men's sexual health today.

March 18 2024


Discover the 8 surprising reasons behind testicular pain! From trauma and
infections to kidney stones and even cancer, delve into what could be causing
discomfort down there. Unveil why your...

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March 18 2024


Learn what food has an impact on the quality of your erections ...

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March 13 2024


Discover the groundbreaking study showing Viagra's potential in treating
Alzheimer's. Could this well-known medication offer hope for memory disorders?

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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