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Owners Corporation Guide | Melbourne, Victoria

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   * What is an Owners Corporation?
   * Changing Owners Corporation Manager
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theOCguide was developed to assist individual Apartment/Lot Owners and Owners
Corporation Committees of Management in the State of Victoria, Australia, so
they may have an online reference for information to assist them in both
understanding their Owners Corporation and hopefully resolving some of the many
Owners Corporation challenges.

Where did theOCguide come from?  Good question. Due to the many queries received
in the first 10 years dealing with Owners Corporations it became apparent that
an online reference site for the layperson would be of assistance and this guide
was created in 2009 and has been continually updated since.

Owners Corporations were formerly known as Body Corporate s in Victoria and are
often referred to as Strata as in Strata Title. There is information out there
for apartment/lot owners, from legislation to industry groups, but the challenge
comes in the practical and every day application of that advice and most
importantly, that the advice is unbiased in nature. This is all about impartial
advice and information gained through experience, from contracts that often
become onerous through to solving the minor niggling issues, such as faulty
development plant, maintenance requirements and legal obligations.

the OC guide also seeks to foster a community spirit and assist in the enjoyment
of the vertical village environment for all stakeholders. The OC Guide is proof
that you don’t need to be a ‘Rocket Scientist’ to understand your unique

Over the past 12 years theOCguide has been very careful to act with probity and
not engage in advice for reward, however as we began to receive increasing
requests for direct help, a decision was made to commence providing services in
2021. See Our Services or go Our Services at top menu. This was not a choice
made lightly as we see ourselves as educators and enablers of good decisions.
Please utilize the information provided in this website to assist and also be
aware when the going gets tough we can now provide extensive services to those
of you who require us to manage various issues that are of a complex nature.

And thanks for dropping in.




Search this website


 * What is an Owners Corporation?
 * Benchmarking
 * Camera and Access Control Systems
 * Changing Owners Corporation Manager
 * Car Parking
 * Cleaning – Owners Corporation
 * Committees – Owners Corporation
 * Contracts – Owners Corporation
 * COVID-19
 * Embedded Networks
 * Energy Management
 * Essential Safety Measures
 * Fees – Owners Corporation
 * FM – Facilities Management
 * Foxtel Connection
 * Hydraulic Services
 * Insurance – Owners Corporation
 * Legal Help
 * Lighting
 * Management Options
 * Melbourne Information
 * Model Rules
 * NBN News
 * Occupational Health and Safety
 * Owners Corporation Act Victoria
 * Owners Corporation Certificate – Victoria
 * Owners Corporation Start Up
 * Plan of Subdivision
 * Proxy or Not to Proxy
 * References
 * Residential Tenancies
 * Short Term Letting
 * Software – Owners Corporation
 * Staffing – Owners Corporation
 * Strata Community Australia
 * Consultants / Advocates
 * Tradesman / Contractors



theocguide.com has 20+ years experience in facility and owners corporation
management.  Presenting a range of solutions and services aimed at Owners
Corporations in Victoria.

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